Huge Animal Shakes The Ground As It Runs By In Sasquatch Canyon

Some people report feeling the ground shake when a bigfoot runs. While on a night investigation into Sasquatch Canyon, the RMSO team has an encounter with a large animal. So large that the ground shook as it ran by. Was it the fabled sasquatch?


  1. A shout out to all the eyewitnesses!

    1. ^ has deaf and dumb audience

    2. Go clean your room Barret ^

    3. This is awesome just like you guys are. I don't like the darkness so I would be freaking out. Be safe, God Bless You Guys.

    4. Please do more of these videos RMSO! My heart was in my throat almost that whole hike. I am scared of the dark. No way will you catch me searching for bigfoot in the middle of nowhere at night.

    5. ^ Are you Steven Strewthfart ?

    6. That was awesome! The cam trail was fantastic to see all those gorgeous animals in those wooded areas. Did the mountain lion come of of the cave in the rock formation to the left? Didnt see if that is where he came from.

    7. It really was enjoyable to come along on your night investigation!

    8. ^ Agree amazing investigation. Wont catch me hiking in a place like that at night especially after seeing the kinds of animals on the game camera at the end.

    9. Saucquatch canyon is a fun place to throw nickles on the ground so a certain curly haired blondie will Squeal with delight as she bends over to pick it up!

    10. Funny, I didn't think of Barrets hair as being that curly.


  2. The Drone Driver in that clip that Kelly fell for.Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 3:34:00 AM PDT

    Isn't this the same guy who got played by high school kids over some terrible drone footage? Knowing Kelly like I don't he probably thought that freight train speeding past and shaking the damned ground was a Sasquatch? Just putting it out there Kelly you won't and shouldn't shake that fake/hoax drone footage that you went on and on about earlier this summer! Just cause you come across as a nice guy on camera doesn't make you a bonafide top notch Sasquatch researcher! A map follower maybe but Sasquatch field hunter Hell No!

    1. C'mon Richard.  Everyone knows you have the biggest Hard 0n for Kelly.

    2. 3:34:00 only one he knows is his own corn hole. I am sure the shaking was the suction of 3:34:00 pulling his head out of rictors bunge hole.

    3. I felt the creeps when you guys heard the ' something big' in the brush....I felt like I was about to see a bigfoot, a moose, or even the mama bear. You guys are too brave!

    4. 3:34:00 I watch all of RMSO videos. They travel all over going to places people say they have saw bigfoot. I don't understand the jealousy you have for them. Good luck in life, its going to be a hard life if you always let jealousy & hate rule in your heart.
      Thanks again for the video RMSO God Bless and keep on squatchin I will be watchin!

    5. ^ Normal for trolls to gang up on fan favorite of bigfooting. True, jealousy is prevalent in many circles. It means RMSO is doing something right if the trolls are showing up to cast stones.

    6. 3:34:00 Obviously does not know what she is talking about. Hardpack101 admits in the comments of RMSO investigation video that they admitted their fraud because RMSO was analyzing hair collected at the location of Harpack101's hoax. Evidence is analyzed to try to prove authenticity of the truth. This evidence led to the admission of a fraud & I congratulate RMSO for going to this location, investigating & forcing the truth. Is hilarious watching trolls trying to spin this our of reality. As if it was their fault Hardpack was trying to scam everyone & the sympathizing with Hardpack for being forced to admit his scam. Must be a Rick Dyer, Todd Standing & Steven Spewfarts fan if you are supporting hoaxers.

    7. Leave Todd out of it.  He's the real deal like it or not.

    8. Really don't give a crap about RMSO anyway!Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 7:26:00 AM PDT

      So who the Hell is Steven Spewfarts? I know of a T-FATS OR Timbo Fatsano as some have called him.

    9. ^ Watches & comments on every single RMSO video lmao. Good Job RMSO keep the videos coming. Our family has watched your Epic Bigfoot video dozens of times. Nobody is doing bigfooting the way you do. We love your style, focus & passion.

    10. 5:13:00 let me fill you a nice hot mug of piss to quench your thirst!

    11. True, who is Steven Stewfert & actually who even gives a flying F about the freak?

    12. Steve Spewturds is that creepy looking guy that lives at the bigfoot bookstore in willow creek. Be happy you don't know who he is because he is the nastiest troll in bigfooting. He on line stalks & harasses other bigfoot enthusiasts. He is also known to hoax peoples bigfoot research sites.

    13. ^ Thanks for info last time I went through there I stopped at that China Flats museum. Was awesome. That book store was closed that day.

  3. Holy Moly I had the wiggies from the start. There is no way I would do that. You guys sure are brave. Thanks for sharing.You guys are braver than me, I could never hike that in the dark! Stay safe. And thanks for the cool game cam footage!

    1. These guys are crazy. I am sitting at home & freaking out. Cant believe they hike in to places like this at night!

    2. Night!

      You're gonna give me a heart attack Kelly! My hands were clenched tight during parts of this video.

  4. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing them stumbling about in the darkness looking at bear poop and hearing things we can't hear? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Isn't he the guy that thought a hoaxed video was real?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Basement dweller yelling to mom! Make be a sammich I am in the middle of anonymously saying important stuff on a bigfoot forum. I don't have time to make my own right now. This is the only place that I can act like a tough guy!

    2. Jealousy is an indication you are doing things right RMSO. People never get jealous over losers. Keep up the good work!

  5. It was probably the fat guy running around. Why are most bigfoot hunters fat?

    1. Lets see we can quickly catoragize obese bigfoot hunters. Rictor Riolo, Steven Struefarts, Jamie Wayne, Tim Fasano, Matt Moneymaker, Bobo, Jeff Kelley. Ya it does seem to be a requirement to be a fatass in most bigfoot cirvles

    2. steve strufert is not Fat!

    3. Jeffery Kelley is very Fat and he Smells Too!

      Steve Alcorn is a handsome and intelligent!

  6. What is this? A bunch of people talking about some video on some bigfoot site? Or some guy talking about some other guy living in his mom's basement? You don't understand bigfoot. Or basements. Or water. That, or money. I'm not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Irritated from a bad case of diaper rash. You need to let your momma know she needs to change your depends more often & that will clear up nicely kiddo.

    2. and Momma always fills my BaBa
      With warm milk & maybe a cookie , (only if i make to the potty,instead of going in my diaper),,Whaaaa. :'(

  7. It's just so hilarious the way Kelly Shaw comes on his own video posts anonymously and trolls and lies about some other guys who aren't even here, didn't start any comments war, and really couldn't give a doo-doo about Kelly Shaw's fantasy trip world. If poor Kelly has some critics, it's too be expected. He should grow a set, and stop blaming others for his failings by trolling them on here. Take some responsibility, mature beyond gradeschool antics, and just try to learn to do better research, why don't you? Attacking a bookstore? That's pretty low and scuzzy.

    1. ^ Rectum Riolo wont let anyone forget his claim to fame being on a TV show forcing contestants to collect moss, raccoon crap & tree sap then present it as bigfoot evidence. Highlight of the failed show teaching contestants to hoax was shooting cows with dna collection darts

    2. I bet you are %100 spot on with Kelly and his honey Boo-boo trolling this blog and throwing the gay guy in on this thread. Kelly is sneaky looking and has A retarded way of saying Bigfoot! Plus he doesn't like getting schooled by those other Sasquatch researchers! I bet he and Tim Fasano have big egos. Big egos and no proof now ain't that a bitch?

  8. ^ Butt hurt troll starting to get and throwing little tizzy fits because he is losing at his own pathetic game. Do your mum a big favor block. Get a job and move out of her basement kiddo. Nobody likes to support a grown man whom only aspiration in life is being the number one troll on a Bigfoot forum.

  9. True trolls can't handle being trolled. Fact in life those that dish it can't handle it. Hilarious watching the trolls in here scrunch up in a fetal position then start to cry when confronted with thier own sad reality in life. They only get to be anonymous tough guys on bigfoot evidence. And somebody in here is pissing on thier fun lol

  10. 16:15:00 enjoys watching people look for Bigfoot from thier Las Vegas apartment. Are you the fudge pack toy?

    1. Stop picking on the turd pounder. My bet in on him to find Bigfoot first. He has his shittogether. Packed tightly in his colon. Bigfoot likes people that have thier shittogether


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