Looks like a guy with a crash helmet on and wearing leathers - there`s probably a road just below and behind him and he`s jumped off his bike for a piss.
What I like about this image is the quality/resolution.
Cameras are getting better.and soon there will be no excuse for blobsquatches and images that the interpreter of said images is the kind of person who sees faces in clouds
MMC, you think a better camera produces better images? LOL. First off, they have to find Bigfoot, which only a handful of people on the planet know how to, and second, 4K will produce even blurrier pics. The question you'll have to ask, like i keep telling everyone, NOTHING BLURS THE BEST CAMERA'S! So the better the camera gets, the worse the pics will be...Why is that?? Something Ikdummy and his fake accounts will never grasp, because none of them research!
>>Cameras are getting better.and soon there will be no excuse....
What nonsense is this? There is no excuse now. The technology is almost 200 years old.
Goddamn you are stupid.
The First Photograph, or more specifically, the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827.
It's a shame you can never seem to reference a substantiated case against the evidence for "Bigfoot". Still... At lease you're learning how to reference.
How far away doe you think the subject was ? I say at least a half mile. Take that into consideration. The new generations of cameras like the Nikon p900 are definelty game changers.
And a person who knows how to use his/her equipment is always a plus
The p900 has a feature called "audio zoom" it works in correlation with the zoom on the Lenz. Whatever the distance of the zoom is set to the built in Mic "zooms" in accordingly. Only found one video so for that gives a great demonstration of this feature. They zoomed into a car race a few miles across a bay and then you could hear the cars. Would like to know how that works
I am holding off for the next gen that will be able to vid I in 4k and have aa hot shoe and Hopefully built in flir
Actually... Stuey, there are in total 9 comments in the below link, from only the other day, where you claim the footage is too grainy to determine anything; http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/cryptid-con-tour.html?m=0
Just like you're all liberal one minute, and a racist conservative the next... I don't think you can keep up with your personalities, can you?
In our country Iky, it is the liberals who spout racists remarks. We had a liberal US senator named Birde who is dead now. He was a top democrat re elected countless times. Hillary Clinton even said the he was her mentor. He was way way up in the KKK and nobody would call him out on it.
You definition of liberal may be different from here in the us. In the US one of the main tools that the zio democrats use is race division tactics and many innoscent people have died because of these tactics
10;05 - a British liberal = wimpy bearded guy with knitted sweater,shorts and sandals in all weathers - the key factor being the wearing of socks with sandals.
Ikky is the racist here - The Stuey has not made racists comments as far as I have seen - it`s probably one of your snide tactics to go "anon" and issue your own racist and bigoted remarks under the "anon" guise..we`ve all seen your thoughts on such matters---mind your cheesy feet don`t get wet,you sandal and sock wearing "liberal" prick.
I think ikdummy/Joe F1tzgerald declaring the Russian bigfoot an archaic black woman may be something his employer and the British government may want to know about.
And look at his meltdown and efforts at intimidation. He doesn't like having his nationality disclosed... It's why he's always so racist towards British Muslims... Silly sod should never have blurted he's from Leeds.
Oh and Stuey? West Africans didn't have archaic skull morphology in the mid-1800's... Relict hominins like Zana did. Short memory.
It's ok if you think I'm from Leeds but how did you come up with that? You said something about doing a gig in Leeds and from that you surmised that I(humoring him fellow "Stuarts") am from Leeds.
Hey MMC , Arabs are great neighbors, they bow and pray to Mecca and it's so magical, when sharia is the law of the land I'm going to be so happy, until then I'll make up lies about those skeletons and archaic sloping skulls and hope everyone here has a....short memory, by the way I love homeless blacks and Mexicans like Zaskey does, presented as evidence of species
Ha ha ha ha ha!! I haven't listened to The Who in a long time... Think I might kick back with a beer to some on tonight.
Stuey... You seem triggered? You wrote it here about three-four years ago. At the time I thought that person was one of a handful of trolls that have left over the years... But after exposing your British English grammar, and the fact that you sockpuppet, and have always sockpuppeted around here, I now know you're the same psycho.
Nothing I do is rocket science, or any type of science for that matter because science rejected the existence of Bigfoot and I just can't accept it. I come here everyday and I've yet to convince anyone because of my crap evidence, Zaskey will save me with clear shots of mighty Bigfoot, my pointless life is coming to fruition now, right? MMC, CHICK, KHAT?
Stuart... Science isn't a freethinking entity that chooses or rejects anything. It's a tool that's used to test data, that's been used to test 60 years' worth of track impressions. And guess what?
Your hoaxing conspiracy theory doesn't even make the same league.
Sir I am a member of Cryptoreality.us , we have many actual photos of sasquatches up close, none of the skeptics can deny it, it will turn the conversation from if to validation of sasquatch
I've complained to Matt about all of you, you will all be banned from the site, the 24 hour Zaskey evidence can now begin, good thing too because my hind quarters are aching from grunting the Bigfoot call of loving , now you guys are going to see real Bigfoot action, I've got to go drink
Stuey... Though not everyone agrees with most of my theories, you'll find plenty of people "buying" my evidence. It's not your biggest problem though. Finally getting some satisfaction is.
Yep, they're buying my evidence, and they really like me too, yeppers. Now to listen to the child molester Pete Townsend, remember that child pornography he was caught with? Oh well, all my bars are low, buried two feet under, my 60 years of evidence shows that, must make a point of not arguing with myself in front of everyone. I'll chime in as Vegas and pick on DS, that's great deflecting
The only "buying" is done by you Ikkyboy - you have NO evidence and ALL you have is what OTHER people tell you or have shown via images - you have other people`s "evidence and have NOTHING of your own - then again, other people think they`re wrong.
Or maybe I could actually provide proof of Bigfoot or how someone from America is all my critics rolled into one, I really am starting to look stupid and desperate, DS Your pictures suck, that should throw them off my childish tantrums, I'm a winner now, not a drug addled retarded trying to look superior with cut and paste arguments and stupid skeletons and archaic sloping skulls that no one will verify...winner
Stop focussing on me, Stuey, you come across so personal and rattled. It doesn't matter if the evidence is mine or not... referencing scientifically repeatable versions stands up all the same. Don't like it? Here in lies your burden!
Arab you should shut your Muslim trap, see DS, this mental case can't even provide evidence of Bigfoot like you, he buys into pictures of the homeless blacks and Mexicans as Bigfoot, he calls us crazy but who's he kidding, himself I guess? DS I know you're nice enough to pray for me but I think this godless Merkel loving eurotrash needs your prayers even more
Hmmm, shouldn't use those stupid skeletons, since I'm the only one who even called archaic sloping skull and those damn feet, why is no one impressed by 8 feet, is it because humans get that big? No, no, won't accept failure, skeletons big, must be juvenile Bigfoot evidence, yes, juvenile one, ha ,ha,ha,winner
Hmmmm, Prove its not Bigfoot, I sure as he'll can't prove it is but that should stump them, oh hey, Indians called Bigfoot a tribe so anything labeled Indian is therefore Bigfoot! That lunatic buddy of mine Khat Hansen, would be proud, she's a lot like Dr Matthew Johnson but I shouldn't say that out loud, my argument is looking good, not insane, science, I embrace science now even though they reject Bigfoot despite 60 years of evidence, my words...oh shite, Leeds word there
When a skull is described as having traits of Neanderthal skulls, not to mention a "sloping skulls" specifically... It kind of falls into the bracket of archaic.
Argh right... So the skeleton cannot be that of a "Bigfoot", regardless of its accompanying archaic features... Because civilised people can grow to 8 feet tall? Can I ask you Stuey, how many eight foot tall people currently live on the planet? Considering we've gotten taller over time? And what would you expect to see in the skeleton of a hominid you're in denial about?
Again just me saying that, stupid me, no reference to anyone saying it, and same with us growing taller over time since that would make archaic human Bigfoot small, why do I persist in making things up?
DS... But let's be honest, you're a little obsessed with me and think Kelly Shaw is around every corner. Also... I don't care about your fundamental religious BS. Stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I've been brought up to be able to think for myself thanks... Both on a humanist and spiritual level. And I wouldn't dream of treating people the way you do just because they don't buy into your Pokemon blurs.
Here we are Stuey; http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/man-with-life-long-interest-in-subject.html?m=0
http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/bigfoot-banged-on-outhouse.html ... It's all there. I know that short memory of yours is an issue.
Hey Iktomi, can you show us a picture of Zana's subsaharan negro skull? All I have seen is her 1/2 Caucasian sons skull that fits Dead center of caucasoid skull parameters! Ikdummy, Go peddel your Bull crap elseware.
Wow, the F-AC sockpuppet now? Here we go Stuey, here are these links to help with that terrible memory of yours...
Your best Zana nonsense & lies smashed; https://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/new-interview-with-dr-melba-ketchum-and.html
Your best HSS lies nailed; https://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/surprise-guests-on-thanksgiving-coast.html
How Patty is human; http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/the-teddy-roosevelt-bigfoot-story.html?m=0 http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/dr-jeffrey-meldrum-removes-myth-out-of.html?m=0
That pretty much covers the three topics you like to rehash, like the previous 50 embarrassments have never befallen you. If you want to aggravate someone about a particular area of this subject, it helps if you've somehow got something over someone in that area first. Like an actual exchange to reference favourably. Harping on about something that made you look stupid, and continues to make you look stupid with just one link... Is just a little bit weird.
What a loser, and you guys were right, attacking DS to deflect, what an insecure dweeb, stay in your craphole country and leave our tall tales alone, sad
At 11:11 iktomi claims Zana's skull has "Archaic skull morphology" as the skull of zana has never been found, everybody knows that the veracity of your statment is suspect!
That's odd Stuey...You're not pretending to do that awful grammar you like to use when pretending to be "AC Collins"? You're emotions are messing up your facade!
Stuey... Open those links and read all about KHWIT'S skull again. Never Zana's. And it's basic common sense that if her son has archaic skull morphology, so would she. Oh and Stuey... I would normally ask you to reference those "caucasoid skull parameters", but it did no good the first 50 times of asking.
Iktomi, a little obsessed with you??? That's hilarious, you are like lint to me, useless armchair researcher, who has NO CLUE AT ALL, BUT THINKS HE/SHE DOES!
Your entire Bigfoot belief revolves around Patty. If Patty was proven fake, you would never be heard from again.
Must stop cancelling out my own evidence, Thank you for prayers DS, I was wrong about you again, just like everything,see everyone, proven wrong...again :(
Well I said that Iktomi was going to attack DS when things got hot for him and sure enough I was right, I also said he didn't have any evidence and what does he produce? A bunch of blog posts and crap from that dumbass Meldrum, DS says Meldrum is a liar, he met the man. You ever meet Meldrum Iktomi?I can believe DS because he's a good Christian, Iktomi been caught in multiple lies, multiple lies. He sure got angry and took off like a little bitch when people called him out, and he admits liking that child molester Pete Townsend, MMC too, bunch of liberals loving child molesters. These folks are sick and attack when cornered like rats, I won't be forgetting PIB shameless. DS your a decent guy who through no fault of your own lives in a blacks neighborhood but you're at least honest, Iktomi is a disgusting individual and a worm to boot, I'm glad it's all here for everyone to see
I find the camera comments to be the most entertaining, particularly the antitechnical comments by DS. Hilarious.
Doc still has not figured out that the achromomatic pigmentation of BF hair and skin make it necessary to use manual focus or the camera will just grab something in the foreground or background to focus on. Higher resolutions do improve imagery... IF there is anything there. High resolution also makes it apparent when there is *nothing* there which is likely why Dr. Squatch advocates using lower resolution. He isn't liking 4k because it is making it a bit difficult to circle some nonsense and claim it is a living being.
As far as camera technology is concerned if your camera is simply 4k it is already totally obsolete as it is 2160p30 SDR meaning 30 frames per second at standard dynamic range. A good camera is 2160p60 HDR meaning 60 frames per second at high dynamic range (10-bit). Sixty fps is where the magic starts to happen.
Doc thinks he is finding BF but I have never seen a single frame or image from him that even remotely depicts Bigfoot, not one. That sucky camera of his is a large part of the problem.
My name is Javier Resines. I´m the director of the blog "Cryptozoology in Spain". The case occurred on April 5, 2011 and published the news in the blog in March 2012. I leave the link to the news, with more data on witnesses, location, ... A team of French researchers lived the time zone then in search of evidence, but found nothing. From time to time, the specialized press takes up this case with interest and publishes it again. From Spain, we have the idea that the being that appears in the photo is a hiker strolling through the mountain, not a bigfoot or a basajaun, the name that the wild man receives in this area. Best regards. http://criptozoologos.blogspot.com.es/2012/03/un-yeti-cerca-de-irun.html
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Looks like a guy with a crash helmet on and wearing leathers - there`s probably a road just below and behind him and he`s jumped off his bike for a piss.
ReplyDeleteBF pinching one off
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about this image is the quality/resolution.
Cameras are getting better.and soon there will be no excuse for blobsquatches and images that the interpreter of said images is the kind of person who sees faces in clouds
They need to get a lot better than this poor image.
DeleteMMC, you think a better camera produces better images? LOL.
DeleteFirst off, they have to find Bigfoot, which only a handful of people on the planet know how to, and second, 4K will produce even blurrier pics.
The question you'll have to ask, like i keep telling everyone, NOTHING BLURS THE BEST CAMERA'S! So the better the camera gets, the worse the pics will be...Why is that??
Something Ikdummy and his fake accounts will never grasp, because none of them research!
>>Cameras are getting better.and soon there will be no excuse....
DeleteWhat nonsense is this? There is no excuse now. The technology is almost 200 years old.
Goddamn you are stupid.
The First Photograph, or more specifically, the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 or 1827.
It's a shame you can never seem to reference a substantiated case against the evidence for "Bigfoot". Still... At lease you're learning how to reference.
DeleteJohn Anthony West interview on the Rogan show - jolly good stuff...
DeleteHow far away doe you think the subject was ? I say at least a half mile. Take that into consideration. The new generations of cameras like the Nikon p900 are definelty game changers.
And a person who knows how to use his/her equipment is always a plus
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe p900 has a feature called "audio zoom" it works in correlation with the zoom on the Lenz. Whatever the distance of the zoom is set to the built in Mic "zooms" in accordingly. Only found one video so for that gives a great demonstration of this feature. They zoomed into a car race a few miles across a bay and then you could hear the cars. Would like to know how that works
DeleteI am holding off for the next gen that will be able to vid I in 4k and have aa hot shoe and Hopefully built in flir
DeleteFor those of you that think hi def makes images blurred, take a look at the above image
Coming to consumer cameras soon. Can't wait.
Naturally stabilization will be an issue but that is slowly but surely being dealt with
thank god ds removed those racist comments!
DeleteI can't help it if all the Bigfoot pictures are of homeless blacks and Mexicans
DeleteYe Gods,please,no more IkkyJoe...
Ikkyjoe in sportswear =
If it's on NvTv it's immediately suspect.
ReplyDeleteHELLO.....If it's on this site, it's immediately suspect!!!
DeleteWell......you have me there.
DeleteIt's unfortunate.
Deletemy word Joe,you are a sick sick boy
I like them fur covered hip waders on the Patterson suit, you can see them plain as day, it sure makes me laugh to see them hip waders
ReplyDeleteShort memory.
DeleteActually... Stuey, there are in total 9 comments in the below link, from only the other day, where you claim the footage is too grainy to determine anything;
Just like you're all liberal one minute, and a racist conservative the next... I don't think you can keep up with your personalities, can you?
In our country Iky, it is the liberals who spout racists remarks. We had a liberal US senator named Birde who is dead now. He was a top democrat re elected countless times. Hillary Clinton even said the he was her mentor. He was way way up in the KKK and nobody would call him out on it.
DeleteYou definition of liberal may be different from here in the us. In the US one of the main tools that the zio democrats use is race division tactics and many innoscent people have died because of these tactics
Hey MMC... My intention wasn't to label consevatives as racists, but to state that Stuey is a racist and a conservative, if that makes sense?
Delete10;05 - a British liberal = wimpy bearded guy with knitted sweater,shorts and sandals in all weathers - the key factor being the wearing of socks with sandals.
Delete...and the issuing of farts at the dinner table.
Stuey... A racist from Leeds.
DeleteIkky is the racist here - The Stuey has not made racists comments as far as I have seen - it`s probably one of your snide tactics to go "anon" and issue your own racist and bigoted remarks under the "anon" guise..we`ve all seen your thoughts on such matters---mind your cheesy feet don`t get wet,you sandal and sock wearing "liberal" prick.
DeleteIkky = https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=https%3A%2F%2Fthenortherngent.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F05%2Fsocks-and-sandals.jpg&key=iIIOP5z-pU3XAUj29NoqpA
DeleteI think ikdummy/Joe F1tzgerald declaring the Russian bigfoot an archaic black woman may be something his employer and the British government may want to know about.
DeleteHi Ikitomi
DeleteSuzy Stu is definetly a racist pedo who hates women. His psychological baggage could fill the late Imelda Marcos' s many closets
And look at his meltdown and efforts at intimidation. He doesn't like having his nationality disclosed... It's why he's always so racist towards British Muslims... Silly sod should never have blurted he's from Leeds.
DeleteOh and Stuey? West Africans didn't have archaic skull morphology in the mid-1800's... Relict hominins like Zana did. Short memory.
DeleteWhen I hear the name Leeds I think of the greatest live blues song EVER !!
It's an amazing live album MMC. I just think of horrible football fans.
DeleteIkkyJoe`s fashion guru - (guy on the left)
^Racist ikdummy/Joe F1tzgerald verifying "his" racist beliefs.
DeleteIt's ok if you think I'm from Leeds but how did you come up with that? You said something about doing a gig in Leeds and from that you surmised that I(humoring him fellow "Stuarts") am from Leeds.
Young Man Blues - The Who (Live at Leeds): http://youtu.be/9g30nwCpyaA
DeleteAnd the rest of the concert is good
Iky, when people say the word "lions" , I think of a shltty team also
Hey MMC , Arabs are great neighbors, they bow and pray to Mecca and it's so magical, when sharia is the law of the land I'm going to be so happy, until then I'll make up lies about those skeletons and archaic sloping skulls and hope everyone here has a....short memory, by the way I love homeless blacks and Mexicans like Zaskey does, presented as evidence of species
DeleteHa ha ha ha ha!! I haven't listened to The Who in a long time... Think I might kick back with a beer to some on tonight.
DeleteStuey... You seem triggered? You wrote it here about three-four years ago. At the time I thought that person was one of a handful of trolls that have left over the years... But after exposing your British English grammar, and the fact that you sockpuppet, and have always sockpuppeted around here, I now know you're the same psycho.
It's not rocket science.
Nothing I do is rocket science, or any type of science for that matter because science rejected the existence of Bigfoot and I just can't accept it. I come here everyday and I've yet to convince anyone because of my crap evidence, Zaskey will save me with clear shots of mighty Bigfoot, my pointless life is coming to fruition now, right? MMC, CHICK, KHAT?
DeleteStuart... Science isn't a freethinking entity that chooses or rejects anything. It's a tool that's used to test data, that's been used to test 60 years' worth of track impressions. And guess what?
DeleteYour hoaxing conspiracy theory doesn't even make the same league.
Good Allah, 60 years of evidence comes down to a grifters film with furry hip waders
Delete"Hip waders" that are actually shown to be biological tissue on Page 15 here;
White Stripes - Death Letter (Live - Blackpool: http://youtu.be/-t1_ETuWIbE
DeleteMy boy Jack White is a very close second
I'll check it out man!
DeleteYep, plain as day, if you use hip waders it's easy to spot,yep, guess you don't use hip waders
ReplyDeleteIktomiThursday, September 28, 2017 at 7:57:00 AM PDT
DeleteDid you manage to even contest the plastic surgeon yesterday?
Sir I am a member of Cryptoreality.us , we have many actual photos of sasquatches up close, none of the skeptics can deny it, it will turn the conversation from if to validation of sasquatch
DeleteIt's a Ma'am..
DeleteChick Chick is a guy, did you know that DS?
DeleteI've complained to Matt about all of you, you will all be banned from the site, the 24 hour Zaskey evidence can now begin, good thing too because my hind quarters are aching from grunting the Bigfoot call of loving , now you guys are going to see real Bigfoot action, I've got to go drink
Delete(Slow claps)
Delete8;27 - perhaps you would like to show us these pictures of "validation"...?
Delete^ I`m sorry to say I cannot.
DeleteThey don`t exist.
(Slow claps)(of lips)(On testicles)(so slowly) (so sweetly)
DeleteHow's ya thousands year old, culture hopping, conspiracy theory going for ya?
Delete^ How`s your bigfoot in da woods conspiracy theory getting along ?
DeleteOh yeah ,it`s da gummint hiding it all away.
Iktomi gets touchy when no one buys his evidence
DeleteIt's not hiding all that well... I have 60 years of physical evidence to reference.
DeleteNow your turn?
Stuey... Though not everyone agrees with most of my theories, you'll find plenty of people "buying" my evidence. It's not your biggest problem though. Finally getting some satisfaction is.
DeleteYep, they're buying my evidence, and they really like me too, yeppers. Now to listen to the child molester Pete Townsend, remember that child pornography he was caught with? Oh well, all my bars are low, buried two feet under, my 60 years of evidence shows that, must make a point of not arguing with myself in front of everyone. I'll chime in as Vegas and pick on DS, that's great deflecting
DeleteTake some good advice Joe - ditch the socks with the sandals thing - it really is WRONG.
DeleteYou're angry tonight Stuey... Maybe you could get me back for upsetting you about your nationality by publishing some substance about "Bigfoot"?
DeleteThe only "buying" is done by you Ikkyboy - you have NO evidence and ALL you have is what OTHER people tell you or have shown via images - you have other people`s "evidence and have NOTHING of your own - then again, other people think they`re wrong.
DeleteOr maybe I could actually provide proof of Bigfoot or how someone from America is all my critics rolled into one, I really am starting to look stupid and desperate, DS Your pictures suck, that should throw them off my childish tantrums, I'm a winner now, not a drug addled retarded trying to look superior with cut and paste arguments and stupid skeletons and archaic sloping skulls that no one will verify...winner
DeleteStop focussing on me, Stuey, you come across so personal and rattled. It doesn't matter if the evidence is mine or not... referencing scientifically repeatable versions stands up all the same. Don't like it? Here in lies your burden!
DeleteThat 8 foot skeleton really hit a nerve eh?
Arab you should shut your Muslim trap, see DS, this mental case can't even provide evidence of Bigfoot like you, he buys into pictures of the homeless blacks and Mexicans as Bigfoot, he calls us crazy but who's he kidding, himself I guess? DS I know you're nice enough to pray for me but I think this godless Merkel loving eurotrash needs your prayers even more
DeleteDS knows you're the anon poster that calls him "Dr Squat", right? Why don't you just come out and ask him to come and help you?
DeleteHmmm, shouldn't use those stupid skeletons, since I'm the only one who even called archaic sloping skull and those damn feet, why is no one impressed by 8 feet, is it because humans get that big? No, no, won't accept failure, skeletons big, must be juvenile Bigfoot evidence, yes, juvenile one, ha ,ha,ha,winner
DeleteHmmmm, Prove its not Bigfoot, I sure as he'll can't prove it is but that should stump them, oh hey, Indians called Bigfoot a tribe so anything labeled Indian is therefore Bigfoot! That lunatic buddy of mine Khat Hansen, would be proud, she's a lot like Dr Matthew Johnson but I shouldn't say that out loud, my argument is looking good, not insane, science, I embrace science now even though they reject Bigfoot despite 60 years of evidence, my words...oh shite, Leeds word there
DeleteAnal,anal,anus,Meldrum,Anal, Anal PhD, Anus Anal,Anal
DeleteWhen a skull is described as having traits of Neanderthal skulls, not to mention a "sloping skulls" specifically... It kind of falls into the bracket of archaic.
DeleteArgh right... So the skeleton cannot be that of a "Bigfoot", regardless of its accompanying archaic features... Because civilised people can grow to 8 feet tall? Can I ask you Stuey, how many eight foot tall people currently live on the planet? Considering we've gotten taller over time? And what would you expect to see in the skeleton of a hominid you're in denial about?
: )
Actually Iktomi, I thought it was you, or Kekky, calling me "Dr. Squat."
Delete12:09, Iktiomi took God's name in vain the other day, and has in the past.
prayed for Iktomi also.
Again just me saying that, stupid me, no reference to anyone saying it, and same with us growing taller over time since that would make archaic human Bigfoot small, why do I persist in making things up?
DeleteThank you for prayers DS, maybe it's time to turn away from Allah,it's so violent, not a religion of peace
DeleteDS... But let's be honest, you're a little obsessed with me and think Kelly Shaw is around every corner. Also... I don't care about your fundamental religious BS. Stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I've been brought up to be able to think for myself thanks... Both on a humanist and spiritual level. And I wouldn't dream of treating people the way you do just because they don't buy into your Pokemon blurs.
DeleteHere we are Stuey;
... It's all there. I know that short memory of yours is an issue.
Hey Iktomi, can you show us a picture of Zana's subsaharan negro skull?
DeleteAll I have seen is her 1/2 Caucasian sons skull that fits Dead center of caucasoid skull parameters!
Ikdummy, Go peddel your Bull crap elseware.
Wow, the F-AC sockpuppet now? Here we go Stuey, here are these links to help with that terrible memory of yours...
DeleteYour best Zana nonsense & lies smashed;
Your best HSS lies nailed;
How Patty is human;
That pretty much covers the three topics you like to rehash, like the previous 50 embarrassments have never befallen you. If you want to aggravate someone about a particular area of this subject, it helps if you've somehow got something over someone in that area first. Like an actual exchange to reference favourably. Harping on about something that made you look stupid, and continues to make you look stupid with just one link... Is just a little bit weird.
What a loser, and you guys were right, attacking DS to deflect, what an insecure dweeb, stay in your craphole country and leave our tall tales alone, sad
DeleteI'm sorry Iktomi, we're you looking for attention? No one here believes your bullshit, not even the Bigfoot supporters
DeleteYour a liar Iktomi, a godless liar
DeleteAt 11:11 iktomi claims Zana's skull has "Archaic skull morphology" as the skull of zana has never been found, everybody knows that the veracity of your statment is suspect!
DeleteDr Squat got slapped lol xx
DeleteThat's odd Stuey...You're not pretending to do that awful grammar you like to use when pretending to be "AC Collins"? You're emotions are messing up your facade!
DeleteStuey... Open those links and read all about KHWIT'S skull again. Never Zana's. And it's basic common sense that if her son has archaic skull morphology, so would she. Oh and Stuey... I would normally ask you to reference those "caucasoid skull parameters", but it did no good the first 50 times of asking.
Carry on dreaming... Racist.
Ha, loser crying, you lost chump
Deleteikdummy is posting that black people and their children have "archaic skull morphology" and then calls someone else a racist IN THE SAME POST. LOL
DeleteIktomi, a little obsessed with you??? That's hilarious, you are like lint to me, useless armchair researcher, who has NO CLUE AT ALL, BUT THINKS HE/SHE DOES!
DeleteYour entire Bigfoot belief revolves around Patty. If Patty was proven fake, you would never be heard from again.
Say I noticed when everyone here doesn't give this retarded Iktomi the time of day he disappears
DeleteActually... What I'm convinced of is the physical evidence. Something you could only dream of.
DeleteHopeless dreamer, oh, liar too, that's proven ^
DeleteHe's a sore head too. A big baby
DeleteHa,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,he's a little bitch
DeleteWow, epic meltdown Stu. Reminds me of everyday here.
DeleteSo true^
Deletegee you`re a sick guy Joe
Must stop cancelling out my own evidence, Thank you for prayers DS, I was wrong about you again, just like everything,see everyone, proven wrong...again :(
ReplyDeleteWell I said that Iktomi was going to attack DS when things got hot for him and sure enough I was right, I also said he didn't have any evidence and what does he produce? A bunch of blog posts and crap from that dumbass Meldrum, DS says Meldrum is a liar, he met the man. You ever meet Meldrum Iktomi?I can believe DS because he's a good Christian, Iktomi been caught in multiple lies, multiple lies. He sure got angry and took off like a little bitch when people called him out, and he admits liking that child molester Pete Townsend, MMC too, bunch of liberals loving child molesters. These folks are sick and attack when cornered like rats, I won't be forgetting PIB shameless. DS your a decent guy who through no fault of your own lives in a blacks neighborhood but you're at least honest, Iktomi is a disgusting individual and a worm to boot, I'm glad it's all here for everyone to see
ReplyDeleteI'm over 8 feet tall
ReplyDeleteBullshit ^
DeleteMeldrum is the about the Biggest fraud in all of Bigfoot! Same with Bindernagel, Sykes, and Ketchum.
DeleteTotal Idiots Ikdummy likes to quote.
That's right DS
DeleteMY PECKER IS 9ft LONG,,,,,
Delete"HOpe daT HelPs
Duh, archaic sloping skull, duh pictures of skeletons, so big, must be 8 feet, no way to verify, yell at DS, repeat, aaargh crease
ReplyDeleteI find the camera comments to be the most entertaining, particularly the antitechnical comments by DS. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteDoc still has not figured out that the achromomatic pigmentation of BF hair and skin make it necessary to use manual focus or the camera will just grab something in the foreground or background to focus on. Higher resolutions do improve imagery... IF there is anything there. High resolution also makes it apparent when there is *nothing* there which is likely why Dr. Squatch advocates using lower resolution. He isn't liking 4k because it is making it a bit difficult to circle some nonsense and claim it is a living being.
As far as camera technology is concerned if your camera is simply 4k it is already totally obsolete as it is 2160p30 SDR meaning 30 frames per second at standard dynamic range. A good camera is 2160p60 HDR meaning 60 frames per second at high dynamic range (10-bit). Sixty fps is where the magic starts to happen.
Doc thinks he is finding BF but I have never seen a single frame or image from him that even remotely depicts Bigfoot, not one. That sucky camera of his is a large part of the problem.
I find the freak who likes Pete Townsend the most sick^
DeleteMy name is Javier Resines. I´m the director of the blog "Cryptozoology in Spain". The case occurred on April 5, 2011 and published the news in the blog in March 2012. I leave the link to the news, with more data on witnesses, location, ... A team of French researchers lived the time zone then in search of evidence, but found nothing. From time to time, the specialized press takes up this case with interest and publishes it again. From Spain, we have the idea that the being that appears in the photo is a hiker strolling through the mountain, not a bigfoot or a basajaun, the name that the wild man receives in this area. Best regards. http://criptozoologos.blogspot.com.es/2012/03/un-yeti-cerca-de-irun.html
ReplyDeleteWonderful post. and you Nice used words in this article and beautifully post it.