Bigfoot injured by a forest fire was taken away and hidden by the authorities, not even Robert Lindsay can top this story
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Joe. I am your father.
ReplyDeleteI think I went to school with that guy?
ReplyDeleteIt's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".
ReplyDeleteSo odd.
DeleteYou know Iktomi- I have also been enjoying this quote as of late:
Delete"Such strange folk, spending every day of their lives around a topic that makes them so hateful, right?" ~Iktomi
Such strange folk, Chick! Such strange folk!
DeleteOH. Nice pic!
Delete^ suck much dick?.
Such strange folk, spending every day of their lives around a topic that makes them so hateful, right?
DeleteThese sceptics are sick in the head. Pardon me while i get out the hula hoop! Ring around the Rosey Joe:). You know what i mean brother:)
Hey Chick and Iktomi! This one's pure gold: "My degree is in shut up and sit down." -Iktomi
DeleteHateful? Perish the thought. I bear none of you numbskulls any ill will. Just having a prod. Ever go cow tipping?
DeleteThe mindset of the bleevers is such that any query of bigfoot validity is met with staunch rebuttals and venom directed against doubters...yet without a shred of viable smacks of desperation.
DeleteDo you still bleeve Alaskabushpilot's rotten teeth happened when he pretended to be a "professional fighter who fought 2 weight classes above his weight" all while being a college professor among 15 other fantastic exploits like you bleeved Kitakaze became an international diplomat you frackin'
I think a lot of them pretend to be what they're not because they're losers in life which makes them losers in Bigfoot too.
DeleteHey super FRIENDS Iktomi and chick
DeleteSaw a video last night of a very in-depth interview with the blond lady who was jogging and was chased out of the woods by a bigfoot.
After some time she was still in tears talking about it
I bleeve
It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "believers" are more demented and obsessed than Scientologists or cannabals
DeleteAnyone who's ever got into this topic long/term has to conclude that the physical evidence and anecdotes amount to something. Either that, or they believe that everyone on the planet who's ever reported something, or every person who's ever found a track in the middle of nowhere are hoaxers and liars. The latter requires far more evidence to substantiate at this time than the former, unless you can show otherwise.
Delete"It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"."
Keep up the good work Iktomi, the cement heads will eventually learn.
ReplyDeleteWhat "work" is that?
DeleteThe cut `n paste kind which about fits his expertise level...although it is a little taxing for him.
You have to understand 6:49, that Joe himself made the comment at 6:20. He is the king of cheering himself on. And when Joe refers to hsi "good work", you are correct as well. Always keep in mind though that Joe is just a paid troll, and not really a bigfoot believer.
DeleteAnd a side note 6:49, please troll MMC more in the future. He is my little monkey man and i love him.
^dmaker/haints in disguise
Deletegot monkey suit mates ?
^ Yes,lots of seen on a multitude of youtube "bigfoot" (loud guffaw) video`ve yet to see them I take it ?
DeleteHi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?
^ hahahahaha hahahahaha - because it annoys you so intensely.
DeleteHahahah hahahahahahah hahahahahah
goddammit you`re such a laugh.
^ desperate with a tinge of worry.
Delete^fluff girl....says nothing ever,unless it's for his bae iktomi
Delete^ says way to much and embarrasses himself daily.
DeleteJoe is a buffoon. We've known that for years. Plus he weighs like 500 pounds. He's not a threat to anyone but his bed sheets.
DeleteHi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?
^ "sub culture" ? ...the majority of the global population believes bigfoot ain`t real and that`s your idea of a minority ?
DeleteNo wonder you`re still in the same place as 50+ years ago.
Yet there are only about 10-15 simpletons on the whole planet, such as yourself, who are demented enough to have a 24 hour a day obsession with what you consider to be a mythical creature.
Delete^ eh ? speak up lad,and at least try to make a little sense.
DeletePwnd and has no answer. Another butt hurt ISF'er.
Oh look - Joe`s "on patrol".
DeleteHa hahaha hahahaha
8.24 - you have evaded the question put to you as you always do.
DeleteYou`re a complete buffoon and a figure of fun here.
Hahaha hahahaha - you`re an idiot without any control.
Watch-out watch-out,
DeleteThe Joe Patrol`s about !
Hahahah hahahahahahaha
Well for starters, the mouth breathers that post about Bigfoot on the ISF/JREF are not skeptics. Think about this, there are only about 10-15 morons on the whole planet who post regularly about Bigfoot while simultaneously labeling themselves Bigfoot skeptics. That's not how normal, well adjusted adults roll. Adults usually have no interest in what they consider to be mythical creatures. Your real Bigfoot skeptics, who actually equate Bigfoot to fairies, leprechauns, Santa Claus etc. would never waste their time posting or thinking about Bigfoot.
DeleteI've even seen posters on ISF/JREF who post on other threads question why the ISF footers are allowed to post about Bigfoot on the ISF.
Delete+1000 ! Plaque worthy !
Plaque all over his teeth.
DeleteUnlike you, at least he has teeth !
DeleteWho said anything about the trolls being "skeptics" ?
The trolls are just plain out to annoy Joe and it looks as if they succeed every day.
I'm sitting in a puddle.
Iktomi/Joe uses a new toothbrush every time he brushes. Says Joe, "Hey, if you knew the kind of stuff I put in my mouth, you wouldn't want to brush your teeth with a brush that had been in your mouth either."
ReplyDeleteTaints is jealous of Joe and has rotten teeth.
DeleteWhat business is it of yours what I put into my mouth?
Delete10:14 My teeth are far from rotten, loser.
DeleteFake Iktomi.
it's odd but
Deletethere once was a fella named Haints
Who made so many complaints
set his knickers on fire
become a top notch liar
and now he spends all his days on this bloody site
such a crying shame
^^^ there once was a fella named mike
Deletehis nokia broke
so he became a bloke
thought he was witty
instead it was shitty
his farse didn't take
as we all knew it was fake
so maybe it's time to go
our dearest fake joe
Deletehaints Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:22:00 PM PST
Despite what Iktomi may think, I am an active Squatcher who worked with Biscardi and Fasano in Florida.
... What a prat. Ha ha ha!!
Haints had a prat fall, hahahahahahahaha
nice try 12:56. You may not be at the level of lennon/McCartney with your words but keep trying and one day cosmo may print your poems mate
^ with jokes like that prat fall, all that was missing was the rim shot and the try the veal i'm here all week bit..cosmo doesn't suprise me one bit as you are no doubt an avid reader..lennon/mccartny give you a 50 on that as there writing sucked until the lsd years..
Delete^ you love rim shots don't you dear boy ?
DeleteGet a grip on your lips sweetheart because they are all over your arse
Bigfoot is real?
ReplyDeleteDamn, i have seen one..