First Nations Elder Talks About The Legend Of The Wendigo In Manitoba

While there are several different variations, the wendigo at times falls into the same group as the bigfoot or sasquatch, with it being a different variance of the same type creature. In this video a First Nations elder talks about some of the sasquatch stories and the legend of the wendigo around the Manitoba area.

A Wendigo (also known as windigo, weendigo, windago, windiga, witiko and wihtikow) is a half-beast creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada.


  1. Replies
    1. BIGFOOTS are cryptid species of some type, or a hybridization of multiple species. Either way, it bleeds, it can be shot and killed ....

  2. I know that you are a knower.

    1. BLACK OPs knowing that Bigfoots are real, they keep the folks in the dark for your SAFETY

  3. Replies
    1. sometimes Lycandroids look like Bigfoots so you thining that's a bigfoot but its a lycandroid

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am a knower. I know that bigfoot dont exist.

    1. I know more than you thats for sure.

    2. "Know you don't! I do! Nah-nah, na-nah, naaaaah!!"

    3. 6.15 - Iktomi said "Know you don't" meaning "No you don't".


    4. I don't know much but i know what i know if you know what i mean xx

    5. Eva if you were 25 feet tall would you let me crawl inside your taterhole?

    6. richard 1, stonereader 1, abholi falla, joe, lktomi, joerg, tim u.k.

  6. 2015 won't be remembered for bigfoot...but TURDS.

    1. sumbitch bigfeets bein heers ans eatin me chickins


  7. Trolls are actually victims themselves, what usually drives them is their pain and suffering to which they do not want to address. So they do what they can to disharmonize everyone else, because they themselves are within disharmony within themselves. However, abusing other people is wrong. No matter how you look upon it.

    Can any reasonable person, NOT agree with everything I just said? If there is a disagreement, then know, that there is a troll in the mists.

    I hope, I contributed, not as a member of ats, but rather, as a member of the human race, with dignity, morals, and ethics intact. I changed my ways, because I do believe in world where we can all live in peace. Perhaps it is a naïve dream of mine. But ultimately, I just want people to *Snip*ing get along!

    The years is 2015, I think it is time for humanity to evolve past the ignorance of hurting others. At times I catch myself wondering, if there is any hope left. But those that speak out against bullying in general, I have great respect for you as a person. Most likely you were bullied yourself, but chose a different path than I did when I was in my dark period. In this sense, I will say this. You are far stronger than I was. I fell into that void, I made it out, but barely. Once you lose your morals, it is extremely difficult to get back. You become, what some would call, a lost soul.

    End of Topic

    1. Telling an intellicually sub-normal person that bigfoot does not exist is not bullying. It is educating.

    2. Your attempt at intelligence in this matter is humorous.However it's nice to shine a light on hurtful words towards the masses...that's why we use turds for you

    3. but not BILL BROCK he a BIGFOOT GURU

    4. 7:15... Just got schooled on morality. A "sub-normal" person would be someone who takes pride in attacking people behind anonimaty. In fact... There is a very real diagnosis for this type of behaviour, and it has NOTHING to do with your views on the immediate subject matter;

      ... If it had anything to do with the topic of "Bigfoot", then you'd have something of substance to express for all your time spent.

    5. Well then mr high and mighty whats your real name because you are a hipocrite that is also hiding behind anonimaty.

    6. I don't use that name to abuse, harass or express racism towards people. And d'you know what? If you started addressing me with respect tomorrow, you would have a friend in me.

    7. You really should have changed this line before you pasted it. Dead giveaway you didn't write this and instead copy/pasted it from AboveTopSecret.

      >>I hope, I contributed, not as a member of ats,

    8. thay bein mazrats inda boosh thays heers shure is

    9. >>I don't use that name to abuse, harass or express racism towards people.

      Yes you do. Plus all the other names you use.


    11. If you are nice to me, I will be your friend.

      I don't have very many friends.

    12. Iktomi, I've disagreed with you numerous times on here without attacking you yet you attacked me.

    13. 9:14... I really don't understand your comment.

      9:16... No, it's called trolling the trolls. They don't appear to like their own medicine.

      11:07... I am not permitted to access your BFF link to find out your latest delusion.

      Fake Iktomi... Do you accuse people of being other people whilst pretending to be other people? Narcissists, are being lumped into the troll diagnosis as well as Psychopaths, and Sadists, I guess.

    14. richard 1, stonereader 1, abholi falla, joe, lktomi, joerg, tim u.k.

    15. Eglin,Tavistock,airforce base,mind control,psy-ops,Oh my!!!

  8. Than you 7;05, your words need to be heard and need to be understood. I hope that everyone read your message and may I say thank you for myself and for everyone else here on this board who has had to deal with the trolls.

    1. Define a "troll"? Someone who doesnt believe in bigfoot?

    2. No, plenty of people don't believe in "Bigfoot" and have their ideas far more readily listened to because they approach others with respect. You call enthusiasts "sub-normal" and expect your ideas to be appreciated?

    3. I can readily agree with Iktomi. but I myself define troll as someone who does not believe in Bigfoot and comes on to a site that is dedicated to Bigfoot and proceeded to bash and harass said members of the site who are here because they do happen to believe in Bigfoot and wish to discuss its existence and other probabilities concerning this topic. a troll to me as someone who comes down to this site and acts just horrid by insulting and throwing out random jabs that end up being filthy and insulting to the person that actually does believe in Bigfoot. I see no reason for that troll to be on this site other than to harass people and to me that tells me that you have a very sad life if that's the joy in your life insulting people and making them feel small.

    4. The exact opposite could be said of believers (joe) insulting and random jabs at non believers. Just because you are on the "believer" side doesnt mean you have any additional rights over non believers.

    5. You got it in one, SR1.

      Like I said alluded to earlier, 9:00... You want respect, show it. I'm not a bad person, none of the enthusiasts who post here are... Try and be civil, I think you'll be surprised at what goes down.

    6. Talking to yourself again "joe"?

    7. If you were not a bad person then you would man up and admit you lost the bet

    8. Oh please, some people deserve it
      They have no interest in bigfoot and only come on here to get a rise out of those who believe. They deserve a good schooling . if it was someone who is a skeptic but is open minded and possibly wants to investigate more than they are more than welcome here but trolls aren't


    9. Pop loved to hunt. To avoid divorce, when he neared early retirement he and his wife got some land in Smith County,TX so he could often hunt without taking expeditions all over the place. That satisfied wifey and he hoped to retire in peace. Last November he was in a very nice custom deer stand on his land about 1,500 feet from the house when he heard steps coming from the south. Once the steps got 50' away he barked out a trespassing warning to leave and never come back. He could not see behind him because his stand is mounted on a large tree. The steps stopped, then in 4 quick strides the creature appeared just to the side of the tree, slightly forward of it, and spun around and looked right at him. Pop started screaming and this upset the creature, which screamed too and approached the stand and jumped up, trying to reach him or grab the bottom of the stand(15' up from the bottom) and pull the whole thing down. Once he got his wits assembled, he went on the defensive and leaned up to donate a .270 round to the animal,but he was so scared that he dropped his gun over the rail which threw him into a panic. The SQ had already touched the bottom of the stand and with 2 jumps and he felt like he was in extreme danger. Survival mode kicked in and he grabbed the only weapons he could think of-cans of iced tea! Right when he reached into the cooler to snatch a can of tea, the SQ backed up a few steps and Pop believed the SQ was about to get a running start so it could jump higher and get him out of the tree. Pop got up and whaled the can of tea at the SQ and nailed it square in the upper face, which made it double over and groan loudly, hands over face. then Pop poured the ice and water from the cooler on it, and that wigged it out in grand fashion. Just as he followed by throwing the cooler at it(missed)too. It tore off to a nearby treeline by the creek and watched him through a crook in a tree,rocking side-to-side. Right then Pop was bowled over by the realization that he had his Colt 1911 with him in his backpack. He dug the gun , aimed at the creatures head and fired. Nothing happened-he didn't have one up the snout. So he then racked the side and right then the thing took off into the brush to the north and crossed the creek shortly after being out of sight. He got off one shot and is certain he missed by a wide margin.Pop waited a short while and dismounted the stand to return home. He was white as a sheet and crying when he got there, and it was the first time in 32 years his wife had seen him cry, or even noticeably scared. Since then he will not hunt, will not penetrate the treeline around his house, and he will not leave his patio after sunset. Here's the kicker-a couple weeks ago Pop's truck broke down in a thickly wooded private dirt road leading from the FM to his house. He was stranded in the middle of a sunny day about 700 feet from his house. In stead of walking home,, he shut himself in his truck and kept calling people on his cellphone until he found someone to drive him 20 seconds to his house. His son-in-law received a hysterical voice mail message of Pop, sobbing,begging for him to come help, so the guy had to drive all the way from Nacadoches to give a hardened combat vet and lifelong outdoorsman a very short drive from the front yard to the front door. There were some items missing from the site, but I've not gotten enough of a detailed account of that yet.It's my under standing that the can of tea and the rifle are unaccounted for, but I'll clear that up on the follow-up contact on Monday.

    10. wow, NC, that is one terrifying story !
      Imagine if he had not lost his gun and had taken down the creature ?
      and i'm sure he isn't the only hunter who has had similar encounters but i suspect many of them keep these stories to themselves for fear of being called crazy


    11. Most certainly, Joe. There are a ton of stories similar to this one on many outdoors forums. They seem to be attracted to deer stands.

    12. I sure hope they find that can of tea. That will be some super evidence.

    13. 9:18... You mean the bet revolved around Sykes allegedly finding nothing and that he was done with this subject after Bigfoot Files? How's that going for you by the way?

      NC!! Thanks for that, man... I miss your comments! Don't stay away too long brother!

    14. I won't ,my friend. I just happened to pick the wrong time of year to close on a house and get moving, but I'm putting the brakes on everything now until after the holidays. I'm curious to know if my new mountain neighbors have had any encounters. Also, on the Blue Ridge Parkway on Rte.74 nearby, there's a large cut-out of a Sasquatch with green glowing eyes in front of a local business. I'm going to send an image of it to Shawn when I get the chance to see if he can use it for an article.

    15. richard 1, stonereader 1, abholi falla, joe, lktomi, joerg, tim u.k.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. NC man, have you ever listened to this account by a gentleman called Mike Wooley? It's very similar, as are loads of reports from deer stands;

      ... It's extremely compelling, however... I've never heard of a deer sweating? Are you aware of that being possible??

    18. I'll check it out and get back to you. No, I've never heard of deer sweating. Pheromones perhaps?

    19. That is a truly frightening account,Iktomi.Even more-so scarier the fact that there were more than one of them,which is odd because I just finished reading from an outdoorsman that they're never alone.Creepy.There's Mazzini in the comments section!

    20. you are one lucky son of a gun NC. Close to Blue Ridge Parkway, one of the truly great roads in eastern US. Been on it up in VA many years ago. Me and a friend intend to take our motorcycles down to your neck of the woods this spring or summer.
      Love the stories. One above may be a little over the top based on an actual event but embelished quite a bit. Maybe not. Just my take.

    21. Chuck-Let me know when you do. It'd be a pleasure to meet you. In the meantime,Ohio-bound in a couple of days.

  9. Wall of text and made up BS. No point in reading it.

  10. and you known lot more about BILL BROCK : )


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