Tennessee? Yep, They Have Bigfoot Too

Mark Parker and the EOTBF (Evidence Of Tennessee Bigfoot) takes us on a tour of a hot area they are currently investigating in Tennessee. Not only does he show us around a hot bed of activity, he also gives some sound advice to new researchers. Oh, and there's an old creepy cemetery.


  1. The Relict Hominoid Inquiry Idaho State University

    We know about Jeff Meldrum--he's a Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University with an avid interest in Bigfoot--but we didn't know about his free access online publication, The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, which contains Research Articles, as well as Commentary & Responses, Brief Communications, Essays, News & Views, and Book Reviews. Recently posted is an article by Steven G. Platt and Thomas R. Rainwater entitled "Wildmen In Myanmar: A Compendium Of Published Accounts And Review Of The Evidence," "Ancient Representations Of The Wildman In France" by Olivier Décobert, "A Tribute to John Green: A Lifetime Of Sasquatch Research," as well as a fair and balanced critique by Loren Coleman of Bryan Sykes' new book Nature of the Beast: The First Genetic Evidence on the Survival of Apemen, Yeti, Bigfoot and Other Mysterious Creatures into Modern Times.

    1. why Ruff you ole dog you!

      Here at UCSD Anthropology, Graduate Studies, We have a running joke .It involves a certian welsh dingbat!
      I almost had a PHD surrogate a responce for all of our amusement ,however the jig would be up ,except for a few
      brainless dolts
      That being said ,its a lot of fun watching the welsh one squrim an twist to ALL of our professors and grad students.
      LOL .


    3. 9:37... The guy who gets mind tuned so regularly with the occasional psychoanalytical diagnosis to boot... Go get all your imaginary PHD's to come get "nasty old me". I know you need the help, even from imaginary friends, the type you've had all this time from that strict up-bringing where you weren't aloud out of the house to play with anyone.

      Did it hurt to look out of the bedroom window to see everyone else giggling, playing, enjoying the trust of their parents to go and behave in your immediate neighbourhood?

    4. RUFF!!!!!!

      It's a great online journal and not enough people are aware of it. Thanks for the post!!

    5. ^ equates lots of fluff (crap nobody care to read except himself) as being able to debate ,EXACTLY like a insecure little redneck (with a small penis) With his great big 4×4 pickup truck! hey Joe F
      why do you need to over compansate??
      ITS SO OBVIOUS!!! just sayin..

  2. Carry on old chap!

    Joseph Von Rutabaga

    1. Tally ho and slap your wing-dingle!

      Montgomery Feugaltrap


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