Did Bigfoot Leave This Glyph?

From Barbara Shupe's youtube channel - the home of Barb and Gabby:

Hello everybody! In this video, we finish off day 3 with a possible Bigfoot grass welcome glyph/gift, that had been found just after our arrival. I had just began to tell the story, when another, most amazing grass gift was found! :)


  1. I thought Bigfoot didn't like people.

    1. Like all intelligent creatures, it is subsceptible to curiosity and mistakes. Just look at you, the strangest and most rarest creature of all and no more subsceptible than anyone of the aforementioned. Can't say the same regarding any level of intelligence though.

    2. "Grass and Twig Signs
      In grass or sedge the top of the tuft is made to show the direction to be followed; if it is a point of great importance three tufts are tied, their tops straight if the trail goes straight on; otherwise the tops are turned in the direction toward which le course turns.

      The Ojibways and other woodland tribes use twigs for a great many of these signs. The hanging broken twig like the simple blaze means "This is the trail." The twig clean broken off and laid on the ground across the line of march means, "Here break from your straight course and go in the line of the butt end," and when an especial warning is meant, the butt is pointed toward the one following the trail and raised somewhat, in a forked twig. If the butt of the twig were raised and pointing to the left, it would mean "Look out, camp, or ourselves, or the enemy, or the game we have killed is out that way." With some, the elevation of the butt is made to show the distance of the object; if low the object is near, if raised very high the object is a long way off."


    3. So Sub saharan people are now "intelligent creatures with elavated Butts"????
      wow iktomi Racist much??????

    4. Why is it so difficult for your to find a modern African skull equivalent for Khwit??

    5. thought khwit was 4% h neanderthal and 46% caucasian??


    6. No... That's reeling off a load of made up stuff, in a grammatical mess that nobody has the slightest idea what you're talking about.


    7. Ikomi forgets that khwit had a
      caucasian father ...iktomi=fool!

    8. And in conclusion ALL HSS are sub saharan african ,,fact!
      you gibbering dolt! ^^

    9. It doesn't matter... If his mother was modern West African, some of Khwit's ancient skull morphology should be seen in modern examples.

      Chop, chop!!

    10. Idiot,All discriptions of zana are anecdotal hersay 150yrs old ,,how would anybody know what her skull was!
      p,s.sorry for calling you an idiot!
      YOUR PAL AC collins

    11. Shut Up AC collins, You stinking Drunkard!

    12. "Anecdotal hearsay", of an ancient human that has ancient morphology in the skull of her son.

    13. ^ believes bigfoot writes and leaves messages using bits of vegetation...hahaha hahaha what a moron.

    14. Not necessarily, I don't have proof that a Sasquatch left that and quite frankly I don't care. But considering it's an old Native American custom, it's not out of the realms of possibility, and it's fun teaching you a thing or two as usual.

    15. What does it being an old Native custom have to do with bigfoot?

    16. Because "Bigfoot" has a long affiliation with Native Americans.

    17. So what? That means anything natives did, can also be attributed to bigfoot? That is nonsense.

      Do bigfoots smoke peace pipes too? There are far more easily explainable explanations for the twisted twig than bigfoot did because natives used to do it.

    18. Let's just make this clear now champ, I don't know and don't care if a Sasquatch left that grass sign above... What's factual, is that is the same custom as to what Natives have used and if you actually take time to educate yourself on the approach natives have to their Sasquatch oral histories, they have some times shared customs, like a "big brother".

    19. Do you have any proof of this, or just stories as usual?

    20. Here's a doozy, why don't you read something other than your ISF mantras about the subject?

    21. So I had a chance to speak with Khat this morning.
      I knew a little about her. I am overwhelmed. This Lady is an old soul and walks with the one who created it all. For those of you in the know!
      There are some people on this planet whom have whithin them a a very special hunger for the truth of it ALL. This place we call earth, the inhabitants including those that don't remain physical, the spirit world that seeks to harm us, and the HISTORY of it all! But most importantly------- some have a gift to pursue it, understand it, and to piece it all together.
      When you walk this path, the spirit side, the thing most of you either can't or won't understand ----- often comes against you! In other words, when you are given the gift to SEE, your pho's know you!
      This lady has paid the price, she has fought battles real an unseen. She is a warrior!

      Much love and respect for you Khat!

      She told me things that prove to me, She walks through the fire to become GOLD!


      Sup Brother Iktomiiiiiiiiiii!

    22. Hey TK... I have to say, I've been so impressed with what I've learned about Khat and she has my total respect.

    23. Hey Khat, if you happen along, I remembered the third person who claimed Bigfoot was Cain, It was Autumn Williams and although she doesn't discuss it, she was (LD).
      I'm going to try and verify about Johnson --- soon!

      Post up about Challenger! ha ha ha ha Secret code, ha ha ha

    24. What does this glyph represent, Joe? You claim to know about native glyphs. Or is it that any random twisting of a twig in your mind is a native glyph? lol

    25. Hey Iktomi. I don't know if you've ever had the chance to speak with her, but she has had an amazing life, hard and blessed. Without detail, things have been arranged, so that she finds things, and learns things and has experienced real battles and wars of truths and lies, things stolen of significant historical value. And personal experinces with our "big harry friend" that well, defy rational thought. But she was also given verification that lets one know, "yes, you saw, what you thought you saw!" I know that most of you "Logically" stay on the scientic path, and I understand why! But believe me when I tell you that there are HIDDEN paths that diverge from the one your on!

      The "un-solvability" of the physicality of this thing is clue one.

      The references to park officials, law enforcement and the Government changing and/or hiding info is clue two!

      References of these creatures going as far back as we have written language is clue three!

      Their reported abilities and attributes --- as crazy as they sound ----- clue number four?

      I know you hardcore skeptards never will, but for those of you with a truly open mind, contemplate the idea of the Nephilim and do some research.

      Something Just ain't right about these critters! Leon W.

    26. Sorry champ, you seem to be mixing up the suggestion in the article's title with what I offered as a possible explanation for what's been photographed. Not that I'm claiming Sasquatch left what's photographed, because I have no way of proving that.

      Someone all sore on falisifiability would now doubt resort to that.

      For the record I think that some stick structures are rather compelling and most certainly a trait of Sasquatch behaviour. For example;

    27. TK, I took the liberty of reading some of her interviews and the woman is totally fascinating. I'll be shooting her an email very soon to pick her brains.

      Hope you are well bro.

    28. Flat earth to Troll Killer.
      I know a gentlman that could convey the information in ONE SENTANCE that took you 8 paragraphs..And that person has an IQ twice that of yours.


      """"""AC collins"""""!!!

    29. AC collinsThursday, August 4, 2016 at 5:04:00 PM PDT
      Its not bigfoots fault we(hss) cannot catch them, or consistantly film them!!
      IT'S OUR FAULT THAT OUR 3D PERCEPTION ISNT Designed to pickup entities that are multi dimensional!!
      sounds crazie huh ??
      Well most of you Dullards will still be making up EXCUSES 10YRS FROM NOW!!
      AC collins

    30. Dmaker ------ It's funny you two are talking about glyphs. That was one of the very things Khat and I were discussing this morning, before you two were on it. She has Glyphs, and some of the best were stolen --- from somewhere you wouldn't believe! Not, but similar to the whole Smithsonian thing -------- What the hell is going on and why do you IDIOTS deny that our government is trying their ass off to burry REAL U.S. archeological history!!!!!

      I'll tell you why, because they point to something that verifies Gods word ------ And Science can't afford the competition!!!!

      They want the American public nice and STUPID. The rest of the world doesn't work quite as hard to hide it, but they do.
      Why such a big enfaces on the U.S? Because we are the ones who spread Gods word to the farthest reaches of the planet, and because we here at home, have GUNS. And at some point, the totality of the lies are going to come tumbling down. It will be ugly. Shit will show up that you could never have dreamed of. And since you never considered, never wondered, never chased the truth (god) WHEN IT HAPPENS, You'll be crying in a basement somewhere wondering what's become of the world you thought you knew. A paradigm shift most will not be able to handle!

    31. Ok Always Crying - dirt bag.

      Lets have that sentence, dork!

      I'm still waiting on that picture of your ugly as, Henry is waiting.......

    32. Oh and A.C. If I'm thinking of somebody of a high I.Q., YOU WONT SHOW UP ON THE RADAR, AT ALL!

    33. Tk ,at least you're smarter than Joe "lkblowmi"F,,,,,
      an dat ain't sayin much!!

    34. Joe, is the twisted twig in the thread photo a native glyph, or not?

      You claim knowledge of these things, so you should be able to answer the question, no?

      Or are you not that familiar, after all, with native glyphs, but thought you would throw out that bigfoot could have done it anyway?

    35. Which leaves us with your base contention that any twisted twig in the woods could be bigfoot because natives and glyphs and bigfoot?

    36. Maybe you have some examples of native glyphs that resemble this twisted twig? Or did you, as usual, just jump the gun and claim this could be bigfoot because you want everything to be bigfoot?

      Prove me wrong and demonstrate some knowledge of native glyphs. Please, that would be great.

    37. https://youtu.be/r3nQfnP1_6I

      Here you go danny boy!

      I don't think Iktomi claimed those twigs were such, whoever wrote the caption did. He is only postulating the relationship of the possible causal scenario. Come dude, you look silly trying to concoct it that way. Just like CNN, HA ha ha

      Oh the link is in Honor of Khat!

    38. I would'nt hold my breath,If I were you D Maker!

      AC collins

    39. Sorry d*ck head... I never claimed this was made by a "Bigfoot". You seem to be trying your little angle again, probably because you're a little sore about falsifiability. I'll say it again... I offered a possible explanation for what's been photographed. I can't claim that Sasquatch left what's photographed, because I have no proof of that. But Sasquatch structures like this are not an impossibility for me. Here we go;

      ... You're so hot for it, why don't you have a look for yourself.

    40. What Joe said was:

      "What's factual, is that is the same custom as to what Natives have used..."

      He is referring to native glyphs, as he also said above. Now unless Joe can provide examples of why this might be a native glyph vs a random twisted twig, then he's just blowing hot air as usual in support of bigfoot.

      Otherwise, Joe's contention comes down to nothing more than any random, twisted twig in the woods could be a bigfoot attempt at a native glyph.

      That would put him barely a notch above DS when it comes to presenting random crap as evidence of bigfoot.

    41. I love how dmaker comes here every other week or so and as simple as childs play makes Iktomi look like a fool.

    42. The point you are missing, Joe, is that instead of looking at the photo and saying it is far more likely that this is just a random, twisted twig, you had to come up with some plausibility as to why it could be bigfoot.

      You lack any objectivity whatsoever.

    43. I would have offered a small amount of respect for you had you simply said this is most likely just a natural occurrence and left it that. But you can't do that, can you? You have to immediately start spinning this as possible bigfoot evidence.

      If you cannot even dismiss obvious random crap like this, how can anyone take your assesement of bigfoot evidence seriously? As I said, you have no objectivity at all.

    44. ""Grass and Twig Signs
      In grass or sedge the top of the tuft is made to show the direction to be followed; if it is a point of great importance three tufts are tied, their tops straight if the trail goes straight on; otherwise the tops are turned in the direction toward which le course turns."

      ... Now, if you take a looksy at the manner in which that grass it tied in the screen shot of the YouTube video, it seems to be very similar to that which is described in the extract I sourced up top. Now... I can't prove that Sasquatch left that twisted grass, what I can point to are facts that similar twisted grass is a custom of Native American signals.

    45. No... Actually, you have to sh*t your shorts and immediately think that I'm peddling this as a type of "Bigfoot evidence", probably because you're sore about falsifiability.

      Tell me... What type of weather ties grass like that up?

    46. There are many simple explanations for this. Wind twisted it, then something trod on it and broke it off and it fell to the ground.

      But you never bothered to voice the obvious explanations, instead you went straight to bigfoot. You are no better than blue bags.

    47. Or the other more likely explanation, it's a hoax.

      Bigfoot is just about the least parsimonious explanation possible, but, of course, it's the first one you reach for.

    48. Argh right... Don, would you be so kind as to demonstrate how wind twists grass like that, and how someone treding on grass achieves that?

      Genuine question...

    49. It's ok, Joe. Objectivity is not a strong suit in footers. Go ahead, embrace your lunacy. DS certainly has..

    50. Joe, what do you think is more likely? That this is simply a natural occurrence or a hoax, or that bigfoot did it?

    51. Hey Don, you have a question to answer... Here's another one. Would you like to source EXACTLY where I have claimed in this comment section that a "Bigfoot" left that grass?

    52. That's ok... A "natural occurrence" is fine. How does wind and the human foot create twists in grass like that. Please man up and answe the question?

    53. Well, Joe, I don't have a straw field at my immediate disposal. Instead, why don't you support your position by demonstrating what other native glyphs this grass resembles? That would be a start.

    54. I never said you claimed a bigfoot did this, but you did say a bigfoot could have possible done this while never once mentioning it could be a hoax or a natural occurrence.

    55. Ha ha ha ha!!

      So, Don... Are you now admitting that you cannot demonstrate how a gust of wind, nor a human foot might tie grass like that??

      How about that direct quote where I've claimed a "Bigfoot" left it?? Maybe your n*t shiner can help?

    56. Aaaaaaaargh right! Wow, you know how to make a person's head spin. Try and keep consistent dear boy! So, if natural occurrences and the tred of a foot can't tie grass... And you haven't seen me claim that a "Bigfoot" left it, then that leaves us at the precise point to which would perfectly articulate my stance...

      "Someone" tied that grass up. And it appears to be similar to that of native customs. Stop putting words in people's mouths you bum-sore prat.

    57. I never conceded that someone tied that grass. Please pay attention.

      Why all the name calling, Joe? Getting agitated?

    58. It's similar to native customs, is it? You have yet to provide an image of a native glyph that resembles this grass. We're all still waiting.

    59. Yes, by the very description I provided up top. Are you able to read today? On that note, did you provide a means of demonstrating that such ties grass can occur naturally? I'll wait another few minutes and assume your incompetence is your answer.

      Oh, and I've never even commented in this entire comment section about that alleged "glyph".

    60. Also... I have no issue in calling out your usual tactics with a label or two.

    61. No, your post above provided a bunch of links that I am positive you never even bothered to look at. I am asking you to provide an example of native twig markings that resemble this example. You have continued to fail to do this.

      Again, let me ask you directly: which is more likely? Someone hoaxed this or it is a natural occurrence, or bigfoot did it?

      You are avoiding this question. Instead you resort to name calling. Not very good for, old boy.

    62. Sorry Don, not once in this comment section has my focus been on the "glyph". I have only focussed on the tied grass that I've provided an example for in the link provided.

      And no, I answered your question time and time again, no more so than in my comment at 4:13. I suggest you take a look up top, you have an awful habit of demanding answers that someone with better literacy may have deduced a long time ago.

      Night champ!

    63. (who's Joe)iktomi,slinking away with his "TAIL TUCKED "!

      YEZIR nighty night champ!

    64. Joe, you say this photo of twisted grass could easily be a bigfoot trying to create a native symbol. I am simply asking for you to provide examples of other native grass markings that resemble this one.

      That should not be too much to ask for, should it?

      Better literacy? Really? You want to go there, with me? That is probably the funniest thing you have said today.

    65. Iktomi, why do you respond to me when I address you as Joe?

      Furthermore, why have you recently, in a discussion with me, quoted statements from Joe F, as your own?

      Are you having an identity crisis? You should get that checked, mate.

    66. Check mate. Now that is funny.

    67. I'll ask you again directly, Joe, which is more likely? A hoax, a natural occurrence, or a bigfoot did it?

      That's a simple question with a simple answer.

    68. "Joe, you say this photo of twisted grass could easily be a bigfoot trying to create a native symbol."
      ... Where dear boy? Where have a stated this in this comment section. You're up and down and can't seem to maintain a consistent stance. Not a few comments ago you stated, "I never said you claimed a bigfoot did this..." What is it??

      Ok... We'll try it again. If natural occurrences and the tred of a foot can't tie grass (we can safely deduce this because not only is it common sense, but you couldn't source one example of just how)... And you haven't seen me claim in writing in this comment section that a "Bigfoot" left it, then AGAIN, that leaves us at the precise point to which would perfectly articulate my stance... That "someone" tied that grass up. And it appears to be similar to that of native customs.

      I can't really be more clearer than that old chap.

  2. F*ck no! Bigfoot didn't leave you a message in a twisted piece of vegetation. Crazies.

    1. WHAAA WHAAA WHAAAA,,"such perfection"!!!!!!


    2. This is an example of StevenStuef@art hoaxing another researchers location. Keep these places confidential Skeptard Steve will find them & set up a hoax like he tried to do with DrJ

    3. But people like Joetomi will believe its possible that bigfoot did it. Aftearll, his favorite logic is "If you cant prove bigfoot didn't do it, then he did it".

    4. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
      - Bertrand Russell

    5. zana=sub saharan african=intelligent creatures with elevated butts= idiot = iktomi = RACSIST!

    6. Why is it so difficult for your to find a modern African skull equivalent for Khwit??

    7. Question answered above!!!@1:37

      Lol.. schooled boyo!

    8. pity the fool that debates kool Joe!

    9. Sorry... Nobody understands your pig Latin. Skull... On the double.

    10. ^ Fool ,,,, U understand that?

      IT'S JUST TO EASY !!-:-))

    12. Any chance of a skull? You can show your scars another million times over this, I really don't know why you bother when you haven't got a skull??

    13. ^Lol,,up ur ass an out yer mouth!

    14. Standard genius answer... I'll take it that you don't have that skull?

    15. ^ you don`t even have a body..never will.

    16. I've got a skull;

    17. ^ you`ve got nothing inside yours of any value

    18. Sorry? Was that an attempt at English?

    19. A.C. ----------

      If you were my brother in law, I'd shoot my sister!

      Dude, your a homo, I have know interest in whats in your head, it isn't working right. In all seriousness, something is wrong with you. I don't care to engage you in conversation. Leave me out of your humor and I won't have to beat you about the head with my logic stick and make you look stupid ---------er!

    20. Then quit takin the bait,the simple fact of me having to tell you this is a very sad commentary on your IQ ,,,
      oh and YOU STARTED THE BS,AND YOU'RE SMART TO SHUT UP AND BOW OUT !! one more thing I have been here longer (by a year min,) than you,, SO RUN ALONG AN KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT !! ,,,,DIGGIT?

    21. I have been off here for weeks at a time lately, and yet...

      You still have to reference me.

      Who's in whos head, ha ha ha ha.

      Your an IDIOT, It's that you bore me. Eventually a cat gets tired of swatting the mouse around and either kills it, or lets it go, But the cat is in charge --------

      Understand you fucking little RAT, BACKSTABBER!

  3. Nope definitely wasn't bigfoot. Bigfoot doesn't exist!!!!


    1. Unfortunately, the evidence that you are too dense to fathom (and as a result is "everyone else's fault"), suggests otherwise. Let me know if there's a parent at hand to help you and I'll post you a link with as minimal amount of big words and as many pictures as possible.

    2. People far smarter than you disagree about that, Joerg.

    3. If that was the case... You'd have a plethora of conclusive ideas to plagiarise against the evidence I reference?

    4. Yes... Theeeeere's a good homophobic tramp.

  4. It's fun playing Bigfoot exists and fooling each other isn't it Barb?

    1. Apparently not as much fun as pretending you haven't had your mind bent twice a week for the past three years about the evidence for such a creature.

    2. So you have do be in denial if the "evidence" doesn't sway you? Do you understand that some just find it not compelling?

    3. No.. It is rational to not believe in something you haven't seen. It is denial to have the evidence rubbed in your face any number of times a week and keep returning like you've never been schooled in your life.

    4. "Compelling" in this instance being a euphemism for your understanding of the evidence.

    5. Did bigfoot leave a glyph?

      No,don`t be so silly.

    6. Iktomi, i believe Patty is real, just saw this, and thought you might like to see it.


    7. Thanks DS!! I'll read it later and get back to you!

    8. DS. No offence bother... I can't believe you suggested I read that crap, ha ha ha!!

    9. I figured you would like to give the author your 2 cents, that's all!

    10. That crap directly contradicts most of the things you spoon feed to the people here daily. You can always tell your nervous when you have to add the ha ha ha to your comments.

    11. Argh right, ha ha ha!! DS... I'll do that for you pal.

    12. The thing is DS, all of the points in that "article" have been ripped apart YEARS ago. It would even pass for a troll around here's blog, ha ha ha!!

    13. 6:18 that`s a very silly thing to say considering this page is for commenting on the video and the specific title of "!did bigfoot leave this glyph" out to give you direction..but you are such a wishy-washy jerk that you fail to stick to anything..no wonder you were such a failure at school and how your parents were so shamed by you...you simpleton sucker of dick.

    14. Wow... What angry prat, ha HAAA!! What's the matter kid, you a little angry because your baiting didn't work?

      : )

  5. This is without doubt a glyph left by a bigfoot. Of course an 8 foot tall 800 lb bipedal primate left this glyph.

    1. Cracks me up when these so called researchers get called out for lack of evidence, then all of a sudden some type of evidence shows up, UNREAL!

    2. They make it up just like you DS

    3. What real evidence have you produced DS? Do you think pictures of blue bags and sticks leaning on each other is evidence. Or how about the time you hoaxed a photo on here then tried to throw your nephew under the bus. Fact is you are the laughing stock of this place. Notice how people try to get under Iktomi's skin? And they don't even waste their time trying to have an intelligent conversation because its obvious there's not one to be found. I was looking through your You Tube channel the other day and couldn't stop laughing. One at the low number of views you have, two at some of your comments. Ramblings of a dimwitted madman. I seriously could go into the woods behind my house and produce all of the videos you have. If I felt like embarrassing myself like that. You are a hoaxer and a liar. You have zero evidence and zero credibility. You'd be better served spending your time locked up in your home praying to Jesus to come make a Sasquatch knock on your door.

    4. ^^^ Nathan Reo has a family of bigfoot living in his neighbors back yard. His neighbors think they are homeless people, but Reo has convinced the nieve they are bigfoot! Check out Nathan Reo dimwit!

    5. 10:27, You're a perfect example of someone who is so jelous of me it isn't even funny!
      You see you can't get any evidence on your own, so you have to try and attack mine.
      You claim you can get pics...LOL...HOW BOUT $1000/PIC...GIVE YOU A WHOLE MONTH TO GET ONE TOO!!



    6. 10:27, I will also be praying for you, and your false accusations against me.

    7. Anon 9:15, I don't get called out for lack of evidence, mine comes DAILY!!

      Evidence coming daily, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON CAN DEBUNK IT...LOL!!

    8. Why would I be jealous of you? What do you think you possess that I would be jealous of? Serious question. You're not famous. Not even here you aren't. For all the "supposed" evidence you claim you have collected, where has it gotten you in life. Do you have any major scientists interested and studying and analyzing your work? No you don't. Because even amateurs can look at your body of work and see its nothing significant. And for all your "daily" evidence you collect you still have nothing in your life to show for it. You come in here and disrespect most other researchers and everyone who doesn't follow your rigid definition of a Christian. And yet here you have a history of being dishonest and hoaxing (don't think how we don't see you keep trying to skirt that issue) and think you have any credibilty as a bigfoot researcher or even a Christian. You're obviously a fraud at being both. 1000 dollars for a picture? Picture of what? A blue bag? Sticks leaning on each other? A set of eyes? Because that's all your evidence is comprised of. Tell me which of those things I have to produce to get my 1000 dollars. Because I can have any of that by the end of this week. And as far as being a coward, thats pretty tough talk over the internet. Everybody knows how tough internet talkers actually are in real life. So let me know which shitty picture of yours I have to reproduce to get my 100 dollars and I will get back to you.

    9. And no one has debunked your evidence because it debunked itself when you posted a hoaxed photo in here. No one even cares enough about your worthless crap to even waste the time to debunk it. You found blue blags tied to trees, what exactly are you asking us to debunk? That a Sasquatch didn't do that? Yes, absolutely correct no one is going to debunk that. You've obviously been taking Iktomi arguing 101. Where you present a piece of evidence and no one can prove its NOT from a bigfoot therefore it must be. Maybe you can take your logic a step further than Iktomi ever has and expand on it a little. You have pictures of blue bags. Pictures of sticks leaning on each other. Some eyes behind a tree. All of which you claim are Bigfoot. Now what? Do you think that proves Bigfoot exists? Well the rest of the world would like a little more. Here's a social experiment for you. I know you don't have the balls to do it. But go out into the woods and take a picture of something odd looking. Anything. Anything that looks out of sorts and post it on your You Tube channel as Bigfoot Evidence. Watch your 20 followers eat it up and believe it wholeheartedly. I bet half of them will have a story of someone who knows someone who saw a Bigfoot do whatever you post. Validation on You Tube doesn't mean you are validating Bigfoot. Moron.

    10. What a meltdown.

      Wow DS has really got your knickers in a twist, eh? Might I intervene here and say claiming one of his photos is a hoax without substantiating it, makes your essays look terribly weak.

      In short, prove it. Because reading by that, you have more issues than anyone you can shake a stick at kid.

    11. DS, why don't you post the photo you have that looks like a subject growling?

    12. 11:11, prove you aren't a coward and email Me your information....I said $1000, not $100.

      They all claim I hoax, yet none of the idiots have any proof.

      Sorry Im at work and I don't have a choice but to post as DS.

    13. The way DS crowd sources his work he wouldn't necessarily have to hoax personally.

      Iktomi do you think DS has good evidence and what do you think of the blue bag theory?

    14. How about you bite me, bully? There's only one reason you're having an essay meltdown, and it's because you don't have satisfaction, something you should enjoy if it didn't bother you.

    15. I'm not the original poster, the essay writer as you call him or her. Previously it seemed as if you were dodging the question when asked.

    16. I can tell you that DS is not a hoaxer... And though it's expected that he generates scrutiny, I think some of the comments he accumulates are from people who are here to simply make themselves feel better about their shoddy existences.

    17. I do not think DS is a hoaxer either. However he seems rather sure of himself and and quite confident (bordering on arrogance)that he is capturing real cryptid animals. That, when coupled with his affinity to call out people who he feels are hoaxing, certainly tends to invite criticism of his work.

    18. DOT TO DOT TO DOT and dogman morphing out of a tree?! Have you even watched his videos?! That is some real shit man. For REAL.

    19. Joe, if DS is not a hoaxer, then he is either delusional or his pics are of bigfoot.

      Which do you chose? There are no other options.

    20. Sorry pal, you don't give me "options".

    21. I doubt Iktomi will ever be pinned down because he doesn't want to embarrass a friend.

    22. I love how Iktomi gives you a straight answer. Intellectually honest as the day is long. /sarcasm

    23. It's obvious why Joe will not answer my question. His only options are to denounce DS as a hoaxer, or delusional, or get on board with the "evidence" that DS provides.

      None of those options appeal to Joe, so he will simply not answer.

      We all know what that means. I mean Joe is here denouncing me for my apparent silence on racists, so by that logic, IktoJoe must support DS and his looney tunes because he has not spoken against it and certainly enjoys keeping blog company with DS.

      So, there you have it. Iktomi supports DS and his blue bag theory. He has not, and will not, say otherwise, so by Joe's own logic, he supports it.

    24. Wow, in a single thread Joe has demonstrated his support of random bent grass equals bigfoot evidence as does blue trash bags blwon off the highway into the trees.

      And this is someone who is supposed to informed on the subject matter? Hardly.

      I wonder if Meldrum, Binderfoble, or the the pioneering plastic surgeon are also on board with the blue bags and bent grass theory?

    25. Joe "blue bags" Iktomi, a true pioneer

    26. Haha ha ha ha!! Wow, Don being called out for teaming up when the blogs racist loon has really taken it out of him these days, ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    27. Your mother tag teamed a bus full of mongoloids and shat you out nine months later. Everyone has their burdens, boy.

    28. I would ask if you know which is your father, but in the end does it really make much difference? Jesus, that's some story to tell the grand kids.

  6. It's hard to debunk something that you so strongly believe is real...and even harder to convince someone to admit he's a hoaxer...why do you think you have such low views? because only morons believe your bs.. people with more than half a brain are tired of people like you trying to pass off shadows and blurred,filtered 60 times Photoshop crap as real...put up or shut up asshole

    1. Corrr , futt me up a flippin` gum tree.

  7. Even this shit blog won't post your shit!

    1. I don't want them posting my stuff on this site, I can't be mixed in with Hoaxers, liars, animal feeders, and Demons.


      11:19, nice excuse, idiot

    2. They had the same type of posts when you were begging for Shawn to post your stuff. That's a convenient lie.

    3. So why draw the line at your videos then D.S. How do you excuse your participation in this site at all?

    4. Shawn would not post animal feeding as evidence

    5. He posted crappy Fasano and TGB videos- that didn't stop you from wanting exposure.

  8. Sure you don't want them to post your bs!ha ha funny!stick with your you tube kool aid drinkers.. they're much easier to fool!

    1. Hey Robert, any evidence lately...nope, didn't think so.

  9. 10:27 you're right on the money about DS...prove him wrong for me...nothing would make me happier!

    1. Yawn!

      Ain't ever gonna happen! I told every skeptic I would have the last laugh.......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

      Ikiomi I don't know how to post pics from my phone..lol

    2. DS, you have a very strange relationship with the concept of proving a claim. Much like Iktomi, you present something, claim it evidence of bigfoot, then demand to be "debunked". Your photos cannot be debunked anymore than they can be proven. A blurry picture is just that. No one can prove that is not a bigfoot anymore than they can prove it's not a racoon, or simply pixelation or blurry focus.

      When your claim is unfalsifiable to begin with, you know you are now in the realm of pseudoscience, not real science. How about you start trying to prove your photos are of bigfoots rather than deliriously posting them and proclaiming them bigfoot until "debunked".

      I could post a close up, out of focus, photo of a raspberry bush and declare it a dragon until debunked. That would be about as much as you have accomplished.

    3. I tried to explain that to him before but he's too stubborn to even consider that. His classic retort is "where's your evidence?". That and bringing up blue bags.

    4. Oh dear... He's not on about falsifiability again, is he?

    5. You see dMaker I KNOW FOR A FACT IT'S a real creature....I want some idiot skeptic to try and debunk it, so when they do, I can throw the proof right on their face, make them look even more stupid!

      No one dares challenge my stuff, I even called all the supposed debunkers douchebags, dMaker!
      You just don't get it do you...stuffs real brother, and no one can prove it isn't!

      If you try to prove my stuff wrong, it will end up convicting you, because its solid, concrete evidence!
      In out filming for 5-10 min dMaker, in not filming random bushes, I have this down to a science and I know how to find them!

    6. DS, have you seen these creatures with your own eyes (not discovering them later through analysis)?

    7. Iktomi, explain how DS can prove these things by photos. I think dmaker's point stands.

    8. If someone's stalking him on the Internet and writing ten essays a comment section, I would think someone that emotionally driven should probably find a way, for their own sanity.

    9. If you know how to find them, DS, then why do you only have blurry photos to share? Shouldn't you collect some physical evidence to support the ambiguous photos? All you have are blurry photos that prove absolutely nothing at all.

      You are correct in one thing, no one can debunk your photos. A blurry photo is simply that. It cannot be proven to be anything. You can claim it to be anything you wish. How about presenting some evidence that can actually be tested and confirmed?

    10. It seems you like to attack rather than answer difficult questions. As I pointed out earlier, I'm not the "essay writer".

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. If DS simply put out his stuff and let people accept it or not like most Bigfooters I wouldn't have much of a problem with him. He isn't shy about questioning other's work when many here have the same problem with his own. I think that and his attitude rub people the wrong way.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. I would hope that deep down DS understands that "knowing" he is capturing real Bigfoot doesn't cut it (what DS was explaining to him).

    15. I stand behind what i put out 1:53, like me or not it's the truth, and if another researcher puts out something that does not have evidence, yeah, i'm all over that person...You have proof, i will uplift you greatly!

    16. dmaker, you claim i have blurry photo's, i have one of the best camera's you can buy, rated top camera in 2015, so explain why the blurriness? Plus, i'm on manual focus, trying to get the clearest possible shot!

      I have a least 50 pics that are clear as day!


    17. 1:07, I'd say 10-20% of the time i do see them while filming, but most comes from going frame by frame when i get home.

    18. You have no pictures of anything that is clear as day. I can't answer your question as to why you seem to only be able to capture blurry pics with your awesome camera.

      Maybe because you are nuts?

    19. Your interpretation of clear as day isn't mine.

      As others have pointed out, your work does nothing to prove Bigfoot.

    20. DS... Why don't you post the picture of the "growling face"?

    21. dmaker you're just not worth the time of day, and your excuses are just terrible.

    22. DS, a good portion of the audience on your Youtube channel don't find your videos compelling. That should tell you that right off that they aren't the slam dunk you make them out to be. Heaven forbid some disagree.

  10. I'd like to address these 2 comments"

    "If DS simply put out his stuff and let people accept it or not like most Bigfooters I wouldn't have much of a problem with him. He isn't shy about questioning other's work when many here have the same problem with his own. I think that and his attitude rub people the wrong way."

    I'm the only one the posts my name! Every researcher comments here, they post as Anonymous though, and don't think for a second they don't!
    I don't believe it's my attitude that bothers anyone, it's CLEARLY my evidence that bothers them. It bothers them because people don't like to admit they're wrong! They don't believe in Bigfoot, so i must be hoaxing, i must be putting bags in multiple States, and placing them where other researchers will find them, right....wow!
    I have overwhelming evidence, not 1 or 2, overwhelming! Shadows and sticks they claim, and they claim they can replicate my evidence.....I just bet that troll $1000 he can't get a pic...NONE OF YOU CAN, WHY, because you DON'T RESEARCH, IT'S THAT SIMPLE, YOU DON'T AND YOU KNOW IT!


    1. Forget it Doc. These guys are here for the arguing, they avoid all evidence. They simply don't look at links offered etc. Somehow it isn't about bigfoot for them, its a sort of debate club.

      I reckon you and I are about the only 2 actual researchers who post here. The rest seem to show up for the festival-of-yammering.

      Its been a learning experience. You could offer something on the order of the PG film and it would be ignored because you aren't a celebrity researcher. It isn't about the evidence, its about who is offering the evidence.

    2. 2nd comment:
      "I do not think DS is a hoaxer either. However he seems rather sure of himself and and quite confident (bordering on arrogance)that he is capturing real cryptid animals. That, when coupled with his affinity to call out people who he feels are hoaxing, certainly tends to invite criticism of his work."

      I've invited criticism for 2 years now!! And the honest part is that if anyone proves any of my video's a stump, then i will pull the video ( SOMETHING NO RESEARCHER DOES, NONE OF THEM!)
      I don't care about hits/views, it's about the truth!
      Not a single person has proven ANY of my video's a stump! I pulled 5 video's, by going back and re-checking the spot, only to find it was a stump. But i didn't hoax, i made an honest mistake, and i deleted the video, honest Christian research!
      I apologize if i seem borderline arrogant, but i won't put up with liars, hoaxers, and people who call themselves "Researchers" but don't have any EVIDENCE.

    3. POST OF THE YEAR 4:48!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Wow talk about being clueless. I get that you believe you are onto the truth. What you apparently don't get is that there are people who honestly don't think your work is that good.

      It isn't because they are jealous or afraid of the truth. Quite frankly you have some ugly narcissistic qualities and you apparently can't comprehend that in some people's minds your work just doesn't measure up.

    5. The first big shock in bigfooting is that the thing exists. Whoa.

      The second big shock in bigfooting is that nobody cares. Whoa.

      Then, if you keep researching, you run into the "large individuals" and the "small individuals" and, of course, nobody wants to see or hear about those either.

      So you are left in Bizzaro World where you know this stuff but there is essentially no outlet to share knowledge or have rational discussion about it. I'm grateful to have learned the truth in my lifetime but terribly disappointed in my fellow humans for their profound disinterest.

    6. ^^^ Another Great post 5:50!!

      4:57, show me who has better proof!
      That's what i thought!

  11. Mark Zaskey does.much better and more believable! I don't have to have your so called " expert eye"to see them either

    1. Yeah right!
      Post Mark's best pic, right now!

      I already told Mark he needs a new camera, his pics aren't even close to mine.

    2. 10:31, you know Robert DUDSON by chance...lol

    3. Why do you always assume Robert? I'm just a normal guy who thinks that you're the nuts..by the way my name is Sam...and I'm not a researcher,j just a guy interested in this phenomenon


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