The Dyatlov Incident - Did A Yeti Kill Those Hikers?

No one is certain what happened to the 9 hikers that lost their lives in 1959. The young men and women were found in mysterious circumstances, that has caused speculation by many as to how they met their demise. One of the more recent theories focuses on a controversial cause of death. Is it possible those 9 hikers were killed by one or more yeti type creatures?

On January 27th, 1959, nine cross-country skiers from Russia’s Ural Polytechnical Institute set out on a hike from Vizhai in the northern province of Sverdlovsk Oblast to Otorten—a name that means “Don’t go there” in the language of the Mansi people indigenous to the area.

On February 1st—57 years ago today—the group moved through a mountain pass near Kholat Syakhl, where a snowstorm picked up and forced the group off their intended path. With temperatures well below zero degrees, the group decided to set up camp on the mountain’s slope, hoping to outlast the storm.

The hikers never reached Otorten. Rescue teams found no trace of the expedition until February 26th, when a band of volunteer searchers found the group’s tent in the snow, collapsed, crumpled, and slit open with razor blades. Five of the bodies were found nearby with the aid of footprints, but the remaining four members of the expedition were nowhere to be found for months.

Finally, on May 4th, over three months after their disappearance, the final four bodies were found, buried under some 10 feet of snow in a ravine well beyond where any of the other bodies were found.

The disappearance of the hikers has become known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident, named after Igor Dyatlov, the 23-year-old leader of the expedition. The details uncovered after an investigation of the area and the autopsies of the bodies resulted in more questions than answers.

Most of the group’s equipment and clothes were still inside the tent when rescuers found it. Some of the hikers were found wearing each others’ clothes; others were found in only their underwear. The footprints found near the site were made by people with either bare feet, socks, or one single shoe. Two of the hikers had suffered head injuries, and one woman was found without her tongue. Forensic radiation tests found alpha radiation on the group’s clothes.

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. The clue is in the original photos of the scene.

    1. Glad to see you still around, Stonereader1!

    2. Stonereader1 - are you referring to the famous last picture taken on one of the students camera roll? Just curious about the clue you are referring to. Yeti or not this mystery is downright freaky!

    3. I think stonereader is referring to this photo which was on the camera roll the students took.

      it's rather ambiguous as to what exactly it is. it could be a Russian version of the bigfoot or a Russian soldier spying on them or one of the party dressed for the weather. it sure does give the whole incident a lot more mysterious tone to it


    4. ^ I have seen reports that this photo is a hoax - I forget where I read it but it was a long and seemingly thorough analysis of the incident - whether it is real or hoax I doubt anybody can know but there are people on both sides of the fence perfectly capable of using the pic for their own ends.

    5. Interesting page relating to Loren Coleman documentary with a couple of replies from Igor Burtsev in the comments section.

    6. Yeti photo ...

      "photo taken by the Dyatlov group before their deaths shows a looming figure in the background. Could it be a Yeti, or is it a hoax? Forensic analysis suggests it's not a fake..."

    7. Thanx Uno! Yes Joe I am referring to the "original" pictures that were taken. These people sustained severe trauma, something I believe would be pretty difficult to dish out if the perpetrators were suffering from hypothermia as the report suggests. Also, in examining the reports from the inhabitants of the area you come up with people talking about weird magnetic anomalies and strange light phenomena.

    8. There was a theory that made sense involving infrasound which is the result of high winds resonating with mountains that can cause panic induced terror in people.
      it may have nothing to do with a Russian yeti which is more commonly known as the alma but it is a very strange mystery which may never be fully explained because of the passage of time. Now if that photo does indeed prove to be authentic it could add a new layer of mystery to the incident


  2. Uno!!!
    One of the very best!

  3. A bunch of hikers got themselves trapped in a snowstorm and froze to death. Hypothermia makes people do stupid, crazy, nonsensical things. We've known this for centuries.

    Why would anyone think this was a yeti (a.k.a. bear) attack?

    Next those idiots will be saying yetis defeated Napoleon in 1812.

    1. Total crap. In extreme cases, hypothermia can cause confusion, mild memory loss, drowsiness, exhaustion or slurred speech. The alleged effects that hypothermia had on these people have been laughed at. The injuries they sustained were from severe pummelling. They were literally pummelled to death. All the forensic evidence points to them being totally terrified and fleeing, and it's one heck of a leap to assume they were all having the same trip to the exact same unique effects of hyperthermia. Is that proof that Yeti killed them? No... But stop using misinformation as an explanation for what happened to them.

    2. ^ Well said.

      I do believe though it is all useless to try to answer this riddle but have heard there are documents that relate to this event that were hidden away and deemed secret for an unspecified amount of time...of course,that was the old Soviet regime but there doesn`t seem to be much difference when this type of subject is raised on either side of the globe.

    3. Look who knows even less about hypothermia than he does anthropology and anatomy. And who can't even bother to google something before demonstrating his ignorance.

      Something like half of all hypothermia cases show paradoxical undressing. Many show flee-hide-and-die behaviors. Violent and panic responses are also common, especially when combined with alcohol use. All of which are seen in the dyatlov incident, which is a smorgasbord of all the common hypothermia responses.

      Those people got caught in a storm and froze to death. That is all.

      Now stop posting about things you know nothing about.

    4. Unfortunately for you, knob head... The case shows that the reason that they were naked was because they had to flee in a hurry (the tent was ripped open from the inside), with much of the forensic evidence pointing to them trying to get away from something as quick as possible. Also, by the time that paradoxial undressing sets in, it would have likely rendered them unable to calculatively run the co-ordinated distances they all did. What's more... Is as unique as paradoxical undressing is, it's a crazy leap to suggest that all of them suffered the same symptoms. What's more;
      "Paradoxical undressing often occurs immediately before terminal burrowing."

      ... And considering there were so many of them allegedly "paradoxically undressed", why do we not see it in at least one of them? Then you have their injuries.

      Learn something about the case instead of your favourite "sceptic" sites that help you sleep better at night.

    5. And every time we've exchanged regarding "anthropology and anatomy", you've embarrassed yourself.

      And I've got the links to prove it.

      ; )

  4. The creature in the photo looks like it is jerking off. I'm pretty sure it is a photo of Joe Fitz in an asshole. He looks like he is ripping his c ock and fingering his ass. Maybe Joe Fitz in and asshole is about to deliver a Texas Hotplate to the campers. It all seems a bit suss to me.


    1. Total ****. A year ago, he would have never have been able to post that filth. The comment would have been taken down and he would have likely been banned.

      Kids frequent this blog.

    2. They sure do. Your a kid aren't you Itkomi?You sure act like one.


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