Bigfoot Expedition Footage Into The Famous Sasquatch Canyon
During this RMSO expedition, Kelly is joined by Conner Shaw, and the two of them head into the famous Sasquatch Canyon. This is one of the RMSO's favorite places to research, and a claimed hotbed of activity. The two of them are on a mission to service game cameras that have been in the field for the last 3 months. Check it out:
ReplyDeleteonly if BILL BROCK joins in the hunt for Bigfoot
DeleteKelly Shaw has reported EYESHINE many times ,On this Blog no less.! Are you calling out Kelly Shaw , Joto(ass kisser) mi ????
ReplyDeleteWELL ??
Yes, I noticed your latest meltdown on various threads leading up to this one... How's this?
DeleteWould you like to quote me on where I have "called out" eye shine?
Oh... And you didn't answer the question, twice... How does tapetum lucidum fit in with your homo erectus Sasquatch theories? Something about "special pleading"?
DeleteYou're even more butthurt than the tracking dog guy, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
^ Iktomi doesn't get it, and never will .
Deletehe's just a little troll, and stupid to boot.
Ooooooooh, that got a typical reaction out of you, eh? Would you like me to source your exact comment where you spoke to Eva and suggested that they were of homo erectus in origin, and make you even angrier??
DeleteAn you persistently side step questions like the plague... Would you like to quote me on where I have "called out" eye shine?
Dr BSSunday, September 6, 2015 at 2:26:00 PM PDT
DeleteIt will be Fun to Shove joetomi's Face in the dirt!! Sasquatch ,bigfoot .ARE NOT HOMO SS , either a hybrid or somthing between H Erectus and H neanderthal
That being said!! everybody knows you're a total KOOK that cannot afford a plane ticket !!
ps, joketomi BRUSH YOUR LAST STINKIN WELSH(uk's mossy'ist teeth)TOOTH! The good Dr B Sykes.
... And that was the first reference I could find...
DeleteSomething about "special pleading"? Dense KOOK.
I hope you feel as daft as you look.
Delete: )
Ah, checking in I see where lktomi makes light of the dog tracking idea. Obviously my satirical remarks about dogs and Bigfoot struck a nerve with him. When the tracking dog idea was brought up in earlier posts it was met with reason after reason why it would not work. All - I may add was speculative and relying on other's STORIES of dogs cowering or being killed yada, yada, yada. My only point was why does some "researcher" not take some trained tracking dogs and simply follow some fresh tracks. Wasn't there a ton of fresh tracks discovered just recently in the soft mud of a lake? Could dogs not have been brought in to follow those tracks to a conclusion? When tracks are found in snow why does no one ever trail them and find out where they go? I never hear of this happening. They have to end somewhere. At least I'm trying to offer a viable method of proving they exist and I don't even believe they do. If I was a believer and serious I would certainly consider this.
DeleteOkay Mr.Fitzgerald - your the Bigfoot expert - what's your idea for proving they exist? Let's review:
HAIR: Inconclusive - FAIL
DNA: Inconclusive - FAIL
FOOTPRINTS: - Inconclusive - FAIL
FILM: - Inconclusive - FAIL
So much for your physical evidence. Now before you tout your "experts" you do realize they are only very small percentage of people in those various fields. For every one you bring out there are vastly more experts who give that opinion no credence. So again I ask - what would be your method that hasn't been tried that could prove to the WORLD they exist?
Butthurt? No - but disappointed that I come here and suggest a method that would have real odds of success only to be refuted with speculative excuses and ridicule. I would put forth that there is no creature that large that could not be tracked with trained dogs if given the chance at fresh tracks. You say it would end in failure. I say it's just an excuse and frankly don't buy what some of these stories report. Dogs can be killed by bears and untrained dogs may indeed run but trained dogs are a different matter indeed.
Honestly the way you and others here scoffed at those suggestions I'm starting to believe you don't WANT to find them. Perhaps it's more fun for you to banter back with the trolls. Well, have fun with that but it's back to work for me.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHere's why you're butthurt about tracking dogs;
... You got angry and when it was explained to you that this has been tried a million times by trained dogs and it is common knowledge that it doesn't work, and then when you got even more angry, a certain amazingly knowledgeable person (HG) who knows more about tracking dogs than anyone I've come across appeared to agree with my premise. Now, it appears the only time you chime in is to express anger at the dogs aspect of this subject. Let it go man, or go buy some dogs and try it yourself for crying out loud.
"So much for my physical evidence? It might be news, but writing "FAIL" on a blog doesn't really get around to supporting your ideas mate...
Forensic physical evidence (dermal ridges);
With regards to the hair samples; these were verified on an instance where a sighting occurred by multiple people, at least one of these a government employee (where tracks were accumulated in the same instance), verified by Dr Paul Fuerst of Ohio State University & the Oregon Regional Primate Research Centre. The hairs were collected by forest rangers at a sighting where tracks were accumulated too. Dr Frank Poirier, chairman of the Ohio State's department of anthropology confirms this. These were later confirmed to also be be case by Dr Fahrenbach;
"I have by now a dozen purported sasquatch hair samples, all morphologically congruent (which rules out hoaxing) and all effectively indistinguishable from a human hair of the particular structure (great variability is available among the latter). DNA extracted from both hair shaft or roots (hair demonstrably fresh) was too fragmented to permit gene sequencing. That characteristic is also sometimes found in human hair that lacks the medulla (as does sasquatch hair - at least what I am willing to identify as such)."
"Eventually I found a match in a rather obscure database from Central Asia. The Walla Walla sample matched an induvidual from Uzbekistan! How on earth could that be explained. I have not had long to think about it, but my immediate thought is that I find it very difficult to reconcile this result on the Walla Walla hair with the impressive provenance provided for it by Paul Freeman and his companions. The Walla Walla hair result is the most intriguing from among my North American samples. I scarcely think I can claim to have identified the sasquatch as a feral Uzbek, but that is the closest I have managed to get at the moment".
- Dr Bryn Sykes
So it is here, considering we have hair samples that have uniform morphology verified by multiple experts, as we do with biological dermals verified at the same frequency, that we are at a stage of research that points to an unknown primate leaving its sign. Occam's Razor.
"So much for your physical evidence. Now before you tout your "experts" you do realize they are only very small percentage of people in those various fields. For every one you bring out there are vastly more experts who give that opinion no credence."
... Ok then, you'll have no problem finding a countering opinion then, that shows my experts to be wrong? I'll wait for it.
: )
^ diatribe that nobody bothers to read
Deleteas ever !!
I read it xx
DeleteHello my darling!!
DeleteI spent 20 minutes watching an emu at the top of Maxwell Butte at 50 yards through my scope during the high cascade hunt. I got back to camp and it dawns on me, emus are edible. DANG. I came across a swath of dirt going down a steep embankment where something had slid down it. At the end of it was two heel prints, a hand and forearm print, and a naked butt print where they stopped and fell on their butt and hand/forearm. Thing was when I put my heels in the heel print the butt prints were about as high as my head and the forearm print was as long as my whole arm and with my fingers spread out as far as I could they didn't even fill out the palm of the handprint. Once walked a quarter mile down a grown up cat road lined with 15 foot trees that had the tops twisted and hanging down. A baby coyote, and a dead weasel.
weird findings in the woods
Man!! How many of the general population of outdoors-men come across things like this and either never tell their stories, or simply don't know where to report them?
DeleteWhat a report!!
I agree. Thanks NC. Love reports like this from real outdoorsman.
DeleteAs for dogs it is a known fact now that they want nothing to do with being near a bigfoot or tracking one. For the few that do venture out either by accident or intent it never ends well for them. Severe injury and usually death by a swat or being torn apart.
I have had an experience with this in the Huron National Forest of Michigan. First Sat of Feb. 2011. Heavy snowfall day before which stopped in middle of the night. Before our group went snowmobiling I took my two Golden Retrievers for a walk down the road to where the forest starts. I notice huge tracks going from the road towards the last house, probably 16 to 18 inches long and much wider than human with a boot. The snow was deep, two foot and more. The length between steps was over 3 feet and in a straight line with no snow wash between steps. It comes to a five foot fence. Next step was on the other side and a few more then back over the fence and out to the road. I lost tracks there as the road had been plowed sometime after the tracks were made the night before. I knew what I was looking at. As for the dogs they have always followed me faithfully no matter terrain or weather or snow and always took the lead.
Their favorite thing was to do oudoors and through in forest and/ or water or snow the better. They use to play in snow like this that got much deeper in my yard from drifting and loved it, heck they are breed for such conditions. They would not follow me at all for the 10 minutes I struggled through the snow. Instead they stayed back at the road and barked and barked constantly at me the whole time. They wanted me to come back and get out of there, which was easy to discern through the style of bark that day. Once I hit the road again they dashed off towards my sisters cabin a 1/4 mile up the road.
A good day to you Iktomi and NC.
"this has been tried a million times by trained dogs and it is common knowledge that it doesn't work."
DeleteLOL - yeah right.. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it right Mr. Bigfoot expert? Funny I never heard of a non-partial documented experiment showing such. Merely stories repeated by those who believe. Who knows if they are true or not?
Oh yes - out come the SAME repeated experts over and over with the same touted evidence over and over and what has become of it? How much closer are you to proving it since the PG film was taken? Where has this got you? As I recall when Melba Ketchum presented her findings it was quickly shot down by the scientific community and quickly disappeared. When Sykes announced his news about a hybrid extinct polar bear it was disputed and disproved. Once the scientific community actually takes notice and looks closer then the "evidence" always falls short. Most don't even bother countering what is presented now because the field has got so silly it's not worth their time. So if these hair samples are so indefectible than why are we still arguing it's existence? Why hasn't the scientific community accepted it? Don't bother with the scientific community is too rigid in it's belief system and not open to the evidence argument because I don't buy it. Oh yeah, both Ketchum and Sykes both promise definitive "evidence" is on the way. We are still waiting . . .
Every time I check in your getting insulted or slammed by someone with childish insults. I come on and offer a reasonable technique for possibly tracking and finding what is making those footprints and get your negativity in return. I suppose everyone is happy with yelling like damn fools, knocking on trees, spotting shadows in pictures and taking pictures of fallen sticks (all of which I've seen you endorse at one time or another) to consider the tracking dog angle. I'm not going to do it because I don't believe it exists but if I did and had the means I most certainly would at least try.
Well, I'm done with the dog thing. It's fallen on deaf ears here. Good luck trying to find your Bigfoot. I'll check in every once in a while but I'm willing to bet your "experts" will be no closer to proving it.
DeleteLook mate, you don't have to take my word for anything. But I've given you an impartial scientific study, not only before but in the audio link up top. The study concluded that an unknown primate was recorded creating sounds both above and below normal human capabilities. I've shown you before the effects of ultrasound on canines, whilst there are three plus books written with the corroboration of search & rescue personal that attest to trained dogs not wanting to do what they literally live for. These are stories with real families, real photographs with real occurrences that have been in news headlines down the years, with a real scientific study with real scientists confirming to real results.
What has become of the evidence and experts? It's used to fuel warranted enthusiasm to keep searching for a type specimen I guess. If these things didn't exist, they wouldn't be leaving their physical sign. How much closer are we? Well about as close as having every source of evidence short of a type specimen, with not only the best conservationists being enthusiastic; but the best geneticists conducting their own field research and publishing books on Yeti's being around at the very LEAST 150 years ago. This is the current state of the field my friend. Melba is having a second round of testing, and Sykes is on record stating that his work with go through the appropriate channels of distribution in due course. If you think that's unbelievable, then take pause and think how silly you all looked when you believed that the Bigfoot Files was his final say on things. Oh... And the hybrid bear thing is irrelevant, it has no bearing on whether relict hominids exist and Sykes' expertise is in human genetics, if you didn't know? The only people who are arguing the authenticity of these hair samples are people like you my friend. I trust the opinions of top scientists who've taken the time to look at the evidence, I'm just here reminding you that the hairs are indeed there and are going to be assembled in a wider study in due course. Don't shoot the messenger! Oh, and why aren't these hairs "accepted"? Because peoole aren't aware of them, quite simply. Something tells me they will with the most pioneering geneticist pushing their results in future though. Oh... And I don't have to tell you how rigid mainstream science is, there's Nobel winners around to tell you that;
You offer nothing but a naive take on how to go about rhings and then get p*ssy when people let you know how tested your ideas are; that's the brunt of it. You also won't ever see me endorsing the BFRO way of doing things.
See you around misery guts! Do stop by if you ever want a chat or a recap on what the experts are saying.
Hey Iktomi & Chuck- Great account, Chuck. There are quite a few stories on these sites I reference in regards to dogs being reluctant to go further than what their master wishes them to. I'll try to dig some up. I hope the ribbing has ceased from Sam's co-workers and things have gone back to normal for him.
DeleteChuck, that's an amazing account you have there. I know you and me have discussed this phenomena at length. Dogs are some of the most incredible creatures on this planet man, they pick up on all sorts of things from tumors to even predicting seizures... When they react like that, something is very much up.
Delete^ I agree...I can see you on your knees (as always) while your doggie sniffs your arse each sick sick boy.
Delete^ WHAT A MORON.You just proved my point!
ReplyDeletehaaa haa ha ! What a dope !
@2:51&2:52. ^
DeleteRMSO doing a great job, one of the small hand full of groups out actively looking for Bigfoot. Seems 99% of the Bigfooters sit at home pouring out endless boring pod casts criticizing everyone else's field work at the same time trying to convince everyone that they are experts. Even Renea knows the difference between a worthless Bigfoot keyboard jockey & true blue field researchers. Thanks for all the hard work RMSO!
DeleteNice post 6 57. Totally agree. I do not know who Kelly and crew get to spend so much time out in some great areas bringing reports and research, but I am envious. All the best to them.
^ he shoots porn videos in between making bigfoot videos
DeleteDid you ever notice that no one has ever provided a bigfoot specimen?
ReplyDeleteDid you ever notice we don't give a fuck what you think,
DeleteAsk 100,001 times and your still a dumbass!
What a Saturday night!! πππππΊπΊ