Flying Bigfoot Spotted Over Walla Walla

Thanks to Brenton Sawin, I was made aware of this story. A Bigfoot hunter named David had posted a series of videos about his encounters with the creature on his channel 'Something Hairy In The Shadows.' The strangest of the lot was his sighting in 2005 of a Bigfoot flying over Walla Walla, Washington. I have transcribed the video. Make what you want of it. - Jamie Brian
June 2005 – Walla Walla, Washington

“I was driving home. It was the summer of 2005, July (correction/annotation appears on screen: actually, it was the last week of June). I was driving down the highway. I was in the little Mazda car I had at the time. Out of the corner of my eye, on my right, I, through the windshield, I saw what looked like a giant black bag or something flying in the sky. I was right about here when I first noticed it (points to a spot along highway as he drives – annotation: This is the entrance lane Highway 12 heading North/East from Walla Walla). I noticed over to my side... I didn't pay no attention because I thought it was a black bag flying around. It was right about over there (points to a place over a field). And I looked back at the highway. I was driving. I got up here to the Weigh Station (annotation: Weigh Station 51). Here's the airport over here to the left (annotation: Walla Walla airport). The Weigh Station is right up here. Right after I got around the corner of this Weigh Station, I saw it with my own eyes. It was like humanoid-like. It was human. I think it was humanoid because I discovered this thing was filmed in Mexico a month before. As I was going around this corner right here – this is the Weigh Station, this Weigh Station, I got right here and I could see it right here up in the sky so I pulled over right here. I pulled over right by this guard rail. I got out right here. I stopped right here at this guard rail and it's flying above the wires, going in that direction (east to west). It's flying across the sky like that, just like that (uses a crack in his windshield to show the direction it moved). Anyway, the next thing I did, I got out and I was standing there watching it. It went across the highway and was going across that field and angled towards that hill back there. See that, way back there in the fog? (points towards a field) That one. See how it's higher than the rest of the stuff around it. Next thing I did, I got back on the highway. I raced up here to Sapolil, took a left turn so I could follow it that way. I got around the corner here, took a left turn on Sapolil so I could get in front of it. It was quite the experience. I took a turn right here at Sapolil. I went down the road. As I was driving along here, I got right here and I could see it on my left. It wasn't that far over. It was right over there, oh about, I'd say, a quarter of a mile, half a mile. Probably about a half a mile. I continued on up the road because he was already to this hump already. I'm telling you, he touched that hump of that hill. It glided across the sky and used that hump over here to propel himself. He was heading directly to this silo up here (points toward a silo). In a straight line almost. I got right up here in this intersection. This backroad intersection. I tell you, there's no traffic out here at all. I got to this little four way intersection right here and I stopped. I got out of my vehicle. What I did was I turned around. I did a U turn. I stopped right here. See the silo? He was coming right across the sky. He came at me. After my first stop back there on the highway, I could tell it was floating on some sort of triangular device. It looked like red hippity hops, and I said this before online a dozen times. And I'm not crazy, I know what I saw. Anyway, I got here, I got out of the vehicle here at Sapolil, he was, I would say, 50 yards away. He got right up to about 50 yards away. I would say he was 20 yards off the ground at the max. And he turned and he started going off at that angle. I tried to follow him. I went down the road that way but he went behind the trees back there and he went right up over between those hill tops there, that one and that one (points at a hill and some trees). And he disappeared back in there and, mind you, the airport way back over there, so, I don't know, something strange going on around here. I got close enough to see this thing I got close enough to see this thing and I watched a lot of the Patterson film and I watched a lot of Sasquatch films and I know what I saw. And you know what, I think it's military because I saw a cinch like seam on his leg that made it appear like he was wearing boots.

Some of the details I forgot to tell is when I stopped on the street it had something hanging from the side that I thought was a dead dog. When I reached Sapolil and Smith road, I was pretty confident it was a small dog. It was a dead dog hanging on a rope about 3 or 4 feet long. It craned it's head at me when it turned and floated across the sky away from me, it turned it's head like an owl. I mean, it's head stayed fixated on me as its body turned. I saw plenty of hair. I saw its face.

For more, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Joe, my name is Regina Flowers and i recentlly had an up close encounter with a bigfoot near Walla Walla. Could we talk about it via email? If you could post your email here for a few minutes ill copy it and then you can delete it. I really need talk to you about it. Peace and Love.

    2. the funny part joe, is that you fell for this once before and actually listed your email on here. Now thats a real reason to shudder

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I've been stupid enough to put my email address up here a couple of times, but never in any circumstance where I've not been lucky to have some of the most stimulating exchanges with eyewitnesses I am ever likely to have.

      I remember once, I asked you to use it so you get your hate obsession with me expressed away from posters who don't care to read it, but typically you were too much of a coward.

    5. Got flying monkey suit?

      If you don't, the flying bigfoot is real.


    6. "A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
      - Bertrand Russell

    7. ^ all Call of Duty and no fresh air makes anon a REALLY dumb boy.

    8. Joe is taking a beating today. From the beating, you would think dmaker or DC were involved.

    9. Iktomi obviously has problems.
      -Bertrand Russell

    10. I have been told that Bertrand Russell has been sippin on Joes "Joerg Juice"

    11. and i've been told anon is a loser troll who gets no fresh air and little sleep while playing fallout 4


    12. Seems a legit bigfoot sighting ,eh ?


  2. That was no Bigfoot it was the fairy known as turd man! I wonder where he is? His mommy must have taken his internet abilities away from him for crying about eating his peas at last nights dinner table!

    1. Who still uses nerd as an insult?

    2. A very dated and childish insult. Most "nerds" to day are some of the most intelligent,powerful and wealthy people ever.

      I personally will take the word of well known "nerds" like Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,Mark Zuckerburg ect...far most seriously than those coming from an uneducated,bloviating crazy person like "joe".

    3. Wow, anon 9:32 absolutely destroyed joetomi. Pick your jaw up off the floor joetomi and dust the bootprints off of your back. You got obliterated!

  3. I see Matt Moneymaker tweeted out that the leader of Gold Rush put on his facebook that a Bigfoot walked into their camp. Since the season up in the Yukon is over it may have happened this spring or summer. I am assuming he is referring to Todd Hoffman, but it could be Parker or Tony Beets. Be interesting to see if this comes out in upcoming episodes or on the Gold Rush The Dirt.

  4. Flying bigfoot?

    This isn't asinine. It's asiten.

    1. Batsquatches fly NORTH in the winter from Texas to Washington State

  5. A perfect story to pwn the sh it out of joes credibility. Love it!

    1. PWNED
      A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."
      Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."
      It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.
      "Man, I rock at my job, but I still got a bad evaluation. I was pwned."
      "That team totally pwned us."

      ... Classic nerd language.

    2. Joe just got pwned, yet again!

  6. When did he/she/it have any credibility to begin with?

    Joe/Iktomi is most certainly not that persons real name. We have no way to verify who this person is. Therefore to attribute any credibility to he/she/it would be foolish.

    Now if this person would be willing to tell us who they really are then made he/she/it could have some credibility. Until then Joe/Iktomi has nothing.

    1. Did a perv-nerd anon just request anyone else disclose their name?

      Wow... Just wow.

    2. Anon is just a lonely nerd who is so pathetic he needs to come on here because it's his only form of contact to real humans he has .


    3. I see you wont reveal yourself joe/lktomi. You are one disgusting fellow!

    4. are you that lonely anon that you want a regular on here send you naked photos ? Do you know the internet is filled with pages upon pages on websites that cater to your particular level of kink or sexual orientation but this forum isn't really the place to be soliciting . Don't worry lad, there's a lonely nerd troll out there just for you -just around the bend, my huckleberry friend


    5. ^ When will you learn little wanker of a troll. The folks here know my writing style. This imposter Joe really should stick to eating pizza on public toilets. Peace!


    6. Anything you say fake troll Joe, haha. You are so pathetic in your attempt to imitate me . Go play your fallout 4 like a good little lad and start taking your meds again.
      You got butthurt because of my response about you being a lonely nerd and now you are upset- boo hoo -go away troll



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