Hiker Gets Howled At By The Michigan Dogman
A hiker in Michigan had always been skeptical when hearing stories of the wolfman, or dogman, but while hiking they had a sighting of a strange, howling creature that left huge canine prints in the ground, they became a believer.
When I was hiking the Ausable in the summer of 1999. in the counties Oscoda Alcona and Iosco. I remember one of my most scariest encounters with the wilderness.For the rest of the story, click here.
while walking east down along the river around 1 hr. prior to dusk I heard what to my ears to be a wolf howl.. I Have seen wolf prints and seen wolves at my home at 5375 south branch road long lake mi. 48743. but never have I heard a howl so deep and almost humanlike in my life.. I got spooked and set up camp and made a fire. larger than most. due to my fear.. At dusk I heard it closer. directly across the river. I had heard stories of the wolfman from native powwows and in family folk lore covering the whole USA. But never have I personally seen what I saw that night or the next day. that night after eating beef barley stew from my canned good collection. I laid down by the fire with my huge folding knife closely gripped by my chest. I was watching and listening to the surrounding wood line for about 30 minutes. when the average noises stopped. which to me meant 2 things 1: something had spooked the local animals. and 2: made me very uneasy. I looked out away from the fire and shot the fire away from my eyes using the un armed hand. I looked across the river which was only about 100meters across from my fire. and saw the most unnerving sight ever. on the sand was a creature standing maybe larger than the average sow black bear, with black fur, large long skull and yellow reflecting eyes like the wolf.. I closed my eyes and hoped I was imagining things and then it gave out the howl again. I opened my eyes and it ran up the bank and disappeared into the night. as it ran it didn't run on all fours like a bear nor a wolf. and unlike the local bigfoot it wasn't full upright like a human or primate.. I was so scared that I slept the rest of that night in a damn tree about20 foot off the ground. it took me 3 hrs and praying to easy my fear so I could sleep..
ReplyDeleteSuck it
DeleteJoe likes to jerk it to the thoughts thath dogman is also real. Him and Eva and the other loons, sit around and wet dream over big cats, bigfoot, and dogmen. They believe in them conclusively. "Extraordinary claims shouldn't require extraordinary evidence"...Joe F (lktomi) logic.
DeleteWhereas 3.01 likes to jerk it to thoughts of smearing his mother in petroleum jelly and "wrasslin'". Pervert.
DeleteBILL BROCK bigfoot hunter and cryptids GURU will get the JOB DONE
DeleteI have no more confidence that Bill Brock will "get the job done" than DS. That is to say, no chance.
Delete3:01...typical lowlife nolife infantile cement head troll.
DeleteTrapper and the Mountain Monsters AIMS team hunted that wolfman they said the wolfman to smart for them to trap, they will have to get Willy and WIDL BILL to put their heads together and build a better trap next time they go after that critter
ReplyDeleteCrap planet X is real NO000ooo...
ReplyDeleteNew evidence suggests a ninth planet lurking at the edge of the solar system