Here's New Video From Ronald Von Beringe For His Bigfoot Scale Comparison

Ronald Von Beringe's footage has caught a lot of attention. While a majority of our readers thinks his footage is CGI, Ronald insists it's not. He recently sent us a video of him and his associate walking away from the camp. For skeptics, Ronald hopes they can use the video for scale:

"Here is a video shot less than an hour before the Timber Giant walked past my tent. It substantiates the trail cam delay and debunks the CGI accusation. My associate and I are walking away from camp and you can clearly see the angle of the incline we were camped upon. How tall was the Bigfoot that invaded my campsite? 8 feet, I'd wager—either that or it was a hirsute gentleman walking on stilts." - Ronald Von Beringe


  1. Primo !
    summer of the blue bags !

  2. Von Dingelberry strikes again

  3. Clearly this needs further

    1. Or at a minimum a 20,000 word cut and paste job by FitzJOEald.

    2. You couldn't help bringing him up. Hilarious.

    3. Friedrich Robert von Beringe (21 September 1865 - 5 July 1940) was a German army officer.
      Captain von Beringe, together with a physician, Dr. Engeland, a Corporal Ehrhardt, and twenty local troops with equipment and native porters left Usumbura in German East Africa on 19 August 1902. Their destination was the Sultan Msinga of Rwanda. They then headed north to the volcanic Virunga Mountains.[1] On 17 October 1902 he shot two large apes that were unknown to science at the time.

    4. *****!!!!!!!!! I'm really disappointed in myself for not spotting that!! I've posted references about him in a debate on this blog in the not so distant past about the mountain gorilla!!!!!

      That settles it though.

    5. I'm disappointed in you too Joe. Does this mean that you don't absorb what you copy and paste? I'm downgrading you to the 9th best bigfoot researcher in Swansea.

    6. When you've schooled as many as I have brother, you tend to lose track of things.

      Where's Swanses, and more importantly, who's Joe??

    7. When you have been schooled as many times as me (iktomi joe f)!!! It's true you DO tend to lose track !!

      you tossers!

  4. Blown clean out the fish and chip shop

  5. Just catching up with the smoking joe recieved yesterday keep up the good work

    1. I absolutly disagree. But I have been wondering when some ode was going to say "smoking JOE"

  6. Footers still looking for non existant apes. Meanwhile packham, who blew the myth out the water decades ago, still presents a prime time daily tv show on the bbc about actual animals that actually exist

    1. Yet here you are, reading with the rest of us on a Bigfoot site. Really good point, drives home your staunch belief system.


      Packham needs to listen to some real PHD's I think.

      Sykes is coming.

    3. I think the old saying "Thunder Thighs" definitely applies to Patty,one of her thighs is both of mine put together..........

    4. @8:47 i use that old saying to describe my mother in law it fit's perfectly,i only wish she saw it that way. as now i have a tattoo of the word T-FAL on my cheek

  7. another BS hoax. No wonder no one takes any of this seriously with garbage like that out there.

    1. I agree Ano 6:40. Here if you call a BS a BS, you get called a skeptic. I have never seen a bigfoot, but I do believe there something to many of the witnesses story But with the advent of youtube and camera phones, you get a LOT of BS videos along with legitimate ones. Its very difficult to sort through the good evidence when so much garbage is coming out.

      Bigfoot is popular now more than ever. Commercials, TV shows, movies, countless websites, so there are people who want attention, 15 mins of fame or just make fools out of those who take this thing seriously and have a good laugh at their expense.

      Finding bigfoot explains the state of bigfoot currently, the 3 guys believe everything is bigfoot and you have a skeptic who believes there is nothing despite the years of evidence that have been found. Very few are in the middle.

      After years of reading and hearing about bigfoot, the common traits are that they avoid human, they know a trail cam and would avoid it like a plague. In this video you have one casually walking by a tent with a camera not even glancing once at the tent like he is just out for a stroll. I just can't buy this video.

    2. I think it looks so skinny, awkward & upright that it just might be authentic. All the comments on this site about how huge and powerful Bigfoot should be makes me think that some of you want to be taken forcibly by it. Repressed manlove and the like.

    3. @4:08 Wow, from that little clip you got skinny, awkward and upright. Upright? As compared to what? So a upright bigfoot is hard hoax? Neither I nor the OP mentioned size or anything else for that matter; maybe its you who has a repressed manlove.

  8. The original video looks real to me, or an elaborate costume. Definitely not CGI. And if the new footage is any indicator, I'd say that Squatch is over 8 ft. tall.

    I wish someone would do an official breakdown. I know Von Beringe is a smartass but that shouldn't instantly dismiss this footage. We've seen official breakdowns on much, much cheesier submissions.

    1. well then your a moron 7:44...that or leon

    2. You should learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before hurling insults, dummy.

  9. Looks like the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi to me. Are they wearing headbands & kimonos?

    1. Mr.Myagis kimono is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community!

  10. Still more proof naysayers!! Enjoy your crow!

    1. My sentiments exactly, 7:51! This video proves all the CGI naysayers wrong. And supports Ronald Von Beringe's claim that this Bigfoot must have been HUGE. Skinny, yes, but still HUGE!

  11. Does anyone remember the last piece of purported Bigfoot Evidence that actually spurred serious debate? It's time I called myself to task. I spent the first part of 2015 trying to chase an "ice cream truck" dream of collaborative experts and laypersons in the field working toward a common goal of discovery using the latest technology to level the playing field. Then I came back angry and went out with new acquaintances and equipment and when I finally got close to something interesting the gear was stowed neatly in the foam egg liner of the hard cases. So, I did what I do when I'm dissapointed in myself. I took inventory. Not since the Brown Thermal Footage have I seen debatable "good" evidence. ( I like both sets, Jonathan and of course Stacy). Since that time the Bigfoot Community now has a blog or website for almost every believer. They espouse a wide variety of theories. But most are not posting a search for a bipedal collateral hominid. In fact, going back in time to an era of some grit and collaboration, Roger and Bob did it best. They simply saddled up and went after the Subject. Paul Freeman found the water source and the tracks and had the clear headed sense to hit RECORD. But now we wait for Sykes or Meldrum to offer us a white paper of published discovery and heaven forbid taxonomic nomenclature of a species. Or not. Until then we can either post and comment away, espousing our views or beliefs or ridiculing others for theirs, it matters not. For the lack of a university funded collaborative effort of scientists in the field, on a large tract of wild land, or protected private property, will surely mean that this "subject" will continue to have more fringe than science. I have to date contributed nothing to the genre. I will humbly submit my hair sample to Rhettman and await the potential humiliation of a television reveal to get my answer. In the interim I'll take any researcher who wants to go through this deer season with the hope that they can provide what I have failed to do. If not, if I cannot achieve that which ought to be done, then if I hear a scream on my ranch at night I'll look my date in her good eye and proudly say "squirrel". It's not that I believe the Subject to be fictional or even extinct, it's that I believe perhaps that real science minded research has perhaps become so. " He prayeth best who loveth best all creatures great and small, but a clear picture of Sasquatch has proved my test, for I can't find it at all."

    1. Liar and know hoaxer Mike Brookerson everyone. Lets gave him a round of applause.

    2. ....I think you should work on getting some decent photos...That would open the door the nearest university, who could work on your hairs.. Genuine wildlife photos are like porn: you cannot define it, but you know it when you see it...Good luck, I doubt they exist, but I think you are honest(but wrong)...

    3. ^.."to the nearest...."

    4. here's a thought,as i mentioned to chuck..the dogs with a go pro set-up, why not try a go pro on some animals on the ranch? you never know, it's the simple things that work best,and if you have any good karma coming your way this may be the payoff...

    5. There never has been "serious" bigfoot debate. Only a tiny handful of idiots even believe bigfoot is real. Serious debate does not occur among adults with the mental acumen of children.

      Get over yourself.

    6. ...9:07..thats a good idea..I suggested above he should focus on photographic evidence, but I had no advice..Im sure anything I think of has been tried...

    7. But Mike, how do you explain this footage? I respect your opinion but you can clearly see its muscles rippling under its coat.

    8. And look, along come the rats, 8:50 and 9:09. Not once have I ever read anything of substance from these little rats, it must be a sad existence if one seeks out some level of attention whilst anonymous on a blog.

      God I feel good about myself. Mike is one of the very best researchers in the country. Bless ya Mike.

    9. You seem like a trust fund baby that inherited Daddy's ranch, and are looking for way to pass your drunken days without much to do. I live near Leander and would gladly come look at what you have in person. Then maybe we can see who does what with those Tony Llamas. Got a sack?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. he's just responding to brookreson's threat of a tony llama croc boot to his bum

    12. You're going to condemn others for being anon, when you hide behind the fake iktomi profile, Joe?


    13. Remember when you used anon mode and I made a fool of you Donald?

    14. No. Joe, you are deluded as usual. I have never used anon mode. And besides, the conversation that you are talking about , I had with Joe, not Iktomi.

      You don't even try to hide it anymore, yet you have zero shame in calling others out for doing exactly what you do everyday.

      You're a hypocritical little worm.

    15. Why so agitated Donald?? Anyone would think you've had a nerve touched?? I remember it very well, it wasn't even as if you dropped yourself in it, you thought you were clever by using the catch phrase, alluding to others being confused. It was only when I told you that real sceptical thinkers were laughing at your understanding of scientific theory that you denied the whole thing.

      I would have to... Who's Joe?

    16. No. Joe, you are deluded as usual. I have never used anon mode. And besides, the conversation that you are talking about , I had with Joe, not Iktomi.

      You don't even try to hide it anymore, yet you have zero shame in calling others out for doing exactly what you do everyday.

      You're a hypocritical little worm.

    17. 10:29. Randy Harrington will be here this weekend. My email is If you want to research why don't you email me now. We can get there a little early. If your tone is insulting as it has been repeatedly here, then meander over from Leander, and we can settle it like gentlemen, then Randy and I will gladly take you out researching for the weekend. I'll await your email today and we can get down to the business of research as soon as we settle our business of polite discourse. I'm waiting.

    18. And if you don't email me your inquiries about a sack will have to start with the location of your own.... I rarely drink, never drive. As to a trust fund my son has one, I do not. We own a 2000 acre ranch in Texas and a 500 acre ranch in the Missouri Ozarks and I saved enough money as a criminal attorney for 15 years to remain comfortable the rest of my life. That being said I'm still a consultant for Urbano Design and Build and draft oil leases for Bertie Condra and Sciaraffa. So come on down and meet the trust fund baby. And I think you'll appreciate the boots a great deal more after you've proven you can look a person in the eye while attempting to give insult. Then, per nap you'll enjoy your research weekend, weather and your present physical condition willing. As to the other poster up top claiming liar and known hoaxer, my ranch will has been available and will be used by a great number of top field researchers this summer alone. Nuff Said

    19. Post Script: To the Dandy from Leander, you do realize you're entire tough guy from the Hillcountry act will be over if I don't hear from you by Thursday, pm at latest. You'll have to invent another one to perhaps bully those individuals whom are capable of receiving such banter. I never have been, and never will. Can't wait to meet you. M

  12. Very nice post Mike Brookreson. I also agree with the last good evidence being both Brown familys. Tis the nature of the beast who stays to the woods except for the dark of night. Sometimes you just have to be satisfied with what you get, like the excitement in your voice when coming across that track find.

  13. Is there any chance this footage is real? It looks real. Maybe its a reverse hoax? That is to say it's pretending to be a hoax but it's real.

    I get the chills when I see it. And with a naked eye comparison to the guys walking away from the tent I'd say that Bigfoot is enormous.

  14. They are all roughly the same size once the BF reaches the same distance from the tent.

    1. I don't think that's true. The men are walking down an incline.

  15. FFS! Follow the money chuckle heads... FFS!

  16. i think its prolly real. i got chills watching it.

  17. I have dubbed the creature in my famous video after myself... it is my right after all. The name "Von Beringe's Southern California Upright Timber Giant" will soon ring through the halls of academia as I am proclaimed the discoverer of the creature commonly misidentified as Bigfoot.

    1. Yep your name will be sung in praise with the likes of Rick Dyer and sasquatch onterio.

      You go guy.

    2. I think you deserve the praise, Mr. Natural. I think your original video is definite proof of the existence of Bigfoot.

  18. You haven't discovered anything, bro. Bigfoot has been around for forever.

  19. Looks just like the one I saw. exept mine was up by Reno.


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