The BBC Earth Teamed Up With The SpongeBob SquarePants Team And Came Up With This

I never would have thought of BBC and Nickelodeon teaming up to make a nature video featuring Spongebob. This nature video is actually quite good explaining some things about plankton and their importance and impact on the world.


  1. Replies
    1. sometimes methheads in the bush looking like bigfoot
      SO you thinking that's a bigfoot but its a methhead in the bush

  2. tham sumbitch bigfoots bein smurt sumtims thays lookin lack tham bears thays bein tricktie critters

  3. I must say, after watching that video I did not know that the evidence for Bigfoot was so compelling.

    1. You didn`t see spongebob playing the part of the big guy ?

  4. sometimes bigfoots look like bear so you thinking that's a bear other there but its a bigfoot

  5. Now that Alaskabushpilot got caught lying about hunting leopards in the Amazon do you JREF/ISF dolts still believe his rotten teeth happened when he pretended to be a professional fighter who fought in 2 weight classes above his weight ?

    1. It's obvious to any objective person that APB is not playing with a full deck. I think the footers on ISF like Drewbot and the others have to support and agree with him or they risk getting kicked out of the pretend skeptic herd...or they really are just dolts.

    2. we'll have to see what the Alaska Monsters team finds when they start the hunt for BIGFOOT on the 19th of September : )

  6. So a baby seal walks in to a club.........

  7. So a horse walks into a bar, the bar tender ask, "why such a long face"?


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