The Crypto Reality team continues to make strong claims about their videos. Are these the images of bigfoot, or just tricks of shadow and light? You be the judge.
Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back, don’t look away, and DON’T blink.
Mark, you need a better camera, i can see why Pareodalia is mentioned, and i think you are actually doing harm to the BF community, by posting such blurry pics....I don't believe you had Scientists and Anthropologists contact you...Who did...mention their names, they obviously don't care if they contacted you and are interested. You're spending the time researching, why not get better equipment? These creatures do blur the camera, but a good camera/computer makes a huge difference. In your video above, i really only see ONE, and there's NO WAY a skeptic is going to see that.
Pretty clear pic i just took!
BTW, Mark, you are one of the very few Bigfoot researchers who are trying to prove this, make your efforts count, and get a better camera bro!! Keep up the good work!
I find that the computer you use makes all the difference!! I can barely make him out on the Library computers, but he is as clear as day on my Mac, at home.
So I'm a troll because I think your evidence is that's awesome coming from Mr.born again..does that religious shit get you anymore views..haha bet not
To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being b-slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining.
Yes, now that we've established the offensive nature of the term, you may now cease and desist from further advocating domestic violence -- I happen to be a member of the board of the National Organization of Women and your conduct (if it continues) would warrant a formal complaint being registered against you!
haintsSunday, July 17, 2016 at 11:13:00 AM PDT Since then, I have met people in wheelchairs, hunchbacks, one-eyed characters, etc. by the score. UFOs certainly attract a peculiar bunch of misfits. -- John A. Keel, March 11, 1967. Substitute "Bigfoot" for "UFO" and the same is true. Keel could have been describing Iktomi Joe and the "true believers."
haints Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:22:00 PM PST Despite what Iktomi may think, I am an active Squatcher who worked with Biscardi and Fasano in Florida.
AnonymousMonday, April 4, 2016 at 11:11:00 AM PDT Iktomi- i actually emailed Krantz years ago telling him just how much I admired his work and his courage to take a stand which was unpopular among his fellow academics at the time. Sadly he was ill at the time and died shortly thereafter . it was on the anniversary of the PGF too.
LobsterTroubleTuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:51:00 AM PDT I had the pleasure of receiving replies to two emails I sent before he passed. I had serious doubts about two pieces of evidence, and Krantz was kind enough to take the time to explain his reasoning. I respect the man for taking the time to respond and address my concerns even though I was just an interested stranger to him. A class act.
Haits... Anyone and everyone has spotted your vomit piles. It's not just me that knows you're an anon, for example...
haintsSunday, July 17, 2016 at 11:16:00 AM PDT Bigfoot operates interdimensional portals and hitches rides on Flying Saucers so that he can come to Earth and eat out of our dumpsters and trash cans.
... How many anon comments have you posted about this? Everyone knows you're an ignorant patoot, but you sure do take the biscuit if you think people are your level of stupid.
Nargh! I just love making him look like an idiot. Not that it's did difficult. He name drops me enough... Probably the long list of comment sections he's very sore about.
^ Yes,it`s such good fun isn`t is evident you`ve been deeply hurt by some of these people...probably because they gave you a good "duffing up" in relation to bigfoot and you can`t handle it.
Still,remember the old adage ... time heals all wounds ... and you`ll learn to live with the hurt and humiliation eventually...does mom know how you feel?
For the record, I wrote Krantz about a series of photos he tentatively endorsed. I'm an illustrator and sculptor with decades of experience ( Art Academy San Francisco grad ) and have done a bunch of Paleo restoration work for a large studio that manufactures life sized and scale models of dinosaurs...
The subject in the photos was pretty clearly a model in my estimation, and I wrote him to say so, listing a host of anatomical problems and observations. The second time I wrote him, I expressed a rather lengthy list of reasons I found Paul Freemans finds objectionable. I still do. Yes, the dermals look good, but I'm not persuaded.
Aside from Krantz, I've had back and forth emails with Meldrum, Bobbie Short, Robert W. Morgan, and Mark Chorvinsky (R.i.p.) among others over the years. That's not to mention the many musicians I've contacted ( I'm an old school guitar shredder too ).
So thanks for the chuckle, Iktomi and I are not the same person. Also, I have no problem with Iktomi, I dont get what the fuss is about. The guy is passionate.
The only thing your prattle proves is that you're humiliated that you were caught red handed using multiple accounts. A confused and overly explained excuse just establishes more evidence for the inescapable conclusion that YOU are Iktomi!
LobsterTrouble - you have done Paleo restoration work? I'm impressed! Paleontology is another interest of mine and I collect (small scale) figures of prehistoric creatures. Interesting to me that you mention the late Mark Chorvinsky. I loved Strange Magazine that he was editor and publisher of and admired his investigative methods. There was some great stuff in those magazines! A real loss in my opinion.
And for the record I don't believe you and lktomi are the same person.
Hi Lobster trouble- that is a very impressive list of people you have contacted . I tried to contact Krantz but i think it was when he was ill and he died soon after. He was a huge influence on so many bigfoot enthusiasts
We're not. I had a letter published in Strange, which was fun. Chorvinsky was a great guy, I was sad to hear he passed. I really loved that magazine too!
Yeah, plenty of Paleo stuff...all dinos, no mammals ( my boss has done tons of mammals though). There's very little work to be had these days. The studio I contract for is well connected. All facets of life sized, scale display models and maquettes and fossil casting. Most of what you see in museums are castings. Current project is a 1/1 scale Microraptor Gui (the crazy little therapod with "wings" on its legs).
My boss is currently casting a famous Trex skull for a few different museums.
Joe- I contacted Krantz a couple of years before he passed if memory serves. He was a nice man, I'm afraid I was somewhat pointed about my Freeman questions, but he was gracious. He did eventually disavow the photos ( I think Cliff Crook was the guy showing them around ).
Meldrum has been very nice too. The Robert W. Morgan story ended up being humbling for me, as I was an unkind Skeptic then ( now I'm uncommitted either way ) and he offered his address and invited me over to speak to him like that in person....i apologized, and he sent me some of his cassettes (yeah, it was a while ago!) For free. We had a few positive emails back and forth after that.
That dude and his wife are annoying! Always saying "so you think bigfoots aren't real" and quotes like that make him a super jag-off. He acts like he interviewed Sasquatch and that they are the only gig in town. And what's up with his ear beaten hour and a half videos of how he's the best and shit! So tired of the guy already. This guy has no personality or likability. Also what's up with his guitar vids that we footers do not want any part of. I know I'm beating your ears/eyes with my rant. But this idiot big shot doesn't allow people to resound to his videos. Proof right there he has thin skin. Go away already guy we all know that it's all about your research and no one else really matters. P.S. Take the sun glasses off when indoors goof!
It's tough Zabo, when you get jacked for what you know is real. My friends all the time tell me not to put "Destroying Skeptics" or "Now what Skeptics" in the Title of the video's, and that it makes me look bad....I could care less, but, Zabo the ridicule BF researchers get is UNREAL! So when we do have proof, we feel the need to rub it in, so to speak. He must have a lot of friends and family that do not believe, and i think a crummy camera isn't helping his cause.
Wow, this guy is sure full of himself. At 1:19 he rants that if he runs into a wildlife biologist he will knock him out. Yeah, in his own words "good luck with all that".
WOW...THEY ARE SO INCREDIBLE AT "CAMOUFLAGE.....I THOUGHT THIS WAS AN ARMLESS BIGFOOT, WHICH WOULD MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT, BUT MY EYES FINALLY MADE OUT HIS CAMOUFLAGE!! KABOOM...LESS AN IDIOT...HA!" Actual quote from Dr. Squatch. Kaboom. Someone is in fierce competition with Dr. Mathew Johnson to be the nuttiest Bigfoot Doctor on the interwebs.
DR. Squatch I don't believe they are exempt from believing but I do believe they are exempt (or should be)from being knocked out by an over-zealous advocate. Don't you agree? In any case I think this was bold talk by a blowhard and will probably never come to pass.
Guys are referred to more as little Be-otches" than women, and when i hear B-slap, i think of hitting a punk, not a Lady...Icktomi has no ill will toward women, his focus is BF.
if Stu troll would prefer instead of a b-slap- we could just sic the angry mother raccoon on him. I for one can't hold back the giggles on that mental picture.
Dr.Squatch all of your videos of bigfoot are pareidolia or a misrepresentation of a known animal.PS,Our cameras are the finest we here at Crypyo Reality can afford!! sincerly M Zaskey
Just give it up Abholi, belief in Bigfoot trumps everything else. Some of these sickening footers have openly expressed racism and Neo-Nazi beliefs (supporting domestic violence is tame compared to some of the BS they're into), but the other footers still will always defend them. If someone is part of the Bigfoot club, it doesn't matter what other disgusting things he believes, the footers will stick by him to the end.
Zaskey thinks that the men in black and other various factions of intergalactic agencies are hot on his trail....he's a foul mouthed loser looking for a t.v.gig ....and more power to him. However this Dr scotch fellow is just bat shit crazy
I notice nobody comments on the imagery because it is undeniable so they attack the researcher and any non-bigfoot related element of his videos. So lame.
"I notice nobody comments on the imagery because it is undeniable so they attack the researcher and any non-bigfoot related element of his videos. So lame."
That's correct 12:20!! Just like Anon 11:25 (Dudson) & 12:23.
It's called "Straw man"..They attempt to undermine the researcher, and that in turn undermines the evidence.
Like the idiot 12:23 "Dr. Squatch found blue plastic bags and insanity." What does that even mean???? The blue bags are so throughly research out (for years) and 10 other researchers contacted me about finding the same things, all in different States. Actually watching the video's clearly show the deliberate tied bags, and deliberate placement. The comment about me is so far off base, that the video's either weren't watched, or someone is just in plain denial about Bigfoot. Why you would care so much that they don't exist, and come to this site, to defend your position that they don't exist, is utter insanity!!
He won't he'll just make up some more b.s. his proof or lack of proof is all in his leafs and shadows videos.You know his Catman,dogman,sasquatch,aliens and probably unicorns! He just wants views from anybody dumb enough to believe him....he lives in a fantasy world!!
If it's undeniable how come your view look nothing like his? I won't knock him because his evidence is there..and I don't have to have an expert eye to see it.. when you have that D.S. you won't have to defend yourself..
Anon 6:26, You're kidding right? Everyone knows i have the best evidence, Hundreds of Pics!
3:16, i deleted probably 40 blue bag video's because i just want BF face pics, i'm done with Physical evidence. There are still enough blue bag vids left to prove it.
6:19, you're an idiot, if i wanted views i would be partnered with Google, i'm not. You ever think that just maybe i'm really out to prove this....IDIOT!
DS, you complain that people attack you. Maybe you want to tone down the "#1 IN BIGFOOT & CRYPTID RESEARCH -DR. SQUATCH" title and not make it about yourself so much. You shouldn't need to defend yourself or your evidence if your evidence was worth while. Appears it's not.
That's what I'm trying to tell him...he has no evidence and is jealous of every other researcher.get over leaf and shadow researcher in the world!
If these are the same species, from the same area of the country, why do we not see similar traits between individuals? That friends, is the end of DS's "evidence".
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back, don’t look away, and DON’T blink.
ReplyDeleteparadolia and nothing more !
DeleteDr. Who is paradoila? Wow. you are a nut.
DeleteMark, you need a better camera, i can see why Pareodalia is mentioned, and i think you are actually doing harm to the BF community, by posting such blurry pics....I don't believe you had Scientists and Anthropologists contact you...Who did...mention their names, they obviously don't care if they contacted you and are interested.
DeleteYou're spending the time researching, why not get better equipment?
These creatures do blur the camera, but a good camera/computer makes a huge difference. In your video above, i really only see ONE, and there's NO WAY a skeptic is going to see that.
Pretty clear pic i just took!
BTW, Mark, you are one of the very few Bigfoot researchers who are trying to prove this, make your efforts count, and get a better camera bro!!
DeleteKeep up the good work!
They look better than your b.s. kaboom
DeleteI find that the computer you use makes all the difference!!
DeleteI can barely make him out on the Library computers, but he is as clear as day on my Mac, at home.
Show me which Pic looks better, Mark.
Delete^^ just the troll on the latest meds
Off his meds!
DeleteSo I'm a troll because I think your evidence is that's awesome coming from Mr.born again..does that religious shit get you anymore views..haha bet not
DeleteI honestly don't think you are actually having a conversation with Mark DS.
DeleteHe's not...but he thinks he is..d.s is the one in need of meds
DeleteWho turned out the lights!!! Who turned out the lights!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is no one to turn to. Because who's gonna believe the things you see you see out of the corner of your eye? No one. Except me.
ReplyDeleteStill no actual bigfoots?
But undeniable evidence of bitter and psychopathic traits @4:04. Ouch x 1,000.
DeletePlenty found... None "in a zoo".
DeleteFor plenty found, there sure is nothing, kid. Cringe.
DeleteThe only "nothing" is between those ears of yours.
DeleteThat was a good one! Now go on out there, kid, and prove us some Bigfoot!
DeleteIf hate to have to do that to you... I've already seen a three year meltdown from you for just the evidence.
DeleteHoly crap, do you ever sleep dude? Now I know why Bigfoot is so elusive -- he doesn't want to be bothered by weirdos like you!
DeletehaintsThursday, July 21, 2016 at 3:47:00 PM PDT
DeleteFor the record -- Schaller describes himself as a Bigfoot skeptic.
... What's the matter Haites? Too scared to have too many b-slaps associated with your name?
I know D-maker is!
Delete^^^^Completely insane
DeleteMr. Iktomi, could you please stop using the term "b-slap"? It indicates a tacit approval of domestic violence against women!
DeleteTo open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being b-slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining.
Yes, now that we've established the offensive nature of the term, you may now cease and desist from further advocating domestic violence -- I happen to be a member of the board of the National Organization of Women and your conduct (if it continues) would warrant a formal complaint being registered against you!
DeletehaintsSunday, July 17, 2016 at 11:13:00 AM PDT
DeleteSince then, I have met people in wheelchairs, hunchbacks, one-eyed characters, etc. by the score. UFOs certainly attract a peculiar bunch of misfits. -- John A. Keel, March 11, 1967.
Substitute "Bigfoot" for "UFO" and the same is true. Keel could have been describing Iktomi Joe and the "true believers."
haints Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:22:00 PM PST
Despite what Iktomi may think, I am an active Squatcher who worked with Biscardi and Fasano in Florida.
8:14 is a man , pretty sure it's a male troll
Here is some evidence of the identity of "Joe":
DeleteAnonymousMonday, April 4, 2016 at 11:11:00 AM PDT
Iktomi- i actually emailed Krantz years ago telling him just how much I admired his work and his courage to take a stand which was unpopular among his fellow academics at the time. Sadly he was ill at the time and died shortly thereafter . it was on the anniversary of the PGF too.
LobsterTroubleTuesday, May 8, 2012 at 6:51:00 AM PDT
I had the pleasure of receiving replies to two emails I sent before he passed. I had serious doubts about two pieces of evidence, and Krantz was kind enough to take the time to explain his reasoning. I respect the man for taking the time to respond and address my concerns even though I was just an interested stranger to him. A class act.
Wow... You've found two comments of people who have contacted Grover Krantz. Keep up the excellent work, Sherlock.
Delete"Abholi Fala' is an ISF footer. They like to lie and pretend.
DeleteAbholi, instead of Iktomi saying he B-slapped them, is it ok to say the D-maker and Haints need to rub some Vagisil on themselves?
DeleteThat's right Nancy Drew -- it's much better evidence than showing that two posters use dashes in their comments!
Delete^ wanker
DeleteHaits... Anyone and everyone has spotted your vomit piles. It's not just me that knows you're an anon, for example...
DeletehaintsSunday, July 17, 2016 at 11:16:00 AM PDT
Bigfoot operates interdimensional portals and hitches rides on Flying Saucers so that he can come to Earth and eat out of our dumpsters and trash cans.
... How many anon comments have you posted about this? Everyone knows you're an ignorant patoot, but you sure do take the biscuit if you think people are your level of stupid.
I think you're in love with this fellow Haints (whoever he is). You seem to see him everywhere!
DeleteNargh! I just love making him look like an idiot. Not that it's did difficult. He name drops me enough... Probably the long list of comment sections he's very sore about.
Delete: p
When you're an ISF'er you lie, you pretend, you sock puppet. It's what you do.
DeleteYou should save all of your spit and venom for Lobster Trouble -- it's been definitively proven that he's posting as "Joe"!
Delete^ Yes,it`s such good fun isn`t is evident you`ve been deeply hurt by some of these people...probably because they gave you a good "duffing up" in relation to bigfoot and you can`t handle it.
DeleteStill,remember the old adage ... time heals all wounds ... and you`ll learn to live with the hurt and humiliation eventually...does mom know how you feel?
Oh how I'm hurt... How will I ever heal?
DeleteFor the record, I wrote Krantz about a series of photos he tentatively endorsed. I'm an illustrator and sculptor with decades of experience ( Art Academy San Francisco grad ) and have done a bunch of Paleo restoration work for a large studio that manufactures life sized and scale models of dinosaurs...
The subject in the photos was pretty clearly a model in my estimation, and I wrote him to say so, listing a host of anatomical problems and observations. The second time I wrote him, I expressed a rather lengthy list of reasons I found Paul Freemans finds objectionable. I still do. Yes, the dermals look good, but I'm not persuaded.
Aside from Krantz, I've had back and forth emails with Meldrum, Bobbie Short, Robert W. Morgan, and Mark Chorvinsky (R.i.p.) among others over the years. That's not to mention the many musicians I've contacted ( I'm an old school guitar shredder too ).
So thanks for the chuckle, Iktomi and I are not the same person. Also, I have no problem with Iktomi, I dont get what the fuss is about. The guy is passionate.
^ Hello Iktomi.
DeleteKnock yourself out buddy, if this is how you want to spend your time, I won't stop you.
DeleteThe only thing your prattle proves is that you're humiliated that you were caught red handed using multiple accounts. A confused and overly explained excuse just establishes more evidence for the inescapable conclusion that YOU are Iktomi!
DeleteIf you say so, buddy. I'm sure you're right.
DeleteLobsterTrouble - you have done Paleo restoration work? I'm impressed! Paleontology is another interest of mine and I collect (small scale) figures of prehistoric creatures. Interesting to me that you mention the late Mark Chorvinsky. I loved Strange Magazine that he was editor and publisher of and admired his investigative methods. There was some great stuff in those magazines! A real loss in my opinion.
DeleteAnd for the record I don't believe you and lktomi are the same person.
Hi Lobster trouble- that is a very impressive list of people you have contacted . I tried to contact Krantz but i think it was when he was ill and he died soon after. He was a huge influence on so many bigfoot enthusiasts
We're not. I had a letter published in Strange, which was fun. Chorvinsky was a great guy, I was sad to hear he passed. I really loved that magazine too!
DeleteYeah, plenty of Paleo stuff...all dinos, no mammals ( my boss has done tons of mammals though). There's very little work to be had these days. The studio I contract for is well connected. All facets of life sized, scale display models and maquettes and fossil casting. Most of what you see in museums are castings. Current project is a 1/1 scale Microraptor Gui (the crazy little therapod with "wings" on its legs).
My boss is currently casting a famous Trex skull for a few different museums.
DeleteI contacted Krantz a couple of years before he passed if memory serves. He was a nice man, I'm afraid I was somewhat pointed about my Freeman questions, but he was gracious. He did eventually disavow the photos ( I think Cliff Crook was the guy showing them around ).
Meldrum has been very nice too. The Robert W. Morgan story ended up being humbling for me, as I was an unkind Skeptic then ( now I'm uncommitted either way ) and he offered his address and invited me over to speak to him like that in person....i apologized, and he sent me some of his cassettes (yeah, it was a while ago!) For free. We had a few positive emails back and forth after that.
^ This ridiculous fake conversation Iktomi is having with himself is fooling no one!
DeleteIt's fooling me!
DeleteOh and Tiddly Doo !
LT!! Absolutely fascinating sir!! I do believe you've spoke briefly about this before. Great stuff, hope you are well.
DeleteHey, Iktomi
DeleteYeah, I have brought most of that stuff up at one time or another. Hope you are well!
That dude and his wife are annoying! Always saying "so you think bigfoots aren't real" and quotes like that make him a super jag-off. He acts like he interviewed Sasquatch and that they are the only gig in town. And what's up with his ear beaten hour and a half videos of how he's the best and shit! So tired of the guy already. This guy has no personality or likability. Also what's up with his guitar vids that we footers do not want any part of. I know I'm beating your ears/eyes with my rant. But this idiot big shot doesn't allow people to resound to his videos. Proof right there he has thin skin. Go away already guy we all know that it's all about your research and no one else really matters. P.S. Take the sun glasses off when indoors goof!
ReplyDeleteIt's tough Zabo, when you get jacked for what you know is real.
DeleteMy friends all the time tell me not to put "Destroying Skeptics" or "Now what Skeptics" in the Title of the video's, and that it makes me look bad....I could care less, but, Zabo the ridicule BF researchers get is UNREAL! So when we do have proof, we feel the need to rub it in, so to speak. He must have a lot of friends and family that do not believe, and i think a crummy camera isn't helping his cause.
Wow, this guy is sure full of himself. At 1:19 he rants that if he runs into a wildlife biologist he will knock him out. Yeah, in his own words "good luck with all that".
ReplyDeleteAre wildlife Biologists exempt from believing?
Delete^^complete ignoramus
DeleteComing from "Anonymous"
Actual quote from Dr. Squatch.
Someone is in fierce competition with Dr. Mathew Johnson to be the nuttiest Bigfoot Doctor on the interwebs.
DR. Squatch I don't believe they are exempt from believing but I do believe they are exempt (or should be)from being knocked out by an over-zealous advocate. Don't you agree? In any case I think this was bold talk by a blowhard and will probably never come to pass.
DeleteYes, he was out of line.
DeleteAnon 8:35, the pic you're quoting thru me for a loop...I should be shot for my honesty huh...Dr Johnson has ZERO proof, I'm not in that category!
Your evidence is zero...shadows and leafs... so guess that puts you in the same category as doc Johnson...double kaboom
DeleteWhich one of my 1900 vids are shadows and leafs?
DeleteEver notice how in 2 years no one can answer that?
Triple Kaboom!
Every one.
DeleteProve they are a ten foot tall magic ape man.
I've got bigfoot pics on my Google plus but nobody seems to care :( xx
ReplyDeletepost here...or DM evidence.
DeletePIB, I would advise you to no longer visit this blog, because a certain horrible male jackass has been supporting violence against women.
DeleteGuys are referred to more as little Be-otches" than women, and when i hear B-slap, i think of hitting a punk, not a Lady...Icktomi has no ill will toward women, his focus is BF.
DeleteI agree Dr Squatch you're quite right xx
DeleteAbholi - Stop wasting our time on here by trolling. You aren't fooling anyone bro
if Stu troll would prefer instead of a b-slap- we could just sic the angry mother raccoon on him. I for one can't hold back the giggles on that mental picture.
DeleteDr.Squatch all of your videos of bigfoot are pareidolia or a misrepresentation of a known animal.PS,Our cameras are the finest we here at Crypyo Reality can afford!!
Deletesincerly M Zaskey
Just give it up Abholi, belief in Bigfoot trumps everything else. Some of these sickening footers have openly expressed racism and Neo-Nazi beliefs (supporting domestic violence is tame compared to some of the BS they're into), but the other footers still will always defend them. If someone is part of the Bigfoot club, it doesn't matter what other disgusting things he believes, the footers will stick by him to the end.
Delete^ Abtrolli
^ Hi Lobster Man.
Delete^ Hi dmaker !
His under dress girdle shaper is tied too tight.
DeleteIf you can't see bigfoot in a Mark Zaskey video you are never going to see bigfoot under any circumstance so what are you doing here?
ReplyDeleteMarg Zaskey ^ Lol!
DeleteZaskey thinks that the men in black and other various factions of intergalactic agencies are hot on his trail....he's a foul mouthed loser looking for a t.v.gig ....and more power to him. However this Dr scotch fellow is just bat shit crazy
DeleteFunny that you think anyone cares about what you spew Donald Dork
DeleteI notice nobody comments on the imagery because it is undeniable so they attack the researcher and any non-bigfoot related element of his videos. So lame.
ReplyDeleteAddress the imagery or GTFO.
Liberal pusstards are totally overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of a no-kidding outdoorsman.
DeleteMark found bigfoot.
ReplyDeleteDr. Squatch found blue plastic bags and insanity.
"I notice nobody comments on the imagery because it is undeniable so they attack the researcher and any non-bigfoot related element of his videos. So lame."
DeleteThat's correct 12:20!! Just like Anon 11:25 (Dudson) & 12:23.
It's called "Straw man"..They attempt to undermine the researcher, and that in turn undermines the evidence.
Like the idiot 12:23 "Dr. Squatch found blue plastic bags and insanity."
What does that even mean???? The blue bags are so throughly research out (for years) and 10 other researchers contacted me about finding the same things, all in different States. Actually watching the video's clearly show the deliberate tied bags, and deliberate placement.
The comment about me is so far off base, that the video's either weren't watched, or someone is just in plain denial about Bigfoot.
Why you would care so much that they don't exist, and come to this site, to defend your position that they don't exist, is utter insanity!!
Where is your proof Dr. Squatch? Where is your proof that bigfoot ties blue plastic bags to trees? Show me the proof!
DeleteHe won't he'll just make up some more b.s. his proof or lack of proof is all in his leafs and shadows videos.You know his Catman,dogman,sasquatch,aliens and probably unicorns! He just wants views from anybody dumb enough to believe him....he lives in a fantasy world!!
DeleteIf it's undeniable how come your view look nothing like his? I won't knock him because his evidence is there..and I don't have to have an expert eye to see it.. when you have that D.S. you won't have to defend yourself..
DeleteAnon 6:26, You're kidding right? Everyone knows i have the best evidence, Hundreds of Pics!
Delete3:16, i deleted probably 40 blue bag video's because i just want BF face pics, i'm done with Physical evidence. There are still enough blue bag vids left to prove it.
6:19, you're an idiot, if i wanted views i would be partnered with Google, i'm not.
You ever think that just maybe i'm really out to prove this....IDIOT!
Show the proof doc! Show it! If you have a single credible image of a bigfoot show it!
DeleteDS, you complain that people attack you. Maybe you want to tone down the "#1 IN BIGFOOT & CRYPTID RESEARCH -DR. SQUATCH" title and not make it about yourself so much. You shouldn't need to defend yourself or your evidence if your evidence was worth while. Appears it's not.
DeleteThat's what I'm trying to tell him...he has no evidence and is jealous of every other researcher.get over leaf and shadow researcher in the world!
DeleteIf these are the same species, from the same area of the country, why do we not see similar traits between individuals? That friends, is the end of DS's "evidence".
DeleteLOL, Vegas you won't ever be able to undermine ANY of my evidence with your stupid questions.
DeleteWho said they are all the same species...WHO???
8:55 PLEASE TELL ME WHO I'M JEALOUS OF????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Has no one else seen the evil chuckie type face at the 3 minute mark?