Bigfoot Evidence Found On Video

From the youtube channel of Barbara Shupe

Hello everybody! In this video, Sandy & Keven share footprints and structures found while exploring the forest beyond camp.


  1. So any kind of fallen sticks are structures. These stories are a joke. Where is Sticky Ikky? Did he die?

  2. Barb never wants her guests to be sad and disappointed they don't find anything so she goes out and makes these stick arraignments and footprints. Sometimes she has to point them out or the guests would miss them completely - LOL. We sure have a good time watching these people who think Bigfoot made them. I always get a chuckle out of it - WOOF!

    1. Does she ever lay a fat cable and tell people bigfoot snapped one off. They would take photos and maybe even take some home. That would be hilarious. Imagine some nuffy with a framed Barb log on the wall. Priceless!

    2. i always "snap one off" at every chance...especially when in the woods


    3. ^ wanker elite


    4. Joe calling himself a wanker. Priceless!


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