Holy Smokes! Look At The Size Of This Eel!

This is a REAL sea monster. This giant conger eel caught off the British coast measured 20 feet long and 131 lbs. That's a crazy big eel. No way would I want to swim up on that thing.

It looks like something from a deep sea horror film. But this conger eel was caught by accident six miles off the coast of Devon. Measuring six metres (20ft) and weighing an impressive 59kg (131lb), the fish was snared in the nets of a trawler.

Pete Bromley, manager of Plymouth Fisheries, said: “This conger eel is a very large fish, and an unusual catch for a trawler. Conger move to very deep water and die after spawning, so, like all large congers caught off the south-west approaches, this fish is likely to be an unspawned female.

“These large eels are generally found hiding in the many wrecks around the south-west, or on reefs and rocky ground, but they do venture out to open ground in search of food, usually during neap tides or slack water. Despite their size and power, they are not very strong swimmers.”

For the full article, click here


  1. Using Pulse-Doppler Radar bigfooters or researchers no longer need to leave the safety of their homes or campsites to search for woof-foot.


    Just under £100,000 a pop, every researcher should have one.

    Catch something crawling towards you at 1.6 km away.

    1. Count me in. I love throwing money down the drain searching for an imaginary creature.

    2. Good man, I also recommend 4x infrared 12 volt 3 watt IR light bars from larsonelctronics, they draw about 10 amps so use two fullriver 6 volt 415 amp AGMs and you'll have enough to light up an area in total darkness to around 500' all night.

      Happy hunting.

    3. mek shure ta get da 940nm infrer red lahtin woncha ?

    4. I wouldn't buy anything else, though 850 Nm are only visible at certain angles and some cameras prefer the lower light spectrum like the typical Canon nightshot.

      Happy hunting.

    5. Using Pulse-Doppler Radar bigfooters or researchers no longer need to leave the safety of their homes or campsites to search for woof-foot.


      Just under £100,000 a pop, every researcher should have one.

      Catch something crawling towards you at 1.6 km away.

  2. I wouldn't spawn wit her either, dat gurl is uhhhgly!

    1. haf ya seen dat warhl bill dat marine shure iss

      he gottta KNIFE shure duz

  3. Dem Marines is acomin` shure iss

  4. 131 lbs Huh. Think somebody got the info wrong, AGAIN!

    1. Hey Leon, there is one especially annoying troll here (and I think you know who I mean) who is obviously an Obama loving commie libtard. The idiot makes stupid racist accusations against everyone even though no one here ever mentions anything remotely related to race. The simpleton just creates arguments out of thin air and seems to enjoy pissing in everyone else's cereal bowl. This blowhard clearly has no interest in bigfoot; he just seems to get some enjoyment out of getting on people's nerves for totally unknown reasons. It's very frustrating because the commie thinks he's so smart but everyone here considers him a total dipsh*t. Do you know who I mean Leon?

    2. repukes are the racist ones moron. What a retard.

    3. DO YOU GET IT ????? LEON aka Dipshit !

      AC collins.

    4. Holy Troll JoeAbohli !!!

    5. ^ has a hard that woman won`t relieve for him...turned gay

  5. I took a big dump about a foot long once. Does this classify?

    1. ^ Only if taken upon the head of the commie troll joetomi...then it satisfies all criterion.

    2. lame get a new schtick^

    3. ^ sheesh.i can smell your arsehole aftershave from here

    4. can you smell what I ate last night?ya lil' arse sniffer

    5. ^ smells like you`ve been slurping on unwashed dick you dirty boy

  6. Just a baby. They get a lot bigger in the loch

  7. Dat ain't no eel,dat be D Campbells dildo.He likes it a little fishy smellin.

  8. You're all a bunch of limp-wristed lady boys, Eels are way cool, as long s you don't stuff em.

    1. Mmmm..lady boys...now yer TALKIN` !!

      Yummy yum.

    2. "Yummy yum" is old black slang for eating watermelon.

      We don't need racist like you around here !

      Drama Guy

    3. ^ Drama Queen ^

      Feck off ya` Commie

    4. Jes` for you Mr Commie Dick Sucka Lover

      Yummy yum ... yummy yum yummy yum yum yum

      Yummy yum yum yummy yum yum yummy yum yum

  9. When were gigantopithicus fossils discovered? I believe a tooth first then a jaw bone? Was the legend of bigfoot around before this discovery? I'm an on the fence skeptic but I'm very intrigued to learn that an eight foot tall, bipeadel, flat faced ape actually did exist. Breathes a bit of life into the mystery. If the legends of bigfoot/Yeti came before the discovery of giganto then It really does say something.

  10. moochelle Obammy is a serious racist and can never be re-educatedSunday, May 17, 2015 at 12:28:00 AM PDT

    would someone just hit that frumpy bastard with a ball ping hammer already! Please for the love of all that's right and good in this world. on that note obummer is also fair game to that same request too!


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