Top 5 Incredible Stories From Mulder's World [8/2/2015]

Watch: This is what happens to beer in a vacuum chamber

Here are some fascinating stories from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

Watch: Hiker encounters a mountain lion

Watch: Little Girl Reacts To Mufasa Being Killed By Scar In "The Lion King"

Watch: Dude surfs a wave on a dirt bike

Watch: Russian Mi-28 "Havoc" crash video


  1. WELL! Where in tarnation is everybody?

    ~ Chick

    1. Holiday road here Chick...and I have a lot of cousin Eddie's.

    2. Chick- All the trolls jumped in the vacuum chamber after the beer, and their one brain cell runneth over ;-)

    3. Haha! Have a great time, just watch out for the red Corvettes.

      ~ Chick

    4. Uno! Hey there!! Hope you are having a great summer and staying cool as possible ;)

      I wonder which troll will end up with the braincell this time.

      ~ Chick

    5. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

    6. Give me a beer and I will show you a vacuum


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