Hunter Has Terrifying Encounter

From Crypto PTSD - A hunter has a terrifying encounter with bigfoot!

Sasquatch Encounter! I seem to like the Bigfoot Encounters with hunters more because they tend to see more details than most! Well.... Tonights terrifying bigfoot encounter happened while Kerry was out turkey hunting! This is one of the BEST sasquatch encounters I've EVER HEARD! You don't want to miss tonights show!


  1. Hunters aint no terrified of bigfoot. Bigfoot aint no reals!


    1. Plenty of hunters end up with PTSD and cannot go hunting again for many, many years. Enough of them also report that the firearms they use would have done nothing to stop what they had seen. Plenty of missing hunters too.

    2. Ikky is suffering PMT = premenstrual-tension.

  2. I failed out of Hollywood and now I'm 2014 footer of the year.

    1. Meldrum? Isn't he in Todd's fraud show?

    2. At it’s worst... Meldrum is being hoaxed by Todd Standing. However, nobody has conclusively demonstrated that Todd Standing is hoaxing.

    3. No one proved anything real either, check off fraud box waap waap waaaaap

    4. Either way, it’s not to the detriment of Meldrum’s integrity.

    5. Oh no, not at all, he's like a piss hole in fresh snow


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