Do You Agree These Monsters Are Worth Traveling For?

Bigfoot, the skunk ape, the yeti, there are varieties of various cryptids and mythical monsters all over the United States and even the world. But would you allow your interest in these creatures to lead you on a journey to different places? This is a list of cryptids that are supposedly worth the miles to go and look for. Do you agree with this list?

Even small children know that monsters are something you run away from. Yet, there are adventurous grownups who rush toward them — and they’re willing to travel the world to do so.

A great way to spice up an international adventure is to go hunting for a mythical creature. You can roam the area where the creature is said to live. You can bring every camera you own in hopes of catching the kind of vague, grainy pic or video guaranteed to end up on a monster-hunting adventure show. And hearing the tall tales (some taller than others) about the creatures and their legendary exploits is a great way to get a taste of local color.

Sure, you’ve probably heard of the giants of the “mythical creature” genre, such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. But the world is full of creepy creatures of the wild just waiting to be discovered by travelers. Here are some of them:

1. Bigfoot (a.k.a Sasquatch), the Pacific Northwest

America’s most famous mythical creature, Bigfoot seems to pop up all over the place. Still, he (allegedly) prefers to roam around the many woodsy areas of the Pacific Northwest and woodsmen trip over themselves trying to get a glimpse and an image of this legendary creature.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization hosts four-day Sasquatch hunting expeditions all year around the country. The hunt for Bigfoot has inspired numerous tales and even a TV show or two. But in terms of the sheer poetry of the legend, it pales in comparison to but one mythical creature…

2. Loch Ness Monster, Scotland

Yes, Loch Ness Monster sightings have been done to death. But this really is the Michael Jordan of mythical creatures; the discussion begins and ends with “Nessie,” and a Loch Ness quest in Scotland is a must for any global monster hunter.

In September, the organizers of the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon plan to make an expedition worth your while: they’re offering a $75,000 reward to any runner whose race day selfie is photobombed by the monster itself. Word of advice: if you’re running a marathon and you start seeing monsters, you don’t need money: you need oxygen.

3. The Ningen, Antarctica

Easily the youngest mythical creature of the bunch, the Ningen (Japanese for “human”) only started appearing in witness accounts in the last few decades. The waters off Antarctica are the most common location for sightings of the creature, which is said to be white and large, around 90-feet tall. After that, descriptions vary — some accounts have it with arms and legs, others describe it with fins. It’s been seen in the water and on the ice.

Not many tours venture out into Antarctica looking for the Ningen, but we suggest taking a cruise with Holland America and Seabourn, which operate Antarctica itineraries. Maybe you’ll spot the creature from your ship; that’d certainly give you something to talk about at the buffet!
For the complete list, click here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nope. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BIATCHES. First. Scream it from the roof tops. Lowd hap mercy/

  3. Now that Alaskabushpilot got caught lying about hunting leopards in the Amazon do you JREF/ISF dolts still believe his rotten teeth happened when he pretended to be a professional fighter who fought in 2 weight classes above his weight ?

    1. There are leopards in South America?

    2. No, that's how he got caught lying. The ISF footers are the only idiots who believed him and defended him because they are either complete simpletons or afraid to be kicked out of the herd. I'm thinking both

    3. and you're also thinking anyone gives a shit.

    4. Wait, these are the exact same comments from the next article... WTF?

    5. It's because the same guy has a special place for him, and just pastes the same text.

      Someone else called it a hard on, which is probably pretty accurate.


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