New Report: Series of Bigfoot sightings at a cabin outside of Bethesda

Thanks to Re and the BFRO gang for letting us know about there new report. Here's a recently published Class A sighting report with several family witnesses. Marc DeWerth investigated in Belmont County, OH:

We live in a cabin just outside of town with a swampy bottom that contains lots of trees and deer. In 2010 was when I had my first experience with something very large. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what it was, but it had chased me several feet before I got into the cabin.

In 2011, I had my first sighting of a creature that was about 8 or 9 feet tall, with brownish black hair that contained some grey and red streaks. It had been raining earlier that day and it appeared to have long stringy hair, deep set eyes, and very broad shoulders.

Then in 2012, when my daughter was painting the benches at the fire pit in the far corner of our property she came running onto the porch white as a ghost. My husband asked her if she saw a snake and she replied she thinks she seen what I had seen a year earlier. She explained it as a reddish color beast of some sort.

On May 23, 2014, our four year old grandson was spending the night. We were outside earlier letting the grand kids light their sparklers when the four year old said he seen something. We went back into the cabin and started watching television. A little later he said to his pap and then myself while we were watching television, "did you hear that growl?" ...we replied no and he ran to the back of the couch to look outside our large picture window. A few moments later he replied there's a gorilla outside and then started describing the same thing I had seen. His mother and I have never mentioned anything about our experience in front of the children before because we didn't want to scare them. His older brother was so afraid of his description that he made us close all the blinds and lock all the doors. The next day, we asked him if he remembered anything from the night before and he replied, "you mean the gorilla." We asked him to show us where he had seen it. Once he showed us the spot, fear instantly came over me to know it was just a few feet from the window. I called my parents because they are the property owners and they went out and bought two game cameras to put on the trees. Since then, a three to four feet section of our firewood that is stacked around the fire pit was pushed inward. Considering it was pushed from the woods inward and there's about a four foot drop behind the woodpile it was quite concerning to us.

Finally, on May 25th, our granddaughter went out with us to sit on the porch and cried out dog... dog and looked overcome with fear. My husband grabbed the flashlight and saw something take off running. He then ran around the cabin to see what it was and it had already crossed over the bank at the property line. All he could see was two red glowing eyes.

You can read the full report here:


  1. Replies
    1. Fat little queer prancing around blailing HELLO DADDY HELLO MOM ! Cherry bomb cherry bomb ,cha cha cha cha Cherry Bomb !!
      Blahaa haaaa haa !

    2. especially when you're wacked out of your Gourd on DOPE!!

    3. Wow! 1:34 is this angry because he regularly claims that humans aren't primates and gets obliterated about it (a ten year old knows this), and he gets his ideas about Sasquatch and hominids shoved down his illogical throat daily.

      Keep an eye out for it... It explains a lot about the unhinged psycho.

    4. Anyway, on point with the immediate subject matter...

      It makes me laugh that people condemn researchers for doing something they expect them to be (successful) in accumulating numerous sightings and evidence, but how many of these BFRO reports and family accounts are there of people experiencing multiple sightings and harassment?

    5. ^ Better pop off to your appointment at the job club before you get sanctioned.

      I hear they have plenty of trolley collection vacancies which you`re well qualified for.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Oh!!!! And whilst I'm at it... Here's that link to analysis of the Jacob's photo;

      ... An excellent video which basically PROVES it's not a bear!! Double unlucky trolls!! All of the Western World will hear of this by the time I'm done!

    8. I will have to catch that later Iktomi, perhaps I have not looked at this one yet. In any event I already know it is not a bear, the makings of a primate limbs are all over this in plain view. And since it is not a bear it leaves only one thing it could be. The kind of pose it does is come in the adolescent primate world. Also I am onto a recent development in my neck of the woods, so to speak of some info I received from a friend on Monday night. Will report about it soon as soon as I have some time.
      Do take care and keep up the excellent work. Also a shout out to the other good people on board here, you know who you are.

    9. Should have said common in the adolescent primate world.

    10. Bless you Chuck. I look forward very much to reading what you've got brother.

    11. Right back atcha, Chuck. Glad to see you've found that video, paisan!

    12. Thanks Iktomi! Howdy to all, even trolls!

      I'd love to hear about the development when you can, Chuck. I'll check out that video, NC and Iktomi.

  2. Just another imbecile that is clearly off there meds. Having more than one encounter with a non existent creature is bat s hit crazy.

    1. 1:32 you are 100% correct!

    2. The point in all this, is that you're as dumb to understand it as you are dense to counter it, and as equally as strange to be talking to yourself like a toilet humoured, perverted Gollum.

      Your burden remains.

    3. PJ, you need a job. A real job.

      I feel worse for you than these same three Anons that you talk to every day for the past 3 years.

      At least they are making some money, you can't seem to make money or a friend!


    4. You ought to lost it.

      But as visitors to this site are well haven`t coughed up yet.

      Loser boy.

    5. We'll ask Danny shall we? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Smoked like a kipper... You twats never learn, do you? The day Sykes changed his book title, I bet you **** your pants.

      Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.

      : p

    6. They did poop their pants you're right- and now they just can't stop playing with it!

    7. 6;47 aye laddie...tick tock tick tock...the years roll on and yet STILL no evidence that the thing actually exists...just why is that when there are thousands of footers and cameras out in the woods ?

      just why is that ?

    8. Um... You do understand what physical evidence is, right? Well there are tracks accumulated almost weekly, even forensic experts verifying them to be impossible to be faked. Hair samples, audio, thermal, trail cams, hominid skulls, etc, etc. You just have to know enough about the subject to be aware of it. Unfortunately not enough enthusiasts are aware of it all, let alone cynics. And in all this time and for all these cynics' efforts, we get no closer to proving this topic is bunk and proceed to accumulate the affiliation of some of the most pioneering conservationists and primatologist... Why is that, "laddie"?

      Plenty found;
      ... None caught... Tick, tock..

  3. Yet another in a long line of entirely unsubstantiated bigfoot stories.

    1. ... That have physical, biological, video and audio evidence to support them.

    2. In your opinion you have evidence to support them. I am not convinced by this evidence nor are most people.

    3. That's actually quite wrong... Again... Few are aware of such a frequency of evidence. Using the opinion of scientists who don't know the evidence is there, let alone analyse it impartially is slightly... Um... Unscientific. I've spent a lot of time looking for a reason to not consider the evidence legitimate, probably more than the "sceptics", and there's nothing to not warrant it standing against the scrutiny I'm afraid.


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