Mississippi Evidence Released on Video

From Bono Russell comes a collection of photographic evidence of bigfoot in Mississippi. Check it out and see what you think. You can list to Bono on his podcast, Mojo Encounters.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Winner of the glory hole cup ...he swallowed all the "prize" he could handle.

  2. Halitosis dearest Iktomi, it is a cake, it is a candy, it is two treats in one ,Big Chief Bigwheel told me these words of wisdom and I share them with my friends, you trolls wouldn't understand

  3. You know that was blurry as all he'll but far superior to anything Dr Squatch has EVER put out,at least the stumps look like bigfoot

    1. You should call call yourself chief Lushka it fits ALL OF YOU TROLLS on here.
      I liked this film. Looks pretty good. I agree with you Steve. Hi Iktomi~ keep knocking them down my friend,. You do great work you know. lol

    2. Yes Khat, I shall listen to you because you have a penis

    3. Aaah guh guh guh...penisk

    4. The bigfootsk in Nort caroliney Isk makings troublesk forsaken the policek

  4. Thanks Suc...Steve

  5. Through the bottom of a liquor bottle

    1. DS is such a hater

    2. And has looked through the bottom of many, many liquor bottles. It explains a lot.

    3. that's why the dear dr fancies adams apples on all his gals...all started with sloe gin and hillbilly squatching buddys

    4. You will be judged, Jesus will judge you and if you're good like me you get a pearl necklace, Kaupe told me so on CRAPTURD LATRINE

    5. I have excellent fingering techniques to offer...tell me yous intressed?


    6. well if you were told by krapee {ieon in drag} and khat {please don't squeeze the shaman) it must be on the level

  6. So nice to see all you trolls again do you know where we got the name crapturd Latrine from?
    We got it from your little troll hide away where Leon and I spied you nasty little things having anal sex and scrotum licking contests. it was so horrible that we stopped and had to call your Aunt Mary Sue! she is such a nice lady ( or so we thought!!) with her Adam's apple and her giant hairy nuts!she was so excited about your little contest that she just had to jump in with you horrid little trolls I'll never forget of her standing triumphantly and victoriously over you things with that trophy. Good to know that you awful things can bow down to your superiors and lick it real well!
    With love and hope to see you guys at our podcast the crapturd Latrine

    1. Aaah guh guh guh. ..penisk

    2. Well look there...Khat getting down and dirty in the mud pit with the trolls. Pretty rough talk for a medicine woman. What would heavenly father think? Yes, quite the lady. If the Cryptid Lantern (or craptured Latrine as some call it) boasts the same wit as we see above then it will die a quick death.

    3. Crapturd latrine is named after Khat teepee

    4. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=khat+hansen+bigfoot&view=detail&mid=79E3601598B6AB571AD079E3601598B6AB571AD0&FORM=VIRE

      Now ask yourself.....does this sound sane to you?

    5. Kat hansen!!..Whut in tha hell is going on hombre???

    6. Heavenly Father talks to me in my head and tells me I'm hell bound

  7. Those 'legal allegations' are scary!

  8. She actually admits to hanging with Leon, guess that speaks to her character

  9. Above pics were blurry (needs new camera) but indeed Bigfoot pics!!
    I got a Bigfoot and a Dogman in the same pic yesterday!


    1. You have to be a troll, if you are, that's hilarious.

      However, If you actually think that video really shows living creatures, you are mentally ill. I mean, extremely ill, and should seek help.

    2. It's an incredible pic Mr. Denial!

      I'm in the woods researching just about everyday, how am I a troll?
      The utter ignorance of some people is mind boggling!

    3. I will agree you are in the "woods", but you are not "researching". Researching is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts. What you are doing is called "amateur photography". To put it simply, you don't have a magic camera, blue trash bags are not "signs" and Dr. Meldrum didn't "steal" hair samples from you. You are just a hopelessly sick man, who needs a mental evaluation. I believe you started out humble with good intentions, but this subject has eaten you up. It's like a prospector with Gold Fever. You have yourself convinced and no longer have the ability to make sound judgements.

    4. Thank you for a refreshing assessment of my work, everyone here tells me this but I never listen, I have a thick skull

    5. Yah Vegas--------- I bet DS never ran around in the woods with a light sabre, ha ha ha ha ha


    6. That picture seems to be some branches and some forest debris like leaf litter with a little mouth and eyes drawn on it. It is absurd to claim that there is a bigfoot in there. That is bad research right there.

    7. Show me what what evidence you have gathered?
      You have nothing to compare, no video's, NOTHING!
      You and Vegas are pathetic, and clueless!
      You're not supposed to see them, takes years to see them, and im LOL at your comments and inexperience.
      11:43 if you want to see BAD RESEARCH look at what you and Vegas have.....NOTHING.....HILARIOUS!

    8. So every picture of nothing is a picture of Bigfoot, is that correct you addled fool

    9. They are all jealous

  10. Boner, its paradolia/blob squatchery at its finest.


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