Bigfooting with Trail Cameras

From the Crypto Watch youtube channel:

My day started pretty early this morning. I headed out to retrieve my game cameras from area 1. The plan was to pick up the cams and then return home to see what was actual on the cameras and then head back out to another location. So, this was to be a quick in and out on the retrieval. I documented the retrieval process and inserted the game cam captures in the video. One major bummer was that the Browning game cam malfunctioned and most of the videos were corrupted and were not viewable. I actually have software that attempts to save the video, but it didn't work on the videos.


  1. Bigfoot and Gay Cameras is right up my street - all the way to the hilt.


    1. I'll take a trip up your "street"


    2. This is up fake Joes street xx

    3. ^ I prefer to have it up my greasy smelly jacksy.


    4. You smells good PIB buts only in comparison to me *stink *, *stink *

    5. haha, fake Joe gets schooled by PIB.
      C'mon Stuey, we all know it's one of your many characters on here. A sociopath like you probably enjoys all of this attention . You talk about hairy men when i'll bet the only hairy man you've ever seen is yourself when you look into your bloody mirror !
      Mirror mirror on the wall
      who's the biggest wanker of them all
      it's you fake Joe/ stuey/ dmaker etc



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