Alabama Family Says They're Going To Kill Bigfoot

Most people would feel lucky to have a bigfoot sighting, but an Alabama family is tired of it. They say if someone doesn't come get rid of the bigfoot that's been bothering them, they are going to kill it.

He described it as an 8-feet-tall creature with brown and red hair. Its back, he added, was “very muscular” with 16-inch feet and 5-feet-long arms.

“It was maybe about 800 pounds and it smelled of cheese gone bad. It never turned so I could not see its face.”

The Texan said he was “too scared to move” and that he observed the animal for about 20 minutes. He was reportedly not able to snap a picture of the unproven creature.

“My cellphone was on a charger across the room,” he told Mike Brumfield. “I did not want to move and scare it away.”

He added that when the creature was done going through the trash, it “took a leap to the ground” and crossed a 30-foot road in “two strides”.

“It went down a ravine and was gone.”

But, according to the family, the bipedal being has been showing up often and hurting their pets, which they keep outdoors.

“We know where it lives and how it travels, all we want is for someone to capture and remove it, or we will find it and kill it.”

For the full article, click here. 


  1. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    1. Iktomi has nothing to offer so decides a pathetic attack on the only people with any rationality or ability to see beyond his dreams.

      Still no luck on the bigfoot front again I see,Joe.

      Ha haha hahahahahaha

    2. I just love how it perfectly sums up how obsessed people like you are with a topic that is supposed to be so obviously bunk. I attribute the hundreds year, old culture-hopping conspiracy to your delusional side. It's wonderful.

      That fake laugh is creepy.

    3. YASSSSS it really does sum it up perfectly and it never gets old. In fact it brings something to my mind. I start to ponder over the fact that It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

      Hope you are having a fantastic Tuesday Super Iktomi, I never get enough of reading the schooling you give them either!

    4. jist gits that thar Wild Bill frum da AIMS teem ans gits him a AK fer da hunt

    5. What forum are you reading this on Chick? Because it sure isn't here.

    6. whut tham dawgman bein upto caws thays bein onry critters

    7. If it ain't Dogman, it ain't evidence.

    8. First of all, we are talking about ALABAMA, AL A BAMA. Nick Saban ain't gonna let those fools shoot his next defensive end.

  2. Pasting the same comment every hour of the day isnt obsessed?

    1. When you're referring to obsessive people, you need to match their own commitments.

    2. Poster boy for footer stupidity^

    3. Tell me more about your need to match the skeptics level of commitment. Very interesting.

    4. There's no need to watch anything, one merely needs to come here a couple of times a day to see how much people like you need to self reassure.

    5. Yes they will shoot it. And yet somehow the body will dissappear. And if any DNA is recovered, it will come back as a known animal, likely bear. Anyone catch "Yeti or Not" this past weekend? Some sherpa claimed that he not only saw a yeti dead, but that he cut out one of its thigh bones. Here is a man, who claimed to have seen a dead yeti on its "nest" up close and personal. So close that he cut out one of its bones!!!! These are the same sherpas who have been in the mountains for decades and who people give so much credit too. People ask, well why would they lie? They have nothing to gain, right??? They are so experienced, they no doubt no what they are looking at, right???? They would never lie for attention, right????? DERP!!!!!!!!

      So what happened when a piece of the sherpas thigh bone was examined????? DERP DERP DERP!!!! A common bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      But this is a prime example of exactly what goes on around the world. No matter how isolated, no matter how educated, no matter how "ancient" a civilization is, people still lie!!!

    6. I should also add that "Yeti or not" poked fun at Sykes's "ancient polar bear" dna fiasco. It was funny!

    7. "So what happened when a piece of the sherpas thigh bone was examined????? DERP DERP DERP!!!! A common bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
      ... I'm sorry, but can you tell me how this makes the 50 years of physical evidence for Sasquatch go away?

      DERP, DERP, DERP!!!!

      Yes, for thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing liars all out to get your money. These people, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what an ape looked like, have in fact managed to cheat the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too!!

      You swap explaining that frequency of evidence for a conspiracy theory?

      : )

    8. 6:50... I should also add that Mark Evans is probably a bit bitter because Sykes had u-turned on 90% of the Bigfoot Files. Poor Mark Evans.

      What I found interesting was the way Mark Evans attempted to find evidence for drastically cutting the accepted timeline for Denisovans sharing the planet with us. Not too different to what Sykes is doing with Zana, eh?

      : p

    9. What i find very interesting is that "Yeti or Not" did not air in the UK. So how is it you watched it the day it premiered? Almost like you are in the USA.

    10. It was on Channel 4, you paranoid nerd.

    11. Joe just got blown the f@ck out. Big time.


    12. As much as you'd like to give yourself a little identity, you'll always be Stuey, the village idiot.

    13. I liked the bit where sykes and evans were having a good old laugh at the expense of footers making fun of how they are probably wood knocking to each other without knowing like bumbling buffoons.

      I also like the bit where sykes said all the samples he tested were of known animals oh and when he said he was not a "bigfooter". That was a good one.

    14. If it ain't Dogman, it ain't evidence.

    15. Don Quitomi chasing windmills as usual.

    16. 8:40... Oh that's right, I remember Mark Evans pantsed it when Shirley got one of the most comprehensive wood knocks ever on TV, his reaction was fascinating. And for the record, the idea of people wood knocking at each other is hilarious even for enthusiasts... Not so likely though when you're in the middle of nowhere.

      Sykes didn't find a plethora of animals in those DNA findings, does that mean they don't exist as well? I bet you didn't like it so much at the end when Sykes supports the Russian anthropologists about Khwit's mix of archaic & modern features... Eh laddy?

    17. Couln't have said it better myself 8:40. It was amusing. And once again, Joe and so many other footers have beat the drum that these isolated mountain sherpas would not only know if they saw a bigfoot vs a bear, but that they would never lie, because it doesn't benefit them. Yet with each of these DNA samples comes back from a known animal, these sherpas who have nothing to gain, get shown as liars. This is a perfect example showing that all these people are lying. Indians, mexicans, alaskans, russians, you name it. And this bigfoot show proved it. They all are lying about bigfoot. And that avatar picture is very appropriate Joe. It appears to be a monkey putting its fingers in its ears. This is very suiting for you. You have the same intelligence and you put your fingers in your ears because you don't want others to tell you the truth. Another footer show that completely blew the footers out of the water!!! How does it feel to constantly be taking L's?? Every single bigfoot DNA documentary and every bit of hopes footers have is being constantly destroyed.


    18. Sorry Stuey... How does a bear bone from a Sherpa account make the physical evidence that supports thousands of years of cultural and contemporary reports of Sasquatch go away??


      Yes, for thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing liars all out to get your money. These people, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what an ape looked like, have in fact managed to cheat the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too!!

      : p

      Oh... And for the record, no Yeti is ever going to be residing up in the mountain ranges quoted in that programme. There is no food and no cover there... This is why the majority of modern sightings are at lower ranges in the dense cover of the jungle. Another point missed by good old Mark Evans.

    19. BIGFOOT be and apeman - DOGMAN be a WEREWOLF and real for sure

    20. Native Americans didn't know what a ape/human looked like? What are you trying to say here?

    21. Apologies... They had no idea as to what a non-human primate looked like, which is what Sasquatch look like from afar even though they're quite human.

    22. Talk to Don Quitomi about it Dr. Squatch. He claimed above that Bigfoot sightings came from people who "didn't even know what an ape looked like." Now he is saying that humans are apes. I guess he doesn't consider Native Americans to be humans.

    23. Iktomi! that prog on Ch 4 the other night,was it a new prog?i thought it was a repeat so i didn't watch it xx

    24. You're thinking of "The Bachelor" luv. There are some cute blokes on that show, aren't there ?


    25. Puss!! It'll be on Channel 4 catch up, or whatever it's called!!

    26. Hmm, given that you think that supposed giant skeletons found in burial mounds were the remains of Bigfoot and normal sized humans were buried in the same mounds, the natives must have have seen the "non-human looking humans" from much closer range than "afar."

    27. When have you ever been in the middle of nowhere, Joe?

    28. His brain is constantly in the middle of no where.

    29. Donald, you jumped your avatar long time ago mate


    30. 10:55... There are many different relationships that Native tribes have described as having with "tall hairy tribes". Some were seen as a brother, most were seen as a cannibal. Some described Sasquatch as "neither human nor animal". For those who described them as being "brothers", I guess it's a timeline of events from first encountering them to developing some level of relationship with them.

    31. So now you're changing the story from claiming that Natives thought that Bigfoot was some type of non-human ape because they only saw him from "afar" to a new idea that some Natives considered Bigfoot to be a "brother"?

    32. Um... No... I think I've been very clear as to what I'm saying. Stop trying to worm a contradiction and get an argument, son.

    33. I'm just trying to figure out what you're claiming because you change it from comment to comment!

    34. No, I think you're trying what you usually do... A whole thread of questions seeingly trying to worm a contradiction. Relationships between Native Americans and tall hairy tribes are as temptemental as human nature is.

      It's odd... When someone asks you about this vast culture-hopping conspiracy, nothing ever appears to be as forthcoming?

    35. Let me summarize: you stated that Natives had no idea what apes looked like, so that made me think that you believe that Bigfoot is an ape.

      Then you announced that humans are apes, so that naturally made me wonder whether you think Natives didn't know what humans looked like.

      Next, you declared that Natives had only seen Bigfoot from "afar" and that it looked like a non-human ape to them.

      That confused me because you always cite to alleged giant skeletons buried in mounds alongside normal sized human skeletons, suggesting close contact between Bigfoot and Natives.

      So finally you stated that some Natives considered Bigfoot a "brother."

      I think you should take some time to collect your thoughts so people aren't bewildered by your continuously changing claims!

    36. No, you are being rhetorical. You already acknowledged that I posted a typo when it came to "ape", when I meant non-human primate. This is what I was alluding to with what Natives were describing, but you know this of course.

      Again, I made it clear that any timeline of habituation would begin with an assumption as to what they were seeing from afar, whilst you were given at least three different types of relationship that Natives had with these creatures.

      I've been very clear as to what I've stated... I think you should probably better organise your priorities and get some actual arguments for your obsessive time spent.

    37. I get it now -- Bigfoot is a human, non-human ape whom Natives have only seen from afar, but somehow they considered him a brother. Makes perfect sense!

    38. Ha ha ha ha!! One day you might attempt an actual argument again, what ya think? Until then, I'm sure you'll be comfortable being irresponsible for your shortcomings and blaming others who simply know the subject better than you.

    39. In the world of footery that DOES make perfect sense Anon 1:47. Bewildering isn't it?

    40. It's ok... You're learning, it's ok to admit that.

  3. They were observing this bigfoot out a window? The cell phone was on the other side of the room charging?

    Read that last paragraph in the article. Why don't they just kill it themselves instead of waiting for someone else to step in?

  4. Oh, Alabama
    The devil fools with the best laid plan
    Swing low Alabama

    You got the spare change
    You got to feel strange
    And now the moment is all that it meant

  5. Bigfoot- the OtherOtherOther White Meat.
    Tastes like pork.

    1. BOBO said Bigfoot eats what he eats BACON is on the menu ....

  6. Bigfooting - what went wrong?

    1. Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization
      Are on it

  7. 18 women are sexually assaulted at German concert, with victims surrounded by mobs of migrant men and groped in copycat attacks like those in Cologne ..........
    Its getting REAL FOLKS

  8. Nothing is better for thee than me!


  9. "Bigfoot is a hoax" - Chris Packham zoology PHD

    1. If it ain't Dogman, it ain't evidence.

    2. bigfoots like bacon so you would think dogman with love BACON

    3. Ever been in the woods Chris? NOPE!

    4. Chris is great with dicky birds,bigfoot not so much xx

  10. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    1. Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: Sure he is.. LOL

      Kid: Mommy doesn't believe him either...(giggles)

    2. The ISF'ers got blown out again ! Great post !

    3. Footers have nothing else to resort to...nothing in the way of evidence but need to use derisory insults in order to feel good about themselves...awww,it must really hurt you guys.

    4. Clear photos;
      Forensic physical evidence;

      ... Let's see what comes back in the way of a counter argument for that...

    5. Dear skeptics,

      Thanks for the traffic, we couldn't do it without you.

      Dance puppets.



    6. ...9:59 is a classic barb from the Ketchum wars..good times, good

    7. I'd start worrying about a second round of testing if I were you.


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