Watch: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive in African Jungle Today?

Are there dinosaurs hiding in the African jungle? Watch this fascinating History Channel documentary on the question of whether or not dinosaurs are still alive today.


  1. Replies
    1. According to some of the theories in Quantum Physics all presents always exist so dinosaurs have always existed and always will xx

    2. Excuse my bad manners whilst announcing my first! New species are being discovered all the time, so who knows what they'll find.

    3. It would be great if they did find a dinosaur xx

    4. Dinosuars in Africa much more plausable than a magic monkey in America.

    5. If Iktomi was here now you would be in big big trouble xx

    6. I understand that Iktomi felt profoundly humiliated when his shockingly racist opinion of Zana was exposed and that he experienced deep shame and regret. As a direct result of his outrageous actions, he is currently in the process of completely reexamining his position regarding bigfoot and it is likely that he will become a confirmed "scofftic" on the subject.

    7. "Experts say they can`t exist" ...oh HOW many times have we heard that bullshite from the men that know nothing.

    8. If Joe/Iktomi was here then free speech would be extinguished. Shameful.

  2. Job 41 New International Version (NIV)

    41 [a]“Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook
    or tie down its tongue with a rope?
    2 Can you put a cord through its nose
    or pierce its jaw with a hook?
    3 Will it keep begging you for mercy?
    Will it speak to you with gentle words?
    4 Will it make an agreement with you
    for you to take it as your slave for life?
    5 Can you make a pet of it like a bird
    or put it on a leash for the young women in your house?
    6 Will traders barter for it?
    Will they divide it up among the merchants?
    7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons
    or its head with fishing spears?
    8 If you lay a hand on it,
    you will remember the struggle and never do it again!
    9 Any hope of subduing it is false;
    the mere sight of it is overpowering.
    10 No one is fierce enough to rouse it.
    Who then is able to stand against me?
    11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay?
    Everything under heaven belongs to me.

    12 “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs,
    its strength and its graceful form.
    13 Who can strip off its outer coat?
    Who can penetrate its double coat of armor[b]?
    14 Who dares open the doors of its mouth,
    ringed about with fearsome teeth?
    15 Its back has[c] rows of shields
    tightly sealed together;
    16 each is so close to the next
    that no air can pass between.
    17 They are joined fast to one another;
    they cling together and cannot be parted.
    18 Its snorting throws out flashes of light;
    its eyes are like the rays of dawn.
    19 Flames stream from its mouth;
    sparks of fire shoot out.
    20 Smoke pours from its nostrils
    as from a boiling pot over burning reeds.
    21 Its breath sets coals ablaze,
    and flames dart from its mouth.
    22 Strength resides in its neck;
    dismay goes before it.
    23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined;
    they are firm and immovable.
    24 Its chest is hard as rock,
    hard as a lower millstone.
    25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified;
    they retreat before its thrashing.
    26 The sword that reaches it has no effect,
    nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.
    27 Iron it treats like straw
    and bronze like rotten wood.
    28 Arrows do not make it flee;
    slingstones are like chaff to it.
    29 A club seems to it but a piece of straw;
    it laughs at the rattling of the lance.
    30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds,
    leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.
    31 It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron
    and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.
    32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it;
    one would think the deep had white hair.
    33 Nothing on earth is its equal—
    a creature without fear.
    34 It looks down on all that are haughty;
    it is king over all that are proud.”

    Dinosaurs lived "millions of years ago"... really ? Seems a guy named Job would beg to differ.

    1. Anon, 10:18 What gibberish you type. what is your IQ? 45?

    2. I don't think it's gibberish but you are entitled to your opinion - and I mine.

      Not sure of my IQ.

      Just thought I'd submit an interesting passage from the bible that one would probably have to agree is referring to an animal that sure sounds like a "dinosaur". An animal that Job knew existed. There IS more..."swings it's tail like a cedar" ? Elephant ? Hippo ? hardly...

      Sounds a lot like a T-rex if you ask me. Just something to ponder (or not - up to you!).

    3. I can't read that for some reason the post has disappeared xx

    4. Eva - may because I copied and pasted ?
      Perhaps that is why some folks can't see it ?

      Not sure...(I can see it ?) Sorry if you can't see it. Maybe it's some setting that needs to be changed?

      Anyway - it's an excerpt from the book of Job.
      Where God is talking to Job about "leviathan".

      (Figured this thread was a good place to mention it. )

    5. Eva, I have a strong feeling that you would be aroused by my male endowment which I often "swing around like a cedar."

    6. Awsome post dude!

      Anybody notice "the rays from the eyes", ha ha ha ha ha ha
      I told ya, all the biological elements already exist to make eye's do that------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Look at bio-lumi, but not chemical. Look at the octopi and squid who do it with muscle contraction. These muscles are very similar to the muscles in the eye that control pupil diallation. If these illuminating muscles were on the inside of the iris as well as the highly reflective silver rear coating in the eye for optic nerve protection for night/sighters, and there you go ------- Biological flashlight! Ha ha ha ha ha ha

    7. Are you referring to my prodigious male appendage?


    9. Mushy, gooey, wet, red tissue out of T-REX bones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ha ha ha ha ha
      When are you offs going to realize carbon dating is a Quack science ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who say's so?????????????????-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why the Scientist who invented it ----Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!

    10. ^ you`re right...among many examples a living snail was "radio carbon dated to be 27,000 years old.

  3. The Bible is a fiction,seeking to control men's minds.Instead of about a 9to5?Pay some taxes....

  4. it is possible that some small type of dinosaur has survived til now They found a coelacanth just last century after being thought to be extinct since the age of dinosaurs since that area has really remained the same since that time. It is such a remote area that even with natives sightings aren't that common. They are seeing something - what exactly i don't know but it's exciting to think about a living species of dinosaur . Not every animal during that age went extinct . We still have snakes and lizards and crocodiles among other animals that were around when dinosaurs existed

  5. There are many depictions of Saurians throughout many cultures. From the Stego depicted in Ankor Wat, to the Ptero depicted by the Anasazi etc. I believe that some types survived into modern history and made it into verbal and written history.
    And unfortunately Carbon Dating is nowhere nearly as accurate as Argon Dating. Even so, it is a very compelling subject.


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