Strange Disappearances in State Parks

People go missing all the time, but some of those disappearances are different. Some of them seem to have no explanation, and leave little to no evidence behind.


  1. So sick of Todd Standing's supporters, they hate for the facts get in the way of their belief system, they just want to believe soo badly.

    1. Netflix just added a new documentary titled Discovering Bigfoot. I watched it a few days ago.

      This documentary is hosted by Todd Standing. It is interesting. However, there are some problems with it, not least of which is Todd Standing often being referred to by some in the bigfoot community as Fraud Standing. Standing's reputation issues taint the documentary's credibility.

      Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Bindernagel are in much of the documentary. They do seem to be somewhat skeptical at times at some of the evidence that Standing puts forth. Whereas Standing attributes a lot of things to sasquatches without doubt, Meldrum and Bindernagel are more cautious about quickly jumping to attributing these finds to sasquatches. Although, they seem to be be convinced by a lot of Todd Standing's findings

      Here are the problems:

      There are three times in the documentary in which footage is shown of sasquatches heads off in the distance and they are zoomed in. All three of them look ENTIRELY different. There is no way that all three can be sasquatches. They don't even look remotely the same.

      The other problem is that the first of the three is so obviously not real. Well, if the first one is fake, what does that say about the second and third?

      Once you see any fakery, that calls into question the integrity of the entire documentary. Watch it for yourself and see what you think.

    2. Todd has little Standing within the bigfoot fitting.

    3. ^ I Have many things missing in my loose Asshole... And I wish Somthing would "FIT" Yet to no avail.. ;( !

    4. It is very disrespectful to call him Fraud Standing. His name is Turd Straddling.



  3. Fraud has a new fake BF in his film at the end. This is so pathetic!!! Once again, Todd is not filming live. He claims the battery died, and he grabbed another, lucky for him he said, and jackpot, he gets one!
    The is hilarious! Once again, NONE OF FRAUD'S FAKE MUPPETS, are live filming!!! All are on stage and narrated!! We don't see Fraud out of breath, saying WOOOOOW, none of that, all staged!

    Here's a still shot of the person he has in make up. This is just so pathetic. I'm sure Ikdummy thinks this is real!


    1. You must freeze the stool as soon as you collect it, only pick up warm or steaming stool samples and run right home and put them in your freezer

    2. Well i'll have to agree with you on this one doc. Fraud standing has pulled the bigfoot wool over the eyes of some well respected people with his muppets.
      But having said that at least he has muppets , all you have is red outlined tree bark !
      pathetic on both of you


    3. I don't spend just about everyday, and thousands of hours of my time filming bark.
      When you can admit to yourself that you don't research, and can't replicate what i do, then you'll start to see.
      I already said i'd like to be in court on the defense against Todd, my evidence against his. He should be in Jail for his FRAUD!
      I can prove his stuff fake on so many accounts. All of his Pics are staged, none of it is "LIVE"....We don't hear he all out of breath, or WOW, LOOK AT THAT BIGFOOT!! No, none of that, it's all narrated, and staged.
      I have over 10,000 pics, with the time and video to see where i took the pic. Prove it's not what i claim, I'll remove it! No researcher does that!

      Just an other red outline, nothing to see here.


    4. You only spend half your time photographing bark, the other half is bushes, I have a movie and money and a freezer full of stool samples, do You? Nope.

    5. “I don't spend just about every day, and thousands of hours of my time filming bark.”


      Got anyone to agree with you that it’s not just all a load of bark in your images yet, Bruce? You can’t replicate pareidolia... Remember when you bricked it when asked to replicate someone else’s pareidolia?

      What evidence of yours is “LIVE” exactly?

    6. I thought it was good that no one could "replicate" P/G's man in a costume? Now it is bad? Make up your mind, ikdummy.

    7. Argh yes... I’m sure that was the exact parody you set out to use when this Brucey character was spawned... But the PGF has data in it which is falsifiable. You can’t test a blur.

      Are you now going to proceed to tell me how science works?

    8. ikdummy vs parodylia

      Who is dumber?

    9. Pareidolia is in the eye of the beholder. DSs faces can only be seen from one position so to replicate one of DSs photos you would have to stand in the same position and distance with the same lighting looking at same thing.
      Patty is moving in real time over distance and can't be compared to an image in a tree or in a cloud. xx

    10. Ikdummy is the guy who believed wholeheartedly in everything Todd Standing said until just a short while ago...Ikdummy has as little credibility as a thought Ikdummy,why don`t you visit one of these parks and disappear sometime soon.

    11. Oh, the mind games... How will I ever cope? All in the name of clinical depression. If you’re not man enough to keep taking the tablets, just keep drinking yourself unconscious. With any luck, you’ll need to sell your desktop for booze by the end.

  4. Everyone claims to be the one and only legitimate bigfoot researcher out there and while claiming that the rest of the self proclaimed researchers are hoaxers and fakers. If every single one of you claims that everyone else is fake and the other "researchers" claim that you are fake, doesn't that mean that it is all fake? Just my personal input and observations from afar.

    1. It's real simple! Look at the researcher, does he/she have proof? Do they have repeatable proof? Do they waste your time?
      If they don't, why not?

    2. Trees are easy to repeat, I have different species of gigantopithicus and stool samples and money and all kinds of cool backwoods gadgets, I urinate on trees not photograph and call them evidence

    3. What proof do you have, Bruce? What could you take to a field biologist to prove the existence of lionmen?

      What do you have that's repeatable? And I'm not talking about that time you claimed a yellow blur in two different images was repeatable scientific evidence.

    4. The same can be applied to all your "evidence", ikdummy.

    5. And here in lies your burden.

      This will be going on to year 7, I believe, in trying to shift it? Here we go;

      He cracking. Maybe 2018 is the year you contribute something to this subject?

    6. Get lost, ikdummy, you sicko.

    7. “If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another, according to Suler, who says many trolls likely have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger.
      They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense.”

    8. I'm sure Zana's descendants want to hear that their mother was bigfoot, you sicko.

      ikdummy, your need to turn everything bigfoot knows no bounds...or decency.

    9. West Africans didn't have archaic skull morphology in the mid-1800's. Again... a burden you’ll never shift if you don’t seek help about your depression. Your Zana nonsense & lies smashed;

    10. ^racist ikdummy. Zana is not a bigfoot, you idiot.

    11. You’ll have no problem finding a comparative West-African skull from the same period then.

      Chop, chop!

    12. Hang it up, ikdummy. You're a racist that solicits men. That's all you ever were, ever are, or ever will be.

    13. Well I gave you enough time... and typically, you came up with the same number of examples as there will be people you’ll be spending Xmas day with.

      7 years... What a failure.

    14. Having "repeatable evidence or repeatable proof" is up to the eyes of the beholder. Take the infamous "Doctor Squatch" and his 'Proof'. He can repeat numerous times the bushes and shrubs he photographs and then draws smiley faces in with squinting eyes, etc. But, it isn't evidence to many people like me who can't see anything other than foilage. A person provides clear, vivid photo's and they are immediately labeled as fake. So, this would lead a skeptical person to automatically assume that it is all fake. The shrub and foliage photos are obvious to anyone, and the evidence that looks real is condemned by everyone within the Bigfoot community, so it has to simply all be a hoax.

    15. No amount of amateur researchers and DS’ pareidolia, trying to denounce each other so as to be first to get the holy grail, hasn’t any bearing on science verified by scientists. It’s just a shame that you have to be a nerd for this stuff to know what’s actually out there as far as solid evidence goes.

  5. Todd Standing is the only researcher that hasn't public ally bashed anyone else by calling their work fake. He seems to be too busy out in the forests doing surveillance and gathering evidence to have time to spend trashing keyboard experts.

    1. People trying to make their crud appear more sincere spend their days publically bashing others... Know what I mean Bruce? It’s one of the cliches well known of people who claim to be “Bigfoot researchers”. It’s the type of stuff that keeps academics away from this subject. If everyone within the field is calling everyone else a hoaxer, after a while everyone’s a hoaxer and the word “hoax” is synonymous with what ends up an embarrassing soap opera. Pair that with the odd lunatic claiming things like invisible Pokemon blend into tree bark... why would the average field biologist take this subject seriously

    2. "spend their days publically bashing others"

      ^ sound like ikdummy

    3. ikdummy: "It’s the type of stuff that keeps academics away from this subject."

      Yeah, like all of your Bigfoot "evidence". It's okay when YOU bigfoot role-play though. Anyone else has different rules, you cry foul.

    4. Oh Stuart... You've had nearly all day, every day of your life for nearly six years to demonstrate why things like footprints can’t be considered authentic evidence. It’s why you were resorted to intimidating people with rape threats and racism to prevent ideas being exchanged, remember?

      Everything you know about how science works either came from a couple of pseudosceptical mantras you picked up at JREF, or from theory that others bashed you around the head with just to use you as the archetype idiot off the street.

    5. ikdummy, your shame for classifying the Russian Bigfoot as black and the American Bigfoot as Native American can't be offset with lies in the same way that your solicitation of males to privately email you can not be explained heterosexually.

      Shame on you, Joe F.

    6. And that’s why you’ll never shift that 7 year burden... you’re far more preoccupied with trying to cope with depression by projecting your emotional turmoil on to strangers. Jeez... you must live a very isolated, very desperate existence, Stuey.

    7. Ikdummy in Jail with so much time to troll.

      You already admitted you don't/can't research, which means anything you say is irrelevant.

      A Field Biologist doesn't study Bigfoot you Moron! They know as much as you do = ZERO!

    8. DS, don't let non-scientists like ikdummy annoy you.

    9. DS nobody, and I mean nobody in the world of Bigfoot even mentions your name. Hell, Rictor wouldn’t even blast you, your worth nobodies time. Keep up the good work filming still shots, we are all VERY impressed.

    10. I admitted I can't research? Sorry Bruce, I conceded I couldn’t replicate pareidolia. Anyone with even a meagre education understands what the word “research” means and what equates to it. You apparently do not. No, I field biologist would laugh you out of view. But let me guess, all the people who are qualified to potentially authenticate your rubbish are not educated enough, leaving just you as the single world authority on Bigfoot evidence?

      Not only would an academic not waste two minutes of their time on your blurs, but even if they did you’d claim you’re somehow far more qualified to call their opinions worthless. Bunch that with the fact that your drivel is impossible to test scientifically... you put these conveniently impossible little boundaries around your crap because your little version of reality is as precious to you as Stuey’s is to him. His cyber-world whereby he believes he’s ruining lives for cyber-justice. That’s what this blog has come to.

      This subject attracts the most insane people on the face of the f'n planet.

    11. ^ shut your mouth, jailbird.

    12. DS is the one who should be in jail with his fraudulent photos of tree bark and leaves . in fact he'd make a great cell mate to Todd Standing and maybe they could teach themselves how to make a shiv out of toilet paper rolls.
      His idea of research is going along his local footpath and film everything in sight then later waste precious hours of his time going over the footage with a fine tooth comb trying to pick out pareidolia
      Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo


    13. Josephine, in your unhinged vitriolic haste, did you forget to pretend that you're British?


    14. Stuey, in your unbridled pathetic haste to respond , did you forget to let mumsy change your diapers ?

      Cheers Stuey/DS


    15. ^Ad hominem attack. Take your hate elsewhere, Josephine.

      Toodle Pip

    16. Joe and Ikdummy should be in Jail for trolling.

      Ok Ikdummy, let's prove you're a liar once again. You just said you never claimed you couldn't research. So let's see a video of you researching.


    17. My drivel is impossible to test Scientifically? I repeat it everyday! Dogman everyday! Bigfoot everyday! The fact that you or no one else can replicate it, shows me I'm not filmingvwhat you claim, or you could do in 5min just like me. That's why there's nothing but excuses on your end as to why you can't replicate my evidence. If it's all bushes and stumps, why did my pics go from 20/day, down to 2/day in the winter time...Got ya!!

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. You can’t replicate pareidolia...

      ... Replicate it. You can’t because no tree is the same. No angle of an individual tree through a particular angle of brush is the same. You don’t have anything that is remotely repeatable and has been asked time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time again to show two images of the same alleged Pokemon. And even NOW you’ll ignore the same demand.

      If you had the intelligence or even a remote level of self-awareness to understand how much your drivel has been destroyed... I really don’t think you’d be so inclined to chase people around the internet begging for attention. And if you don’t get as many images in the winter, as you claim, it’s probably because the public footpath is a little too muddy for you.

    20. lol at ikdummy angry interpretations of "bigfoot" that differ from his own. So, DS has found bigfoot hundreds of times. So what, you do your own thing. Play with your own blocks, child.

    21. What are u in Jail for Ikdummy?

      I replicate it can't get a Blurry Dogman pic? Gee, i can every single day! AND I'm the only one that can because I've put the time dont research, you get NOTHING, like you!

    22. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Why won't you role-play bigfoot in the exact same way that I do. I have narcissistic personality disorder and demand that others conform to my vision of invisible monsters.


    23. I’ll sign off with this... I honestly believe that if Stuey and Bruce aren’t the same loon, that the reason Bruce started chasing me around was simply that he observed Stuey; a nobody who doesn’t have the character or mental capacity to contribute anything, ever to this subject... Getting attention by any negative means necessary. That’s how desperate the two of you are to be someone, anyone. Trouble is, you only exist when someone wants to come along and pound you.

      This subject really does attract the craziest people on the f’n planet.

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. Laters Stuey. Good luck role-playing away the last 6 years of literary beatings on things like this;

      ... like it didn’t happen. Thing is Stuey, I can leave this place knowing I’ve wiped the floor with every pseudosceptic that found his way here. I say “he” because women never tend to be that stupid. But you’ll still be here when I check in a few days time begging to be pounded again... That’s six years of a sheer lack of satisfaction.

      I guess I’ve got a cruel streak.

    26. ikdummy, You chase people around. DS posted first on this thread. You chased him. You liar.

      Negativity? You do nothing but criticize DS. Talk about projection. You can't hang with the big dogs, ikdummy. Leave.

    27. ^ Ds always claims he never posts as DS.
      Do we need anymore proof of his lying ways ?
      Bruce, i may not be a doctor like you claim to be but i have watched enough medical shows to suggest you sir have a mental imbalance perhaps bipolar condition


    28. Damn you dmaker for teaching ikdummy that the scientific method requires evidence to be repeatable. Now we have to read the word “repeatable” (often multiple times in the same comment) in almost every one of ikdummy’s comments! Thanks a lot dmaker! Ha ha ha!

    29. Yes, but do we hear "repeatable" more than "morphology" or "oral traditions".... and whatever happened to "dermal", is it losing favor?

      ikdummy is good for ridicule and a good laugh. Total idiot trying to sound like a scientist. Truly an odd, odd curiosity.

    30. Disagree. A true researcher has no reason to attack someone that they do not deem to be legitimate.

    31. 5:18 What do you know about researching? And I'm talking about an Amazing phenomena !
      All you so called"Researchers"
      Are not capable of Documenting Measuring, photographing, Exploring,And all sorts of other "THINGS" hint hint!
      In regards to my extra loose BUTTHOLE!! to no avial, ;(

    32. 5:18 "A true researcher has no reason to attack someone that they do not deem to be legitimate."

      When on earth did anyone on here except for DS claim to be a true Bigfoot researcher? I have never believed Bigfoot to be real.

    33. Exactly 12:07! Who else is on here defending their evidence??
      2:33, I said i don't post as anon....i post as DS when i don't have my computer ( maybe once/week)
      Ikdummy, Steuy has never addressed me that I'm aware of. I have no need to respond to him, he seems to know who the fake liars are.

      Keep up the good work Steuy!

  6. As I have said before on this site, I believe Standing's "evidence" will all come to nothing. We have been down this road many times with big announcements and boasts being made that will "prove it once and for all" and then it just fades away. The civil court claim will likely be thrown out and to my knowledge the provincial government hasn’t even yet officially responded to it. Standing said he’s been working on the lawsuit for over a YEAR, but couldn’t find a lawyer to take it on. What does that tell you? A LAWYER WOULD NOT TAKE ON THE CASE!!!

    Hes asking the court to require a government biologist to accompany him into “known Sasquatch habitat” for three months to further prove his claims. Oh how I would love that! I'm actually rooting for him on that one.

    1. Hey wanker, if you’ve said it before on this site, why the bloody hell is it necessary for you to say it again ! Blimey, what a bleeding tosser !


    2. wanker bloody Blimey, bleeding tosser

      josephine, it's now easier to paste your entire temper tantrum and just delete the words that aren't Britishisms. Cheers!

    3. Crickey! Listen you gammy git, are you such a knackered numpty that the idea of a British person using Britishisms leaves you gobsmacked like a gormless nutter ?


    4. Standing's "evidence" is amounting to money in his pocket. He's not trying to prove anything. He's a con man who is getting money from gullible bigfooters.

    5. 3:39- only a wank puffin like you could mistake the real me with the fake one @ 3:19 and 5:27 - those are not me genius but then we'd never confuse you with a Mensa member now would we ?
      Well carry on and cheers anyways


    6. There seem to be about 20 different people who post here as “Joe” and they’re all into gay sex and use British lingo in a heavy and forced manner. How the “bloody” hell am I supposed to know which one is which?

    7. Joe f. is the one that solicits men to "talk bigfoot" with him privately. All the British Joes seem to be bloody wankers that submit to Islam.

    8. There is only one Joe and that`s me. all others are fake
      Know your Joes !


  7. Why does this Iktomi guy keep replying to himself? There are literally half a dozen posts of his in succession with no one else commenting in between.

    Can't he cut and paste his replies all at once in one post?

    1. Think of Iktomi as the deranged, homeless derelict who randomly wanders skidrow streets, muttering crazy and incoherent nonsense to himself.

    2. If you notice that an article on this website has dozens of comments, you can rest assured that the vast majority of these comments are from Iktomi, many of them cut and paste jobs.

    3. All are from Ikdummy, and other inmates!
      You never answered the question Ikdummy, what are you in Jail for?

  8. Replies
    1. I like when my Muslim masters beat me and urinate on me

    2. Joe "brains do not evolve" F1tzgerald

      Joe is literally on record on this blog saying that, although skin, hair, eye color, heights, etc... evolve differently in humans from different regions...brains do not.

      He is so afraid of being considered racist and arrested in the UK....however, he declares that Russian black women are Bigfoot.


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