Are These Creepy Sounds Dogman And Bigfoot?

According to reports, not only is bigfoot roaming the woods of North America, but so is the dogman. Witnesses claim to see a creature that resembles bigfoot, only it has more of a canine type head. If they do both exist, would they get along? And has this man captured audio of them in the woods? Have a listen:

For the original video upload, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Yet for every day you NEED to reinforce that idea, you get no closer to confirming it, whereas we get more and more scientific support.

      Funny that?

    2. ... For at least one of the aformentioned, at least, ha!

    3. You're no closer to the monkeyman than you were 50 years ago you idiot.

    4. Yet I can reference every source of evidence short of a modern type specimen, and list some of the most qualified scientists in the world who are enthusiastic.

      Unlucky punk.

    5. I know some pretty enthusiastic crackheads too,what's your point? A modern type specimen is what you need but do you have it? No you don't because there is no monkeyman.In 20 years you will still be on here running your mouth about dermal ridges and still spouting off excuses for not having the monkeyman.

    6. My point... Is that crack heads are irrelevant when you have scientific backing, the thing that counts. A lack of modern type specimen has no bearing on the credibility of the creature existing and to suggest otherwise is a negative proof fallacy.

      In the mean time, I'll remind you that if something exists, it leaves it's physical sign. Don't like it? Grow up and get an argument against the evidence.

    7. sometimes Bears looking like Dogman so you thinking you seeing a Dogman but its a Bear

    8. Sometimes girls he will be looking like your dream man so you thinking you see a stud but its only an idiot in a onesie.

    9. face timing joetomi fala i see^^^

    10. sometimes GRAYs take U DNA, sometimes they put a probe in U

    11. Joetomi, the worlds leading google bigfoot researcher.

      Has never seen a bigfoot has never been to an area where bigfoot is said to live but will fight to the death over any information he has posted, because we all know, if its on the internet it must be true.


  2. I don't hear anything that can't be explained but what I really can't wrap my mind around is all of you big,bad,gun loving american'ts who are supposed to be the most patriotic in the world allowing your country to be taken over by the "Homies" and "bitches".You're getting walked over by these people and just sitting on your fat asses and doing nothing.What happened to all of the talk about not taking shit from anyone? You fools are tough talkers but when it comes time to put up or shut up,the rest of the world hasn't heard a peep.Your country is NOT the leader of the free world anymore,other countries laugh at how you just sit back and take everything thrown at you.You voted obama in twice,what the hell did you expect? You lost your backbone letting the minorities have everything they want.You talk a big game but when it comes right down to it you are armed to the teeth for what? to run your mouth and then just sit back and lose everything? You try and act like you're all bad ass but you're not,within 5 years the stars and stripes will be taken down and replaced with a flag of Oprah winfrey or Al Sharpton.Hey America wake up the rest of the world is laughing at you.

    1. I'm from the rest of the world: Germany. And i must laughing at you! you poor people, do something good and find peace!

  3. This might be the most laughable audio ever presented on this site. It's like Ghost Adventures meets Not Finding Bigfoot. Why slow down the speed? What's the point of that other then to try and create words that aren't there to begin with? A Jurassic sized pile of turd stew.

  4. This is "evidence" ?

    i don`t fink so,m8`s


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