Is This Footage of The Dogman?

Dogmen are creatures that have been seen and reported by witnesses in parts of Canada and the northern United States. Some of the most compelling evidence suggesting the existence of the Dogman is known as the "Beast of Seven Chutes Photo". According to the witness who took the photograph, although what he saw was standing bipedally (similar to Bigfoot), other attributes were different. Unlike the typical Bigfoot, the creature is much shorter, only standing 5-6 feet tall.

Back in October 2014, YouTube user 100 Bigfoot Nights uploaded footage of what a shadowy figure moving through the woods. Is this the Dogman, or could it be something else? 100 Bigfoot Nights writes: "This is a video of what I believe to be the dog-man beast going back into the forest. I know it is not the best video and my son told me not to post it, but it is important to our story and those who read book 2-(100 Bigfoot Nights: The Nightmare Continues...), chapter 7. Videoed from bedroom window while standing on a chair."


  1. Replies
    1. the kid knew it was a black bear. Yet this dad just couldn't resist the big lie to move on and on. complete video garbage and nothing more than a black bear looking for a tree to scratch his big bear balls on.

  2. Shut up you. I personally know an eyewitness that was on MonsterQuest.

    And I repeat:

    Biggyfoot here again m'nerds. Drinking some really good bourbon and smoking some insane hemp we just had Fed-Exed, shrink wrapped from, I forget, Colorado I think.
    Struck out with that fat girl at the Dive, meh no big loss. She did let me glare at her simply amazing breasts, like, without even blinking, for over an hour. But Peppermint Schnapps? Sorry, cupcake, I would have done, literally, anything else for you, no matter how degrading. Even things that we wouldn't have to put on my tab! Ouch! I think you know what I mean.

    On the way home I freakin blasted by some cop that was obviously as surprised as I was. Poor dude. He must have been completely lost, or doing something he shouln't have been, so he was twice as scared as me. I should have kicked his ass, taken him hostage, and demanded that Megyn Kelly be given to me as a slave. This idea just keeps getting better!

    You just go back to your snoop hunt. Snipe hunt. What the hell ever.

    I honestly feel tht I should give you clowns hundreds and hundreds of dollars for the sheer laughter and entertainment that you have brought into my world. Knowing that there are people like you out there fuels my ambition to be the wealthiest man on the planet. Because if I was, I would never, ever, never have to think about you.

    peace out

    Biggyfoot here again m'nerds. Drinking some really good bourbon and smoking some insane hemp we just had Fed-Exed, shrink wrapped from, I forget, Colorado I think.
    Struck out with that fat girl at the Dive, meh no big loss. She did let me glare at her simply amazing breasts, like, without even blinking, for over an hour. But Peppermint Schnapps? Sorry, cupcake, I would have done, literally, anything else for you, no matter how degrading. Even things that we wouldn't have to put on my tab! Ouch! I think you know what I mean.

    On the way home I freakin blasted by some cop that was obviously as surprised as I was. Poor dude. He must have been completely lost, or doing something he shouln't have been, so he was twice as scared as me. I should have kicked his ass, taken him hostage, and demanded that Megyn Kelly be given to me as a slave. This idea just keeps getting better!

    You just go back to your snoop hunt. Snipe hunt. What the hell ever.

    I honestly feel tht I should give you clowns hundreds and hundreds of dollars for the sheer laughter and entertainment that you have brought into my world. Knowing that there are people like you out there fuels my ambition to be the wealthiest man on the planet. Because if I was, I would never, ever, never have to think about you.

    peace out

  3. That's all right. I'm already getting paid for it by someone else.

  4. Draw your own conclusions. It's a blurry photograph. How's that?

  5. isn`t footage of the Dogman.

    We`ve been shown this before (months ago) and the intermission hasn`t enhanced the is the usual nothing to see video.

    Much as is all "bigfoot" or cryptid footage and evidence...a big fat zilch.

  6. That is not a Dogman; that's a bigfoot.

    Unless you can prove that it isn't a bigfoot, it's a bigfoot.

    -Joe Iktomi

    1. ^ Unless you can prove it isn`t Obama playing naked hide and seek with George Dubya it`s Obama playing naked hide and seek with Georgie Porgie.

  7. can't wait for the M.K Davis director's cut version of this !

  8. Next time, don't shoot video when you are lying on a Magic Fingers bed.

  9. That's a reptilian shapeshifter or Rick Dyer..

  10. Is WHAT a dogman going back into the forest?


  11. That footage was amazingly awful


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