Have You Seen This Mystery Video Of A Bigfoot Before?

Uploaded on YouTube by NvTv, the only description for this video is Bigfoot sighting in rural forest. I don't remember ever seeing this video. Does anyone have information on it?


  1. Yeeeerrrsss YeeerrrrrssssS


    Deal with it, skeptards.

    1. You’ve probably seen a zillion penis extenders for sale all with different names – Jes-Extender, AndroPenis, Pro Extender, SizeGenetics, Vimax Extender, Euro Extender, X4 Labs, Pro Sizer, Ultimate Stretcher etc. etc. to name but a few.

      What you probably don’t know is that most of these websites are resellers of just two penis extender products:

      DanaMedic’s Jes Extender – Sold primarily under the SizeGenetics brand name.

      AndroMedical’s AndroPenis (Vimax, Euro Extender etc).

      Why do they all resell the same two penis extender devices?

      Basically, because the Jes Extender and AndroPenis are the only medically certified penis extender devices available – they’re the ones that have been used with success in all the medical trials.

      So when you see the phrase ‘type 1 medical device’ on a website, you know you’re buying one of these two penis extender devices. If a website doesn’t mention this, then in all likelihood you’re buying an imitation penis extender – which you don’t want to do for obvious reasons, including lack of known safety, durability and effectiveness.

      Now the problem is, a lot of the reseller websites will ship out whatever penis extender they have in stock – be it the Jes Extender or AndroPenis – so in reality you can’t tell with any certainty what penis extender device you’re buying. Neither will you know if it’s the latest specification device or one which they had lying around since 2007.

      Not a particularly good prospect when you’ve just invested a load of time researching each brand of penis extender, then spent $300 – 500 on what you think is a specific product, just to end up with something you didn’t expect.

      That’s why it’s essential to only ever buy from one of the handful of well-established, reputable resellers – the ones who supply the exact penis extender model they display on their websites.

    2. Well that depends on your opinion...there are many people that would say that the video had been dis-proven by modern analysis.They would also say you are a gullible moron.

    3. Cite the study on the above video that shows it has been disproved scientifically.... or dis-proven as you prefer but most don't..

    4. Hey, Anonymous May 25 @ 2:44:00 p.m.,. since you know so much about this video, will you show us your proof that, (1) ANYONE beside yourself has said this video is unproven' and (2) would you show us the data--your "modern analysis"--that would give them reason to say this video has been disproven? And could you also show us proof that they would say that Anonymous 2:10 is an idiot? If you can't do any of this, then we could well say, and justifiably so, that in fact, YOU are the idiot, and you can't prove your statements. Thanks, anonymous 2:44. We look forward to hearing and seeing your proof.

    5. Hi Mr Mouth...your observational skills are lacking aren`t they...I said,if you care to actually read the printed letters and not the words you have made up yourself,that there are many people that dispute the validity of the video and they consider it is dis-proven due to modern analysis...and,No,I can`t be bothered to show you anything,especially after showing you what a moron you really are.

      One more request for you...please get very angry now...I could do with a good laugh.

    6. Are you two discussing bigfoot or penis extenders?

  3. So much effort... Just doesn't make sense unless $ is involved.


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