Tools Found Of Unknown Species Of Human

Via Cliff Barackman at

The paleoanthropological world was stunned by a January, 2016 publication of the discovery of stone tools from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. More than 200 artifacts were unearthed that were made by an unknown species of human ancestor, or hominin. Modern humans are thought to have occupied the island sometime between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago, yet these newly discovered tools date back to between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. The most conservative dating estimate indicates some of these tools were made about 118,000 years ago, or more than 40,000 years before Homo sapiens arrived. This squarely points to a yet-to-be-recognized species of human occupying the island long before modern humans arrived.

Less than 100 miles to the south of Sulawesi is the Indonesian island of Flores. It is here in 2003 that the fossils of the now-famous “hobbit” species of hominin, Homo floresiensis, were discovered. These diminuative hominins are known to have been a little more than three feet tall, to have made and used stone tools, and to have lived on Flores as recently as 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. The presence of this tool-making species so close to Sulawesi makes them a strong candidate for the makers of the recently discovered tools on the island to the north, though this is not certain as no Homo floresiensis remains have been found anywhere but on Flores.

One of the many fascinating things about the discovery on Sulawesi and how it ties into the Flores hominins is the presence of folkloric, historic, and present-day reports of unknown hairy hominoids from both islands. On the island of Flores, long before the fossils of Homo floresiensis were unearthed, there were tales of the ebu gogo. Ebu gogo are described as what can only be described as either ape-like, or primitive man-like. They seem to be short (three or so feet tall), covered in hair, and extremely elusive. In some areas of Flores, they are thought to be extinct by the Floresians who live there, though in other areas sightings persist until the present. There is a strong possibility that ebu gogos are simply extant Homo floresiensis that never got the memo that their species had gone extinct.

On Sulawesi, there is also a tradition of hairy hominoids dating back to at least the 17th century. In 1701, the French priest Nicolas Gervaise wrote about the island being occupied by aggressive “monkeys and baboons,” some of which “walked upright like men.” They were also described to be as large as an English mastiff, the males of which are typically between 150 and 200 pounds, making the compared apes quite large.

The people who inhabit Sulawesi today continue to talk of what appears to be an unknown species of hominoid. In the northeast part of the island, they speak of the lolok, or “little forest men.” These creatures are the size of a child and are covered in hair which is longer on the head. They are rumored to have supernatural abilities, which is a motif found in many cultures worldwide in their descriptions of the local hominoids in the area.

For the full article, click here.


  1. "Why research a myth?

    All myths are rooted in some kind of meaning..."

    Les Stroud Survivorman

    1. Correct Les... And what an exciting find these tools are.

    2. we know so little about everything.

    3. including the concept of pee in joes face

    4. Les Shroud's views are suspect to say the least. He had his show going how many years and never mentioned bigfoot? But when it became a pop culture phenomena again a few years back suddenly he has stories. None of which were recorded. Then when his show has just about run its course he suddenly decides that he needs to solve this mystery.

      I am sure money plays no role.

    5. Sure... No experienced outdoorsman endorsing an enthusiastic outlook of the subject could ever be genuine now, could they?

    6. would he do it for free......

    7. There are innumerable people who do... But in light of this field requiring credible people who are in a position of vast experience, is it not then rhetorical to claim that these people are merely acting upon agendas to make money?

  2. One thing modern science knows as fact, is that pygmys are the orignal HSS.dated at 160,000 ybp..
    Sykes's 100,000 ybp migration out of africa, is a HSS sub spiecie known as the "Masai",,
    Sorry but Kwit looks like ANY AN ALL WHITE BOY,,HAA HA LOL!
    Being a scandanvian & mexican yaqui . My skull is FAR MORE ARCHAIC (,big pronounced brow ridge),then kwits! Hss skull perameters are wide and varied .just because kwits skull "looks"
    archiac" dont make it so!!
    PS,,D Dovers lovelock skull looks like my uncle CHUCHO!!
    You PUTO'S


    1. AC... The earliest modern Homo sapiens skeletons come from Africa and date to nearly 200,000 years ago on that continent. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern humans are the Omo remains found in modern-day Ethiopia, which date to 195,000 years ago. The Masaai are came to Southeast Africa by way of South Sudan. Sykes' theory as to where Zana's ancient lineage of subspecies Homo Sapiens comes from West Africa.

      With all due respect to your fascinating lineage, I suspect none of you appear to have a protruding nuchal crest.

      Included in the paper written by the anthropologists who studied another comparitive skull (Humboldt) are items they termed as “unusual features.” one being a markedly developed protruding nuchal crest. The nuchal crest is where the rear neck muscles attach to the skull. Human skulls have no such markedly protruding nuchal crest unlike what is visible on the Lovelock Skull. The skull from another angle shows two protrusions of the nuchal crest at either side of the back of the Lovelock Skull, whose purpose would be to support very large neck muscles. This is unlike what you will ever find on any normal human skull. Having such a large protruding nuchal crest means there were very large neck muscles attached to this skull. Why do the large sasquatch heads need more muscular support than comparable human heads do? Quadrupeds in fact do need much larger muscles to support their heads, and Sasquatches are sometimes observed moving on all fours which would necessitate strong supporting neck muscles. If this is in any way exaggerated in Kwit and Zana's skull, which it is as is aligned with the other archaic features, then this is yet more evidence pointing to Zana being an ancient modern human, which is what Sasquatch are.

    2. whats wrong with being joergident?

    3. Oops !! All this time I thought you were basein your arguments on DNA?????

      However its fine with all the good folk here at the BFE THAT
      you are expanding your expertise in physical anthropology !!
      AC collins

    4. Iktomi ,inca indians that used HEad baskets developed "BIG THICK CAULK SIZED" NUCIAL CREST'S BRO!! The lovelock skulls are totaly within ameracoid perameters,lol
      Not to mention the little tacohead was 5-10!!!

      AC collins

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. With regards to nuchal crests being formed by head baskets, there is nothing online with regards to this to which it is highly unlikely morphological traits can be formed this way, and nobody knows the height of the subeject to which the humbolt skull belonged to.

    7. Nice special pleading joe

    8. HAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ,JOE FORGETS THAT SKULLS WERE NOT THE ONLY BONES THAT WERE COLLECTED AT "LOVELOCK CAVE" such as 4 femors ,1 with a femoral hernia , the the intermembral indexing on the subject was 68.5 ????
      Just another american Indian (for a better term)!!
      What is a sasquatch? 82-89??

      As always AC collins

    9. Since you brought up the "Humbolt skull" ,, the size of the skull would indacate a oraly fixsated (suck caulk alot) bucktoothed 4-11 indian GAL# , oh yes!

      AC collins

    10. Ok... I'm confused as to your missunderstanding of the historical events of lovelock. For starters... A human femur dating to 1450 B.C was found at the cave, to which there are no recorded measurements. Also... To invest full faith that this was indeed uncovered, would be to also invest faith in the large skeletons uncovered in the region of 7-8 feet tall, as they come from be same source. What's more... Is that archaeologists of the time were well aware that over the centuries, many different tribes had made the cave their home... Whilst the Humboltd skull was found... Um... In the Humboltd sync, not the Lovelock cave???

    11. Sasquatch... Or at least one of two types, are Native American.

    12. ^ Its not fun for me to educate Welsh Wannabee's J F.

      Most are mexican ,and some are lndian,,,, "FACT" !

      AC ;-)

    13. Joe got blown the f#ck out by AC. YES YES YES!!!!!!

    14. AC... It appears that if anyone has learned anything, it is you as to the facts about the immediate topic, and us with regards to how much you like to bend the truth.

    15. did you know AC stands for anal connoisseur ?
      Bet you didn't know that. It all makes sense now eh ?


    16. The Only reason AC is "simi"
      Sober is cause his sons stole his welfare check to buy dope!


    17. ^ not me . I shall leave it at that


  3. I thought you didn't trust science?

    1. How can anyone "not trust science"? Science is not a freethinking entity that picks and chooses and prejudices against concepts... It's a tool to which I personally abide by. You won't ever read me endorsing any form of evidence that hasn't got an expert in some relevant field of science supporting it.

    2. joe just got blown the f#ck out by anonymous!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Looks like a bunch of rocks to me!

    1. sometimes homeless folks using rocks for tools, so you thinking that's a tool that bigfoots are using, but its just some homeless living in the bush and off the grid

    2. and that's why you are no scientist !


    3. It's true, I live in the woods, I'm homeless

  5. So some hominids worked out how to bang rocks together 100 millennia back and that means Bigfoot is real? Really? Bit of a stretch, this one...


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