How Do Bigfoot Deal With Fire?

Ohio bigfoot hunter Tim Stover runs across a strange occurrence, or at least one you certainly don't see every day. 


  1. Researchers Find Hidden DNA of Previously Unknown Species

  2. He puts it out with his hose


  3. I sometimes wonder what happened to archaics in southeast Asia during U.S. carpet bombing of the HCM trail.

    1. I just googled that and it looks like they didn't stand much chance :( xx

  4. Bigfoot deals with fire by not existing.

    It's super effective.

    1. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.
      - Albert Einstein.

    2. ^ maybe the footer researchers ought to try reading that

    3. Why would they? They're the ones sitting on the evidence that ruins your life.

    4. you to a tee iktomi fala

      The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.

      B Russell

    5. Oh Ikky, you really don't have any self awareness, do you?

    6. "It is a fool’s prerogative to utter truths that no one else will speak."
      - William Shakespeare

      I'm aware that I'm pretty much hated by a few people because of knowing a subject a lot better than them. Don't let it ruin your life man.

    7. Not so - you`re "hated" because you`re an asshole.

    8. You clearly don't know how to use quotation marks properly. And I'm not hated by the likes of you because I thwart your self esteem campaign.

    9. Don't flatter yourself Ikky.

      You're not hated.

      You're not worth hating.

      So you think you know a lot about something that doesn't exist. So what? I know nerds who can quote the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual chapter and verse. They can tell you how many hit points an ogre has and describe in detail the many different kinds of elves and fairies. And while that's an accomplishment of a sort, it's really not very useful in the real world. And it doesn't mean ogres and elves actually exist. Just like bigfoot doesn't exist.

      This is why I keep imploring you to stop wasting your brain cells on this bigfoot nonsense and go learn real anthropology and anatomy.

    10. Oh you most certainly hate me. Not only do you insists on following me around, publishing your scars and crying "Bigfoot don't exist"... But for someone who fantasises a qualification in anatomy, to have someone like me correct you on stuff that you should have known before even getting to university; must throw a little planner in the works. You appear to know quite a bit about Dungeons and Dragons, but you won't find one anthropologist endorsing evidence for it, unlike this subject which has the most pioneering primatologists and conservationists either flat out enthusiastic, or at the very least optimistic. Bigfoot exists in the physical forensic evidence that is not only impossible to hoax, but is in fact repeatable. There is nothing more profound.

      Instead of harping on about my character like some boo-hoo try-hard with a vendetta, get around to addressing that for once. You might even find you'll feel the need to follow me around far less due to some satisfaction. Because at present, you're just another bum-sore anon who's upset at people on the internet who've merely taken the time to learn about the subject they're spouting off about... Join the cue.

  5. More like the problem is Iktomi and the rest of the supers are the guards who have become overpowered by the lunatics who are running apesh**e crazy all over this blog without their handlers and meds. Downright scarey and pathetic is what this place has become.

    1. The "supers" achievement on this blog amounts to cheering on Joergy and saying hello to one another. Nothing much is lost.

    2. I'm pretty much certain that most of the "supers" have their own ideas about the subject, and don't agree with everything I have to say about it. The difference is that what I say doesn't threaten their little world view of things outside of their bedroom.

    3. It would be refreshing if those people actually discussed their views.

    4. HAAAAAA!!!!! How could they when you insult them for it like a coward?!

      (Now that DID make me laugh... Wow)

  6. What is this? Some reply by somebody called Iktomi about some post about bigfoot on some website about bigfoot? I'm not interested. Done.


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