Bigfoot In Monte Cristo

Utah Sasquatch talks about a bigfoot expedition to the Monte Cristo region. An area well known for its history of bigfoot encounters.


  1. Does Utah bigfoot play for the Jazz? He should

    1. He should play for Todd Standing. He can plant the fake vocalizations he we is well known for into post production for Todds puppet heads.

    2. Get way more cash playing for the Jazz. I dont think Todd Standing is a basketball team. Seems like an easy decision. Pretty stupid comment!

    3. Yeah, about as stupid as asking if Utah Sasquatch plays for the Jazz.

    4. Almost as stupid as taking that comment seriously and then getting b_utt hurt when i give you s_hit about it. F_AG! Hahhaha

    5. If your going to make a comment at least put some thought and wit into it. Does Utah bigfoot play for the Jazz? Oh, hahahaha NOT! I suppose Joe would find that funny as that is his level of humor. I'm not butthurt by your comment but I am bored by it. Try again freak.

    6. The same thought you put into the Todd Standing comment? It doesn't even make sense you twerp. Double fag! Hahaha

    7. The first comment I made was at 9:45 so get it right son and for the record that comment WAS funnier than yours. Humor is the only reason to even come to this site and your not making the grade chump. Double fag??? Zzzzzzz - boring.

    8. HYow boring of you Joeto9mi...posting as "anon" fools nobody - you`re so obviously a prick

      haha hahahahaha

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