Does This Coast To Coast Guest Have Proof Of Bigfoot?

From Coast to Coast:
College instructor Mitchel Townsend reported on his research paper which he believes proves that a Bigfoot-like creature resides in the Mount St. Helens area of Washington state. In 2013, he came upon a stack of deer bones, and noticed they had giant teeth marks notched into them-- the markings did not fit any predator profile and were too large to have been made by humans. Further, large footprints with a length of 16 inches were found near the bones. Extrapolating the teeth and footprint measurements, Townsend concluded that the creature is around 8 ½ feet tall, with a wide stride.


  1. Not wanting to rain on anybodys parade But I own a set of wood carving Chisels that can
    Duplacate the teeth marks better than ole whats his name!!!!!!

    ANY DNA?????
    Sykes is comming?????
    BBM o l j

    1. He "gets it" alright. Paid in caulk. 24x7.

    2. Quit projecting your fantasies on everyone else, 1:07.

    3. Quit answering your own comments as if you were another person 12:16.

    4. Who's this "iktomi"?
      All I know is you throw a nickle on the floor and good ole josaphina would ALLWAYS "BEND OVER"And pick it up!!
      Whilest giving that LOOK! AND A KNOWING SMILE !!!
      Haa haaa ha
      BBM o l j

    5. I got my reply from the US Army Corps of Engineers, re: the 1974 Atlas that Iktomi was on about. The response is below:

      "Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
      Caveats: NONE

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with numerous other agencies, published the Environmental Atlas in 1975.

      The book cover and portion to which you refer is attached for your reading.

      I will leave it to you to determine the thinking on the matter in 1975. The Army Corps has no opinion or expertise on the matter currently.

      Patricia Cook Graesser, APR
      Public Affairs Office
      Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

      I would post the copy of the atlas, but you can't attach files here, I don't think.

      It seems pretty clear to me that the US Army does not officially recognize bigfoot, as per Joketomi.

    6. Try this again, not sure why the first post disappears when the page loads. I received a response from the US Army Corps of Engineers. See below:

      " Thank you for your inquiry.

      The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with numerous other agencies, published the Environmental Atlas in 1975.

      The book cover and portion to which you refer is attached for your reading.

      I will leave it to you to determine the thinking on the matter in 1975. The Army Corps has no opinion or expertise on the matter currently.

      Patricia Cook Graesser, APR
      Public Affairs Office
      Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers"

    7. Is that meant to help your argument? So she's acknowledged that the Atlas was published with that information in circa 1975? Ever hear of a guy called Todd Neiss?

      1:48 didn't know humans are primates... I know... I know...

    8. OK, this is too rich! I just looked at the attachments sent with the response. The text of the article clearly says bigfoot is not proven to exist, and there is even a little cartoon at the end of the entry joking about mythical animals being in the atlas.

      Hmmm, where can I post this so that all can see it?

      An interesting quote from it is:

      "If Sasquatch is purely legendary, then the legend is likely to be a long time in dying".

      That quote is directly from the atlas entry that Joketomi claims demonstrated where the US Army officially recognizes sasquatch. LOL. No they, don't. And it hardly looks like something that would have cost $200,000 of effort to release to the public, as Joketomi also claims. LOL, what an idiot.

    9. "The Army Atlas and other information relative to the FBI was obtained by Jody Cook under the Freedom of Information-Privacy Act. Jody wrote to the FBI and requested all information relative to Bigfoot. He received documentation and it appears there is always a little "mystery" whenever the FBI is involved in anything. Attached to the file sent to Jody Cook was a standard pre-printed "Dear Requester" form. Curiously, a box on this form which states, "See additional information which follows" is checked. At the bottom of the form the following information was manually typed-in:
      "Enclosed are previously processed documents which relate to "Big Foot." The enclosed are the best copies available. Serial 4 is missing from file 95-213013, the file where your release originates. Our effort to locate that document was not successful. It is possible that the number 4 was missed during the original serialization of the file."
      So what was in Serial 4? Will we ever know for sure?
      Certainly the FBI would be a little more efficient in their filing procedures to omit this section. We have, however, learned that analysis of hair samples as indicated in The Washington Star-News article definitely took place.
      George Clappison did extensive research on this incident and was referred by the FBI to the ex-head of their Hair and Fiber Unit. This person, who now runs his own private laboratory out of his home, was in charge at the time the hair samples were submitted to the FBI.

      He told Clappison that the analysis was done after hours on employees' own time. He further stated that no written reports were prepared on the analysis. In discussing the whole situation with the current head of the FBI Hair and Fiber Unit, Clappison asked if the unit would now consider analyzing other hair samples. The current manager agreed to perform an analysis, however, he informed the unit would not respond in writing on their findings."

      Nothing is beyond people who want things "erased". A freedom of information act... I'll let you stew on the relevance of that. Surely the Army Core of Engineers wouldn't use $200,000 of tax payers' money so unorofesionalky, right?

    10. The last piece of information, that concerning analysis of hair led to the investigation by Peter Byrne of the Bigfoot Research Project in Mount Hood, Oregon. Byrne wrote to the FBI stating: "Will you kindly, to set the record straight, once and for all, inform us if the FBI has examined hair which might be that of a Bigfoot; when this took place, if it did take place; what the results of the analysis were."
      The FBI replied to Byrne's request as follows: "Since the publication of the "Washington Environmental Atlas" in 1975, which referred to such examinations, we have received several inquiries similar to yours. However, we have been unable to locate any references to such examinations in our files."

      The FBI did, however, follow-up with a Dr. Steve Rice, who was editor of the Army Atlas. In an official report, the FBI states: "After checking, Dr. Rice was unable to locate his source of the reported FBI hair examination."

      Now even if things haven't been tampered with, surely the FBI at this point would have let all these people know of such a cynical "version" of the Atlas, right?

    11. Yeah, blah, blah, ...all that shows is that you know how to copy and paste a rumour. I went to the source. The source does not confirm your "facts".

      Why don't you try going to the source for once, Joe? Write to the US Army Corps of Engineers and tell them all about how they confirmed bigfoot? Why, don't you?

      Or are you content to just copy and paste crap from fringe web sites like the typical tin foil hat wearing idiot?

    12. Sorry sweetheart, the relevance is very adgerent. Why didn't the FBI save all these people the time and let them know that the Atlas was a cynical take?

      Answers please... Maybe dear old Pat can enlighten us, since you have her on speed dial?

    13. Here's a link to the atlas page I was provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers

    14. Your claim, Joe, is that the USACOE "officially" recognized bigfoot in their 1974 atlas. Now, look at the entry page for bigfoot in that atlas, and tell me how that officially confirms bigfoot. It does not. Everything else is you trying to deflect from that main point.

      Admit you were wrong, and move on.

    15. Here's a better link. You can blow this one up much bigger:

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. No, you have yet to agknowledge the points put your way, and my claim is that the Army Corps of Engineers agknowledged the existence of Sasquatch in 1974, and that there are many inconsistencies that don't really lend to much credibility of the FBI knowing their stuff should we adhere to this newly released Atlas information... WHICH appears to be in direct breach of a Freedom of Information act, the FBI even getting in touch with the main proprietors who could have saved all these people the time. Why did the FBI entertain the idea? Surely they can't be that incomletent, right?

      Oh, and there is nothing in that page that an impartial scientist wouldn't state regarding the current state of evidence supporting the concept.

    19. Where on that atlas page, does the US Army Corps of Engineers acknowledge the existence of Sasquatch?

      Directly from the page are comments like "..if the Sasquatch does exist..."

      That does not equate to acknowledging their existence. You cannot really deny that. You over stated a claim. Just be a responsible adult, and admit it. It's painfully obvious.

    20. Joe, when the atlas says "...if Sasquatch does seems likely that some hard evidence may soon be in hand.", do you think an impartial scientist of the time had 40 years in mind and still no hard evidence?

    21. Where? By taking the time to our it in an Atlas that cost $200,000, and the sightings on a map. By agknowledging that there is physical evidence to support such an idea. The manner in which the Atlas states factually the current state if evidence, is not far from some out and out enthusiasts like Meldrum and Bindernagle. A responsible adult? I'm waiting on a long list of inconsistencies that you don't seem to have an ounce of reason for, didn't you notice?

      In 40 years, enthusiasts have every source of evidence short of modern type specimen to warrant total enthusiasm, even world beating geneticists stating that they are sure that relict hominids survive today, based on time frame shattering evidence that quashes all previously considered ideas of our hominid tree...

      An impartial scientist may be maintaining that even more so given the real state of things at the moment.

    22. Joe, where on that atlas page does it officially recognize the existence of bigfoot. Please read it, and explain how you can still possibly make that claim.

      That is, of course, if you care to back up one of your claims when presented with the actual evidence.

    23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    24. I think I've answered your question, care to take the time to poin out where it states it does not exist? Bear in mind, you have the acknowledgement of physical evidence to explain away for such a supposedly cynical take on the topic. I'll also add, that the cartoon work is not far adrift from a certain enthusiast's artwork that crops up around here from time to time, and guess what's stood behind the seemingly ignorant tourists who are spouting the main quotation? Could this be concieved as the authors having the last laugh over people like you?

      Do you understand comic strips?

      Not only have you failed to respond to glaring inconsistencies regarding such an uncharacteristically incompetent FBI, but that's all you've presented as a case against the fact that the ACOE put that in their Atlas with sightings and physical evidence, is a failure to understand the most child like of humour in a cartoon strip.

      Oh dear.

    25. give me a break. Some foolish "skeptics" are so ignorant that they still silently think that the world is flat.

    26. Oh... And Danny? How's that bet coming along?


    27. if there are chisels that can duplicate the same than by all means please duplicate it and then I'll believe your point of view

    28. Skeptards aren't into duplication. Skeptards are 100% into avoiding duplication. It's an ISF rule. They bleeve it's reasonable and easier to go out and grab yourself a bigfoot matching Patty, than for anyone on Earth to reasonably, creditably duplicate the PGF. Since all latter attempts have flunked (Packham's ludicrously, Blevins' hilarious still photo pose, Bob H's twerksquatch still photo magic montage, et al), the skeptards insist that you grab a handy Sasquatch and run it down to a handy university and hey ho be a hero and get handily rich.

      They live in a pink fantasy world of candy canes and Care Bears where they would all "love for bigfoot to exist" and oh my any scientist in the world can't wait to verify such a species and we are all one big happy family.

  2. Johnny Dagger on Youtube. What a twat.

  3. I told you he was a media junkie. He'll be up on H2 next or some equally "credible" format. Pfffffffffffffffft. Where's the list of these pHd guys (30!) not one willing to stand next to him in an interview?

    1. Go get a scientist to debunk his work... Crying around here doesn't even start to get around to anything that'll help you sleep at night.

  4. Just looked up Johnny Dagger and I think this is firmly dead in the water. It's the Bigfoot equivalent of all the Majestic 12 bollox that UFO believers get all moist about: page after page of hokum that the hoaxers know will only get skimmed for juicy bits. And this turdblossom is brazen enough to stick his face on it. Meldrum should hunt him down and strangle him.

    1. Someone makes a few YouTube videos and suddenly his forensic study is bunk? Is this a knew level of strsw grasping for the intellectually inferior??

      Me thinks so.

      : )

      Ouch! HAAA HAAA HAAAA!
      Big boss man o l j. ; )

    3. IKTOMI----------YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!
      NO THEY'RE. NOT!!!

    4. How Do We Know Humans Are Primates?

      Besides similar anatomy and behavior, there is DNA evidence. It confirms that humans are primates and that modern humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor between 8 and 6 million years ago. There is only about a 1.2 percent genetic difference between modern humans and chimpanzees throughout much of their genetic code.

    5. u be asin webe kin to tham ape critters
      No SIR we be tham hymans folk

  5. Can you hear D Icktomi? That distant fizzing noise is the sound of his impotent rage as yet another groundbreaking study turns out to be of doubtful provenance. Couldn't even keep it up for the interview. You don't need to be a geneticist to know that you can't get DNA from hypothesised slobber on a two year old chewed bone. Where are you tricky Icky? What next? Will Professor Sykes be wearing pink pajamas, you know, when he comes?

    1. I'm sorry?? Did someone show that his work is bunk yet? Did I miss something??

      Ha haha ha ha ha!!!

      Oh... And Sykes is coming!!

    2. Sykes came and went, along with a paper and a mainstream bigfoot tv show. No bigfoots were found. That is undisputed. Anything you say is merely conjecture and wishful thinking just like anything all footers have said for the last 50 years.

      You got nothing kid.

      And grow up while you are at it.

    3. I hate bieng a crass prick BUT could just show us yur TITS.!!!
      Damnit ,Abholi??
      BBM o l j .
      HA HA HA HA HA.

    4. Actually, Sykes says he conducted DNA tests on saliva from six of her living descendants and on a tooth from one of her sons. He has also done further research on Zana since writing the book.

      "They will be published in the regular scientific press so I can't be more specific..."

      Sorry sweetheart, you'll very much get Sykes and like it.

      Tick, tock, tick, tick...

    5. YOU KNOW WHAT ?
      If I had 30 min with you I could have you throwing POTATOS AT MIKEY B!!
      Lol,, guaranteed !!
      OH YES!! ;-)

      BIG BOSS MAN !!

    6. Yet for years of your bat sh*t crazy posts and learning all the pseudosceptical mantras who can absorb, you can't counter any of his work or muster anything to counter the subject matter like a sane adult?

      I expected as much from someone who didn't know humans are primates.

    7. Your the Queen of Batshit crazy ,
      Now that bieng said ,could you educate
      Us all about the cro magnon occipital bun?
      Its ok IM HERE TO HELP!!

    8. Not cool im sorry lktomi ,I know this stuff is important to you!!!
      NOT SO MUCH!!
      BBM o l j. :' -(

    9. Cro-Magnons didn't have occipital buns, sorry, but it appears some ancient modern humans did indeed have them, go take a looksy at Khwit and deduce what his mother must have had.

      The example just serves the idea that ancient, morphologically different humans can share our same DNA, check yourself before playing into my pocket... Hang on, you didn't know humans are primates...


    10. LOL HAAA HAA ,MY GOD Your sub normal. IQ level is starting to concern me!!! I HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE,
      with love. BBM o l j.

    11. Modern. Acient homo sapien sapien,???
      Holy moly. Thats A GOOD ONE !
      That'll work !
      ; )

    12. ifn hymans bein heer befor tham other critters lack tham apes ans such we shure is

    13. A typo here, another post where you don't appear to counter the points posed there...

      : )

  6. As usual, its a veritable Algonquin roundtable...

  7. He shurly do, tham thar bigfoots bein heers fer yeers

  8. Nope no proof here because bigfoot doesn't exist.

  9. zana = 100% modern human

    joe ignores this proven fact and makes up his own wild theories based on a science that he has no fu cking clue about

    1. Ancient human with modern DNA, just like fossil examples like Cro-Magnon, right? Don't take my word for it, listen to the best geneticist in the world.

      What's the matter Chewie? Don't feel like using you alias after today, eh?

    2. The best geneticist in the world said no bigfoots. It was even on his TV show, you know the one about, well, bigfoots.

      You are quite deluded I am afraid.

      2-4 POSTERS .
      Hope that helps
      ; )

    4. Deluded? Brother, there is a book that's been published way after your little TV show, by Sykes that rips that sad closure desperation apart emphatically, and I'm deluded? Would you like me to post you extracts and page numbers?

      Ha ha!!

    5. Please post the extracts where he says there is an extant 9 foot hominid roaming undetected in north america...

      We are all waiting ahahahaha

    6. He doesn't apart from give his educated opinion that he's sure they are still around. But having relict hominids on the planet only 150 years ago, smashing apart many, many thousands of years of previously considered time that they were supposedly extinct, kind of make the three whole database of contemporary reports that have physical evidence to support kind of tells you "shut up and sit down"... Not to mention blowing apart your version of events that Sykes found nothing.

  10. Hmmmmmm,I'm wondering if he took any good photos of those foot prints he said were near the bones and if he did why did he not post those foot print photos as well along with his photo of the bones............

  11. All BS! Bigfoots don't eat meat. John W. Jones says so!

    1. Tell John that I hope he is well and would love an email sometime.

    2. thays eats tham hawgs shure do, ans chickens

  12. If Bigfoot was real then Steve Irwin would have f ucked one. Crikey this bigfoot sure does suck a mean c ock. If I just turn her around I'm gonna give her 2 in the pink and 1 in the stink.

    1. than why me hogs and chickens going too, taking by critters on 2 feet!

    2. Some one explain to this chump that kikds frequent this blog occasionally.

    3. Gotta learn about Alabama hot pockets at some point.

    4. It's not exactly great for them to see Iktomi's meltdowns either. Way to act like an adult, fool.

    5. Yes I agree, grow up Itkomi. Try and act like an adult instead of a small child.

    6. ATTN SKEPTARDED INGRATES NUMBERS 5 58 AND 5 49Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 7:04:00 PM PDT

      Shut up you two skeptarded ingrates. You've reached adulthood and your mental capacities amount to driving around town yelling F--- at people out the rolled down window of your car. Have either of you reached middle age yet? Will you be middle aged or older and still driving around town yelling F--- at people out the rolled down windows of your cars? Will either of you two actually ever be stricken with actual adulthood? You are two pustules on the flabby dripping buttocks of skepfoolery. Grow up and clean it up, worms.

    7. Just more childish behaviour from a grown man. You have some anger issues son and need them taken care of. What about the children that visit this site occasionally. Your disgusting, grow up.

    8. Really!? "Childish behavior" You have GOT to be kidding. I am thinking you are like 15-22 and mentally disturbed. Shawn- CAN WE PLEASE HAVE A VOTE OFF OPTION! The (7:34 & 7:04) mental derangement is just to much to bear.

    9. Not 7:04. 5:58 and 7:34. ^

    10. I would call a middle aged man fighting with a teenager on a bigfoot site pretty f ucking childish and immature. Wouldn't you? You dumb f uck. Check mate!!!!!

    11. Check mate? You've been destroyed all you twonk, ha ha ha ha ha!!

    12. Your only kidding yourself. The verbal beating I have delivered to you has been nothing short of amazing. You are a dopey retard though so I shouldn't be to proud of it.


      Go read over that drubbing again you stupid child. You're as popluar around here as a bad smell...

    14. Jeez, cut it out you guys.

  13. Oh no. Joe is having another meltdown. You ok, sweetheart?

  14. dahling iktomi what are you a gov infiltrater you know a lot-conspiracy theories

    1. There's no conspiracy here Mary, just an interpretation of sources from certain people who need to lie to censor the truth on a blog.

      The Atlas may well have been shelved to prevent panic of the general public for all we know.

    2. Do you carry a bucket around your neck to collect the tErds that shoot from your mouth?

    3. D'you wear a feedback to recycle the mounds that fall out yours?

    4. There little nuggets of gold. There gonna make me rich one day.

    5. The Atlas is nothing more that the presentation of a popular local legend, complete with skeptical reservation in its language and the use of humor. It was written by a civilian, and the Army Corps is also mostly civilian. The Atlas is not an official government document, but rather just a book put together for popular public use

    6. Sorry brother! The US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot in 1974. The Army Corps of Engineers devoted a complete page to Bigfoot in their 1974 Washington Environmental Atlas. In the Atlas, it is revealed the FBI had done major testing on hair samples, and concluded the hair did not come from any human or known animal source. "Popular local legend" that according to the Atlas, has physical evidence in support, according to them. Even the satire in it alludes to ignorant peoples' take on the matter.

      The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), also sometimes shortened to CoE is a U.S. federal agency under the Department of Defense and a major Army command made up of some 37,000 civilian AND military personnel, making it one of the world's largest public engineering, design, and construction management agencies. Although generally associated with dams, canals and flood protection in the United States, USACE is involved in a wide range of public works throughout the world. The Corps of Engineers provides outdoor recreation opportunities to the public, and provides 24% of U.S. hydropower capacity. The corps' mission is to "Deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our Nation's security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters." The document is under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

  15. Jonny Dagger, aka Mitchel Townsend, has proven nothing but his own pretension, impersonating ex-military special ops, college professor, serious Bigfoot researcher, and scientist, all at once. He is really none of the above.

  16. Is Mitchel Townsend (Jonny Dagger) a graduate of the US Army Airborne School, Special Forces Assessment and Selection or Ranger Indoctrination Program?

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