Man Befriends Orphaned Bigfoot

From World Bigfoot radio:

The Glagg Saga, part 1, Kevin tells of his teenage Bigfoot encounters, and how he helped an orphan sasquatch survive until it could go it alone. This series of events happened in Idaho decades ago, and Kevin will be back to tell us more of the story. Music by Swamp Ritual, art by Devin King and RobRoy.


  1. Thanks for sharing Kevin! I grew up near a small family of bigfoot in Oklahoma. I only saw the male clearly once, but it was life altering. He was every bit of 15 ft tall and ran faster than the Cheetahs at the zoo. My parents were concerned, but everyone in the area knew were they lived and they only took what they needed, which amounted to a couple chickens a night from the corporate chicken farm next to our property. Occasionally, a stillborn calf would be found with a keg twisted off. No big deal.

  2. And believers in Bigfoot wonder why people do not take them seriously. It's ridiculous stories like this that does more harm to that belief than any skeptic. As long as people continue to put out this rot the Bigfoot advocates can expect ridicule.


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