Fisherman Has Sighting At Silverwood Lake

Check out this bigfoot report from 2014 in San Bernadino County, California. Brought to you by SoCal Sasquatch Organization on youtube.



    (Shaking a box of doggy treats)

    1. You are a very strange man.

    2. Fighting over imaginary creatures? No thanks. Its like arguing over which one is your favourite hobbit in lord of the rings.

    3. Unfortunately for you, imaginary creatures don't leave physical evidence... And I think you don't want to get into it because you'll end up looking incompetent at explaining away what is according to you, the equivalent to the tooth fairy.

      Not a good look.

    4. You do know 99.999% of scientists put bigfoot in the same category as flat earth it is THAT ridiculous

    5. What uninterested mainstream scientists recognise, or are even aware of for that matter, means little. If there's scientific evidence that not one from that mainstream can explain away, then it falls into the bracket of pioneering which has always been in the minority.

      Opinions are like rear ends, we've all got them. Unfortunately it's data that makes the world those scientists live in go around.

    6. It has all been explained away or is simply inconclusive. Get better evidence kiddo.

    7. Argh yes! These "explanations" are apparently everywhere, yet nowhere??? Not by 10,000 people ten times cleverer than you, has anyone explained away the plethora of evidence that warrants people to be enthusiastic about this hominid. Post one example, and I'll be happy to obliterate it.

    8. Youve been told them numerous times but your close minded nature is having none of it. Desperately trying to hold on to your monkey man fantasy, anything to show you why you are wrong is not only ignored but you way overcompensate when trying to convince yourself why you are right. Its a poor showing really.

    9. I`ve not been to this site for some 3 months yet on my very first visit again it might as well have been an exact replica of the last time here : the idiot Iktomi or Joe or whoever he is still posting soppy remarks as if his life depended on it - yeah,maybe it does.

      What a fucking prick that Joe guy is.

    10. If I've been told numerous times, simply repost the example... Shouldn't be too difficult? What's the matter?? You see... The Bigfoot troll's fantasy is to control everyone in thinking "Bigfoot" is a fantasy. Unfortunately, the Bigfoot troll only ever really brings an illogical hoaxing conspiracy to the table as a means of substantiating this "fantasy"... Ironic. Something tells me one of these examples isn't gonna come, is it?

      One ickle example???

    11. You know when this troll is getting upset... He busts out the "not been here in months" jig, ha ha ha!!

    12. How about one actual bigfoot

    13. "Bigfoot" exists in the physical evidence that's been documented for the past 50 years, and acknowledged culturally by the indegenous peoples of North America for the past 14,000.

    14. The evidence has to lead to an actual bigfoot or its not evidence.

    15. The evidence merely needs to point to the biological entity leaving it. For example, if "Bigfoot" isn't leaving track impression all around North America, then what other bipedal primate, twice the size of normal human primates is leaving these tracks?

      If there is yet to be a consorted mainstream scientific effort to use that evidence, then the evidence merely remains unpursued, not that it's bunk.

    16. Who is Stuey? Is that supposed to be an insult? It might be more effective if we knew who you are ranting on about.

      You still have yet to name me joe. So I ask again....

      WHATS MY NAME!!!!

      Still no FBI at my door. Really nothing at all you threaten ever comes to pass. Kinda like your quixote like quest for a monkey man. Nothing at all to show for your bluster.

    17. And again joe runs scared. What a non surprise.

    18. Nobody cares who are, sorry!

      (Bet that stung)

      And as was put to you up top, I can point to a plethora of evidence that not only is scientifically repeatable, but simply wouldn't exist if "Bigfoot" didn't. I never got to read an example from you? These explanations are apparently everywhere, yet nowhere I guess.

    19. I'm sorry, I may have missed something... What am I meant to be scared of exactly?

    20. I love the fact that trolls have their daily meltdown on here because they just can't stand seeing people believe in bigfoot. I would say it's some sort of mental disorder and the cherry on top is when iktomi schools them. You'd think with all the schooling their walls would be filled with degrees hanging off them !
      Poor whiny toddlers , throw a hissy fit when things don't go your way.
      Suck it up snowflakes


    21. Dont debate Joe over anything bigfoot related. Thats what he wants. Us trolls have run off all legit posters, and he craves for someone to debate him. So don't do it. Instead, hit him day in and day out with urine, feces, and pizza comments.

    22. There's one troll, Stuey... You. And I'm waiting for one little example????

      I'll even apply one of your regularly used pseudosceptical mantras, look... "if these things (explanations) existed, we'd see them everywhere!"

      : )

    23. ^haints/dazz prat on the loose !
      Cuckoo !
      Cuckoo !
      Cuckoo !


    24. Have you eaten any "pizza" today Joe?

    25. Have you had any comments taken down today?

    26. I`ve not been to this site for some 3 months yet on my very first visit again it might as well have been an exact replica of the last time here : the idiot Iktomi or Joe or whoever he is still posting soppy remarks as if his life depended on it - yeah,maybe it does.

      What a fucking prick that Joe guy is.

    27. IktomiFriday, January 20, 2017 at 5:19:00 AM PST
      You know when this troll is getting upset... He busts out the "not been here in months" jig, ha ha ha!!

      I'll add to that... You wouldn't be this angry if you hadn't been here every day to get schooled.

    28. Dear trolls -my life doesn't change one iota whether you believe or not in the existence of bigfoot. i am very secure in my belief that there is a living creature that so many credible witnesses have seen called bigfoot. Not my problem if you live your life for the sole purpose of coming on here to be nasty trolls . it shows what pathetic lives you truly lead.
      enjoy your mounatin dew, xbox and cheetos lads
      toot toot !


  2. That gun turret like movement is interesting. I wonder if bigfoot evolved a method of temporal detachment of the spinal column to facilitate a seperation of upper and lower body. Perhaps it evolved as a method to help them keep an eye out in all directions while maintaining the same stride direction. Odd though as we are also told the hairy figure in the film is a modern homosapien. It really makes you think.

    1. The "gun turret" is akin to human anatomy, as you'll notice at page 15 here;

      ... And please check this out "Girl Raised As Bushman Running And Playing With Dangerous Animals";

      Does she not look like a Homo Sapien?

    2. She certainly isnt covered in hair

    3. Plenty of Homo Sapiens covered in hair. Google it.

    4. Not an original thought possible, is there? Classic psuedosceptic that can't think for himself.

    5. ...Ahhh, now I know how Linda Blair managed to rotate her head 360

    6. Not even if you were a victim of napalm.

    7. I`ve not been to this site for some 3 months yet on my very first visit again it might as well have been an exact replica of the last time here : the idiot Iktomi or Joe or whoever he is still posting soppy remarks as if his life depended on it - yeah,maybe it does.

      What a fucking prick that Joe guy is.

    8. Copy & pasting now... Meltdown achieved...

    9. Thank you AC Collins for inflicting another vicious beatdown on Joerg!


    Any of you flip bozo off when he gave his final salute ?

    I did


    1. Even with all his faults Obama wasn't stupid enough to believe in Bigfoot...but I bet Trump does.


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