Strange Encounters At Salt Fork State Park

From the youtube channel of the Squatch Master:

Over the years some people have had unexplained encounters at Salt Fork State Park, particularly on Bigfoot Ridge. Some try to explain it as a giant ape-like man called Bigfoot roaming about in the woods. Before becoming a primitive camp area 4 years ago (because of the TV show ("Finding Bigfoot") this area was a picnic area that was only open during daylight hours. Since people can now spend the night here camping, it has opened the doors for a paranormal experience. We have had many of those here.


  1. Replies
    1. Obviously Steven Spewfart bigfoot hoaxing the location. Stevens the name hoaxing is his game.

    2. Peep, peep! Calling our Chick to come back. Your friends miss you. Peep, peep! Peep, peep, peep.

    3. sumetime tham injins lookin lack tham bigfoots ifin youed seein one in da boosh

      Because the libtards will blame "US"!!
      For everything!!

      AC(good ole) collins

    5. * ps. Iktomi is a Sick Creep!

      U Digg?

      UNO WHO!!

  2. ...Anything going on? I fear bigfoot is going the way of the Lochness Monster: decades of failure while enthusiasm was high followed by a low energy consensus gentium that it does not exist..Skeptics did not dance in the street singing "we were right", because they cannot point to an end-date: the idea simply withered on the vine..Bigfoot is still a source of silly stories providing content on websites,
    but few care and even fewer believe them..Another few years and everyone will be bored of them, and that will be that..Whatever interesting evidence we have will be stored in a box labeled "unexplained"(The "living creature" explanation having been decimated by time..)..I still like cryptozoology, but to say some kind of break trough is needed is an understatement....EEG

    1. You come across as a know-it-all and someone who thinks they are entitled to something without lifting a finger to help. That defines failure.

      How do you know who cares or how many believe? If you want a breakthrough, go out and get one. No one owes you anything.

      Dance away. That is your right, but rest assured, no one cares what you, or any other skeptics, are doing.

    2. I care.

      I agree with you completely EEG and commented along those same lines under the story THESE TRUE DOGMAN STORIES ARE CREEPY posted a couple of days ago. The reference to the Loch Ness Monster is a good one and these days there seems to be almost universal consensus that no large unknown creature inhabits the lock. Now 30 years ago it was a very different story and serious attempts were made to find it. Now granted we are talking about a far bigger habitat area with Bigfoot but interest still need more than old stories and fuzzy images to sustain it never-the-less. I truly wonder how much longer many will still consider it real without more solid proof. In my opinion I think the show Finding Bigfoot has done more damage to belief than help it and it gets worse with each passing season. When that show finally bites the dust (and I predict that will not be long from now) I think most will throw in the towel and concede it's merely a legend.

      Who knows - Maybe Dogmen will be the newest craze to capture the public's imagination.

    3. Finding Bigfoot did purposely ruin it, and funny enough you can find moneymakers email right on the home page of THIS SITE = HELLO??

      You want breakthroughs, see my channel, BOMBSHELL BREAKTHROUGHS DAILY! Just got 5 awesome one's an hour ago!

    4. AC collins has OBLITERATED EACH AND EVERY One of iktomis
      Comment response's many,many times to no avail??
      THE FOOL(iktomi,joe f)?

      WHY? The answer is JOE (iktomi)F is nothing more than a self professed "KING TROLL"!

      Haa haaa haa lol !

      AC collins

    5. Curious - If all you are doing is complaining without furthering your own cause for more evidence, yet demanding it of others, that constitutes a failure on your part. Again, no one owes you anything. You and EEG seem to come from an entitled class where you expect every little thing to be handed to you.

      It is not up to the believers/knowers/researchers to change your way of thinking. Think whatever you want; again, your right. But it is beyond my imagination why someone comes here demanding proof as a skeptic and expects everyone else to dance for them.

      I'm sure there is a dogman blog somewhere just waiting for you both.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. But this is the thing, Uno, Mr Curious turned his hand to research at one time... And he didn't find anything. Now it's "everyone else's psychological issue". The audacity here is plain to see. You see, I don't even live in the US but I know that hunters can go decades without seeing recognised animals. It's not the viewpoint of someone who's familiarised himself with the facts, but we know Mr Curious special pleads about the evidence very regularly, just look at his comment up top, trying the old pseudosceptical technique of trying to reduce the subject to meer "old stories and fuzzy images".

      For something as large as this we have a level of evidence, too much in fact, and if this creature does exist (and based on the evidence it can't not does), then it would naturally have to have evaded classification for thousands of years... So what is 50 without a major consorted professional effort at getting to the bottom of the matter? You see Mr Curious, there is no "proof" of "Bigfoot", but proof that something with the widely reported anatomy as "Bigfoot" is leaving its physical evidence on the environment of the US. Put that with the hair samples, footage, audio and innumerable cultural and contemporary anecdotes, and enthusiasts are entitled to use a little principle called Occam's Razor... Something scientists use all the time.

      Oh, and you're 48 years late with the clear photos observation;

    8. @11:47
      Nuthing new .. CHUMP??

      Blhaaa haaa haaa lol!!!

      Not Uno who

  3. So who's complaining? I just offered my opinion on the state of affairs. I'm not looking for evidence or proof because I don't believe Bigfoot exists. I come here because believers such as yourself interest me. To be honest I felt your response to EEG rather rude and uncalled for as he was just stating his opinion. As I understand it anyone can post their opinion here not just people who believe it exists. You seem rather thin-skinned and defensive on the subject. Why is this? Perhaps insecure in your belief? You are welcome to your opinion of course and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind but I do have as much right as anyone here to state my views on the subject. I don't believe I have insulted or attacked anyone personally here but I do ask questions.

    I do like the card game.

    1. Now who seems thin-skinned? You say you like the game, but I can tell, only if it is played in your favor. You get in all your little "digs" but no one is allowed to dig back, eh? And if so, they are thin-skinned and insecure in their beliefs. You are quite sanctimonious.

      The complaining I responded to was your response of agreeing with everything EEG wrote. Its a vicious little circle isn't it? I thought EEG's comment rude; you thought my comment rude; now I find your comment rude and self serving.

      You act like you come here to psychoanalyze believers. That doesn't wash. And you certainly have your armchair analysis wrong of me. You aren't very good at this.

      No one wrote that you can't post your opinion here. I don't have to agree with it and can comment back if you do, just like you have done.

      Enjoy your card game. Rest assured no one likes being your pawn.

    2. Good cop bad cop here .LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have to agree with Uno 100%. Curious, without trying to cause offence towards you, I hope you don't mind me saying that you do appear to come around claiming to be "interested in the psychology of enthusiasts", and expect your subtle way of calling people crazy to not go unnoticed. Even though I find your somewhat civil approach refreshing, the truth is Mr Curious, your persistence is very telling of how thin your skin is on the matter. Nobody remotely satisfied, secure in his belief would need to do that. Since you have such an interest in the characters of people, I'll join you.

      To acknowledge the current state of evidence is to adhere to the idea that consistency in field biology is very likely, given the tried and tested scientific methods applied... It is to open all sorts of locked doors to repressed emotions such as the fear of what's in your backyard. The boogeyman.

      "What is it that causes you to repress thoughts and feelings? According to Freud its intense anxiety, an emotional state akin to fear. There are two phases that lead a person to repression, in the primary repression phase, an infant learns that some aspects of reality are pleasant, and others are unpleasant; that some are controllable, and others not. In order to define the "self", the infant must repress the natural assumption that all things are equal. Primary repression is the process of determining what is self, what is other; what is good, and what is bad. At the end of this phase, the child can now distinguish between desires, fears, self, and others."

      ... It's basically why you have so many angry trolls here who are in full denial about the evidence for something that can pop their head off like a soda bottle top. And hence the reason that people don't comment around here so much anymore. But the dwindling of a community of people who are honest with themselves about the current state of evidence; not so much. In fact, every scientist who looks at this subject PROPERLY is reclined to the fact that there HAS to be something to it. With more and more of the best in their respected fields doing so.

    5. U to the N to the O. 

      Trolls don't know where to GO!

    6. Ha Ha Ha . Chick .lol

      AC collins

    7. Iktomi says YES TO SATAN!!

    8. LOL - just a quick pop-in this morning and it comes as no surprise you back Uno 100% just as you do to all who share your belief. Now I want to make it perfectly clear to you I am NOT a researcher but merely a curious individual who went down to the Carter Farm site to check out the claims made there. After almost 50 years of being interested in the subject I'm quite satisfied that in my mind it does not exist HOWEVER I do feel many actually do believe they saw Bigfoot be it misidentification or something else at play and there lies the mystery to me. The fact that so many people report seeing it and yet NO ONE can produce a flesh and blood entity is intriguing.

      There you go again stating assumptions such as "pop off their head like a soda bottle top" when there is zero evidence of that ever happening. This is the type of thing that encourages these "trolls" to make light of. It's my guess that those who come here to mock find such wild claims an easy target. For the record I believe many comments do cross the line of good fun but I'm not the moderator. You and Uno do realize there is a Bigfoot site which is very pro Bigfoot and heavily monitored - right? If you are not already on it your comments I'm sure would be very welcome there if you find the skeptical comments here so distasteful.

      Now I respectfully ask Uno to share his/her experience which perhaps would enlighten me why they feel so passionate about the subject. I promise not to insult however I do reserve the right not to accept the story as gospel as well. I would like to feel we can discuss this subject without attacking each other's character - we both agree there's a mystery here but we have reached different conclusions to explain it. Have to run - will check back tonight for I am sure will be a long response - LOL.

    9. You're here as much as you are because you think people are misidentifying? Come on now, for real? If thats true (which I don't believe) thats just pathetic. Nobody in their right mind is going to hang around here like you do believing other people are seeing shadows, bears, and suits. Its just not that interesting. I smell TROLL.

    10. "Witness testimony can be tested and assessed for reliability. Examples of approaches to testing and assessment include the use of questioning, evidence of corroborating witnesses, documents, video and forensic evidence."

      The above extract pretty much articulates the situation for "Bigfoot" perfectly. Eyewitnesses make missidentifications regarding key information of an incident, they rarely make missidentifications of the actual incident. For example, multiple witnesses to a giant hairy human stepping out into the road may make missidentifications regarding weight, height, whether it had hair on its face... But not that the giant hairy human stepped out into the road. And sorry, it's a far greater leap of faith to suggest that thousands of years of cultural and contemporary anecdotes are he result of missidentication, even instances of multiple eyewitnesses, than it is to look at the evidence impartially and draw the conclusion that everyone can't be mistaken. And again... The fact that no one can produce a specimen lies with the fact that there has been no professional long term effort to do so.

      Measurements and estimates on Sasquatch dimensions, collected over the last 40 years in the Western U.S and Canada, were subjected to statistical analysis and extrapolation by scaling laws appropriate to primates and mammals. The study has yielded average population values for foot length and width, scaling factors of foot length to height, values for weight, plantar pressure, walking and running gait, speed, and a tentative growth curve as a function of time for the female of the species. The results suggest a substantial population with traits different from those of other higher primates and humans. The average height ranges determined by such a plethora of physical evidence, points to a creature in the height range of 7-8 feet tall. Based on the readily available data, there is plenty of room to theorise something that big could twist your head off like a soda bottle top. It's all very well a troll "making light" of something, if they don't familiarise themselves with the facts, they end up looking dense.

      And I've yet to see a sceptical person around here. Care to point one out for me, Curious? And Uno owes you know such information, and I think you're baiting her into a situation where she might be trolled. For the record, I don't blindly support every comment posted by an enthusiastic person, I do applaud Uno's common sense and ideas. Who wouldn't when the best they acquire in the way of a counter argument is special pleading and denial?

    11. Dance by yourself, Curious, while you do another "quick pop-in"

      Those quick pop-ins seem to happen quite frequently while you try to make it seem like you are hardly ever here.

      As 7:22 wrote, I smell troll...condescending troll, and always have.

    12. Hello Uno - you posted while I was writing the above so I will ask you respectfully to share you experience (if any) concerning Bigfoot. Or are you just an interested party such as myself?

      Mmmmmm - you must know my posting habits better than myself because I could swear I don't post here that much. Smell what you like but if skeptical observations upset you may be uncomfortable here.

    13. HEY - just got back tonight to discover my long response post just prior to this one has vanished! What's up with that? I'm too tired to type and remember it all tonight and want to make sure it won't disappear again before I do. Is there a limit here to how much you can post at one time?

    14. I think curious raises execellent points.However,as usual iktomi gets all defencive and thinskined.

      Such a pathetic child you are Joe!

    15. ^ That's all ya got ??

      Same as it ever was!

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Read through my comments kid. If you want to provoke a meaningful response, produce something other than trivial bitch*ng.

      We all know you're out of ya depth.

    18. Same as it ever was,^ Same as it ever was,SAME AS IT EVER WAS!!-----------"YAWN" !!!!

      Schooled Chump!!

      ROFL haw !



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