Tracks Found In Yellowstone Canyon

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization

A Bigfoot track way of footprints on an annual visit to structures at a bigfoot sighting hotspot in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.


  1. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing depressions in the dirt and different types of mushrooms? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? He might actually see a Bigfoot if he samples some of those mushrooms. As for the rest of us....

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Hi Rictard Rolypolio the undisputed Shamu of bigfooting

  2. The humboldt pine marten is classified as of concern by the Federal Dept of Fish and Game, which is not the same as endangered.
    A lawsuit has challenged this is California but the Marten is still presently of concern there to. Even if California changes that the Federal status remains not endangered. Just of concern.

  3. ^ Proof it is not endangered. And is also impossible to identify without a physical identification. So the endangered marten from photo identification is a fake news story.

  4. Even if California did make the change it doesn't change the Federal status.

  5. From what I understand, anyone that accepts donations to search for bigfoot then uses it to create fake narrative news stories about martens usually has a vaginalInfection. So says 9 out of 10 PHDs

  6. From what I understand, anyone that accepts donations to search for bigfoot then uses it to create fake narrative news stories about martens usually has a crotchInfection. So says 9 out of 10 PHDs

  7. Why cant we use the word Vagina Matt? Are you offended because you have never had one?

  8. Is this the one where he finally admits he was wrong? The facts are linked above. Game over.

  9. Has anyone ever actually confirmed the locations of SOHA or the Pgf sites or are these things in question to?

  10. A little reminder...
    The Humboldt marten, also known as the coastal marten, has an estimated population size of less than 100 in Humboldt County.

    Posted: 03/28/17

    On Tuesday, a federal judge overturned a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in April 2014 that denied the Humboldt marten a listing as an endangered species.

    A lawsuit filed by both the Environmental Protection Information Center and the Center for Biological Diversity spurred the decision.

    “This doesn’t mean we’re going to force (Fish and Wildlife) to put the marten on the endangered species list, it doesn’t work like that,” EPIC’s industrial forestlands reform advocate Rob DiPerna said.

    According to DiPerna, the ruling is a motion for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reconsider and re-evaluate the marten’s need for environmental protection under the Endangered Species Act.

    “From our perspective this is using the best available science to reconsider the marten (for a possible listing),” he said.

    The Humboldt marten, also known as the coastal marten, is a small mammal in the weasel family which inhabits old growth forests in northwestern California and southern Oregon.

    “It’s essentially a second chance for the marten to have restoration for its natural habitat and a chance for it to recover as well,” DiPerna said. “Up until 1996, many people thought the marten had gone extinct.”

    The mammal was “rediscovered” in 1996 by wildlife tracking cameras in the Six Rivers National Forest and was spotted again in 2009 at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

    DiPerna said there were three populations of the coastal marten in the north coast, south central Oregon and southern Oregon. He said the marten’s territory used to extend from Sonoma County to the Oregon border.

    Historically, the coastal martens were trapped for their fur, which led to their decline in California. It is estimated that there are now fewer than 100 martens in California and, according to the Center for Biological Diversity, an unknown but very small number of martens are in Oregon.

    Noah Greenwald of the Center for Biological Diversity said prior to the lawsuit, the group petitioned for the marten to receive a 90-day finding in 2012 by Fish and Wildlife. The finding determined whether or not the species warranted protection.

    “The science is clear that the marten is in peril when there are less than 100 of them left here,” Greenwald said. “The marten resides mostly on the coast and that’s a precarious spot to be. A study by Oregon State University concluded that one tsunami could totally wipe out the population.”

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s spokesperson Pam Bierce said the service had just received the court ruling on the marten and were still reviewing it.

    “We don’t have too much information on the case right now and should know more within the next few days,” Bierce said. “Right now we’re reviewing the ruling before deciding on ways to move forward.”

  11. Posted: 03/28/17

    "On Tuesday, a federal judge overturned a decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in April 2014 that denied the Humboldt marten a listing as an endangered species."

  12. Current Geographic Range:

    The American marten occurs in forested habitats throughout boreal North America, reaching its southernmost extent in the Sierra Nevada of California and the southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico.  Three distinct subspecies of the American marten occur in the western United States.  The Humboldt marten is known from coastal northwestern California.  The Sierra marten occurs from the Salmon-Trinity Mountains east to the Cascades and south throughout the Sierra Nevada.  The canyon of the Klamath River occurs between the two subspecies, suggest that the Klamath River and the less hospitable xeric forest types in the river’s canyon may be barriers to movement for martens.  At the northern boundary of the coast redwood zone, the Humboldt marten is replaced by the coastal marten, which occurs in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.  The Humboldt subspecies historically occurred in California chiefly within the coast redwood zone from the Oregon border south to Sonoma County.  Since 1995, surveys for the Humboldt marten have been conducted in much of the subspecies’ historic range.  Results of these surveys suggest that the Humboldt marten no longer occurs in much of its historic range.  Currently, the Humboldt marten is known only from southern Del Norte County and northern Humboldt County, less than 5% of its historic range.

    Martens mature at one year of age, but breeding may not occur before three years of age.  Martens produce one litter per year, with an average of slightly less than three young per female.  Mating generally occurs in July or August; birth occurs in late March or April.  This extended gestation period is due to delayed implantation of the embryo, in which the embryos remain in a state of partial development for several months.  Natal dens are typically located in cavities in very large logs, snags, or live trees.  Kits completely depend upon their mothers at birth, but are weaned by about 42 days of age.  The young leave the company of their mother and disperse in late summer or autumn.  Martens may disperse 20 miles or more from their natal areas.

    The American marten is an opportunistic predator with a diverse diet that includes mammals, birds, carrion, eggs, insects, and vegetation (fruits, berries, nuts, fungi, lichens, etc.).  Voles, squirrels and chipmunks are important food items for martens across their range.  In the Sierra Nevada of California, mammals were the most important food item, with microtine rodents the most frequent prey throughout the year, and chipmunks and squirrels increasing in importance during the summer.  Seasonal variation in diets is universal with the importance of soft mast peaking in the fall.  In the diet of Humboldt martens, mammals (93% of scats analyzed) and berries (85%) were the most frequently occurring items, followed by birds (21%), insects (20%), and reptiles (7%).  Squirrels and voles  were the most common mammal species in the diet.  The frequency of berries and birds in the diet of the Humboldt marten is the highest reported in studies of the American marten.

    Martens use a home range area larger than is typical for a mammal of their size.  The estimated summer-fall home range size for five radio-collared adult male Humboldt martens was 1,321.7 acres; for a single adult female with one kit, 315 acres; and for three juvenile females, 1,490.8 acres.  In the Sierra Nevada of California, the size of the annual home range varies from 420 to 1,811 acres for males and from 173 to 1,433 acres for females.  The quality of the habitat apparently influences the overall acreage used by martens.  In Ontario, Canada, male home ranges averaged 840 acres in uncut forest and 1,236 acres in cutover areas, whereas females occupied 247 acres in uncut forest and 766 acres in cutover forest.  Humboldt martens apparently select the largest available patch sizes of late-successional stands or serpentine habitat.

    1. General Habitat Characteristics:

      American martens are typically associated with closed-canopy, late-successional, mesic coniferous forests with complex physical structure near the ground.  Complex ground structure provides protection from predators and protective thermal microenvironments.  Structure near the ground may be provided by the lower branches of living trees, tree boles in various stages of decay, coarse woody debris, shrubs, and rockfields.  Dense understory brush of shade-tolerant species such as Rhododendron, salal and evergreen huckleberry, is especially noteworthy.  In the western United States, martens are strongly associated with late-successional coniferous forests, but they may occur in earlier seral stages that contain remnants of late-successional forest such large logs and stumps, and dense shrubs.  Martens generally avoid nonforested areas including prairies and clearcuts that lack overhead cover.  Historical records of the distribution of Humboldt martens suggest that the subspecies was closely tied to coast redwood forests.  However, the one known remnant Humboldt marten population occurs in the north-central portion of the described range in an area dominated by Douglas-fir and tanoak.  Coast redwood associations occur on the western edge of the occupied range and white fir occurs at the higher elevations.  This population uses two structurally distinct fog-influenced forest types, one on serpentine soils and one on more productive non-serpentine soils.  The combination of interstitial spaces created by rocks and dense shrub cover may allow Humboldt martens to use stands with highly developed shrub communities on serpentine sites.

      Population and Habitat Status:

      Historical information and recent survey data indicate that the Humboldt marten population has declined significantly during the past 100 years.  Humboldt martens were relatively common in the early twentieth century, as reported from historic trapping data.  The population decline of Humboldt marten was noted as early as 1937 by noted biologist Joseph Grinnell and his associates:  “…of rather sparse occurrence, though in earlier years it was more generally distributed and fairly numerous.”  Subsequently, trapping of martens in California was outlawed in 1946.  Recent population estimates based on surveys within the known, current range of the Humboldt marten were approximately 60 individuals in 2000-2001 and 40 individuals in 2008.  Female occupancy showed the most substantial declines the from 2000-2001 to 2008.  Since these surveys did not cover the full known range of the Humboldt marten, the subspecies may be more numerous than these estimates.  However, it is likely the entire Humboldt marten population contains fewer than 100 individuals.

      Within the historic range of the Humboldt marten, timber harvest has eliminated most late-successional forests on private lands, and much of this forest habitat on Federal and State lands,  in northwestern California.  About 2.7 million acres of late-successional coast redwood forests were present in California during the early to mid-1800s.  Currently, approximately 70,000 ac of late-successional coast redwood forest remain in California, representing about 2.6% of the original late-successional coast redwood forest.  This remaining late-successional coast redwood forest occurs primarily in reserves on State and Federal land where it is protected from future timber harvest. 

    2. Threats:

      Loss, modification, and fragmentation of habitat are significant ongoing threats to the remaining Humboldt marten population.  Martens have specialized habitat requirements that include large diameter live trees, snags and logs, especially within late-successional habitat.  These habitat features may take centuries to develop.  Little habitat with the necessary structural characteristics to support Humboldt martens is expected to regenerate over the next few decades.  Without a management strategy to maintain key habitat elements it is unlikely lands available for timber harvest will support a viable marten population.  Humboldt martens and their habitat in the remaining occupied area are patchily distributed.  Further loss or degradation of suitable habitat could appreciably reduce the likelihood of survival of this subspecies. Wildfire has the potential to greatly alter habitat essential to martens when it removes structural components including overstory canopy, large logs or dense understory shrubs.  Projects to reduce risk of wildfire are potentially beneficial to martens by reducing overall risk of large-scale, intense wildfire, yet need to be carefully planned to minimize the loss of essential habitat components or fragmenting existing suitable habitat.  Roads may fragment suitable habitat and provide corridors for movement of potential predators such as bobcats and coyotes.  While direct trapping of martens in California has not been legal for several decades, incidental capture of martens while targeting other species may still occur, and should be monitored to assess the risk.  Trapping of martens remains legal in Oregon.  Management activities that encourage populations of other carnivores, such as bobcats, fishers and cougars, may place additional pressure on the remaining marten population, as several of these species, especially fishers, may opportunistically kill martens when encountered. 

      Conservation Needs:

      A conservation strategy for the Humboldt marten should increase the size of the current population so that genetic, demographic, and environmental uncertainties are less threatening, and establish multiple populations so that a single catastrophic event (such as large wildfire) cannot eliminate the subspecies.  Specific measures to conserve the Humboldt marten may include:

      Maintain currently occupied habitat.Restore habitat to increase and reconnect habitat patches near the known population.Increase the overall size of suitable habitat patches.Restore functional landscape connectivity to enable recolonization of suitable, but currently unoccupied habitat.Establish high priority restoration areas.Restore or maintain dense, productive understory shrub layers and reduce road densities.Protect currently suitable resting and denning structures.Establish additional populations within the historical range.Monitor the existing population to determine population trend.Conduct additional research to investigate conservation needs of Humboldt martens.

    3. Federal Status: (Streufert) is of concern. That is confirmed googled federal fact. Propaganda and fake news shoot down your claims. And right call into question SOHA and PGF site claims to.

      Feel free to join us under your real name.

    4. According the Fed's the American Marten has a healthy population overall and is doing just fine.

  13. The date of the entry listed above, the true one is dated after the date. The Federal status is "of concern", even if California changes the status the Federal status remains.

    Fake news attempt fail and credibility flapping in the wind.

  14. Your newspaper is not the Department of Fish and Wildlife. They say not endangered. Done. SOHA and the Pgf are likely not found either.

  15. Why does a Bigfoot Research Project care about a weasel? Don't they study Bigfoot?

    1. ^ Piss & Vinegar. Stewie rather everyone talk about his marten scandal as opposed to his planting fake bigfoot evidence scandal. Bug eyedFreak is just smoking mirrors

    2. Steven StreufertWednesday, September 13, 2017 at 1:47:00 PM PDT
      Ha ha ha ha ha!

      You believe the Federal Government is the best source for the facts? LOL.

      Posting factual and up-to-date information is NOT "trolling." What you are doing right now is trolling.

      You're a fool if you don't think the PGF site was found and documented, and you're also a fool who has never even been there. So how would you know? Oh yeah, that's right... you don't, and you're just a foolish, lying troll.

      As far as "SOHA" goes, a lot of people believed in that place and that guy, and we exposed the site for what it was... an old logging road in a clearcut right up the hill from a pot grow, less than two miles as a bird flies from a major interstate highway for that region. We also found many of the stumps and snags that MJ claimed were Bigfoot, still just sitting there. We didn't find a single Bigfoot track there in the snow, despite MJ claiming that there was "heavy activity" all night long the day before. Nothing but big Johnson shoe prints all over the place up there.

      AnonymousThursday, September 14, 2017 at 4:39:00 AM PDT
      as of 9/17: Weasel status: Of concern
      SOHA: Never mattered was obvious BS
      PGF: Show your math. Go big or go home. And after 40 years it hardly matters.

      The rest: Strawmen by the patron saint of a non endangered weasel and the gullible.

  16. Instead of wasting money on frivolous lawsuits maybe you guys should accept this pine weasel is genetically inferior if it's so threatened. It can easily be replaced by an FDA approved gmo enhanced super weasel. That makes sense. It could be called the Feldman ferret


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