Demon, Ghost, Alien, Ape, What Is Bigfoot?

For bigfoot witnesses, it is no longer a question of if these things exist or not, the true question for some has become what are they? Some believe they are some sort of interdimensional being. Others believe they are spirit creatures. Some say ape, some say human. This video looks at the basic facts and beliefs behind the sasquatch creatures.


  1. Replies

    2. A very good attempt for someones first try with no background in the area. Of course its not going to be as good as the one roger made with his leather work skills but a good attempt none the less. The proportions match up nicely but the material could look a bit more natural like the hides that roger used.

    3. That effort took a retired man almost ten years to make, has nothing of the texture, muscle tone and proportions of the PGF, was made with modern materials and we never see it in motion.

      Hides don't account for stretching muscle tone, learn something about materials, before you embarrasse yourself again.

    4. jist sume jihadist inda boosh

    5. I just wanna Joerg, I just wanna Joerg, i just wanna Joerg all over you!

  2. None of the above. It is a myth.

    1. "Myths" that are seen by tens of thousands of people, and that leave physical evidence.

      Hmmmmmmm... ????

    2. Oh you mean the footprints made by using big wooden or rubber feet strapped onto the hoaxer's feet?

    3. No I think he is referring to the DNA evidence that always turns up as a known animal.

    4. Nah, he is talking about the out of focus films and videos.

    5. 4:48... Nargh! I was referring to the forensic details left in foot impressions in the earth, that detail species traits across States and decades.

    6. 4:50... Nargh! I'm referring to the DNA linked to actual sightings that comes back as human.

    7. You do realize that for many years now you can buy high quality strap on rubber bigfoot stompers that have the dermal ridges. Just check it out on ebay. They were the must have xmas gift several years back.

    8. The first and most thorough study on dermals occurred in 1982-1983. There were no replica casts with dermals then, which are very modern made souvenirs.

      They'll go on my Xmas list to Santa.

    9. FFS! I believe Patty was a 100% real...The suit theory doesn't hold up at all, given all the anomalies through out the short clip. The walk, The muscle movement, The Breasts (I mean why in the world would they put a set of boobs on a suit?) We are talking a long time ago here, so if it were a suit they must have been master suit makers from the future lol! No one has been able to replicate the HER exactly :) Just saying FFS!

    10. I can't agree more FFS!!!!! Can't agree more, brother!!!!!

    11. The star trek galaleo 7 has a bigfoot that predates patty and looks much more realistic

    12. Big diaper gun turret butt is a dead give away. You can easily see the seam in the suit.

    13. I love turds!! I can see the steam in the suit!

    14. Oh dear lord;

      6:44... Page 15 here;

    15. MATT + BOBO = BIGFOOT payday $$$

    16. 4;57

      Only a fool proposes unfounded supposition as "evidence"...and it seems you`re a complete buffoon of the highest order.

    17. You'll have an easy job presenting an actual argument against what I list then, yeah?

    18. "human" DNA ? are you kidding us ?

      You`ve absolutely nothing to back this claim up at all.

    19. Actually... I have the word of Sykes based on hair fibres that were accumulated from a sighting by three government employees;

      ... (That thread was from yesterday, go learn something), not to mention Zana's DNA findings, Ray Crowe's DNA study, etc.

    20. that's because the GRAYs using human DNA to make hybrids like BIGFOOTs

    21. Joe neglects to tell you that one of those samples was from Freeman, whos reputation is sketchy at best. Sykes will prove nothing, just like last time, and joe will be left with egg on his face once more. And man are you creepy FFS. And you and Eva meowing at each other is profoundly gay.

    22. About as "sketchy" as a government employee who had his sample verified by two camps of primatologists, and then analysed by the best geneticist in the world. "Just like last time"... Have you ever read a book, let alone the latest written by Sykes, you disgusting homophobe?

      You're the creepiest thing round here, no wonder you're too scared to post your name and avatar. You'd be torn to pieces.

    23. Agreed Anon 12:10. Two bigfoot believers meowing at each other pretty much says it all for me.

      And if they are waiting for proof from Sykes that is accepted by the scientific community then they have a long wait indeed. Tick tock - time marches on.

    24. Keep praying hard pal. You were wrong before, you've been so wrong all this time and you'll be wrong again. Only someone as ignorant and as incapable of learning from his mistakes as you, would hide behind anon mode as you do. It's lucky you're anon because you'd be ridiculed in the one place you live to try and ridicule.

  3. Why was "strange sexual fantasy for white males" left off this list?

    1. You're the one that brought up anything sexual.


    2. 4;58

      Is incapable of bringing anything sexual "up" of his own..that`s why he needs a dildo to use on his boyfriend.

    3. the term "monkey power" is very creepy and homoerotic FFS. your a creep

    4. ... Yes, and you're too much of a coward to post your details because you're ashamed of your actions. You are aware of how vile you behave and know people would call you out on it.

      Coward... Remember that when you're falling asleep later.

  4. Goood morning my friend Iktomi! Nice to see you still here

    1. It is so weird when you talk to yourself Joe.

      You must be very lonely in your true life.

    2. Joe defiinetly is going hard at his old accounts today

  5. Why is it so hard for everyone to consider alternative possibilities about something that we know absolutely nothing about supposedly? Yes I know I'm about to be severely attacked on here for even proposing something so auacious But can we for once give it some serious thought?

    1. Bigfoot dont exist. A lot of people have given a lot of serious thought on the subject and there is zero proof of any bigfoots anywhere ever. They dont exist.

    2. Actually... You in particular have never given anything serious thought. I doubt your parents gave you much consideration when they were boozing around the house instead of helping you with your literary skills... But hey!

      Circular reasoning is an intellectual, logical fallacy... And someone such as yourself who is educated every day of his life reagarding the evidence, shouldn't really be calling the shots on what exists... The only thing that's non-existent is a brain between those ears of yours.

    3. ^ somebody who clings to his illogical belief system at all costs...his world collapse is approaching as a tidal wave and he has no life preserver.

      Shame eh, Joe ?


    4. Where's that "tidal wave" exactly? Amongst your toilet humour? It is in fact logical to invest enthusiasm in something that can be measured in physical reality. Let me know if you have a parent at hand to explain the big words to, and I'll fill you in some more.

    5. bigfoot has never been proven to exist, thus isnt a physical reality. Schooled like sykes vs the polar bear

    6. BIGFOOT - SO what we know so far –
      Bigfoot builds hooches
      Bigfoot makes fire
      Bigfoot cooks meats
      Bigfoot marks their territory
      Bigfoot makes and uses maps
      Bigfoot stores food
      Bigfoot buried their dead...

    7. Bigfoot also performs sky burials, complete with a sky usher, and a sky priest

    8. "Bigfoot has never been proven to exist"... But what other unclassified bipedal primate is leaving it's tracks in the wilderness of the US? Science measures reality by the unbiased effort to understand it based on the observable physical evidence. What's a reality, is the bipedal primate leaving it's sign.

      Now that's a schooling.

  6. Whaaaaaaat???????? Thanks for this SR1!!!!

  7. You are most welcome my friend. I think if someone is going to make comments then they obviously need to state some facts. And I find this evidence to be quite credible. Have a great weekend everyone And remember keep your mind open

  8. Joe must be on the ropes early today...busting out the bonelicker1 account already. . and joe keep up with your aliases....the first few times you used bonelicker you were female now not so much

  9. No fossil evidence supporting bigfoot in north america

    1. There isn't in Africa for millions of years of chimps and gorillas, except for a few teeth.

      There is also 150 years of excavated giant human skeletal remains in the US.

    2. No there are no giant human skeletons hidden at the Smithsonian. Period.

    3. ^ Careful...Joe will break out the bogus "Smithsonian" story that he was fooled by ...and is still being fooled by today.

    4. The Smithsonian is sometimes referred to as "the nation's attic" for its holdings of 138 million items, the Institution's Washington, D.C., nucleus of nineteen museums, nine research centres, and zoo, many of them historical or architectural landmarks, is the largest such complex in the world. Additional facilities are located in Arizona, Maryland, New York City, Virginia, Panama and elsewhere, and 168 other museums are Smithsonian affiliates... Can unqualified, uneducated you claim to account for all that storage??

      It's a bit of a mystery where they are... But when you have paper trails from the anthropological authority bar none... Then it certainly happened. Let me know if you want those actual Smithsonian Bureaus, I'll be happy to help.

    5. Read his words carefully. No doubt you will catch him in lies, plagarism, and racism

    6. Boy... You're even more useless when Dmaker isn't around for you to plagiarise his rubbish. Did you like your latest tuning on the Oregon article?

      : )

      What a meltdown that was.

  10. Man... You must be some majorly twisted dude to lie as well as express your paranoid delusions. You'd give a court room a major headache trying to decide if you're accountable for your actions or not.

  11. Maybe if we look at outdated archeological finds, we will discover that maybe they were mis classified. I am just saying that there is quite enough evidentiary proof that a giant race occupied the North American continent at one time. As I say in my video's maybe we need to look at these beings in a different way....any ideas are welcome for this discussion. Thanks in advance OR

    1. Your links have a trojan virus. Most likely placed there by you.

      DO NOT GO TO JOE'S LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      THEY ARE INFECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. ^ infected with the idiot virus

    3. Joe is busting out all his aliases today. YES YES YES

  12. BTW Anon 8:31 Iktomi is NOT me. All you have to do is click the avatar of me and go to my website, which will lead to my youtube account with video's of myself speaking. Unless Joe is a 5'4 redheaded woman and can pass as myself, then I think you need to find a new tactic so you don't look ignorant.

    1. ^ Nobody believes you.

      Hiya JoeTomi.

    2. do you believe BOBO when he said he seen bigfoots while in the bush

    3. Joetomi is busting out the stonereader account hard core today

  13. ^ Shame your own lies and abuse aren`t subject to a piece of "the beaks justice" deserve to be placed in stocks and have your arse pounded for about a week.

  14. That link is really a virus!!!!!!

    THANKS JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. There have been several cases of mididentification of dino bones and very recently too. So, who is to say that maybe some of those giant bones that have been found are misidentified as well, just waiting for the right Anthropologist to identify them?

  16. Have a good weekend Anonymous 9:10:00 AM PST.

    1. Go away you filthy drunk injun.

    2. 9;15

      I always do when I know the troll JoeTomi has been beaten and well smoked yet again.

      He`s such a loser.


    3. Well done... You've really shown me with the quality of your comments. Do you lecture at any major universities by any chance?

    4. no chance of terror just random acts and work place violence, so no worries

  17. What are you trying to censor?? The link work me fine, you ******* nut job?

  18. Joe is having quite the meltdown today. :)

  19. I'm not the one scrambling around trying to stop people opening links to things you're not even capable of understanding.


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