More Oklahoma Bigfoot Audio

Recorded at a baiting station in the mountains of SE Oklahoma on the 17th of May, 2017.


  1. "Dr Johnson, the most trusted man in the bigfoot community." How many times have we seen that in the BFE's post description? Bigfoot has come down to portals and cloaking and Nancy Meldrum is now declaring hoaxed plaster casts as the new species arborealis australohippopatimuss to impress pea brains like ikdummy. Harmful science at it's most shameful.

    1. Danny Campbell lost the bet and got ran off.

    2. Sething with RACIST HATE!^

    3. Oh look, F-AC learned a new word today. Aren't you the "proud racist", who's so proud he won't put his real name to his racist comments?

      Oh... And "Bigfoot" is real based on the evidence it leaves.

    4. Does Dr.Johnson say anything about areas that have abundent Bigfoot and Dogman sightings mention the extreme amounts of UFO activity? and if the 3 phenomena are interelated?

    5. Seems Ikdummy is getting very upset.

    6. Publish my personal details, then I'll be upset. Rubbing your face in journal published evidence all day doesn't upset me... It makes me smile.

    7. Only a Racist would say that bigfoot are hairy SUBSAHARAN negros, yet is to stupid to identify which type of subsahran negros can be pygmy, hazda, bushman, zandawe,masia.The simple fact of asserting out of hand,,,UNPROVEN HEARSAY, Just goes to show your White privilege and your RACIST mentality.."SHAME ON YOU IKTOMI"!!!

      AC(the real prez)Collins!

      PS a Sockpuppiteer such as yourself would be shocked as to how many good folks post here, Not just 1-2 but many..
      DIGGIT?? Haaa haaa haaa lol!

    8. AC(BLACKER THAN THE ACE OF SPADES)COLLINS,,,Is giving ikdummy a Schooling!

    9. Your best Zana nonsense & lies smashed;

      Your best HSS lies nailed;

      How Patty is human;

      Those links just about cover your three main vomit piles. Get something new, F-AC/Stuey, you bore me.

    10. Ha HaHahaaa Ha ikdummy gettin Spanked! Spanked! Spanked!..

      It never gets old!

    11. Not the first 30 times you've posted the same rubbish, and not now. It's your blog now, you should ask Matt if you can publish your deluded hate speech & ramblings as articles. I'm almost certain he'd take you up on it since he harbours it by refusing to moderate.

      See ya around!

    12. Poor little iktomi pulling out his 3 out of 5 old cut&pastes that have been totaly discounted 40+ times over the past 3years. I guess you were not lieng when you boasted you were the "KING OF TROLLS"!!!

      maybe MKB can help you with a sense of humor,,,:-))

    13. Yes F-AC... Now go and get YOUR cut & pastes that show exactly that. SPOILER ALERT... Just like my alleged personal details that are in your possession; they don't exist.

      Now **** off you pervert. I'm going to bed.

    14. @3:38 bingo gotcha!! "30xs"??
      That was in a comment at 3:35
      That did not post.
      Ha ha ha ha.

    15. @3:47 off to the lew with pepperoni pizza in hand IS MOST LIKLEY. Your always welcome here its fun to see you. get "TRIGGERED"" .


    16. Man, Stuey is just getting smoked today. Your desperation is seriously embarrassing dude.  It's like you don't believe in Santa Clause but you insist on writing him a letter everyday.  You are beyond help.

    17. At least u admit believing in Bigfoot is like believing in Santa Claus.

    18. The real mystery is why that is important to you.  Let that sink in.

    19. 5:19 here Why All of a sudden does it Hurt When i Sit ??

      :' -(

    20. 6:06. Here ,,apparently it sunk in Balls deep :-D

    21. Wow Stuey, how could someone so smart and witty end up on a Bigfoot blog?  Do tell.

    22. Even though she has insecurity issues, She can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.


    23. ^ never been sucked by anything more than a vacuum cleaner.  Suffering from "security" issues.
      Stuey. :(


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