Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
ooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Looking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
Yesterday, Joerg posted a link to something that he stupidly believes is some kind of great evidence for bigfoot -- a transcript of an acceptance speech that Jeff Meldrum gave when he received the Dinsdale Award (which might as well be called the Dingbat of the Year Award).
That's right, an acceptance speech! What's next? A transcript of Halle Berry's Razzy acceptance speech for her role in The Catwoman? What makes this especially funny is that Joerg didn't even know this because he didn't bother to read the first sentence of the article!
Wait, there's more!
The organization that publishes the journal in which the speech transcript appeared is called the Society for Scientific Exploration. Get this, in the past the same organization has published:
"[P]apers purporting to demonstrate that dowsing has been verified, that young chicks have psychokinetic powers, and that reincarnation is not only verified, but that past lives are often indicated by the presence of birthmarks."
If you open the link, in the link, Stuey, you'll notice the actual paper published in the journal. You should always actually read the the source you're arguing against, Stuey. “…this depends on whether we think that science is all worked out or whether it’s, let’s say, an ongoing process. If we think that scientists know all there is to know, then there is no need for the, the Journal for Scientific Exploration, but if we think science is an ongoing process that has problems to work through and work out, and some of which are ignored by mainstream science, and many of which are of interest to the public, then there’s a real need for the Journal of Scientific Exploration.” - Dr. Peter Sturrock on the legitimacy of the Journal of Scientific Exploration
And actually, it was only a few years ago that Bigfoot sceptic David Daegling published a paper through that journal, condemning Meldrum's work. Haven't all your heroes championed him over the years? Popular topics in their journals are consciousness, Psi, sociology of science, healing, physics, biology, medicine, mediumship, intuition, anomalies, quantum mechanics, REG/RNG, subtle energy, EMF, parapsychology, health, UFO, remote viewing, mind-matter, interaction, paradigms, alternative energy, the brain, dreams, LENR, global consciousness, evolution, cold fusion, spirituality, synchronicity, xenoglossy, skepticism, cancer, philosophy, anthropology earthquakes, gravity, genetics, biochemistry, EEG, astronomy, and cosmology. I'd be MORE than happy to read any of those subjects, and plenty of forward thinking people would too. For such a "shoddy journal", surely you can debunk Meldrum's paper, right?
You still seething Stue?
EDITOR IN-CHIEF Stephen E. Braude, Ph.D. Emeritus Prof. of Philosophy U. of MD Baltimore County ASSOCIATE EDITORS Carlos S. Alvarado, Ph.D. Parapsychology Foundation, New York, NY. Imants BaruÅ¡s, Ph.D. University of Western Ontario, Canada Daryl Bem, Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Robert Bobrow, Ph.D. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. Courtney Brown, Ph.D. Emory University, Alanta, GA. Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D. University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. Jeremy Drake, Ph.D. Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA Roger D. Nelson, Ph.D. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Mark Rodeghier, Ph.D. Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, IL Daniel Sheehan, Ph.D. University of San Diego, San Diego, CA EDITORIAL BOARD Richard C. Henry, Ph.D. (Editorial Chair). Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Mikel Aickin, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Steven J. Dick, Ph.D. U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC. Peter Fenwick, Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Alan Gauld, Ph.D. University of Nottingham, UK. Robert G. Jahn, Ph.D. Princeton University, NJ. Wayne B. Jonas, Ph.D. Samueli Institute, Alexandria, VA. Michael Levin, Ph.D. Tufts University, Boston, MA. David C. Pieri, Ph.D. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. Juan Roederer, Ph.D. University of Alaska–Fairbanks, AK. Yervant Terzian, Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. N. C. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
You swore to yourself, Chick Chick. You made a new resolution. You said you wouldn't respond. You'd be above the fray. You fumbled. You put up Stuey avatars. You had second thoughts. You took them down. You became weak again. You responded. You let yourself down. You always let yourself down.
Yes Stuart... Copying and pasting that response required a lot of emotional investment alright... And failing to address actually address Meldrum's work for the 1000th day in the bounce, has really upset me.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
The gentleman that addresses you as Joerg is another person. That's reality, ikdummy, deal with it. Here's more:
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Yes, like the person who refers to me as "dingbat" isn't AC Collins. Your sockpuppets don't hold any weight anymore Stuart, you don't have a world audience that would think otherwise.
Pro tip... If you're gonna allege that other people haven't read sources properly, make sure you've read said sources properly. It prevents you looking like a total idiot.
The gentleman that addresses you as Joerg is another person.
I never address myself as Barret Sanders or AC Collins either. You're just going to have to accept that.
That's reality, ikdummy, deal with it. Here's more:
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
You'll have to excuse Joerg, 11:55. He's a bit rattled after the brutal beat down that he received up top. He's likely feverishly searching for another speech transcript to submit as proof of bigfoot! Maybe he can find the article from the same publication that endorses birthmarks as proof of past lives! Ha ha ha!
Yes, I'm sure he is... Just like you taking credit for trolling everyone away one minute, and having an army of trolls the next.
Remember that long comment section you committed to yesterday, which by the end you realised that none of that actually amounts to a lack of body, nor does it explain away the evidence? I suggest you go and read it... And not like Meldrum's link, I mean ACTUALLY read it this time.
Oh and Stuey? Peope can actually access the link to Meldrum's paper, and can actually read. I'll expect a full report on such a "shoddy paper" published in such a "shoddy journal" in the morning.
Yes Joerg, people can read the first sentence that you ignored:
"This presentation was delivered on the occasion of the bestowing of the 2016 Tim Dinsdale Award at the Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Boulder, Colorado, on June 20, 2016."
The whole thing is a speech transcript and you didn't even know it! Ha ha ha! Now go to bed Joerg before you become suicidal!
Not only is ikdummy unpersuasive, he is a poor communicator: "which by the end you realized that none of that actually amounts to a lack of body"....meaning that no "bigfoot" body doesn't amount to lack of "bigfoot" body? That makes sense in an ikdummy mind only.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
The link I provided is here; http://www2.isu.edu/rhi/pdf/DINSDALE-AWARD.pdf ... And two thirds of the way down the first page of that link, is this paper; http://www2.isu.edu/rhi/pdf/JSE-303-Meldrum.pdf
You'll notice that at the very top of the paper, it says "Journal of Scienti c Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016 0892-3310/16" Meaning it was published (cringe). Oh... And even though Meldrum ripped Daegling a new backside in that link anyway, to be dismissive of that journal is to be dismissive of the one anthropologist who'd actually written a paper on Meldrum (which JREF cherished), and is essentially calling out the best source you could have hoped for in challenging Meldrum's work. You can't have it both ways.
A peer reviewed journal by PhD's, is a peer reviewed journal by PhD's.
Stuey... All the hypothetical scenarios you can think of as to why an expedition hasn't occurred yet, doesn't have any bearing on your gripe, which is "Bigfoot can't exist, because a body hasn't turned up".
Maybe you can paste the same comment again and claim everyone else is emotional? That'll make the evidence for "Bigfoot" go away alright.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Well plaster DOES in fact seem to be working, Stuart. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be the material documenting continent transcending evidence, and it certainly wouldn't be getting published in journals.
Just returned from a trip to disneyworld where the main attractions were "see a bigfoot" and "shag Joe`s asshole" - the queue for reaming Joe`s asshole was almost a mile long but the satisfaction ratings were through the roof...then there is the "leave your helmet in long time" ride which is a real hoot...people used their fast-pass on this ride...
Do you feel stupid now about your "speech transcript"? Though I can't really attest to laughing outright, I can assure you I'm very much smiling at how stupid you make yourself when trying to look clever.
plaster isn't working, ikdummy... "bigfoot" is still weirdo fringe, if you haven't noticed... body means no fringe
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Hey Joerg, I feel a bit gulilty seeing you try to lie and squirm your way out of your humiliation, so I'll stop rubbing it in. I'm actually planning to give you a nice response to the "content" of the speech transcript you linked to and respond to any more of your vomit piles later. Ha ha ha!
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. This brilliant yet naked, forest-dwelling creature that can never be captured by modern humans who have access to all the technology in the modern world.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. A phd publishing his opinion on plaster feet does not make "bigfoot" real. Jeff's been wrong many times previously and will continue to be wrong as no one is always right. Can we agree that no one is always right?
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Actually Stuart, it pretty much does. If footage of a creature that cannot be hoaxed (PGF) has a subject in it that leaves physical evidence behind that is not only found in another place in the States many years later... But is also found in another continent decades later, with different foot falls and impressions attesting to an actual biological foot, then you'd have to be in a perverse state of denial to suggest otherwise. The only thing that is holding this subject back is the requirement of extraordinary evidence for an extraordinary idea. There just needs to be the extraordinary effort to use that evidence.
So you've actually got an example of Jeff being wrong? Great. Can we assume that Stuart has finally found some substance for the years he's been scared of Bigfoot?
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. "Pretty much" and "if" won't do. You're going on an opinion of a fallible human. Is Jeff not fallible, ikdummy? Is Jeff your Pope? Does that make you Jeff's altar boy?
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Figures of speech are not your debunking, Stuart. Using your mere unqualified, uneducated and perversely denialist opinion doesn't provide substance to the alleged fallible, Stuart.
You need substance Stuart. You need substance dear boy.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. Opinions are not a new species. According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Opinions are actually what makes the scientific world go around, Stuart. The peer review process, for example, is in fact totally dependent on the oponions of a handful of scientists, which is then what is accepted by the world's entire mainstream scientific community. In this instance, the opinion of a world authority on evolutionary bipedalism is being published in a peer reviewed journal about a hominin footprint
I've never predicted numbers to a breeding population Stuart, and with no expedition currently being arranged, their is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source a hominin body.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. Straw man argument, ikdummy. No one says opinions do not serve useful purposes. We can agree that opinion is not always truth, I'm certain. The guy who wrote the plaster opinion you push predicted a breeding population. Do you know what that number was? Continue this on the current thread, old chum. I started that thread with my previous comment because it was such a zinger.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
A strawman argument is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument. What I in fact did in my previous comments, was provide peer reviewed research into the evidence you can't refute (ironic huh?), as well as stating a fact that the opinions of scientists under such a process is basically what makes the scientific world go around. This isn't just down to Meldrum, it's about the PhD's agreeing his work is solid. If Meldrum predicts 10,000, that's cool.
Plaster isn't working. How does that zing you, ikdummy? Plaster is not a new species. ****According to what you're "cool" with, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Actually... The plaster in question has enough repeatable data in it, that certain examples now have a peer reviewed ichnotaxon applied. Like I said Stuey, not my prediction... But with no expedition currently being arranged, their is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies.
Plaster isn't working. A fancy name is not a new species. ****According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
"But with no expedition currently being arranged, their(sic) is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies."
^ b-b-b-but: "No Bigfoot expedition, does not equate to no Bigfoot body."
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
"Ichnotaxa are names used to identify and distinguish morphologically distinctive ichnofossils, more commonly known as trace fossils. They are assigned genus and species ranks by ichnologists, much like organisms in Linnaean taxonomy. These are known as ichnogenera and ichnospecies, respectively. "Ichnogenus" and "ichnospecies" are commonly abbreviated as "igen." and "isp.". The binomial names of ichnospecies and their genera are to be written in italics."
So even if you don't have the hominin for classification, you at least have enough reliable data in the trace evidence to classify that. You don't get this from every day plaster, Stuart. There is currently no expedition being arranged, therefore there is no chance of using that ichnotaxon to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies. That statement is not contradicted by stating that no expedition, doesn't equate to no body existing. That is in fact the exact same statement. You're letting your emotions get the better of your comprehension. Stue.
Anyway Stuart... I think you've flunked long enough at providing some level of substance. I'm off to bed. Hope you're ok little dude. Don't beat yourself up, yeah?
Plaster isn't working. The point of your b-b-b-but quote is, ikdummy, that ikdummy can produce a body with or without an expedition. However......****According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
I don't care what name Jeff associated with a plaster cast, not a "bigfoot".
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Just returned from a trip to disneyworld where the main attractions were "see a bigfoot" and "shag Joe`s asshole" - the queue for reaming Joe`s asshole was almost a mile long but the satisfaction ratings were through the roof.
Meldrum is a lying thief ! You want real proof ? look no farther folks ! Rock a bye baby , in the tree ! This is definite proof , way beyond kaboom folks ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNOEwWwtvj4
Gave him my hair samples , he took them said he'd get back to me and never did. What else would you call someone who does that ? What do you know, you have never done any research of your own, just like Meldrum. What a joke !
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Supers rule!
ReplyDeleteTrolls drool!
DeleteStuey's a fool!
DeleteSupers are cool!
DeleteStuey's a mule!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTrolls are ghouls!
Delete: )
DeleteGet well soon Stue.
SuperFriends rule
DeleteWhat a beautiful day to be a bleever
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
Deleteooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteLooking forward to watching the lake superior bigfoot video posted yesterday. Lots of wilderness in the upper peninsula Michigan. Perfect habitat for the big guy. Before the loggers came the whole region was pretty much covered with 175' great white pines. It was literally another world just 160 years ago. But logging and the great fire changed everything. The big guy is pretty scarce now. The aboriginals in my area didn't care to go too far inland due to the "evil spirits".
DeleteYes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
DeleteGod speed,
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
DeleteGod speed,
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
DeleteGod speed,
Yes, the mighty Algonquien roars a' plenty when the lakes part and the upper peninsula divides as the sunset crashes across the lower Talachuney. As the crow flys, Sqasq'et's domain is ever shrinking, leaving the big guy seldom gleamed except for a glance when you are in your purest spirit. Alas, the days of the crowded pine pointing skyward were truly a'burnt as the orange hued fierceness could be seen sneaking its way out from the rows of western whites. There’s Sasq'et all around us. Everywhere we look. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.
DeleteGod speed,
Something smells
DeleteMe thinks Stueys got poopy pants again
Create your own expedition. Capture your "bigfoot". You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
DeleteGod speed,
Yesterday, Joerg posted a link to something that he stupidly believes is some kind of great evidence for bigfoot -- a transcript of an acceptance speech that Jeff Meldrum gave when he received the Dinsdale Award (which might as well be called the Dingbat of the Year Award).
DeleteThat's right, an acceptance speech! What's next? A transcript of Halle Berry's Razzy acceptance speech for her role in The Catwoman? What makes this especially funny is that Joerg didn't even know this because he didn't bother to read the first sentence of the article!
Wait, there's more!
The organization that publishes the journal in which the speech transcript appeared is called the Society for Scientific Exploration. Get this, in the past the same organization has published:
"[P]apers purporting to demonstrate that dowsing has been verified, that young chicks have psychokinetic powers, and that reincarnation is not only verified, but that past lives are often indicated by the presence of birthmarks."
Meldrum is definitely in good company! You can't make this stuff up folks! Ha ha ha!
What have you done with nurse Ratchet? Someone get the net.
DeleteIf you open the link, in the link, Stuey, you'll notice the actual paper published in the journal. You should always actually read the the source you're arguing against, Stuey.
“…this depends on whether we think that science is all worked out or whether it’s, let’s say, an ongoing process. If we think that scientists know all there is to know, then there is no need for the, the Journal for Scientific Exploration, but if we think science is an ongoing process that has problems to work through and work out, and some of which are ignored by mainstream science, and many of which are of interest to the public, then there’s a real need for the Journal of Scientific Exploration.”
- Dr. Peter Sturrock on the legitimacy of the Journal of Scientific Exploration
And actually, it was only a few years ago that Bigfoot sceptic David Daegling published a paper through that journal, condemning Meldrum's work. Haven't all your heroes championed him over the years? Popular topics in their journals are consciousness, Psi, sociology of science, healing, physics, biology, medicine, mediumship, intuition, anomalies, quantum mechanics, REG/RNG, subtle energy, EMF, parapsychology, health, UFO, remote viewing, mind-matter, interaction, paradigms, alternative energy, the brain, dreams, LENR, global consciousness, evolution, cold fusion, spirituality, synchronicity, xenoglossy, skepticism, cancer, philosophy, anthropology earthquakes, gravity, genetics, biochemistry, EEG, astronomy, and cosmology. I'd be MORE than happy to read any of those subjects, and plenty of forward thinking people would too. For such a "shoddy journal", surely you can debunk Meldrum's paper, right?
You still seething Stue?
Stephen E. Braude, Ph.D. Emeritus Prof. of Philosophy U. of MD Baltimore County
Carlos S. Alvarado, Ph.D. Parapsychology Foundation, New York, NY. Imants BaruÅ¡s, Ph.D. University of Western Ontario, Canada Daryl Bem, Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Robert Bobrow, Ph.D. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. Courtney Brown, Ph.D. Emory University, Alanta, GA. Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D. University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. Jeremy Drake, Ph.D. Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA
Roger D. Nelson, Ph.D. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Mark Rodeghier, Ph.D. Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, IL Daniel Sheehan, Ph.D. University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Richard C. Henry, Ph.D. (Editorial Chair). Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Mikel Aickin, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Steven J. Dick, Ph.D. U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC. Peter Fenwick, Ph.D.
Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Alan Gauld, Ph.D.
University of Nottingham, UK. Robert G. Jahn, Ph.D.
Princeton University, NJ. Wayne B. Jonas, Ph.D. Samueli Institute, Alexandria, VA. Michael Levin, Ph.D. Tufts University, Boston, MA. David C. Pieri, Ph.D. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. Juan Roederer, Ph.D. University of Alaska–Fairbanks, AK. Yervant Terzian, Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. N. C. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
^ Meltdown achieved. Ha ha ha!
DeleteYou swore to yourself, Chick Chick. You made a new resolution. You said you wouldn't respond. You'd be above the fray. You fumbled. You put up Stuey avatars. You had second thoughts. You took them down. You became weak again. You responded. You let yourself down. You always let yourself down.
DeleteYes Stuart... Copying and pasting that response required a lot of emotional investment alright... And failing to address actually address Meldrum's work for the 1000th day in the bounce, has really upset me.
DeleteYou know, I think I might nominate Joerg for the SSA's next Dingbat of the Year Award! Thanks for the good laugh Joerg! Ha ha ha!
DeleteHow man times did you paste MMC's comment up too? That was only a tad bit weird. Stuart... Nobody in their right minds believes you're laughing.
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Did you even realise that you didn't read the link properly, before accusing others of not reading the link properly?
DeleteThis lack of Bigfoot expeditions appears to be on your mind a lot, Stuey?
The gentleman that addresses you as Joerg is another person. That's reality, ikdummy, deal with it. Here's more:
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Yes, like the person who refers to me as "dingbat" isn't AC Collins. Your sockpuppets don't hold any weight anymore Stuart, you don't have a world audience that would think otherwise.
DeletePro tip... If you're gonna allege that other people haven't read sources properly, make sure you've read said sources properly. It prevents you looking like a total idiot.
The gentleman that addresses you as Joerg is another person.
DeleteI never address myself as Barret Sanders or AC Collins either. You're just going to have to accept that.
That's reality, ikdummy, deal with it. Here's more:
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
You'll have to excuse Joerg, 11:55. He's a bit rattled after the brutal beat down that he received up top. He's likely feverishly searching for another speech transcript to submit as proof of bigfoot! Maybe he can find the article from the same publication that endorses birthmarks as proof of past lives! Ha ha ha!
DeleteYes, I'm sure he is... Just like you taking credit for trolling everyone away one minute, and having an army of trolls the next.
DeleteRemember that long comment section you committed to yesterday, which by the end you realised that none of that actually amounts to a lack of body, nor does it explain away the evidence? I suggest you go and read it... And not like Meldrum's link, I mean ACTUALLY read it this time.
Oh and Stuey? Peope can actually access the link to Meldrum's paper, and can actually read. I'll expect a full report on such a "shoddy paper" published in such a "shoddy journal" in the morning.
Delete... I won't hold my breath.
Yes Joerg, people can read the first sentence that you ignored:
Delete"This presentation was delivered on the occasion of the bestowing of the 2016 Tim Dinsdale Award at the Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Boulder, Colorado, on June 20, 2016."
The whole thing is a speech transcript and you didn't even know it! Ha ha ha! Now go to bed Joerg before you become suicidal!
12:09 There is no excuse for ikdummy.
DeleteNot only is ikdummy unpersuasive, he is a poor communicator: "which by the end you realized that none of that actually amounts to a lack of body"....meaning that no "bigfoot" body doesn't amount to lack of "bigfoot" body? That makes sense in an ikdummy mind only.
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
The link I provided is here;
... And two thirds of the way down the first page of that link, is this paper;
You'll notice that at the very top of the paper, it says "Journal of Scienti c Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016 0892-3310/16" Meaning it was published (cringe). Oh... And even though Meldrum ripped Daegling a new backside in that link anyway, to be dismissive of that journal is to be dismissive of the one anthropologist who'd actually written a paper on Meldrum (which JREF cherished), and is essentially calling out the best source you could have hoped for in challenging Meldrum's work. You can't have it both ways.
A peer reviewed journal by PhD's, is a peer reviewed journal by PhD's.
Stuey... All the hypothetical scenarios you can think of as to why an expedition hasn't occurred yet, doesn't have any bearing on your gripe, which is "Bigfoot can't exist, because a body hasn't turned up".
DeleteMaybe you can paste the same comment again and claim everyone else is emotional? That'll make the evidence for "Bigfoot" go away alright.
plaster isn't working, ikdummy...
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Well plaster DOES in fact seem to be working, Stuart. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be the material documenting continent transcending evidence, and it certainly wouldn't be getting published in journals.
DeleteJust returned from a trip to disneyworld where the main attractions were "see a bigfoot" and "shag Joe`s asshole" - the queue for reaming Joe`s asshole was almost a mile long but the satisfaction ratings were through the roof...then there is the "leave your helmet in long time" ride which is a real hoot...people used their fast-pass on this ride...
Deletehahahahah hahahahah
Do you feel stupid now about your "speech transcript"? Though I can't really attest to laughing outright, I can assure you I'm very much smiling at how stupid you make yourself when trying to look clever.
Deleteplaster isn't working, ikdummy... "bigfoot" is still weirdo fringe, if you haven't noticed... body means no fringe
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Hey Joerg, I feel a bit gulilty seeing you try to lie and squirm your way out of your humiliation, so I'll stop rubbing it in. I'm actually planning to give you a nice response to the "content" of the speech transcript you linked to and respond to any more of your vomit piles later. Ha ha ha!
DeleteYou're crazy bro, ha ha ha ha!!
DeleteYou'd have no trouble demonstrating just how rubbish Meldrum's paper is then... You know, because it's so fringe?
Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016 0892-3310/16
DeleteStudy it. Remember it. Know that you're crazy.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. This brilliant yet naked, forest-dwelling creature that can never be captured by modern humans who have access to all the technology in the modern world.
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
... Modern humans who have access to all the technology in the modern world... And who haven't applied it to using that damned plaster to track it.
DeleteNo Bigfoot expedition, does not equate to no Bigfoot body.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. A phd publishing his opinion on plaster feet does not make "bigfoot" real. Jeff's been wrong many times previously and will continue to be wrong as no one is always right. Can we agree that no one is always right?
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
AND I might add... Have every source of evidence just short of a cadaver, for every development of all that tech.
DeleteActually Stuart, it pretty much does. If footage of a creature that cannot be hoaxed (PGF) has a subject in it that leaves physical evidence behind that is not only found in another place in the States many years later... But is also found in another continent decades later, with different foot falls and impressions attesting to an actual biological foot, then you'd have to be in a perverse state of denial to suggest otherwise. The only thing that is holding this subject back is the requirement of extraordinary evidence for an extraordinary idea. There just needs to be the extraordinary effort to use that evidence.
DeleteSo you've actually got an example of Jeff being wrong? Great. Can we assume that Stuart has finally found some substance for the years he's been scared of Bigfoot?
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. "Pretty much" and "if" won't do. You're going on an opinion of a fallible human. Is Jeff not fallible, ikdummy? Is Jeff your Pope? Does that make you Jeff's altar boy?
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Figures of speech are not your debunking, Stuart. Using your mere unqualified, uneducated and perversely denialist opinion doesn't provide substance to the alleged fallible, Stuart.
DeleteYou need substance Stuart. You need substance dear boy.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. Opinions are not a new species. According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint.
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Opinions are actually what makes the scientific world go around, Stuart. The peer review process, for example, is in fact totally dependent on the oponions of a handful of scientists, which is then what is accepted by the world's entire mainstream scientific community. In this instance, the opinion of a world authority on evolutionary bipedalism is being published in a peer reviewed journal about a hominin footprint
DeleteI've never predicted numbers to a breeding population Stuart, and with no expedition currently being arranged, their is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source a hominin body.
Plaster isn't working, ikdummy. Straw man argument, ikdummy. No one says opinions do not serve useful purposes. We can agree that opinion is not always truth, I'm certain. The guy who wrote the plaster opinion you push predicted a breeding population. Do you know what that number was? Continue this on the current thread, old chum. I started that thread with my previous comment because it was such a zinger.
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Oh good for you.
DeleteA strawman argument is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument. What I in fact did in my previous comments, was provide peer reviewed research into the evidence you can't refute (ironic huh?), as well as stating a fact that the opinions of scientists under such a process is basically what makes the scientific world go around. This isn't just down to Meldrum, it's about the PhD's agreeing his work is solid. If Meldrum predicts 10,000, that's cool.
Got any "zinger's" about his plaster?
Plaster isn't working. How does that zing you, ikdummy? Plaster is not a new species. ****According to what you're "cool" with, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
DeleteLet's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Actually... The plaster in question has enough repeatable data in it, that certain examples now have a peer reviewed ichnotaxon applied. Like I said Stuey, not my prediction... But with no expedition currently being arranged, their is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies.
DeleteThis guy named "Iktomi" is a culture appropriating racist!
DeleteAC Collins
How many comment sections can I paste where you've published ethnic slurs?
DeleteToo many to count.
Plaster isn't working. A fancy name is not a new species. ****According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
Delete"But with no expedition currently being arranged, their(sic) is no chance of using the readily accessible evidence to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies."
^ b-b-b-but: "No Bigfoot expedition, does not equate to no Bigfoot body."
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
well I can count 23 for you ON JUST ON THIS COMMENT SECTION ALONE !!
Actually Stuart...
Delete"Ichnotaxa are names used to identify and distinguish morphologically distinctive ichnofossils, more commonly known as trace fossils. They are assigned genus and species ranks by ichnologists, much like organisms in Linnaean taxonomy. These are known as ichnogenera and ichnospecies, respectively. "Ichnogenus" and "ichnospecies" are commonly abbreviated as "igen." and "isp.". The binomial names of ichnospecies and their genera are to be written in italics."
So even if you don't have the hominin for classification, you at least have enough reliable data in the trace evidence to classify that. You don't get this from every day plaster, Stuart. There is currently no expedition being arranged, therefore there is no chance of using that ichnotaxon to source one of those "10,000" hominin bodies. That statement is not contradicted by stating that no expedition, doesn't equate to no body existing. That is in fact the exact same statement. You're letting your emotions get the better of your comprehension. Stue.
Anyway Stuart... I think you've flunked long enough at providing some level of substance. I'm off to bed. Hope you're ok little dude. Don't beat yourself up, yeah?
This Stuart makes it plain that cut&paste Joe F is nothing more than a low iq culture appropriating Racist!
DeleteAC Collins
Plaster isn't working. The point of your b-b-b-but quote is, ikdummy, that ikdummy can produce a body with or without an expedition. However......****According to you, there are 10,000, 10 foot tall hairy naked apemen in the USA. Instead of producing one, you want to debate a guy named Jeff's opinion on a plaster cast of an alleged footprint of an alleged creature.******
DeleteI don't care what name Jeff associated with a plaster cast, not a "bigfoot".
Let's have an expedition to capture a bigfoot...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................said no one ever.
Jotomi = small-time boy, big time loser
DeleteJotomi is often wrong but never in doubt.
DeleteIn the future language of North America ,The word "Joto-mi means , I'm a homosexual.
DeleteIf only that were so you could imagine you have a chance, isn't that right Stubitch?
DeleteI pop back in to see if Stue has come up with anything substantial... And it turns out he's merely demonstrated he can't read properly again.
DeleteNot a good 72 hours to be Stue.
Just returned from a trip to disneyworld where the main attractions were "see a bigfoot" and "shag Joe`s asshole" - the queue for reaming Joe`s asshole was almost a mile long but the satisfaction ratings were through the roof.
ReplyDeleteMeldrum is a lying thief !
ReplyDeleteYou want real proof ? look no farther folks !
Rock a bye baby , in the tree !
This is definite proof , way beyond kaboom folks !
Can you prove your allegations against the good Dr Meldrum DS?or are you talking out of your arse again? xx
DeleteGave him my hair samples , he took them said he'd get back to me and never did.
DeleteWhat else would you call someone who does that ?
What do you know, you have never done any research of your own, just like Meldrum.
What a joke !
^You might want to put some ice on that it will take down the swelling. (Severe case of butt hurtitis)