Bigfoot in Sherwood Forest

From the British Bigfoot Report - A father and son wildman encounter

I wish to report something that I saw when I was driving close to Nottingham a few nights ago. I know you don’t have Sherwood Forest on your web page but I didn’t know who else to contact, there isn’t anyone else I feel I can speak to or who would believe me. Im a normal everyday Woman and I travel this road often and I saw something that I can not quite believe.


  1. Well it looks like i might take a trip up to nottingham one weekend. Not saying these people are crazy or are seeing things but i'd like to check it out myself. Been there a few times but never going deep looking for wild hairy creatures mind you.
    Maybe i'll run into robin hood and Friar tuck !


    1. Maybe you will run into get a life and get your tongue outta their.


    2. ^ as "scientific" as he gets

    3. As scientific as peer review, in fact.

      The scientific standard you’ve always adored.

    4. Hey Dingo, maybe you should get off your sofa and get yourself a life rather than troll on this site with your fish stick fingers pal.
      If you only put down your doritos and mountain dew and go take a little trip to the woods you may even catch a rare sight of a genuine bigfoot instead of being a prized prat


    5. ^ Only ever been to Sherbet Forest

    6. Hey mates, I’d rather fancy a trip to a sexy bloke’s “Knottingham Forest” if you understand my meaning !


  2. I once seen a stewy in a forest...a forest of pubic hairs though ;)


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