These Guys Are Not Your Typical Skunk Ape Hunters

From the youtube channel of Calzone Spaceship comes the pilot episode of Strange Florida. A web series that takes an in-depth look at the things that make Florida so strange. In this episode they take a look at the famous skunk ape.


  1. Replies
    1. Why do you dislike a world without Bigfoot? Why would you dismiss such a world so easily?

    2. If I disliked the idea THAT much... I'd be chasing people around on pessimistic forums, accusing them of not thinking rationally.

      Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

      To dismiss the idea, would be to dismiss the physical evidence, and I would be lying to myself. Why does the idea bother you so much? What is it about you that you feel the need to try and control how people think? It's audacious considering you're not as clever as most.

    3. I love that you always seem to use words like "anxiety" when discussing Bigfoot and the lack of belief from sceptics, in all seriousness, it's very telling.

      The mentality of most sceptics is flawed? As opposed to the mentality of a bunch of fully-grown adults who continue to believe that the woods behind their house is riddled with gigantic elusive ape-men who's preferred method of communication seems to be banging loudly on tree's and chucking rocks at things?

      A flawed mentality is one in which an adult chooses to see the puppet rather than the strings and the inevitable puppeteer. You choose not to see the strings on "Patty," and that is what I'd call having a flawed mentality.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. "I love that you always seem to use words like "anxiety" when discussing Bigfoot and the lack of belief from sceptics..."
      ... Um... I didn't use the word "anxiety", I used words like "control". Who's comments are you reading?

      "The mentality of most sceptics is flawed?"
      ... No, an actual sceptic would be most welcomed and refreshing, in fact. You see, the mentality of a sceptic is to refrain from passing judgement, and to keep asking questions, mostly questioning their own stances and long standing, established ideas. You're simply not clever enough to think this way, and are in fact a PSEUDOSCEPTIC that has manipulated the meaning to make it seem as if you are apart of some crime fighting club, when in fact you are simply a cyber Nazi who is worried about what other people think. This is evidence of an inferiority complex, and the Internet serves as a means for people to try and feel better about their shortcomings.

      If "gigantic elusive-apemen", then explain away the physical evidence that supports the idea... It's really very simple.

      "A flawed mentality is one in which an adult chooses to see the puppet rather than the strings and the inevitable puppeteer."
      ... This coming from someone who has a gross inability to not only think for himself, but source at least one decent argument from someone else to counter the one thing that supports anecdotes? I "choose to not see strings on Patty", yet you see imaginary zippers on a costume shot in direct sunlight, right?

      : )

    6. You have several times made reference to the notion that so-called skeptics experience some kind of "anxiety" when confronted with paranormal claims, especially figboot.

      Personally, I have only felt an urge to laughter at the notion of figboot. Where does this idea originate in your mind? To me it seems baseless.

    7. You are painting your own position into a corner.

      Did you not already say that the anxiety is disabling to such a degree that it prevents skeptics from understanding and knowing the natural world and the creatures (Bigfoot) that live in that world?

    8. Um... Where did I use the word anxiety?? Something about "painting your position in a corner"??

      No... I think you have an urge to try and make yourself feel better about whatever your shortfalls in your personal life are. You see, I have many, many friends who don't believe in the idea of relict hominids residing in the wilderness of the planet... Some of these are rather clever scientists. Not for one second would these people feel the requirement to chase people around on the internet belittling them. In fact, I think your behaviour is categorised by an off-shoot of an inferiority complex;

      "A superiority complex is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.[1] The term was coined by Alfred Adler as part of his school of individual psychology. It was introduced in his series of books, including "Understanding Human Nature" and "Social Interest"."

      The reason I say this, is because if you genuinely had an interest in this topic, you would better arguments against the evidence that supports it. You seem to be a little more preoccupied in making yourself appear clever... And let's be honest, genuinely clever people don't spend their time reinforcing their beliefs when they should be content about them.

    9. Oh well... I guess that's the end of that...


    10. Now you're just weaseling. It has everything to do with "standards of evidence". Curiously, we're so average in our need for 'proper evidence' that we don't require even one iota more of evidence than has been required for the proper establishment of a species for the last 100-200(?) years. Where the **** exactly is the 'no true skeptic' unreasonableness in that? Where exactly is the "uncertainty"? Yet there you are standing all proud and **** with your delusional preference for "evidence" that only points to more fantastical realizations of your childhood hopes and dreams, wholly independent of any biological reality.

      Here's some inside information, i.e. clue, cough up a ******* Bigfoot and actually make us be the idiots you're so desperately trying to pretend we are. Or is Bigfoot too special for that?

    11. It's perfectly rational to require a cadaver to support the idea of a relict hominid species sharing the planet with us. But there is not one thing in logical thinking that states that this equates to this species being non-existent should it not have materialised as of yet. For something as large as this, with the frequency of reports that accompany it, we have a level of evidence that wouldn't be the case if something like this wasn't. If this creature does exist (and in my opinion it most certainly does), then it would naturally have to have evaded classification for hundreds of years... So what is 50 without a major consorted professional effort at getting to the bottom of this "mystery"? Might I add... That according to the anthropological authority of the last 150 years, there are documented giant skeletal remains. Even Anthropologists like Andy White are on record stating that there is reliable sources to 7-7.5 feet skeletons being excavated in the US. That my friend... Is a biological reality. Put it like this;

      "Science is founded on the premise that we exist in a rational reality and from this premise it follows that every scientific belief can and should be based on evidence, otherwise it is not science. To be completely clear as to what is science it can be defined in one simple sentence; science is the unbiased effort to understand reality based on the observable physical evidence."
      ... Let's see how your "standards" deal with that.

    12. I'm sorry, but that is complete *********. Skepticism does not mean that you constantly go around saying "Gee, I don't know, anything's possible!"

      Forming conclusions without evidence- unskeptical.

      Drawing conclusions after gathering evidence and applying the scientific process- skeptical.

      If you tell me you had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch, and I refuse to believe you even after you show me the empty tuna can, I'm being irrationally obstinate.

      If you tell me about an alien hybrid sasquatch, and insist it's real with absolutely no evidence, just wild conjecture, I'm going to have a few doubts, sorry.

    13. "Skepticism does not mean that you constantly go around saying "Gee, I don't know, anything's possible!"
      ... And who's doing that exactly? You were given the definition of scepticism over an hour ago. I think you'd better go and Google it before you give yourself a heart attack.

      "Forming conclusions without evidence- unskeptical."
      ... And this is why I base my conclusions on a frequency of scientific evidences, which in fact accounts for every source of evidence just short of a modern type specimen. This would be adhering to the "scientific process" you allude to later in your comment. For someone seemingly so sure of this method, surely you can't be using a logical fallacy (negative proof fallacy) regarding a cadaver and basing your conclusions around that? Is it not slightly audacious to claim anyone is hen also falling short of gathering evidence, when you've not even presented a scientific case against what has been put to you in this very thread of comments?

      If I tell you that there is a yet to be classified bipedal primate, that is twice the size of a normal human primates residing in the wilderness of the US, and then show you the forensic evidence to support that to which you refuse to believe; are you being "irrationally obstinate"?

      : )

    14. LOL, Joe doesn't realize that he is arguing with copied posts from the last several days in Ontario Sasquatches moron thread over at ISF on the Mentality of Skeptics.

    15. AHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Joe just got epically blown the F Out. Arguing with old posts, hahahahaha. Talk about being made a fool of. And whats worse, those old posts absolutely destroyed him. They crushed him and his arguments. He hasnt taken such a whooping in several days. This is the best day of my life!

    16. Does anyone ever notice that 6:40 literally NEVER shows up until Donald Maker does? Anyone might think that he's not only posting anonymous responses to his own comments, but literally worshipping his own comments. Now that would be a little crazy, wouldn't it? So Donald... Are you admitting to posting anonymously now?

      Oh and by the way... If you didn't notice, I pretty much had those comments for breakfast.


    17. And it's funny Donald... When you're answering your own comments and worshipping yourself (ew, creepy!) you seem to forget your own ideals on plagiarism?

      How odd? Surely you should be condemning such behaviour, right??

    18. You can think whatever you want, Joe. But I only ever post as myself.

      You really need to stop projecting your own behaviour on to other people.

    19. Can you imagine how creepy that would be, Donald? In fact, there is MORE evidence for you doing that than there is for me being literally everyone who has an enthusiastic stance in the topic on this blog. I think I'm on to something here, aren't I?

      Tell me Donald... Where is your scorn for plagiarism here now?

    20. I have told you multiple times that I only post as myself. Choose not to believe me, that is your prerogative. Or man up, and prove your ridiculous point. You say you have evidence of me posting as other people, then prove it.

    21. And do you honestly think your word is good enough for me, or anyone else? You didn't feel the need to prove anything when you claimed that I'm anything up to ten different people on here and other places, yet there is far more evidence of your self worshipping every time your anon account gets used.

      You're pathetic, Donald. The amount you worship yourself needs addressing with professional help. It says it all how bad a case you have when you need an anon account to try and make your arguments seem a little more logical.

      Again... Where is your scorn for the plagiarism up top?

    22. What plagiarism are you talking about? The posts copied from ISF? It's no better than you plagiarizing, I never said it was.

      I don't imagine my word is good enough for you, but if you have evidence to prove your claim about me, then my word is irrelevant.

      Are you really claiming that you think I am the "This is the best day of my life" guy? Seriously? I am gone from this blog sometimes for weeks or longer at a time. Has that anon never posted during any of my absences? I'd bet that he/she has. Yet here you are trying to make a case that this particular anon only comes out when I am around. I doubt that very much.

      Grow up and stop projecting your lunatic behaviour on to others.

    23. But it's plagiarism, Donald. It didn't even have quotation marks... Why aren't you condemning it, unless it's you and aren't that clever in covering your tracks?

      I think you deleting loads of comments lately, as well as perfect timing as to when you and your anon self come around, is far more evidence than what you've ever had about me being multiple people... Yeah, I think I've got a better claim than you've ever had Donald, that's good enough for me.

      "This is the best day of my life!" Wow... And Donald makes accusations about me complementing "my own hair". Wow... Just wow.

    24. Loads of comments Joe? Perhaps 4 comments in the last 7 days. That is hardly loads.

      I did condemn the plagiarism. I just said it is no better than when you do it. That will likely be the end of it, because the anon is not likely to defend their behaviour, like you do.

      You are coming across as quite delusional, Joe. You know as well as anyone else here does that when I'm not around for extended periods, the poster you are trying to claim is also me, is around. How do you explain that?

      Enjoy your "claim" and your "evidence", you weird little man.

    25. But this coming from someone who "hates deleted comments", Donald? And four is enough! But where is your exaggerated scorn for the plagiarism up top, Donald? Come on, you have to come across consistent when you're lying through your teeth.

      I'm "coming across delusional", yet I'm not doing anything different to what you do towards me, Donald? In fact, if I was to claim that you were another four or five posters, only THEN would I be on par with what you're claiming, plus I have more evidence and I'm "delusional" now? Why can't you simply use your anon account for extended periods?

      So are you now admitting that to claim people are other posters is "weird behaviour by little people"?

    26. Where did I say that I "hate deleted comments"? I dislike not being able to edit typos, but that is not the same as "I hate deleted comments". Please demonstrate where I said that.

      You have no evidence at all, Joe.

    27. If your accusation is that I use an anon account to cheer on my dmaker account, then what would be the point of only using my anon account for extended periods?

      You have a history of multiple accounts. You openly respond to "Joe", even though you post as "Iktomi".

    28. You are on record claiming that my deleted comments are annoying to you. I am currenlty trying to source that comment, Donald.

      In the mean time, you can answer the questions posed, are you now admitting that to claim people are other posters is "weird behaviour by little people"?

    29. Where's the Boy Joerg account today, Donald???

    30. Trump defends Muslim ban ,,,
      for your SAFETY : )

    31. How would I know where Boy Joerg is?

      Calling 4 deleted posts "loads" is weird. Creating extremely tenuous connections between me and a regular anon is weird.

      In your case, there was reason to believe you were multiple posters. For one, you have a history of that Joe. Duh! You respond to Joe, but post as Iktomi. So, there is a huge precedent.

      But more importantly is that you cannot hide your awful writing style. When you post as someone else it is immediately obvious. No one here has your horribly awkward style. It stands out like a beacon.

      Other than your delusion ramblings, there is no reasonable cause to think that I am any other poster. For you, there are plenty of reasons.

      Get it now?

    32. You would know where Boy Joerg is, because he posts as quickly in response to comments as you do and used the same ilogical arguments as you do... You are on record admitting that you used an anon mode "are you confused again" mantra, I can easily source these posts for you, Donald.

      Argh writing style you say... Shall I post the exact same "ambiguity" arguments are both prevalent in your comments as Dmaker and as your Boy Joerg account? You haven't got good enough grammar to be claiming my writing style is poor, Donald... Take a look at the way you spell your name;


      ... That's your own name, Donald. Shouldn't that be written as DMaker? Or even DonMaker, or even DonaldM, or something? Surely someone so lapsed on the usage of capitals shouldn't be so quick to judge the grammar of others? And I've got a poor writing style?? No... Calling a handful of posts "loads", when you are on record as to stating you don't like it when others doing it, is a means of stating how significant it is.

      Who's Joe? And what are these reasons as to why I'm multiple posters like Abholi and Stonereader1?? Where is your evidence for this, Donald?

      You never answered the question... Are you now admitting that to claim people are other posters is "weird behaviour by little people"?

    33. Yes, please demonstrate where I admitted using anon mode.

    34. You really are quite warped. Rambling about grammar in an username? Well, you've completely gone off the deep end now, Joe.

    35. Joe is getting taken to town by dmaker. This is true comedy gold! But DMAKER, i must ask you to stop responding to Joe, he is trying to goad you into long conversations. Plus he is purposely trying to make you upset by projecting his own behavior onto you. Remember when he made those wild threats last week? lol. It was halarious.

      DMAKER, please dont respond to Joe anymore. He is trying his best to troll you because you destroyed him with the ISF stuff. DONT RESPOND.

      DMAKER, instead, hit Joe with turds, urine, and a little racism. This is what he knows and is more familiar with.

    36. DMAKER, Joerg is just making up lies to try and upset you. DONT let him. Instead hit him with turds, Joergs, urine, and a little racism. He is furious you destroyed him with the ISF comments. He is now wildly projecting himself on you to try and make you upset. dont let him.

      Hit him with what he deserves: urine, turds, and a little racism

    37. "dmaker"... Not a problem, I shall require time to locate the thread. I have it somewhere as it was one of the thread I used to get s laugh at your expense. Am I warped, or do you struggle to use adequate grammar for your own name?

      And here's Dmaker with his "best day of my life!" account! Right on track! Ha ha ha!!

    38. Notice how joerg is trying to goad you into argument DMAKER with his last sentence. just ignorne his projections. Instead, a little racism is probably in order.

    39. ans da NRA sayin obama goin gits tham guns whut fer wed needin tham guns fer huntin hawgs ans tham criters shure do

    40. Dont cry for me Joergamina, the truth is i never left you!

    41. Just arrived at the site to see JoeTomi getting his usual share of the dogshite pile..he sure is a glutton for punishment.


    42. tham dawgpies bein deeps ans ifn youn init youn knowin it

    43. 9:14, can you stop with the racist comments please?

    44. TRUMP to save US all in 2016 : )

    45. sorry dmaker but it must continue

    46. Iktomii, Queen of The Poofs. Always trying to impress but always looking the fool.

      Must be exhausting.

  2. The problem with woo believers, often, is that they can't tolerate ambiguity. Ambiguity is "I don't know what that is, so there's no particular reason it has to be a Sasquatch." Intolerance of ambiguity is "I can't think of anything else that could be, so I'm going to assume it must be a Sasquatch."

    1. Yet you use ambiguous conclusions to push the idea of ambiguity against solid data and scientists?

    2. I have to admit the area looks like it could support a homoish type creature.

    3. So i called up Joergina and asked her the chance of us running out neath the moonlight.

    4. NSA is all knowing, all seeing, all hearing, its all for your SAFETY...

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    1. ^ Would these be the same people that don`t pay out when requested to do so ? matter how many times they are asked ? effect,they are criminals out to defraud and dupe people out of their cash.

    2. Yeah - go peddle that trash elsewhere. Bigfoot is the only scam we accept here.

  4. These guys aren't like your typical skunk ape hunters?

    Yeah, they're not fat, and they don't wear baseball caps.

    1. just some homeless folks in the bush!!!

    2. lots of Vets bounding the bush, setting up camp, living off the grid

  5. Replies
    1. You forgot to meow Eva FFS! Do it now and I'll bet she will meow right back at you because she loves it so. You know it's the highlight of the day for all of us here.

      Got monkey power?


    3. FFS! ^ awwww poor little guy, as if what you said was important lmao! ^ FFS!

    4. Indeed! Because "meow" and "monkey power" are FAR more important.

  6. BOBO a 1%er he needs to pay his fair share $$$

  7. Replies
    1. Headed down where the mountain men live
      Their dirty deeds & their whiskey grins
      Where a native son is a toothless prince
      He plays for keeps when he speaks his sins

      Well I'll be back with an iron beard
      & shotgun shells in a bandolier With
      calloused hands and dirty boots
      I've rotted out my last good tooth

      Take a sip then spit it out I got
      a splinter in this working mans mouth
      Take a sip then spit it out
      It's your turn to burn in this

  8. Dmaker is multiple Anons on here, I've seen him accidentally post Anon garbage under his Dmaker name, only seconds later then erase the comment. Did you notice the Anon comments stopped when he was going back and forth with Iktomi? The weirdo champions his own comments, how sad.

    1. ^look like we have another joe account

    2. Sorry to tear down your hero. Just something I've seen. Hell, you may be him. All I know is, you can't trust him.


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