For These Eye Witnesses Bigfoot Is A Reality

This past weekend was one of the largest conferences on the subject of bigfoot, and possibly the largest conference in the Pacific Northwest, where sasquatch is common knowledge. Conferences like these give the opportunity to hear some amazing stories from eye witnesses. Just listening to their stories and watching them as they tell it, you can clearly see that to these people bigfoot is a reality.


  1. ...for those with common sense, it doesn't exist.

    1. ^ I have undeniable evidence of a total shitbag loser(s). If you had tried this hard in life as you do on this site to annoy people, you wouldn't be virgins and you probably wouldn't be living with your parents.

    2. Thanks for the kind words Vegastheflog. You seem upset though. Am I annoying you? If I am I would like to express my joy. S uck a huge d ick you flog.

    3. Annoying me? No, I'm simply explaining your existence. Why else would you do, what you do? See, what you don't get is, I see you for what you are. A weirdo, a weirdo who embarresses himself with each lonely comment. Also, why go homoerotic? You know It's the number one go to when someone has called you out and you have nothing intelligent left in the chamber. If anything, it sounds like it's me who has struck a chord with you. Was it the virgin thing? Or your living arraignment? Just because your parent's house has a basement with it's own entrance, it doesn't make it an apartment.

    4. It can be deduced that in line with turd-boy's obsessive internet behaviour, gross fascination with faeces, as well as a deep requirement to regularly express sexually explicit toilet humour (all of which is bordering on a very obvious level of perversion of course), that he has a considerable amount in common with the psychological make up of people like Adolf Hitler (regarded as a coprophiliac). Thank god he's too stupid & lazy to have a deeply driven life's ambition to get into politics.

      Just saying.

    5. Hey Iktomi, totally agree. Straight weirdo.

    6. He's a psycho, simple as that... It's not like it's just a knee jerk reaction or an attempt at an insult on my part. The guy is a genuine psychopath.

    7. So he is just like you Joe.

    8. ^ ...the reality is that many of the accounts are actually Joe...and so all exhibit similar psycho traits.

    9. Yes, please remind everyone of your magic airforce base theory, where everyone is Joe but not Joe because that would mean only one person is Joe, and that "everyone" is a part of the same psy-ops experiment to get you?

    10. ^ You`ve been known to be several accounts many need to deny it as we all have learned of your duplicitous and seedy behaviour..we`ve seen you replying to your own other account comments etc...all part of you castration angst I shouldn`t wonder.

    11. Yes... You've cried this too many times to count. How's it going on proving these ideas aren't simply the manifestation of too much internet and little fresh air???

    12. Joe is taking a ridiculous beating above. Good work trolls

  2. VegasThe Dog.......I'm w/U.
    Could be a loft over M&D's garage.

    1. ^ Vegas is simply a "log" in the toilet bowl...with as little sense and much the same stench emanating.

  3. I'm gonna talk with Shawn E.,we're gonna trace the fucker.Then we'll broadcast his name and address so anybody close by can pay him a little visit.

    1. nope, it looks like your gettin the white out


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