Bear Lake Bigfoot

Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization does a roundtable discussion as they drive the area of Bear Lake.


  1. Getting FIRST has lost its shine. Its much more fun to poke Stuey with a stick.

    1. Oh ? Pops was so proud of you.

    2. What the hell is this^? An insult? Wow. Nobody knows what it means but you idiot.

      99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. And you drank them all. You drank them all.

    3. Your teeth lost their shine long ago -- before you lost your teeth entirely!

    4. When will the shipment of "B" or "C" level trolls arrive? I don't expect "A" level ones. But the ones we've got here are all worn out.

    5. ^ You'll get your chance!! meanwhile GET BACK ON THE BENCH!!

    6. ^ ouch!! Feel the burn.

    7. Abducted From The Foothills


      Kelly, 68, recalls a UFO encounter that happened when she was six (1953).

      In 1953, Kelly, her mother and father and her brother (who has four years older than her) had gone to the San Gabriel foothills to picnic. She can't recall if it was a Saturday or Sunday in the Fall of that year.

      Kelly and her brother played in the woods while her father looked for deer.

      Around 4 PM, they decided to head for home. As they were packing the car up, Kelly's father alerted them to something in the sky. They saw an “orange elliptical object streaking in a very fast pace in a downward trajectory towards the ridge of the foothill that we had had our picnic on.”

      Kelly remembered being awestruck because it looked like something on fire. It was very bright.

      Her father was very excited. Her father thought it was a meteor at first but quickly changed his mind. “I think it's a small plane that's on fire and it's crashing.” Her father then indicated that because there was nobody around and somebody might have survived, they needed to get up there to see if they can help.

    8. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.

  2. True I would rather poke Stuetard with a stick my self. The guy always smells like moldy books & his gollum eyes always creep me out. Other than that he is a crumby guy.

    1. He scams people for weasel cam battery money and he lies about finding the PGF site, a site he exploits to be relevent when hes not stalking Shaw or Johnson. That must be a mancrush kind of thing.


      Kelly's very next memory is being at the top of the ridge. She is in the backseat of the car (sitting behind driver's seat), her brother, who is asleep (beside her in backseat, sitting behind passenger seat) and mother, also asleep (in her passenger seat). Kelly's father is not in the car.

      She tried to wake her family up by shaking them but they won't wake up.

      Looks out car window, to her left hand side, and can see figures kind of off to the side (she estimates that there are three of them) standing on the road. When she tries to look at them, she can't see them clearly. They look like shadows to her.

      She looked out the driver's side window and observed a disc shaped object sitting in the clearing. It was grey, black door or opening. There were square or rectangular windows around it. It was around 25 feet in length.

      At some point she looked away from the disc to look at the figures, when she looked back at it, it no longer looked like a disc to her.

      “It looked to me like a log cabin, with steps going up to it with strong Christmas lights. And I immediately had the thought in my head: It's a restaurant. My dad has gone in to get something to eat. I want to get something to eat.”

      She then has fuzzy memories of being assisted out of the car and into the craft.

    3. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.

  3. Dr. Squatch should learn research techniques from Kelly Shaw like purchasing a camera that actually focuses. Kelly is Number #1 in Bigfoot research. Not a blue bag to be found.

    1. ^ The above comment is proof of the stupidity inherent in "footery" - Kakky Shaw doesn`t research,you moron - he takes old tales and rehashes fucking idiot.

    2. ^ Stewtard has anger management issues. Steven should get out more breathing mold spores creates behavioral issues.

    3. No... this is a weird buggy eyed man crush situation. Very messed up. The bookmold inhaled has rendered an aging bookstore employee who washed out of barnes and noble manager training into the a scamming parasite in the community. He is a toxic scum layer on the river styx.

    4. Thanks for the compliment 3:27 !
      People have already seen that the poor Doc is a snake oil salesman who takes blurry photos of tree branches and then drams in creatures using MS paint.
      I stick to real research, not made up bunk

    5. Is that really you ^ K Shaw?
      I find it unbelievable you would actually lower yourself to such depths!

      AC Collins

    6. KEKKY SAYS:
      "I stick to real research, not made up bunk "....Every person you interview who does not have evidence, is "made up Bunk!"...You have no clue what real research is, none whatsoever! I'm sure you at home crying every night, being involved in the Bigfoot community, and not having any proof, total joke!

      You see Kekky, you make yourself look even more stupid, because you can't prove what you claim!

      You have 1,000 pics to choose from kekky, or anyone else! The funny part is when someone tries to debunk a pic of mine, they can't, because they are absolutely clueless about these creatures!
      You can say whatever you want, until you prove what you claim, you just look that much more jealous, and stupid!

    7. "I stick to real research, not made up bunk."
      Kelly Shaw

      Now THAT'S funny!

    8. Dr ScamSquatch trying to peddle off his hoaxes of shadow, stumps and foliage of bigfoot. If you have to draw in a face for everyone ScamSquatch you have to accept the fact you are perpetuating a hoax.


      Kelly said her next clear memory was being inside the object, inside a plain circular room. Everything looked grey. It opened up to another circular room. There was an opening. In that circular room there were several tables. She observed several people laying on the tables, one of whom was her father. Could see beings working on the people on the tables. Some of the beings were very small and thin. Some were taller. She could not see them clearly.

      “My vision would blur when I tried to see them clearly. I had a sense that they were moving very fast at that the activity was very methodical and very fast and kind of at a frantic pace.” Her attention was re-directed to the room she was inside. The room was softly lit but she could not determine the source of the lights. Directly in front of her there was a curved console against the wall with a podium type console in front of it. It was small enough that she could see over it."

    10. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.

  4. There must be worlds to concur an Hoaxes to pull while pointing out others hoaxes so to stay on the top of the world of Bigfootdom. The one Bigfoot ring to rule them all.

  5. If thats what its about. It seems to be about gofundmes financing Jamies drinking issues and Gollums sad and pathetic dreams alive.

    1. Poopstain Jamie Wayne is a hoaxing pineapple. Who tried to throw Olympic Project under the bus over his Bluff Creek Scam Project planting bigfoot evidence scandal headed up by Steven Stupidtard. If by that you mean Jamie rules, then so be it. He is rules planting evidence in South Oregon. Go Jamie!

    2. ^Yay! Poopstain Wayne! He also waddles like a 400 pound duck. He answers to the nick name twit & Steven answers totwat. Twit&Twat courageous bigfoot duds wanting to pay someone to bigfoot for them so they can continue to spend donations planting fake evidence.

    3. I hope you jerks have some sorta evidence regarding your HATE!! or is it anecdotal as usual... STUPID CUT&PASTES!!

    4. VD say's,,, Only I CAN Suck bigfoot into reality!!

    5. He admitted to trying to frame the OP while drunk. Part of the greater SOHA Hoax. That was part of the Trollition Cam Scams two year master plan.


      Kelly said there was a person or a being standing behind that console looking at her.

      “He was male. To me as a kid, he appeared to me, he had kind of a uniform on, he had a cap on. Dark. I'm not sure. I would say maybe dark grey, dark black. It was a he. I could see him better than anybody else. He was small. He had a pale face, a small mouth and he had large dark eyes that, to me, kind of slanted and kind of went around the side of his head. And I had a good friend in school at that time. Her name was Patty... She was Japanese. To me, as a kid, I thought, I guess I was trying to synch in my mind, what is he? What does he look like? And to me I thought he looked the most like Patty of anybody I knew. But definitely he didn't REALLY look like Patty.”

      She observed no nose or ears, that she could recall.

      Kelly claims that she had an immediate telepathic communication with the being. The being asked her:

      Being: “How come you are not afraid?”

      Kelly: “I told him, I don't know. I don't know.”

      Kelly then asked the being (she can't recall if she did this verbally or through her mind) who he was and where was he from. The being told her to look to her left.

      “It was solid wall, like this wall (pointing to the wall in the studio they are conducting the interview in) but when I looked at it, it started to ripple like water to me. And as it started to ripple, it became like a television screen only more transparent like a window. I could see stars against a dark sky and it was changing very quickly. Everything was changing on it very quickly. And he said, do you know what you are looking at and I said, I'm looking at the sky. And he said, You're not looking at the sky. You're looking at space. And he said, See, you wouldn't understand.”

      Kelly claims that, even as a child, she recalled the feeling of being belittled.

      “That's how I felt. I felt kind of stupid at that point.”

      At that point, the communication ended.

      “I got the impression that he did not want to communicate with me or he did not want to continue to engage me in conversation.”

      Kelly then noticed that behind her there was a curved seat along the wall of the room. There were three people on the seats that appeared to be asleep. She could not recall if they were humans or something else. Her memory was just fuzzy at that point. There was also a man standing up by the seat. He was very human. He appeared to be not fully conscious (Kelly likened it to him being drugged) and she could see that he was terrified. “I felt that he had something wrong with him and he could not interact with his surroundings and I felt sorry for him.”

      Kelly tried to walk towards him. She blacked out.

      [The interviewer asks her about the size of the craft's interior. And she acknowledges that the interior of the craft was far more spacious than the vehicle she saw in the clearing.]

    7. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.

  6. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing...OH MY GOD - ALMOST TWO HOURS OF DRIVING AROUND LISTENING TO KELLY SHAW TALK! Yep, that's Kelly Shaw's group alright. Nobody has more lame, boring videos than them.


    1. ^ Moldy kid is on here every single day & watching every single video right after his mum changes his poopie diaper

    2. ^ maybe he's the site Mod ?

    3. Everyone figured out long ago Not interested done is Matt trolling BFE. Unprofessional of the guy to troll the very site he is paid to admin. Wonder how Shawn feels about that. Paying a guy to troll?


      Kelly's next memory is her entire family in the car. It's now night-time. They are no longer on the ridge.

      They are now overlooking the San Fernando Valley. The lights from the valley are shining. They are driving down into the San Fernando Valley.

      Her brother is still half asleep. Her mother, sitting in the passenger seat, looks sick. “She does not look well”. Her father, in the driver's seat, says to himself. “How did it get so late so fast?” The family never discussed that night.

    5. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.


    Kelly's brother, Bobby, developed terminal bladder cancer in 2000. Kelly and her husband went to California to be with him. He was in bad shape but during one of their chats, Kelly brought up the night. She said that even though he was groggy, when she mentioned that night, he was suddenly wide awake and fully focused on the conversation. Kelly told him that she remembered a log cabin restaurant being on top of the mountain.

    “I don't remember a cabin being on top. I'll tell you what I do remember. He said, I remember being on top of the ridge and there was an ambulance with flashing lights everywhere and he said there were people standing on the side of the road. And he said, I've been asking myself for all these years, what in the hell was an ambulance doing on the top of the ridge, on the ridge route, with people standing on the side of the road.”

    He passed away not too long after.

    Source: Quoting Kelly, from the Youtube video, “My First ET Contact Experience - 6 years Old” - Published on 25 Apr 2016

    Beyond Creepy

    1. Stupidtards Bluff Creek Memory.
      Steve woke up to a sore cornhole. After a night of drinking in Bluff Creek the only thing he could remember was drinking with poopstain wayne and rimjob riolo. He asked poopstain what happened last night? Jamie told Steven all that he could remember is after rimjob followed you into your tent last night you made the best bigfoot vocalizations I have ever heard in my life. Actually think it may of scared patty away for another 40 years. Gee Riolo you were a little hard on the beaver last night. Steven cant hardly even walk without looking like he has a permanent wedgie.. The end.

    2. Julie the monkey rench cries about trolling while spying for one. Priceless.

    3. NOT INTERESTED!!! Done.

    4. Not Monkey Rench, Donkey Witch.

  8. Piss off you weasel .. this is Julie. . Why not use your name? I do not spy for Steven dumbass, you are not worth my time... go lay by your dish, go to a hoaxed bigfoot site and collect more evidence, do something, anything other than worrying about me spying on you... you are just not that important. Keep my name out of your mouth ..Shaw or whoever you are... grow a set already. Good day.

    1. ^Stevens wench throwing around names? The troll Gollum obviously has a dreary princess.

    2. I would wadger 100 bucks 5:54 comment was made by Steven Stupidtard. He will go to great lengths to drag anyone he can into his own problems that he created on his own. His weasel scandal, planting fake evidence scandal, framing Olympic Project scandal, trolling a 16 year old boy scandal. Not to mention his constant harassment & stalking of anyone that is a bigfoot enthusiast. Julie Monkey Rench is just a pawn in his selfish hateful little world. Now that Steven Stupidtard coined the term Julie it wont ever go away. Too bad you allow such a sociopath drag you down into his world of pity and hate.

    3. Piss off go lay by your dish

    4. Julie earns our love all on her own. She is a two faced donkey witch who not only spies for Gollum but serves as his spin doctoring whore. Otherwise she would be here. Maybe its just that time of the month.

    5. Gollum 101:
      Stalks Dr J for too years and steals SOHA, all as part of a hoax, throwing Jamietard under the bus in the process.
      He lied about a weasel. He lied about the PGF site.
      He is a moling troll scum. Julie would be his gollum plaything. Pretty gross.

    6. 5:45 is indeed Gollum attempting to throw Monkey Rench under the bus just like he did Fatass Jamie after the SOHA debacle.

  9. he root of Stuey's meltdown is the PGF. If you go back to early 2012, he started trolling this blog with insults & by repeatedly bringing up the PGF even when the immediate articles had nothing to do with it. He's of the JREF special pleading that the Bigfoot legend began with the PGF, which is a lie, and that there is no other evidence to substantiate this legend, which is another lie. He thinks that if he uses all the most readily accessible misinformation about the PGF, he debunks the subject and can rest being assured that he's done something with his existence.

    1. The marten in Humboldt County IS the Humboldt or coastal marten. It's a distinct and geographically separate subspecies.

      The PGF site was indeed confirmed, if you'd read the link. Bill Munns, an expert on the film, also verified it on countless markers.

      The only reason you lie about these things is because you are a troll, and a fool for persisting in this folly.

      Also, there was no hoax at SOHA but for what Johnson was doing, which was exposed.

    2. The marten has no dna confirmation and the site was never confirmed.



      They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything.


      The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.

      Debunking their claims:

      They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.

      They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.

      They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.

      They also pick on a sixteen year old Australian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.

    4. The "Stuey" on this site is not Steven S.

      The malignant personality is the copy-paste troll who keeps posting the trash above.

    5. 10:32 is Gollum, trying sooooo hard to spin the same lies.
      Weasel: Not confirmed.
      PGF site: Not confirmed and not his legacy.
      Bookstore: Failing to Amazon.
      He can never grow up and be a cult guru like Dr J. ((JEALOUSY)).
      He's just gollum and even the donkey witch doesnt want him that much.

    6. wow you people are truly sick

      what trolls !

    7. 1:35; you need to see the forest through the rest of the forest. Gollum and the donkey witch are evil.

    8. seems 2 me U are just calling names

    9. Seems like Gollum just calls those meanies who disagree with him trolls.

  10. The trollition is unraveling. They are scum.


    1. ^^^ obsessed

    2. ^^^Gollum thinking hes relevant beyond trolling. Fuck you buggy.


    3. ^^^ sick individual who trolls as a lifestyle, has nothing better to do in life, a sad and bitter little subhuman

    4. Why do Kelly Shaw and his gang have to troll ever Kelly Shaw article on here? Are his research and evidence really that weak??

    5. ^^^Gollum spreading bad hygiene throughout the land trying projection as a last ditch defense. IKYABWAI doesnt work you troll bitch

    6. Then stop doing it, troll scum.

    7. Ganglian's butt really hurts. He's been scratching at it for two years now, and just can't make the rash go away. Someone please change his diaper.

    8. When he says scum we knowz hez cwanky

    9. You're the one who said "scum," little piggy. We're just mocking you.

      Stop projecting, you sociopathic troll freak.

      All you ever do is to lie and IKYABWAI.

    10. Projection = IKYABWAI. Gollum fails.

    11. Projection = IKYABWAI. Mike Ganglian fails.

    12. Ikyabwai is the failure admission bug eyed scum.

    13. Projection as a deflection. Everyone knows Gollum is obsessed with RMSO. Sadder still is this whole thing starts when he screwed over Dr. Matt and compromised SOHA as part of his hoax there (Gollum's not Dr. Matt.)


    The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.

    Debunking their claims:

    They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.

    They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.

    They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.

    They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.


    The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.

    Debunking their claims:

    They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.

    They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.

    They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.

    They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.

  13. You a parasite. Als legacy. Jamies cam scam and nadias group that you stole. Tick sucking blood.

  14. You are such a freaking obsessed troll fool. Everything you say is a lie.

    Al Hodgson, whose name you don't even know, was just a guy who ran a store in Willow Creek, and helped out some early Bigfooters with local information. He himself said that I am doing what he used to do. He's a friend of mine, and you don't even know how to spell his name.

    I created the group. How could I steal it?

    There is no camera scam. There are some cameras right now monitoring Bluff Creek and its surrounding wilderness. People freely donated the cameras, batteries and hardware, as it is a public, open, crowdfunded research project. No one is taking money from this effort, and all those who have contributed to it got exactly what they invested in, and knew exactly what they were giving towards.

    The only one who doesn't understand these things is YOU, because you'd rather live with lies as a liar in your lie of a Sasquatch Canyon fantasy trip.

  15. IKYABWAI....
    tick sucking blood from old news. Breathing in moldy book fumes while amazon makes him not matter. Only thing left to do is pick on 16 year olds. Troll bitch trying to drag down Julie Monkey Rench.

  16. "Tick"? That's a laugh, buddy. What have YOU done in "Bigfooting"? A bunch of clickwhore YouTube videos for micro-pennies? Now that is sucking the blood from a dried out mummy if ever there were such a thing. Not a single valid claim of Bigfoot evidence that has proven true and real from you.

    We make no extraordinary claims. We've done nothing but present objective documentary imagery and data from Bluff Creek.

    We found and proved the P-G Film site location.

    I give countless hours unpaid to Bigfooting and Bigfooters, helping them year-round as they come here for free information and conversation. I know that makes you feel insecure and jealous, but hell, I just live here in the Bigfoot Mecca. I can't really help it. They all just come to me. I get nothing from it but some enjoyment and lost work hours. Meanwhile, when you look out your front door you see a big freeway wall, and dream of driving away in your SUV.

  17. Nope. You show your nonclue right there. If you devote your life to your ego. Your pathetic.

  18. I'm so much better than you, obviously, you imbecile. But no, it's not about my ego; it's about the truth. That's all I really care about. You're clearly on the opposite side of that, whoever you are, coward.

  19. I have seen with my own eyes that the accused has done what he/they are accused of. So me this thread is really funny to follow. Steven you really have to stop with the comments like Fools, imbeciles, No I didn't and so on.
    You are seriously looking ridiculous in this line of defense and to even a novice can see the repeated patterns in your childish form of defense.
    You are making it very easy for those that are holding you accountable for your deviant behaviors.
    With that being said , if you dont. Thanks for the entertaining comments. Watching your replies remember me of the viral Linda ,Linda listen Linda video.

  20. Quote;
    "Tick"? That's a laugh, buddy. What have YOU done in "Bigfooting"? A bunch of clickwhore YouTube videos for micro-pennies? Now that is sucking the blood from a dried out mummy if ever there were such a thing. Not a single valid claim of Bigfoot evidence that has proven true and real from you.

    We make no extraordinary claims. We've done nothing but present objective documentary imagery and data from Bluff Creek.

    We found and proved the P-G Film site location.

    I give countless hours unpaid to Bigfooting and Bigfooters, helping them year-round as they come here for free information and conversation. I know that makes you feel insecure and jealous, but hell, I just live here in the Bigfoot Mecca. I can't really help it. They all just come to me. I get nothing from it but some enjoyment and lost work hours. Meanwhile, when you look out your front door you see a big freeway wall, and dream of driving away in your SUV."
    They why the malignant targeting of curtain people?
    I dont know about everyone else but there is a old saying where I come from. "The ass can't ride two saddles". So which is it? You the giving caring "empathetic" giver of all things noble an good. Or are you the malignant , manipulative,deviant person you have displayed over the years? Pick a saddle an own it.

    1. Nice false dichotomies.

      I don't put up with BS and ridiculous claims. I am also curious about the subject of Bigfoot. There is no contradiction there whatsoever.

      True Believer fanatics get angry when their cult of belief is questioned. That's all this is about.

      There are a lot of bullsh*t artists in the Bigfooting world. If anything is "targeted" it is their BS. We have no interest in "stalking" Johnson or whoever else, but so long as they are out there making ridiculous claims they WILL be questioned. If they don't want to be challenged they shouldn't seek attention so avidly, and should just privately do whatever they consider research.

      This is how it has to be in any field of study, in order to find what is real and true. If Bigfooters don't like the scrutiny that the Coalition group applies to them, well, just let them try to approach the real world of professional scientists. They would be laughed right out of the building. The scrutiny of the Coalition group and other skeptics is GOOD for Bigfooting, as it forces them to up their game and find something real for once.

    2. Youre not a skeptic. One day youre an agnostic then a skeptic then just a troll. Youre a sick bitter little man desperate to be relevant in a subject you have no place in.

    3. Trollboy Ganglian doesn't even know the difference. Agnosticism in fact is skepticism. Practicing critical review of extraordinary claims is not trolling. One may easily see that the sadness and bitterness and littleness is all in you and your constant trolling activities here and elsewhere. Coalition is a closed group on Facebook, and is just doing its own thing. I suppose you are just angry you can't be in it. Poor guy. Do go find a better way to live, eh? It's sad to watch you squirm in your vitriol and bile.

    4. You play at both and cant do debate right. Youre a troll and a parasite on the community.

  21. Yeah with comments like this " I'm so much better than you, obviously, you imbecile. But no, it's not about my ego; it's about the truth. That's all I really care about. You're clearly on the opposite side of that, whoever you are, coward." I think its obvious which saddle is being used".
    So much better then, seriously? A selling of used books in the days of free online information just for starters. There is no critical thinking in that. But then again ....... SMH

    1. Getting riled up, bro? It's not hard to be "better" or more right and more honest than a lying troll like you.

      Maybe you don't like books because you have difficulty reading them?

      Any real scholar or collector knows that not everything is on the internet, and certainly not everything on the internet is true or of any real quality.

    2. Amazon says your wrong gollum. Suck it.

    3. You barely literate ignoramus.

      Did you not know that used and rare books are sold on Amazon, by used book stores, too?

    4. Amazon is the new bookstore. You are yesterday.

    5. Your hatred of book stores is a sure sign of your stupidity and ignorance.

      My books are for sale on Amazon, too. I just cataloged about $300.00 of inventory to put up there. They sell a lot of books for independent sellers like me.

      I'm not even sure what you think you're achieving in mentioning books. Do I attack what you do for a job? What does that have to do with Bigfooting? I've been happily self-employed in this since 1996. Clearly you're just fishing for stupid insults, or you're very jealous. Well, that one just makes you look like a jerk, really. Try again.

    6. YOU have nothing to do with bigfooting. And whats to be jealous of? A failed occultist turned scoftic who trolls facebook all day. Who has to invade a blog to fill that need. Sad you be you bug eyed weirdo.

    7. You might consider that I didn't even comment on here until after you and your ilk in the typical way started once again talking about me and Coalition and Bluff Creek Project with zero provocation or reason. That's what you do. You troll. You lie. And you pathetically long for my reply.

    8. You might consider this isnt your blog and noone makes you troll here. Or Monkey rench and kiltic douche. You choose to troll here. You lied about the weasel and the pgf and soha
      Youre a joke. Just not a funny one.

    9. This has everything to do with you screwing Dr. Matt and his location and obsessing on the RMSO. It isnt like you comment in any other threads here, just longing to spend some quality time with Kelly Shaw. Obsess much you bug eyed bugger?

  22. @ Anonymous Saturday, March 4, 2017 at 4:18:00 PM PST,
    They are imbeciles. Sorry, but that's not my fault. They have spent two years posting lies and trolling my pages with juvenile BS. I only speak against it to put the real truth out there.

    What is "deviant behavior" is what they are doing, and what you just did.

    Coalition is a skeptical critical thinking group. We just do our own thing discussing Bigfoot claims and activities. That's not trolling.

    If you're going to comment like you did above, why don't you note that they are always the ones talking about turds, scum, calling people "Gollum" or "Monkey Rench" or whatever, and that they are always the ones who start this crap on here every single time?

    They like to accuse us of trolling, but what they do is far worse. We comment in our own group. They go out and do it all over the place, in truly ridiculous and obsessive ways.

    But anyway, it's clear that you're just one of them pretending to be someone else.

  23. You trolled DrJ and others since 2011 liar. The Trollition is your sad attempt at imutating scienotology. Nothing more. Refuting you and your spam slut usnt trolling its accountability.

  24. Poor little Doctor, can't handle a little critique of his outrageously silly claims of portals and little guardian critters crawling out of them? Can't Matty speak for himself? Be "accountable" to yourself, and stop your trolling ways. Stop calling women "spam sluts" if you want to appear righteous. Even Johnson himself admitted that he challenged us to find SOHA, and that he was an as*hole in doing so... in fact, he said he was a double as*hole, and that he would try to be better in the future. Perhaps you should do so, too.

    Johnson asked for it when he made outlandish and ridiculous claims, and did so in a rather arrogant way. We responded as is quite normal: we questioned it, and when it was found to be insubstantial we called it bullsh*t.

    Scientology? What does a critical thinking group have to do with that? The Coalition is opposed to cult thinking and blind belief, as one often sees in the Bigfooting community. Just like everything you say, what you say above is the very opposite of the truth.

  25. You have nothing to do with critical thought. You want a cukt to call your own. Monkey Rench is a spammer in her own right.

  26. The fact that you do come here an comment is the funniest part. The amount of elephants in the room are hilarious. The fact that the "critical thinkers" don't see it is priceless. `
    But please keep posting the malignant comments on how superior you are. That is a trait of someone suffering from a condition that someone in the thread has been accused of.

    1. That was a joke, doofus.

      It's your trolling that is malignant. I look at this blog more or less every day just to see what's going on here. I notice that you trolls constantly mention me and my groups for no reason at all. It's a complete non sequitur, but you do it, because you and your buddies (gang) are compulsive trolls.

      Sure, if you tell a bunch of ridiculous lies about me and my groups I'm likely to comment to contradict them. Your accusations of "malignancy" are absurd, especially as they are so hypocritical. You guys are the biggest trolls in all of Bigfootery. What a joke!

    2. Elephants? What elephants, troll? All I see is you, a 500-pound gorilla.

    3. You think it's funny because you think you're provoking me. That is what trolls do. You are indeed a troll, by your own clear admission. You, Ganglian, Kelly, whatever your current little effort is named. No one trolls like you guys do. It's the height of hilarity that a small group of losers who post crap on my pages nearly every day, always with some dumb anonymous or fake identity, would actually accuse US of trolling. What a lark. I'm never the first one to start sh*t here, and I never post anything on *your* pages. ALL of this is on you. I don't mind replying to it, because is only shows how full of it you really are.

    4. You know, Ganglian, buddy, the fact that you do lurk daily and constantly in Coalition group, with your buddies, under fake identities, is the funniest part. A group you claim to hate, and yet you practically live there, reacting immediately sometimes to things we say, taking screen captures all day long, obsessing that we might mention you or one of your friends. OMG, what a joke you are. Just go do your own thing, whatever the bleeding hell that might be. We don't care about you guys, or anything you do. You'll never find us "trolling" you. If you think we are, you're just plain paranoid.

    5. Its that pesky malignant personality disorder. He is a narcissistic little sociopath he is.

  27. First article to pop up on owning a used bookstore was this , to funny.

    Quote Thinking Of Opening A Used Bookstore? “Don’t Do It!”

    Oh whats that? The writer of the article is a imbecile, fool an troll ,right ? look out there is another elephant to step around lol.

    1. No one is denying that the world is changing and books are in decline. So? That's not my fault. I've been in the business since the 1980s, so it's been a good long haul. Now I'm going to be doing other things. My main business in books is in rare and out of print things, so it hardly matters if I close up the public shop when I move. What is your point? Do you hate books because they remind you of your extremely low literacy competence and IQ? I suppose.

      What kind of lowlife sits around all day relishing the fact that literacy and books and serious intellectual pursuits are clearly in decline in today's society? You, a troll, with nothing better to do. That's who.

      If I call someone an imbecile or a troll it is specifically because they are. In your case it's undeniable.

    2. No, you call them trolls because they see you for what you are sociopath. Its a common trait of sociopaths that they lack original thought so the repetition. Kind how you sell books but dont write them.

  28. Quote, "That was a joke, doofus.

    It's your trolling that is malignant"
    Are both trait based comments that you have used tirelessly.
    This is your go to " I know you are but what am I". An that trait based commenting is on a list for a person suffering from a condition. Another elephant , but please continue.

    1. No, it's not.
      I'm not "trolling." I don't start these things.
      You do, and that's a fact, not a IKYABWAI.

      Who is suffering from a condition? You are. Just watch. If you stop your posting of these trolls you won't see me pursuing you. Try it. Your life will be time much better spent than what you're currently doing.

      If you think you are proving some kind of point, you're failing. The point revealed falls on your own head.

    2. If you think what you're doing is "pursuing" you arent doing it right. Looks more like chasing your own tail. Pretty funny bitch.

  29. Quote
    "No one is denying that the world is changing and books are in decline. So? That's not my fault. I've been in the business since the 1980s, so it's been a good long haul. Now I'm going to be doing other things. My main business in books is in rare and out of print things, so it hardly matters if I close up the public shop when I move. What is your point? Do you hate books because they remind you of your extremely low literacy competence and IQ? I suppose.

    What kind of lowlife sits around all day relishing the fact that literacy and books and serious intellectual pursuits are clearly in decline in today's society? You, a troll, with nothing better to do. That's who.

    If I call someone an imbecile or a troll it is specifically because they are. In your case it's undeniable."

    Now from the list of traits of someone suffering from the condition.
    5. Deliberately misrepresenting your thoughts and feelings to the point of absurdity.
    In the hands of a malignant narcissist or sociopath, your differing opinions, legitimate emotions and lived experiences get translated into character flaws and evidence of your irrationality.
    Narcissists weave tall tales to reframe what you’re actually saying as a way to make your opinions look absurd or heinous."
    No where did anyone say they hated books but there is assumptions of such things only to "manipulate" the point of some comments. <<< Also a trait on that list of ...... But please continue.

    1. What a total non sequitur. I disagree with you and your positions. I observe that what you are doing is trolling me, and trying to spread false information about my projects and self. This isn't "malignant narcissism" or "sociopathic." What IS malignant, sociopathic and narcissistic is YOUR constant posting of this pop-psychology garbage you probably pick up from "relationship" sites.

      What is "misrepresented"? You and your friends have constantly spoken against books and the book business. I can only assume it is because you don't value books and all the subtleties of their appreciation and use.

      You learned a lot from Joe Wilson, I see... or you ARE Joe. So predictable, it isn't even funny anymore.

    2. Talk about malignant "deliberate misrepresentation"... wow, I mean, go look at the lies posted above by Kelly Shaw and Ganglian (or copy-pasted from their words). The entire tactic you guys use is deliberately lying about things and saying things that never happened, or trying to reverse whatever is said to its opposite. Typical troll traits, all of which stink to high heaven in the posts from you guys today. Trying now to bring in "Mr. Pyschologist" with his romance site level copy-pastes is a ludicrous joke. Is your memory really that short? You cry if I call someone an imbecile, all while you guys call a woman a "spambitch" or "monkey rench," and are always making turd and fart jokes (aka ethnic smears) on my German last name or calling me "Gollum"? Stop your crying, hypocrites. You ain't fooling anyone.

    3. whatever you say gollum. I bet they have corrective stuff for those freaky eyes you gots.

  30. Quote
    What a total non sequitur. I disagree with you and your positions. I observe that what you are doing is trolling me, and trying to spread false information about my projects and self. This isn't "malignant narcissism" or "sociopathic." What IS malignant, sociopathic and narcissistic is YOUR constant posting of this pop-psychology garbage you probably pick up from "relationship" sites.

    What is "misrepresented"? You and your friends have constantly spoken against books and the book business. I can only assume it is because you don't value books and all the subtleties of their appreciation and use.

    You learned a lot from Joe Wilson, I see... or you ARE Joe. So predictable, it isn't even funny anymore."
    No these are quotes from a Dr's page who specializes in this fiend. An how I came upon them was by following the links provided with the threads I have been following here.
    I dont know who these people are that you keep mentioning but I do agree with a lot of what they are saying.
    Sorry for finding you funny for putting me in with all these other people that seem to have a issue with you. I just comments on that I agree with much of what is being said so ....

  31. Why do you come and do this to yourself? Its so obvious what is happening an you are making it so easy for them.
    I just applied what "Whoever" is making these comments is doing to see if ... An You are doing as they say so ..... If not true then why come here an engage them? It is telling seriously so ....

    1. Because, I value the truth.

      It's not "telling" of anything. Some lowly YouTuber has to troll his articles and lie about me and my projects. He doesn't just do it here; he does it all over the place on the internet. It's not just trolling; it's criminal libel. But anyway, I don't mind engaging with them to point out how badly they are trolling and lying, and to present the truth. I work on a computer, as I am now, so it's rather easy for me to reply.

      Look, what Kelly and his buddies want is to make their lies stick. They aren't just trolls here for jollies (though of course some of the comments are probably the jolly site trolls just trying to stir up sh*te)... they really think that they have to kill my Facebook group (OMG, a Facebook group, how terrible!), and stop people from donating to support a trail camera project that is helping to study wildlife. They have objectives, and they're not just to try to make me angry. They really want to cause damage. They're persistent in doing it. They even went on local Craigslist and reddit for Humboldt County to do it and to try to damage my book business. That is, frankly, sick, and stupid.

      We know who they are, at least some of them. We've traced their posts back to their home states of Connecticut and Utah. Shaw and Ganglian are the main ones. They're clearly obsessed in doing it, but you'll never see me calling Ganglian's workplace and informing his employers about his apparent sociopathic obsession. You won't see me trying to damage Shaw's YouTube video income by harassing him there, either.

      The more they troll me the more I get to expose what they do to the Bigfooting world. So, if they really want to go there, it's all good. Everyone knows now what they do, and who is doing it. No one is going to listen to the Shaw Crusade nonsense.

    2. Hey
      Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 12:19:00 AM PST
      Way to deep for me. I dont know about all the issues you are having with whoever. I just started following these Threads an the links you all have provided an found it all entertaining. This is just Bigfooting an a distraction from everyday life for most. None of this is going to change anything so....

      Happy squatching an my opinion on accusations still stand. But if not true then it shouldn't matter to you.
      I just know that you all are entertaining to watch.

    3. 12:19 is so paranoid his eyes are bugging out. Keep up the paranoia Gollum you will give your self an aneurysm. Dont forget to take your blood pressure medication Steven. You should also seek professional help from Dr Matthew Johnson he can help you with your delusions of self proclaimed famous bigfoot expert lmao.

    4. ^^^ says the obsessed lying troll... a night, a day, and another night went by, but old Kellyboy just had to come back and get the last word in here. And now he accuses someone else of doing it. He does it every day. He can't stop himself from checking Coalition to see if he's been mentioned. This fellow has task problems, omg, what a nut

    5. ^ The bug eyed troll is going to stay up all night worried he wont get in the last word. OCD to go along with all of his other mental disorders. Your poor family has to put up with your multitude of dysfunctions. Do them all a favor and reward them with getting a real job. They will thank you for not having the continued humiliation & embarrassment of using food stamps at the grocery store Steven.

  32. Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization threads are the funniest threads to follow. You are sure to be entertained

    1. His videos are funny too. I mean, Kelly Shaw found Bigfoot evidence at a Bigfoot drone hoax site!

    2. Steven Stupidtard is a hilarious inbecile. He cons people out of money in the guise of his Bluff Creek Camera Project & then uses the money to go plant fake bigfoot evidence at bigfoot research locations. Doesnt get more maniacal & pathetice than Stevens Bluff Creek Scam Project. Or how about the time Steven lied on National TV about having a Bigfoot experience of his own. Barrel of laughs.

    3. Yeah, right, I'm sure he does, just because you say it is so. What a total troll this guy is, can't just let it go already.

    4. ^ Steven Stupidfarts OCD obsession of getting the last word in.

    5. ^^^ a night, a day, and another night went by, but old Kellyboy just had to come back and get the last word in here. And now he accuses someone else of doing it. Obsession!

    6. ^ And here is Stupidtard the moldy bookstore dweeb trolling for the last comment.

  33. 6:07 ((Gollum)) basically just confessed to being the bully blaming the victim. Does he really think hes convincing?


    The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.

    Debunking their claims:

    They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.

    They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.

    They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.

    They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.

    1. I thought you said before that repeating things is the sign of an obsessed narcissistic sociopath...?

    2. ^Gollums obsession with getting the last word in. Just drives corrupt Steven nuts if his comment isn't the last in a thread. Seriously he needs a complete evaluation by Dr Matthew Johnson. I am sure he can prescribe you some meds to control your paranoid schizophrenia Steven. May help you to control your delusions too.

    3. ^^^ omg... a night, a day, and another night went by, but old Kellybot just had to come back and get the last word in here. And now he accuses someone else of doing it. Obsessed maniac!

    4. ^Gollum is obsessed with being the #1 internet troll. Steven even has a ten step guide that he created for being a troll. Steve has failed at following his own pathetic guide. Par for the coarse. Only think Steven has ever been good at is mooching off the government and begging for donations.


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