Do Bigfoot Have Special Abilities?

Daniel Benoit, founder of the ECBRO, posted the following write up on his beliefs as they pertain to the theory that bigfoot creatures have special abilities. Many people believe bigfoot has been able to remain hidden for so long because it has abilities beyond our scientific understanding.

Many believe that Bigfoot have special abilities .
Such as cloaking , telephatic powers etc.

First off Let me start off by saying all Living creatures are as organic as mankind are. We are all flesh and blood beings. We have intelligence some more than others . Humans or mankind have wild imaginations and fantasies developed from our own self conscience that are implanted into the minds so strong that we dwell on them and without doubt we believe such nonsense as a Truth.

Secondly Many animals are naturally well hidden in their environment . Many of them naturally blend with the trees of the forest & even the leaf litter of the woods. Its all a natural ordinary happening.

To read the full article, click here.


  1. Yes,they are autistic ...

    Aren`t they ?

    Hmmmm ... !

    1. It's been theorised that Sasquatch could have savant level awareness of their habitat and evasion. I think that's very close to the truth.

    2. 4:24 ... another unproven theory for you ?

      along with all the other unproven theories you must have quite a lot to mull over within the savant level mentality you exhibit ... eh ?

    3. We know savants are a reality, and we also know that creatures in tuned to their environments have exceptional abilities of observation. We also know that if something doesn't exists, it doesn't leave it's physical sign.

      Don't apologise, just don't be so stupid again.

    4. It is in fact logical to apply theory to something that should it exist, evades as well as it does.

    5. And given that Sasquatch exits, let's theorise for a minute that Sasquatch have the perfect blend of both wild/animalistic and human attributes to their evasion, then it would be an extremely difficult creature to spot, unless it makes the odd mistake or is partial to bouts of curiosity (both very much being the case). An experiment shows that chimpanzees have startling photographic memories; they easily beat humans. From the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University;

      Both animals and humans leave sign of their passage in addition to tracks. These include chewed or bruised vegetation, droppings, scratches in tree bark, hairs snagged on branches or in bark, rubbings on trees, gnawed bones, feathers, opened nuts, dens, burrows, and nests. You may also find well-worn trails and runways through the grass that many animals use regularly. These signs may not be obvious at first, but with practice, you will see them. If Sasquatch somehow had Photographic memories as well as the level of sentience as humans, all this could be why they see sign of human interference and things like trail cams having been erected. A study found that a relatively new brain area, developed in humans and other primates, gives us all an advantage in this realm in varying motor skills. More gray matter in humans means more motor neurons and having more motor neurons means more muscle control. Our surplus motor neurons allow us to engage smaller portions of our muscles at any given time. We can engage just a few muscle fibers for delicate tasks like threading a needle, and more for tasks that require more force. Since chimps have fewer motor neurons, each neuron triggers a higher number of muscle fibers and using a muscle becomes more of an all-or-nothing proposition. As a result, chimps often end up using more muscle than they need, but they can in theory lift about 16 people over their own head;

      ... Imagine what a primate three times the size of a chimp could achieve? If Sasquatch were to have the perfect blend of both human and wild human/animal attributes... They would have phenomenal strength and stealth abilities to be clear gone before we would even know they were there. All that, and they can also think like humans.

      Details on primates having photographic memories = fact.
      Details of savantism = fact.
      Details on tracking physical sign = fact.
      Reason to invest enthusiasm on the existence of a creature such as this = dermals, hair, audio & footage, fact.
      Warranted to theorise as to how such a creature could therefore evade so successfully in line with the available data = logically scientific.
      Our room to theorize is in fact your biggest obstacle on the flip side, especially when you fail so miserably in showing us that the evidence for such a creature isn't there.

    6. There's also a thing experienced hunters call the domino effect where each and every animal in the wilderness alerts each to the whereabouts of people who cause the first domino to fall as soon as they step into the wilderness.

      Ancient man was far more in tuned to his surroundings.

    7. ^ that is a ridiculous statment and any hunter will tell you otherwise.

    8. I think you'd better hang with those who aren't a couple of hundred feet from the road... You'll learn some amazing things about the wilderness of the United States.

    9. So according to the theory any animal could be called "savant"...nearly all creatures on the earth hide away from humans,some not being seen for years and years...the idea to invest a mythical creature with a human ailment is.......ludicrous.

    10. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
      - Bertrand Russell

      Sasquatch in their anatomy and in their DNA are ancient human.

    11. Reciting a thing that relates not one iota to the savant theory rather shows you to be lost as to how to back up your ludicrous stance.

      You`ve heard an idea ,touted as a theory,and grasped like a drowning man.


    12. I see special pleading is alive and well in the bigfoot community. I also see lktomi welds it with the greatest of skill. He has an answer for every contingency.

    13. As 4;42 states . Not plausible.


      Once again your desperate grasping at an idea (that nobody else in all of bigfooting holds plausible) is indication of despair.

    14. The question has to asked - is there anything Bigfoot CANNOT do?

    15. 7:36... It's pretty simple, I didn't try to relate anything to a savant theory, I would need a Sasquatch to test that. We already know that people are capable of great things when it comes to savantism. Sasquatch may well have the same level of capability when it comes to evasion, considering it exists based on the readily observable evidence, and it therefore must be able to evade being caught so amazingly.


      7:38... Again, our room to theorize is in fact your biggest obstacle on the flip side, especially when you fail so miserably in showing us that the evidence for such a creature isn't there.

      7:39... I think you'll find plenty of people in agreement with what I've stated in these comments. If they haven't, then that makes me a pioneer! Actually... I did have considerable inspiration with the theories up top by an excellently written piece by Bigfoot Student, so I can't take all the credit.

      7:48... Ton have evaded classification for this long, it would naturally have to be the most unique and most special creature on the face of the planet.

    16. have evade classification for this long is a good indication that it doesn't exist.

    17. Not when it leaves it's physical sign on the environment.

    18. I'd love for you to leave a "physical sign" on my "environment" mate!


    19. How about a black eye? Now that's the type of evidence I would love to see IK leave for you.

    20. ^ would ya like to see him wid no teeth if he tried ? Ikkie would tek a fall he`s jes too old to back hisself up

      den we see u tek a few smacks round the chops

    21. 9:45 really does have some mental issues . I was hoping he would go one day without coming on here and leaving a stupid comment but i guess we are out of luck today


    22. Oh pooh 10:11, Iktomi and I are not intimidated by hateful homophobes like you. Now go back to your Xbox tosser !


    23. Talking of savants xx

    24. Texas senator CRUZ losing cash fast and underperforming in delegate count.....
      EXCELLENT ....

    25. Iktomi has proven the point again...
      quod erat demonstrandum. Excellent!!!!

    26. Amen stonereader, do you fancy a shag to celebrate ?


  2. *** First off Let me start off by saying all Living creatures are as organic as mankind are. We are all flesh and blood beings. ***

    dang - ain`t dem bigfooty critters from de odder sard ?

    1. Flesh and blood beings also leave physical sign on the environment... It's therefore fortunate there is an abundance of physical evidence, eh?

    2. Sweet heart... Your meltdowns are a result of me showing it too many times to count.

    3. i really do think that Eva is just Joes female side persona. They love calling people sweethearts. So why are you calling other adult men "sweetheart" Joe? That is pretty gay.

    4. ^Desperately hoping that "sweetheart" means more to Ik than it actually does. Laughable!

    5. nice to see you posting anonymously joe. Or is it old monkey face this time?

    6. Daniel campbell is that you? Oh no wait, Mike Honcho? Anyway Ask your Dressmaker the score.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Don't be silly 6:09 you little sweetheart xx

  3. Do bigfoot believers have special needs?

    Or is it only some of them?

    1. Only the ones who actually believe which isnt many. Most are role players who wont say out loud bigfoot isnt real but they know it and its a sort of shared joke amongst the community

    2. Yeah, that's right... A role playing game maintained for thousands of years, where there have been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing role players all conspiring to get your money. These different cultures, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what an ape looked like, have in fact managed to role play their way in cheating the best experts with fake biological species traits that span decades and States, in lottery win fashion too!

      Go figure!

      2:40... The role of "confident, contented sceptic"; played awfully. The role of "prized prat"; Oscar winning performance!

    3. ^ putty in the hands of the trolls

      you have been manipulated into a kind of stupor of unfounded prattle

      hahahahahaha hahahahahaha

    4. Like I said... You're doing me a favour. I need idiots like you to show my theories are logical.

      Keep up the good work!

    5. If you require an idiot to prove your theory is logical, then there is either something wrong with your theory, or you.

    6. It just means that anyone who can't see the logic behind what I'm saying, is an idiot...

      (Cough, cough)

      ... And I've got a cruel streak.

    7. dressmaker is back for more schooling from Iktomi !


    8. Give it to him Iktomi and then you can "give it to me" mate !


    9. Dressmaker is probably 10:59 in disguise.
      elementary my dear Witless , not too difficult to figure it out


  4. Only tricky icky the human plagiarizing crooks can be in the new superpowers.....

    Agent x

    1. "If anonymity is one factor, psychological and emotional issues are another, according to Suler, who says many trolls likely have problems with depression, low self-esteem, and anger.

      "They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense."

    2. ^ putty in the trolls hands

    3. Trying to overcome that horrible list of emotional and personality issues can't be fun.

    4. watching you writhing and squirming your was through this blog each day is great fun for us

    5. I know you NEED to inject your emotional turmoil on to other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for you to feel some kind of control or power over your own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense. But you simply don't achieve that with me... You give me what I want. When are you going to learn this?

    6. You bet I'm ready to give you what you want mate !


    7. What if he wants you to get lost you p.o. C.?

    8. ^ what if people want you to get lost you piece of shite?

    9. 9:19 has never been kissed except by CGi characters in world of warcraft


    10. Who wants to be my first snog ?


    11. ^ fake Joe- why do you waste your time with endless courtship ?
      Dressmaker will be your first snog even if it's only in your twisted dreams


  5. Danny boy sure looks like he full of himself

    1. he all tuff n` ruff n` meen !

    2. i think Danielle would look more "FIERCE" with eyeliner and lipgloss to match his gold lam'e w fishnetts and stiletto high heels !!----------BLHAAAA HAAAA HAAA!! Lol!!!

      Troll asskisser

  6. SHEDS- SHEDS- SHEDS!!!!....


    Cum git you a doggum SHED.

    Tim Fasano Sheds.

    1. everyone on this thread is a asshole , except myself.

  7. Iktomis mom died giving birth to him. Her final words as she shat him out were "Oh heavenly father forgive me"

    1. My old girl would smack some manners in you, and then cook you the best lasagne you've ever had, fat boy.

    2. I think its doubtful you have ever had a real relationship Joe. I imagine your personality is so retched that no girl could stand you. But above all else, i think you probably are transgender

    3. If I was to drop constant comments inundated with vulgar sexual references like you do, one could most certainly argue the case.

    4. An indication of dicktomi`s muddled thinking is how he endorsed the Scott Carpenter footage from a day or so ago as proof a bigfoot was hiding there,no question about it (insert laughter here). In the footage Scott contends that bigfoot is cloaking literally 2 feet away from him on a path that is also filmed by a camera...but hang on,dicktomi doesn`t believe the cloaking theory is possible and dismisses the thing out of what is the deal with him ? ...floundering in a cess-pool all of his own making.

      What a muddle headed fool he is.

    5. Stop flapping... Find a direct quote from me.

    6. I can't stop fapping when I think about you mate !


    7. ^ 9:49 will fap to anything involving video games or my little pony


    8. There's nothing wrong with being transgender's a gift! xx

    9. 10;55

      Joe , you have a little "pony" don`t you ?


  8. Sasquatch only begins to be described as ape-like as a form of comparison when European settlers start reporting. In many First Nation traditions, he is simply a big, hairy and often quasi-spiritual being. Which points towards people seeing what they expect to see. We see this clearly in Kenneth Arnold's UFO Description: he described the craft as actually looking crescent shaped with tails, but said the MOVED like saucers skipping on a lake. The press muddled this and immediately people were "seeing" UFOs that looked like upturned saucers. And that nonsense persists to this day.
    Now if your parents, the shaman etc tell you that there is a big shape shifting hairy guy in the woods; and you're in the woods and getting frightened... It might certainly account for SOME of the mythology.

    1. In Native American culture, the physical and the spiritual are one and the same. One of the many Native names for this creature is "Shoonshoonootr", one of the few Native words to literally translate as “big foot”? This is an indication of what they were seeing; physical evidence. Evidence that has been consistently found via multiple cultures down through the ages until this day.

    2. you dont know what the culture of natives are joe, so please dont speak for them

    3. Pick up a book... Meet some people... What's for sure is that pathetically cynical take up top on their oral histories is as hypocritical as you're ever gonna get.

    4. You got a lot of Native Americans in Wales, do you Joe?

    5. ^ wanks thinking about arse

    6. ^ I find it hard to believe this faker has a dirty mind because you need an active working brain for that


    7. Although I must admit that I find most things "hard" to believe mates !


    8. Native Americans in Wales I am intrigued. I thought it was just an influx of Lithuanians.

    9. Hi Iktomi
      I made the original post and unlike all that troll crap levelled at you, you simply came back with another angle: nice. We would have had a good discussion, but as usual it's got all bogged down with the usual pathetic eyeball scratching. Take care!

    10. No worries. Please come around for a chat another time.


  9. Yes, he has the special ability to never be seen, photographed or filmed at all and to have thousands of people believing a lie and a myth are real.

    1. You need to prove they`re not - if you`re interested ( I doubt it as you`ll cry again and lash out ) there`s plenty of breakdowns available for you to peruse during your lonely night hours ... should help with the tears.

    2. There is not one breakdown that shows those sources to be hoaxed. At least one of them has a subject with movement and stealth outside of any known human capabilities, another source is as well known as anything on the planet, with no money suit in sight.

      If you're critical of them demonstrate they're hoaxes, cause based on the frequency of supporting physical evidence and sightings reports you fail to explain away so miserably, by the sheer size of some of those subjects one can quite comfortably add them to that meltdown accumulation of yours rather nicely.

    3. So they're not human then? Now I'm really confused!

    4. "... Outside of any known human capabilities..." Anything else you need me to hold your hand through?

    5. Nope, I understand now, sometimes they are human and sometimes they are not human -- I guess it depends upon which portal they use!

    6. Keeping worming troll... When you're worried about grammar or trying to pitifully manufacture contradictions, your burdens remain.

      Maybe you're just out of your depth, eh?

    7. Allow me to explain Anon 5:26:

      The appliance of rhetorical arguments to make the perception of normal circumstance.

      There - that should do it.

  10. Got creek strolling, portal navigating, trail camera detecting, cloaking, mindspeaking, human hybrid, comedy breast wearing monkey?

    1. 8:32... Sorry, we don't have one of them I'm afraid.

    2. ^ believes in it when convenient or told to do so by his superiors and betters

      switches from one odd and fallacious theory to another when the need arises but without recourse to any validity of the subject matter

    3. Stop crying... Show at least one of my theories is fallacious and you've moved on from a whiny cry baby.

      Boo-hoo-into just makes me smile.

    4. ^ so flustered he can`t stop making errors ... all the anger is coming to the surface now that you`ve been done down again ,eh ?

      ha ha ha ha hahaha

    5. Have you been anxiously beating off for this long? You'll go blind you know!

    6. 12:32 is on to something, 2:51 seems very flustered.

  11. Why hasn't Finding Bigfoot, found any Bigfoot?

    According to most researchers their f*cking everywhere.

    1. cox theys can cloak deyselfs

    2. Because you don't find a ******* thing in the woods screaming around with a film crew.

    3. You can always find something of mine and I don't mind screaming in front of a film crew !


    4. ^ 10:48 has been quite busy on here today. Pornhub must be down


    5. By the way mates, pornhub has a wonderful gay sex selection !


    6. most researchers don't go out with a film crew Joe and still come back with shit.

    7. We'll add that notion to your ever growing burden.

    8. ^ Defintely has a fool streak.

  12. Iktomi has special abilities. He can shove his entire head into his rectum.

  13. Daniel Benoit is available for gay bachelor parties and other homosexual gatherings. He has police officer, cowboy, biker, indian chief, construction worker, USMC, and bigfooter costumes. Ask about his Village People impersonations. Mention Iktomi Joe and receive a 20% discount.

  14. I give Daniel five brown stars.

    Sincerely, Rictor Riolo.

  15. It appears that living on the east coast and closer to DC, does not make one smarter, amazingly. Since this joker has not figured out that Bigfoot is not human and do in fact have special abilities like invisibility, telepathy and shape shifting, then he doesn't have enough field experience of the right kind. I'll bet that he is such a scaredy cat that he only goes out Bigfooting with his equally ignorant buddies, which normally results in nobody learning anything because they are constantly making noise and cannot notice that there is an invisible Bigfoot standing right in the middle of camp. So next time a ECBRO member starts acting like an expert and telling you what to think about Bigfoot, don't walk, run for the nearest exit because he will only send you down the same wrong dead end road that he is now on.


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