Woman Has Several Encounters With Dogmen

From Dogman Encounters Radio:

Tonight's guest, Jasmine, has always been fascinated with wolves. Her interest was tempered 2 years ago, though, when she had her first of what would seem to be a few encounters with Dogmen. What made that encounter even worse is where she had it. She was in her own bedroom!

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    Ok, Hi y'all doing today!

    1. Okay I guess. At least I don't have a dogman in my bedroom.

  2. Not buying it

    The gables film is the cornerstone to the dog man phenomena and if any of you remember he released a second video explaining how he hoaxes it all.

    Big wolves yes, dog men no


    1. Shut up MMC. You believe in bigfoot, you might as well believe in Dogman.

    2. How many millions of people are in on your culture hopping hoaxing conspiracy again?

    3. A whole week away huh?

      As always joe/iktomi is a liar.

    4. O boy

      The psycho wannabe troll is back

      Just when he didn't think that he could find any more open WiFi's in the trailer park


    5. Hey "MM 2 DA C YO" ^


  3. Sensible: We have technology to land on Mars but we can't capture a single 10 foot tall 800 primitive naked apeman?

    ikdummy: How can Mars technology help us capture bigfoot?

    Sensible: Space technology is an extreme example of how advanced we are. We also have guns, military technology, hunting technology, capture technology, and so on...

    ikdummy: If a hunter shot a bigfoot, the rest of the bigfoot's family would kidnap the hunter and hide the bigfoot body making it impossible to ever capture a bigfoot.

    1. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/ghostly-passengers-at-thailand-airport.html?m=0

      Let it go Stuey, you lost an exhange (can't even call it a debate)... Learn from it.

    2. I'm just wondering 9.04 how many bigfoot enthusiasts have access to all this technology? xx

    3. IktomiFriday, August 18, 2017 at 12:56:00 PM PDT
      Hey Stuey, stop talking to yourself a second and let's try this then... Can you name one organised, consorted effort from any known government group to harvest a "Bigfoot"?

      IktomiFriday, August 18, 2017 at 1:09:00 PM PDT
      Precisely!! How do you know that one couldn't be bagged with all your space age tech, if such an expedition hasn't occurred? That's unless you're gonna tell me one HAS occurred under the radar?


      In the meantime, the matter of bagging a hominin is down to the average hunter who on a collective level, come in contact with these hominins a lot and report how aggressive hey can be, how they refuse to shoot something so human looking, or how they do open fire and they move too quickly. And we have a lot of missing hunters. Hopefully this time I've helped you see how futile your drivel is... Now maybe we can get down to what would really substantiate your stance, the actual evidence?

    4. And for the record... The last thing I want is a hominin "bagged". I want to make that very, very clear.

    5. i want to be very very clear.... the last think i want is to have a mermaid bagged. i will not stand for it!


    6. IktomiSaturday, August 19, 2017 at 11:11:00 AM PDT
      And for the record... The last thing I want is a hominin "bagged". I want to make that very, very clear.

      What an idiot. A menial jobbed moron in wales virtue signaling about an imaginary creature in the US that he doesn't want "bagged".

      Oh, brother!

    7. I feel the one big factor that works against the possibility of Bigfoot being real IS the increase of the level of technology. Years ago when the PGF was shot I did think the possibility of Bigfoot existing was good. As the years have passed and with all the available technology at the fingertips of the average citizen I think most have conceded it simply does not exist. Even the recreational field has advanced with more people venturing into areas not readily accessible before (sadly, witness the trash left behind as proof). I think that as the years pass and the technology becomes even more advanced the possibility of Bigfoot actually existing will diminish even further.

      But for you diehards there is always the paranormal factor to cling to.

    8. So angry Stuart... So, so angry dear boy?

      There is a piece of evidence that can be attributed to every technological development over the past few decades, it's that simple. Footage, audio, thermal... It's all there.

    9. Another thing u idiot ikdummy, there have been plenty of bigfoot expeditions. Private citizens have access to enough technology to capture 1 bigfoot. Human beings have had the technology to kill ELEPHANTS, LIONS, BEARS... for tens of 1000s of years, at least! What dream world are you living in that the government and massive expense is needed to capture a real creature????????????????????

      Like the big $100,000,000 grizzly capture everyone has never heard about?

    10. One thing for sure. Stuart will never be "bagged". Not even for $1000,000,000. Not by a human being, a bigfoot, and not by a mermaid. And that is why he's so angry.

    11. As beautiful as elephants, lions and bears are... None have the intelligence of a hominin that evades in social groups. The sheer frequency of physical evidence that supports thousands of anecdotes attests to this. Bears are solitary animals, elephants generally chill out in open spaces, as do lions.

      Cool! Can you name an actual expedition then, Stuart? And I'm not on about the BFRO spending a weekend in the PNW... I'm on about the type of expedition it took to document the Bili Ape., with ample professionals and adequate resources. "Private citizens have access to enough technology to capture a Bigfoot", and what technology would that be, Stuart? You're not being specific. Are you about to start telling us how to kill a hominin, who's behaviour you deny even exists? Wouldn't that be some incredible logic...

      : )

    12. Can someone explain to me how this Iktomi\Joe character has time to post an average of 50+ comments per day on this blog -- and I'm not even including his sock puppet posts?

    13. Stuey... Are you so redundant of self-awareness that you don't realise that you're here more than anyone else? And talking to yourself for most of that time as well?

    14. Redundant of self-awareness?

    15. Joerg tried to use a big word again and fell flat on his face as usual! Ha Ha Ha!

    16. Sorry for being "redundant" of my self-awareness whatever the hell that means! Ha Ha Ha!

    17. Stuey... Sadly, you suffer from depression. You've gone over every small part of your life time and time and time again... To the point that the very thought of your cruddy existence doesn't even come into head anymore. You have no need for self-awareness now you're isolated to a desktop hating on people you've never met, 24/7. That's all that's left for you, is to draw people into negativity to have some control over your own awful emotions.

      Sound familiar?

    18. That does sound familiar -- exactly like YOU! Add to that your hysterically amusing penchant for misusing words in a pathetic attempt to appear intelligent and your biography is complete! Ha Ha Ha!


      B Sanders

    20. I'm not the one who thought the word "redundant" was "big".

      Shouldn't you be pretending to be MMC right about now?

    21. Oh... And when you hypocritically word salad like that, it's like you're redundant of any self-awareness.

      Night Stue.

    22. He's too "redundant of self-awareness" to return! Ha Ha Ha! Thanks for the good laugh Joerg!

    23. I know !! And it's Always at his expense!,

    24. ikdummy knows redundant is a real word but his awareness stops there. He's so certain that no one here had heard the word redundant before and we're focusing on a word that impresses the hell out of us.

      Once again, ikdummy gets his premise wrong ALL THE TIME but he never lets go...just like all the above responses, except for ikdummy, are the same person(in ikdummy's mind).

      Just like bigfoot is real...

    25. This Stuey bloke is quite the character coming on here posting 50 times in a day and that is when he isn't eating his cheetos and chugging down his mountain dew. We'll have to call him a multitasking pillock !


    26. You're right! He is a pillock. And a giant friggin' weirdo!

    27. Where were you earlier when ikdummy was getting brutally beat down? Some friends you are!

    28. I dont like getting in the way of Iktomis fun, he's an artist beyond compare as far as your beatdowns are concerned. I enjoy reading the aftermath.

    29. I think you might be "redundant of self-awareness" -- ha ha ha!

    30. Zombie stupidfriend and media-slave Chick Chunk was busy preparing her new avatar of handsome, talented 6'3" Mad TV cast member Michael McDonald as his character "Stuart" which she believes is everybody on here that does not believe in bigfoot.

    31. Apart from Dmaker when he wants to troll. There is ONE psycho-nerd on this blog. There always has been and always will be... All stemming from the clown's inability to not only come to terms with what cleverer people on the Internet think, but his inability to demonstrate one ounce of this subject is a hoaxing conspiracy theory.

      What a patoot.

    32. ^ our moron who believes in bigfoot

    33. Who you talking to Stue, your army?

      Hey... What technology would be needed to kill a "Bigfoot", Stuart? You weren't being specific. You were about to tell me how to kill a hominin, who's existence you deny even exists... Care to elaborate?

    34. Guns can't kill a Bigfoot but Stuart is too stupid to get it. Your wasting your time, Iktomi.


    35. He gets it alright... But Stuey just serves the purpose of the average idiot off the street.

      Did you listen to that audio, MMC?

    36. Yes I did, I love listening to you moan and scream while you're getting your arse blown out!



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