Possible Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Caught OnVideo

New video footage shows a strange looking animal that resembles a thylacine. The Tasmanian tiger was declared extinct, but sightings have still taken place throughout the years. Check out the video and see what you think:


  1. Sorry bigfoot doesnt' exist. Joergy

  2. If this was a bigfoot video, it would instantly be deemed authentic by Joe. It looks about as promising as leaping russian yeti. But pleas remember joe knows the person with the film with the sticker on it. He neglects to tell you though, that the person he refers too is KHAT HANSEN. And we all know she is trustworthy.

    1. PISS = FACT !!

      Paul Butterfield blues band



      Shinning Gods light into a cryptid world.

    3. Crapturd latrine, shingles of God in a Crapturd world

    4. You see fools, there are lizard men and blue people and sky people and then lizard man hybrids like Bigfoot, hairy and scaly at the same time,oh and they all live underground in a cave too,yes they do, these are the things I talk about and Iktomi and KAUPE and Dr Squatch and a few others come out and defend me as if everything I say is sane and rational , go ahead and Google me, read what I say and see if you can take me seriously

    5. I believe you Khat because I have prayed to heavenly father and he has telepathically informed me you are spot on.

  3. Housecat. Not a thylacine. Too bad.

    1. LOL. That may not be a thylacine, but it is not a house cat.

    2. Stray cat, not a house cat. Looks just like this old stripy tom who use to hang about looking for handouts.

    3. Not a fox. Until I fire up the google machine to check I'm not even sure they have foxes in the part of the world. My attention is drawn to the thickness of the tail as it nears the body. It totally matches up with archival video and photos. And another thing. The report of their untimely death may have been grossly exaggerated. The guys doing the declaring often based their findings on people whose work had no follow up. I.E. proof. Of all the crypto creatures, Taz is the most plausible.

    4. We most certainly do have red fox here in Australia. It's an introduced species and has wreaked havoc on the ecosystem. They're also opportunistic scavengers and occasionally wander into metro areas, much like this. The proportions seem all correct. It's also red, and has a white tipped tail. No stripes on its hind like a Tasmanian Tiger. Looks like a skinny red fox with a bit of mange to me.

  4. The problem with this clip is that you can't get a good look at the animal's head. The thylacine has a distinctive looking head.

    At 0:41 you can get the best look at the head, albeit it's only a glimpse and it's blurry. If you are able to freeze the video right at that point and see the head, you can tell that it is elongated like that of a thylacine.

    The head, the way this moves, and the length and shape of the tail leads me to believe that this may indeed be a thylacine. However, without a better picture or footage, there can and only will be speculation related to this clip.

    1. That's what i thought too.I hope it is one though xx

    2. Would you fancy having a good look at my "head" luv ?


    3. I'll be straight round fake Joe with a comb and some head lice treatment although i don't know why your mum can't do it xx

    4. I specialize in fingering techniques - if`n yous int`ressed n`all....?


    5. LMAO PIB!!!!! You are so clever!

  5. This used to be a Bigfoot blog? Fresh out of new evidence I guess?

    1. People have learned about this blog. People use to send stuff here to reveal. I don't think that happens near as much now thanks to a few jerks that like to crap on everything.

      And while many ae capturing subjects, its not always bigfoot. Looking at faces in the bush are only going to do so much good and get boring at some point. The last Zaskey vid I watched was an hour of him talking for 10 sec of face in a bush -------- becoming very Fasano like. And his analysis of the subject is contrary to reality.

      If it's just a critter, your video's should show 10x the amount of creatures --- if there just a physical animal.

      Merchant ------ can you give Zaskey a clue???

    2. All these yo-yo's are camera attention whore's!
      I hope you didn't pay $14.99 to see him.
      Merchant is beyond clueless!

    3. ^ maybe - but he`s got quite a bit of cash now ... so who`s the fool?

    4. You think anyone signed up after the 14 day free trial? ??

    5. Why am I unable to contain my jealousy of Zaskey

    6. because his drunken shadows and plants draw more subs. blog articles and overall belief than your dog and squirrel manipulated horseshit.....40 views per video keep up the great work jackass

  6. Replies
    1. It`s simply a dog that`s been painted with stripes...and fooled a lot of people who ought to know better.

  7. it's the real deal folks. There may not be many left but some did survive . To deny that is ignorance which really suits all skeptics so very nicely


    1. ^ as a captain you will go down with your ship in the loo


  8. Tasmania is tiny. There are no tigers left. It's all just hopes and dreams. They would have caught one by now if they were still around. It sucks but it's true. The actually did exist though. Bigfoot never existed and never will!

    1. On Tasmania, no.

      On mainland Australia, maybe.

    2. It's called the Tasmanian tiger for a reason.

  9. How long until Ikky comes in with "Got tiger suit?"


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