"There's Something On My Property"

From Sasquatch Chronicles:

A listener writes: “Hey, I just started to listen to the show after having a sighting behind my house in east Texas. I moved in this place 2 months ago. I hear them often not yelling or anything like that. I did hear knocking in the front of the house, tree breaking and I found tree structures. There are lots of deer in the area and I have a drainage creek behind my house. So I think they may have been hunting here. No one lives in the house for a year before I bought it. This last Sunday I heard my dog in the woods and it sounded like it was got hurt. I ran out of the house and there was my dog sitting in the front and nothing was wrong. I think that the Bigfoot made that sound to get me or the dogs in the woods. Latter that night my wife was on the porch and heard something banging around and the heard tree branches braking on the other side of the yard. She came and got me I didn’t here anything but she said it had to be two of them. I also saw a print that might be from Bigfoot. It was 12″ long 6″ wide. The Bigfoot was about 7′ tall was at twilight so it looked like a dark shadow very upright with a round head and big shoulders no neck, long legs. I didn’t notice the arms. I am wondering if they could be watching us and may harm us. I’m doing my best to give them there space. Thanks for your time. If you have any insight let me know thanks” I will also be welcoming Duke to the show. Duke stops by to discuss his conspiracy theories and info on past insider shows.


  1. SASQUATCH ARE SUB-SAHARAN, ,Homo sapien sapien,,,, huh Joe?

    AC collins

    1. why is IKTOMI'S THEORY racist ??,,as I do not think sasquatch are sub-Saharan african in any shape or form!

      and I have destroyed every argument iktomi has put forth regaurding this issue!!

      AC collins

    2. Yur the racist

      Always on your mind

    3. lol, jive turkey! noone gives a shit! cept squatch DO come from gapeing port Holes ?

    4. Any of you blokes want to check out "something on my property"?


    5. What's that fake joe ? The sump hole in the corner of your mama's basement ?

    6. ^ Cor, futt me me ol` charhna and stone da bleetin` crows.

    7. To the writer with them on your property. There are other things that will try and draw your dog in the woods, speaking from experience, don'tleave your dog unattended outside.

  2. Old Squatchy boy looks like he is getting some amazing head in the pic above. Lucky bastard!!!!

    1. Some folks actually come here for discussion of the subject matter!!!


    2. 2:43,after a 2Nd look,i think you got point there!!


    3. When he busts a nut he's gonna blow the back of his head off. I hope they have a safe word.

    4. Pop that head off like a soda bottle top.

    5. Aaaaahhhhh it all makes sense now. Itkomi dreams of chewing off bigfoot and then having his head popped off like a soda bottle. I should have known it was a sick fantasy of Itkomi.

    6. More homoerotic joking, awesome. I feel like you say the words " I'm not gay, bro." often.

    7. Who would say,Im as Queer as a 3 dollar bill, except Vegas the dog?

    8. Entertain me please with some new material^

    9. 4:18 be careful vegas the fluffgirl is getting jealous of you....taunting his lil'sugarbritches iktomi is serious business to the 40 year old bald 5'2 300lb mama's boy

  3. There is something in my pants.......Its called a turd, just like this story is.

    1. The bricks that comprise the great wall of China weighed in at 23Lbs..EACH!
      how about that??

  4. There is absolutely no doubt that this story is true.

  5. Fasano's portly men's clothingThursday, August 25, 2016 at 9:03:00 AM PDT

    The Bigfoot was eating corn the turds tell me

    1. Real evidence, yes

    2. 9:03 = Turd Wisperer

      Dr PooLittle

      LOL !

    3. At SOHA I would find big shiny turds in the gifting bowls,good evidence

  6. Something on your property? Probably Iktomi, watching you sleep, while he glues printed out hyperlinks and blog posts about Lovelock skulls and missing fossils at the Smithsonian all over your house.

  7. Allow me to introduce to you
    "Dummer & Dummer" xx

    1. trump is against the Globalists, putin is against the Globalists,
      Farage is against the Globalists.

      Better think about it. Do you want somebody from US telling you what to do there PIB???

      I DON'T WANT SOMEBODY IN Germany OR France tetlling me what to do in the U..S.

      It's really that simple PIB

      Come on PIB, your normally one of the smart ones here!

    2. They aren't against the Globalists,they are puppets for them.

  8. The E.U. was a huge mistake and should have never happened. Letting all those Muslims into your countries is a result and the NWO has got caught SAYING----- It is by design, to weaken those countries!!!!!!!

    Why do you think Putin hates Hillary? Why do you think Putin said the Queen is a serpent and he wasn't joking? You got old BLOODLINE problems with the Royals!!!!!!!!!

    Trump and Putin going to kick some ass!!!

  9. #1 in Bigfoot Crapturd research -Squatch (not a real Dr)Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 12:49:00 PM PDT

    My mom gave me a Hillary Clinton for president hat, thank sweet allah

  10. I think someone needs to control the inappropriate comments and discussion. Most of it has nothing to do with the subject and what is on subject its ridiculous sexual overtones. SMH 5th grade boy talk inconvetsation.

  11. #1 in Bigfoot Crapturd research -Squatch (not a real Dr)Friday, August 26, 2016 at 6:30:00 AM PDT



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