Driver Spots A Small Group of Bigfoot

From PacWest Bigfoot comes a sighting where a driver observed a small group of bigfoot on a hillside in Oregon.


  1. I am so sorry that you must fight in these dark days. But please, fight with every fiber of your being. Fight injustice, intolerance, bigotry, radicalization, manipulation of your children, the persecution of your friends and neighbors and evil in whatever form it takes. Trump's pardon of Arpaio has shown the world the darkness in Arizona, in America and within his own heart. The concentration camps have already been erected out in the Arizona desert, people have already been murdered. For years the KKK have been able to police the streets and enforce their twisted version of law and order.
    But it does not need to get worse. It can get better. Fight for justice, order and the rule of law. Fight misinformation with truth, evidence, logic and reasoning. Fight hatred and fear with love, friendship and the bonds of trust between fellow human beings. Use those bonds, work together when others would seek to divide you. Join forces and fight. Do not let evil acts forever tarnish the great works you have and will achieve. Now is your chance to stamp your mark upon history as one who stood up to evil, injustice and the corruption of all you hold dear. Be remembered for that. Or you will be remembered for your inaction, and the evils it enabled.

    1. ^ have you any spare cash,buddy ?

    2. Support Arpaio. Fight cultural marxism. Fight BLM. Fight antifa. Fight cnn. Fight Bolshevikism. Fight communism. Enjoy hollywood's collapse.

      Support Arpaio. Fight cultural marxism. Fight BLM. Fight antifa. Fight cnn. Fight Bolshevikism. Fight communism. Enjoy hollywood's collapse.
      Support Arpaio. Fight cultural marxism. Fight BLM. Fight antifa. Fight cnn. Fight Bolshevikism. Fight communism. Enjoy hollywood's collapse.

      Support Arpaio. Fight cultural marxism. Fight BLM. Fight antifa. Fight cnn. Fight Bolshevikism. Fight communism. Enjoy hollywood's collapse.

    3. I find these type of humans fascinating...the dedication and effort he put into his "work" is admirable and disgusting at the same time.
      Building these contraptions without ever asking:,, What i'm doing here?", shows at what point your perception of the world must be and how detached it is.
      At the end he was a monster trapped in his own fantasies. Sadly it seems he get caught way too late.

    4. Hey Marxist, show us proof of these concentration camps. You can't And you know it. All this Marxist dribble and nothing more. To hell with blm, antifags, and college Marxist university.

    5. Hate speech, violent or crude content on Blogger
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