Thom Cantrall Talks About Meeting His Sasquatch Teacher

Thom Cantrall and Bob Gimlin join Barb and Gabby for their bigfoot campout. Thom tells the story about how Arla the shaman led him to a location where he met his sasquatch teacher. This was the first time he had ever spoken with a bigfoot telepathically.



    1. We should all take a lesson from Steven Struetalfart and start playing with marbles at the Patterson Gimlin film location. Steven has to be on to something. Bigfoot likes marbles and likes Steven because he has lost all of his.

  2. "spoken with a bigfoot telepathically"

    Poor Bob.

    1. Oh boy these guys are freaking crazy.

      Bob is a gentleman.

    2. Oh boy these guys are freaking crazy.

      Bob is a gentleman.

  3. I usually don't watch the full videos as they seem repetitive and boring but merely read the comments, laugh and move on. Tonight I made an exception as I had some paperwork to do so I listened to the full hour and 15 minute video of Thom Cantrall speaking to this group. Some observations:

    Bob Gimlin apparently buys into the telepathic abilities of Bigfoot and seemed to take an almost religious tone by thanking them for the breeze and nodding in agreement with everything Thom said.

    They discussed how Bigfoot does not like dogs however Barb has her dog Gabby and seems to come in contact with them.

    Gimlin related how Bobo of Finding Bigfoot fame revealed to him that they have found "good" evidence but it gets edited out. Why you ask? Apparently because all the producers are interested in are ratings (their words, not mine). What? Wouldn't good evidence increase ratings???

    Thom relates how Autumn Williams was his mentor and she told him that Bigfoot would appear before him with a red stripe across his chest (and apparently two stars. Her name has come up before on various sites and not in a good way.

    Now I don't believe in Bigfoot so it comes as no surprise that I don't believe a word Cantrall said but I have to admit I was surprised that Bob Gimlin seems to be happily in this camp. I am curious - how many here who believe in Bigfoot buy into what Thom Cantrall says? Is Gimlin's endorsement good enough for you?

    1. I'm waiting for cantrell to start BS'ing about how he is a souix medcine man and how all ya gotta do (to summin his squatch teacher is to sit your FAT ASS in a chair and swill coke an shovel fried chicken up yer pie
      in short,like 6:47 said ,,
      "RUN BOB RUN"!!!!

    2. Its cool to see Bob Gimlin. I don't care what he believes. At this point in his life its all good and he has certainly earned the right to having his own understanding of what bigfoot is. I'm just glad he was there with a rifle helping Roger get that footage. I remember staring at a still image of PG when I was 7. I still remember the feeling of wonderment almost 50 years later.

      Science has got this one wrong. I knew it in 1967 and I know it now.

    3. ^ comment of the week.

      Mr Curious... For someone who religiously has to claim that Bigfoot proponents are religious, it appears you're religiously trying to ascertain the camps that people are allegedly so religiously invested in?

      If Gimlin believes Sasquatch to be telepathic, that in no way shape or form hurts his credibility. Your great country spent BILLIONS on psychic espionage during the Cold War, remember.

    4. It's ARLA WILLIAMS, not Autumn Williams.

    5. That's like saying that if BG believed that the sun orbited the earth than that would in no way affect his credibility because the wonderful Greeks and Romans also believed it!

    6. My apology Anon: 5:01you are correct. I didn't realize there was an ARLA Williams.

      Now lktomi I have never said ALL Bigfoot proponents are religious but when those who speak of them with such reverence and give credence to such powers as making the wind blow then yes, it does seem to take on a religious tone. As far as Gimlin's belief in Sasquatch being telepathic not hurting his credibility - well, I guess that depend on your personal perspective. As I remember nothing was proven from those psychic studies, ironically just like Bigfoot.


      ^ plenty here on the subject of remote viewing... And just like "Bigfoot"; a lack of proof does not equate to a lack of evidence.

    8. You can't mix religion with satanic Psychic crap! These people who claim telepathy with Bigfoot are all 100% complete wacko's, and please tell them i said so!

      Gimlin hasn't had ANY proof since 1967, i'd like to know why?
      Sure he got the money shot, but i would think that would peek his interest to gather evidence for the rest of his life......maybe he fled due to ridicule?

      Curious, you need to watch every one of my video's!

    9. Dr. Squatch, you showed off your severe lack of critical thinking and then in the next paragraph showed you are almost capable of it. Which I think makes you bipolar. Might wanna get that checked out, along with your obvious over inflated ego shows signs of a mental condition.
      First psychic crap isn't Satanic. You could argue that most of the people in the bible were psychics. This has been traced back to the churches need to control anything remotely pagan and label it as evil and of the devil. Most critical thinking people in this century now know that paganism isn't some inherently evil religion and has been twisted and lied about by the Christian religion. You obviously know nothing about psychics or their abilities. But yet here you are like an obedient sheep trying to preach to us about how its the work of the devil. You know how ridiculous you sound? You want to thump the bible all night go ahead. But don't come in here bringing 19th century beliefs and try to act like you can think for yourself. So in short get a clue and catch up with the rest of civilization. That being said I in no way shape or form think this person in this video is anything more than a wackjob. But still psychics exist and they aren't devil worshippers, and its wrong of you top paint them as such.
      But still your criticism of Gimlin is spot on. And its likely to ruffle some fanboy feathers in here and that is much needed. Youre absolutely right though, yes, maybe he did help catch a Bigfoot on video. But if so what has he done since that day. Enjoyed his fame is all. Now I know the fanboys are already calculating their excuses for him which is just dandy but Ive seen them all 100 times and won't bother reading them again. Someone so revered by the Bigfoot community and helped catch such a coveted video has produced jack squat since. Not a hair, not a track, nothing. Just riding out his fame until the end.
      So in short you are halfway to where you need to be. Letting your religion getting in the way of your critical thinking isn't going to impress anyone. You can try and convince yourself of your hardcore religious morals and exclude yourself from a lot of people if you want. Better remember though this physical life is your one chance to impress us mortals. Not a one of us is going to give a shit about how much you hate gays, psychics, and pagans in the afterlife.

    10. So being bipolar means a person lacks the capacity for critical thinking? Do I understand the statement correctly? I'm just curious. You don't seem to know anyone who is bipolar.

    11. Anon 9:50, i stand by my statements, "ANY PSYCHIC IS NOT OF GOD!!"
      "Most critical thinking people in this century now know that paganism isn't some inherently evil religion and has been twisted and lied about by the Christian religion.".....WOW, WHO TOLD YOU THAT??? YEP, SATAN DID!

      Once again, feel free to tell any Psychic that i said they are Demon possessed!
      I know for a FACT they do want anything to do with Jesus Christ!

    12. Reading this over my lunch hour - interesting comments. Will try to chime in with my two cents after work.

      Man these blogs move fast.

      There you go idiot. Read that and see how the Bible can be twisted into whatever anyone wants it to be. If you think that anything that goes against your religion is "Satan speaking" to people then you are a fear mongering moron. Do the people in your church know you are obsessed with an occult figure? Do they know you seek out fame by searching for an occult figure. If anyone in here is "of Satan" its most undoubtedly you. Liar, manipulator or truth and in general hateful human being. Undoubtedly you discriminate against homosexuals too. Id start putting that disclaimer on your videos, that homos and psychics and people of different religions are all "Satan Worshippers" and lets see how many of the 10 people that follow you stick around after that.

    14. As a matter of fact I will take you up on your word. Let me know how the above orginization can contact you. I will gladly let them know for you that you are calling them all Satan worshippers. They can maybe help you see the light and maybe say a prayer for you.

    15. I got the Demon in you all fired up huh!
      You need my email, address, phone #?
      You just dont get it do ya...If you are not of Jesus Christ, you worship Satan, knowingly or unknowingly!

    16. ^
      How about this? Since you're a Christian, why don't you turn the other cheek? Why not refrain from judging lest you yourself be judged? At the very least I am sure you must be compelled to forgive? What about sin? If you have none, then go ahead and cast the first stone. Modern American christianity is a laughable farce. Entire concepts lay in poor translation and a failure to grasp the way language was used then. You sir. YOU mock Jesus with your warped ideas of what he taught.

    17. Fun stuff to read. Now Dr. Squatch, I don't have the time or inclination to go through every single one of your videos but I have viewed some (are you ever going to dig up the supposed Bigfoot grave?). Surely even you must realize that you can have thousands of videos and pictures and it will still prove nothing. If you have such access to where they creatures dwell than why not turn your efforts to getting physical remains such as feces?

      Concerning Gimlin, he seems like a very nice guy and he's obviously a charmer but that doesn't mean he can't be mistaken or plain outright lying. I have to admit after watching the video and his comments I see him in a whole different light and not in a positive way.

      I have to laugh about the talk of Satanists and psychics. Since I am an atheist and don't believe in psychics or Bigfoot I must be the ultimate monster to you guys - LOL. Still I enjoy reading your stuff.

      The association of religion and Bigfoot is still a fascinating subject for me . . . in spite of lktomi's objections.

    18. Iktomi one of the fuctards of bigfootery. Please get out of your moms basement and go get a tug & rub or something so that you can loose your virginity!


    1. ^^^^ Whoever posted this link, this is Pareodalia. You can't circle every face in the bushes, and think it's a Bigfoot. You MUST have them blinking, or moving. You do realize everything you circled is as big as a baseball right?

    2. Should he look for blue bags?

  5. Dr. Squatch, nobody here think you are an expert. Nobody here sees bigfoot in your images. Nobody here needs your comments on imagery.

    Take your blue plastic bags and your invisible man in the sky and gtfo.

    1. Major jealous rant...I LOVE IT!!

      You need help and prayer bro!

  6. Thom Cantral is a sad pathetic person who beleives the crap that he makes up. He only does this so that he can have a following and make friends. He has produced no evidence and has done nothing to contribute to the Bigfoot Field other than spreading his lies and b.s.


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