Someone Spotted Another Bigfoot Behind Les Stroud

Is anyone seeing what this person is seeing? Les Stroud's Bigfoot episodes has been getting a lot of attention lately from viewers of the show. YouTube user scorekeepn caught an anomaly during the last episode of Survivorman Bigfoot and writes: "On Les Stroud's Survivorman:Bigfoot, someone spotted this in a tree. I don't think it's a sasquatch but you might. Look high in the tree on the left, near Les' right ear." Check it out below:


  1. Replies
    1. Your supposed to be on strike Joe. You just couldn't resist could you. Has a complaint gone in yet?

      Eating the Pudding

    2. I like less too. He has an air of credibility.

    3. You mean like all those "authentic" episodes of survivorman

    4. Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks have an "air" of something a bit more fetid.

    5. The Bend Dover troll is da man!!!!

    6. Welcome back Joerg, do you have any more racist garbage to spew at us?

    7. They are trying to ignore the trolls. Poor strategy

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Bro... Every time you have these meltdowns, the laugh is on you. The essays were like reading the ramblings of a sick person... It's gone from cruel laughing to actual genuine concern.

      I have it known that a lot of people have complained, I wouldn't worry about what I think son, I know you go away after a little while.

    10. The magic airforce base is still absolutely hilarious though.

    11. Joe that post you keep going on about with the air force base was first posted word for word last year. Look it up. You seem to obsess over it greatly. Yes a lot of people have complained. Thee include your 15 different accounts, and the superfriends. That's all. Face it buddy, we go, and so do you

    12. I'm just looking for a laugh bro... The magic airforce stuff is serious gold.

    13. and you bought it hook, line , and sinker. Just like always.


    14. Really? So it was a "joke" now, right? Or are you aware of a psychotic episode that you endured? Or is this an admission that you use weird underhand lies to support your attacks on people? If so... Why should anyone believe a word you vomit??

      Please... Tell us about the magic airbase?

    15. Here is how it originated Joe. I will spell it out for you. I heard through the grapevine that while a troll was researching your past posts for clues, he ran across that old post from last summer. He knew what effect it would have on you, as by definition, he was a troll. And look at the effect...... pretty impressive aint it.

    16. I can go copy and paste it here again if you would like. If it has that kind of effect on you, then it needs to be pasted constantly.

    17. Please, please do... Please stop passing the buck cause you look as delusional as ever... Please tell us about the magic airbase? Tell us about the list of Joe's...

    18. Don't get mad Joe. When you are being defeated by reason, your natural response is to lash out. What does that say about your psychology Joe? Can you post an article for that?

    19. And why do you keep calling it a "magic" airforce base Joe? Magic was never once mentioned. What was said, is that your IP, as well as the superfriends, was coming from some air base. I don't know who made the original comment, but what is ironic, is that if im not mistaken, that comment was originally left by one of your supporters Joe. You were being your usual self and if im not mistaken, someone was being sarcastic and put that airforce base quote in, to try and make the trolls who were accusing you of all being the same person, look stupid. So originally, the comment you are laughing so hard over, was meant to actually aid you in the conversation. Kinda ironic huh.

      You keep going on about this list of Joes. Since when did I ever say there was a list of Joe posters. I think you have a half dozen or so on this stie, and outside of this site, its hard to tell. Probably upwards of 20. Its just in your personality.

    20. It's "magic" because not only is every person on the Internet is Joe, but it's a place where all these many people congregate to form a cult, right?

      Please tell us about the magic airforce base cult... You pitiful loon? Please tell us about the many people who have been Joe? You keep avoiding it like you realise how delusional you are... Come on sporto, hat are you scared of? Show us all the sites Joe posts on? What's the matter? Anyone would think you're hitting another level of cowardice???

    21. Winnnnnston?, your oatmeal is getting cold ! .....Mom please! I'm doing important research !! What are you researching deer? And why do you have your father's atlas map taped to the wall with these pins in it?? Mom....I've been going through old Bigfoot Evidence posts and I think I can pinpoint the air base where they all origninate from. Honey, mother wants you to go back and see Doctor Hall, and get back on your medicine, will you do that for me?? Mom you know that stuff makes me tired. Well, I hope you do, we don't want to call that helpful sheriff's deputy again. The one you said was in on the Bigfoot Conspiracy. Now come finish your malt o meal. Mothers gotta go to work. And please stay off the internet all day!!!"

    22. In the deep dark recesses of his basement laboratory Winston connects each pin with a thread. As he steps back and examines the image and takes a teaspoon of cold oatmeal, it becomes crystal clear...he smiles, it looks just like Joe!! we shall see who laughs at whom.....he puts on his Stormtrooper robe and settles into his recliner for the's gonna be a long day .......

    23. Ha, haaa ,Most excellent!
      Comedic gold!

  2. Replies
    1. A complaint is in!!!! I repeat, a BIG complaint is in!!!!!!!!

      Eating the Pudding

    2. Only if a GINORMOUS complaint is in!!

    3. More than you can possibly imagine big stuff

    4. ... Perverts always did get the weirdest of responses from unhealthy occurrences.

      Are you "attracted" to fire by any chance?

    5. I like fire, and I mean I REALLY like fire.

  3. There needs to be some movement from the object or it's just a dark spot in three, just branches.

    1. And Joe and Dover magically appear at the same time. Must be coincidence

      Eating the Pudding

    2. No more a coincidence than you're here most of the time.

    3. Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks must have just had a "movement" and the result was more "dark spots"!

    4. I see, you both disappear at the same time, and show back up within minutes of one another. Sounds legit. Eating the pudding

    5. ^ 12:15, now that's comedy gold

    6. It's fantasy gold. You should try commenting on the article or doing something constructive instead of constantly making insulting attacks and false accusations.

    7. And what have you ever found in the articles here that deserve one ounce of constructive thinking? Gimme a break. Stop trying to impress Shawn

    8. Please, can you tell us about the magic airforce base again? And all who attend?

    9. You just cant get over that can you Joe. Type it into google, and read it for the first time when it was wrote last year. How foolish you are. It amuses us greatly

    10. @ 12:46 Well you're saying you don't come here to comment on the articles, but you should be doing that instead of making constant insults and attacks, which is your purpose for coming here, even referring to yourself as a troll at times.

    11. You don't even post comments addressing the article Dover. As someone pointed out threads ago, 95 percent of your comments are about some site troll.

    12. I'm sorry anon... We forgot that you are the bench mark of integrity, we should probably spend our time attacking people with vile comments.

      What were we thinking?

    13. Who is attacking anyone Joseph?

    14. Would the time better be spent copying and pasting other authors works? That typically have nothing to do with a thread?

    15. 1:08... You sound like the little psychos off Funny Games when you do that?

      1:09... I love copy and pasting other people's work, it's called referencing. One would have to have had a remote level of education to understand what that would mean.

    16. You do Joe? So then why do you not properly cite the articles when you post them the majority of the time.

    17. It's merely a matter of having the literary patience to read the entire comment... You'll find references at the bottom of comments.

      It's OK! You're learning.

  4. So I watched the new season of game of thrones. The first 4 episodes were leaked online. And in episode 4 the captain of the unsullied is killed, along with that old knight that protects Daenerys. Major upset. Just thought everyone would like to know so they don't get to upset

  5. Notice how Joe and Dover are both playing nice. Ignoring trolls and then replying with dignified responses. They complained so much to Shawn that they know the forums are being monitored by Shawn. But everyone here knows that most of the time, its Joe who is spewing filth, and Dover is really no better. He constantly I throwing insults around and attributing psychological conditions. Both deserve banned

    1. Quote me, don't joke me son... You seem to have the complaints on your mind a lot?

    2. D'you know what? I think you crave the attention... It's a sure sign of someone's healthier recreational pursuits, or the lack of, that you should get a kick out of your behaviours here.

    3. Joe, on a scale of 1 to 10, how big was the complaint? Just wait till I tell Don about this

    4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much blood has moved at the thought?

    5. Id say about 15. But whats gonna happen when I tell my good bud Don about this and your rage quitting.

    6. Go run get him... The more you both associate with each other, you prove me right about how a like you folk are.

      Good friends?

    7. You clog the comments so much with your trolling that it's hard not to comment on it. Yes, I've pointed out an online Trolling personality disorder, linking and quoting an article, in hopes you might reflect on what you do to the site, and better yourself, but you seem to be happy the way you are.

    8. For psychopaths, they are never accountable for their actions, and perceive themselves above all others... That is why someone like this nerd can clog up every comment section with vile attacks and then point the finger to others for blame.

      The traits are to the exact diagnosis.

    9. Don't worry Joe, me and the one and only "maker" are very close, and I will be sure to tell him about your insubordination to him. You should respect him for all he has done for this field. You have been jealous of him for so long now. Its kinda sad

      And Dover for every troll comment left, you typically leave at least 2 in reply. Most often blaming it on W.

    10. Joe, is it or is it not, that in a typical thread, if anyone is posting long paragraphs that fill up a thread, its you? Grant the last 3 threads haven't been, but beyond that? When an article gets published about anything munns, or patty, and dmaker or Daniel show up, you wll post quotes end on end, until the page is clogged with a big data dump. So I think you will find that argument angle null and void of who ties up the threads. And who says I am the one attacking anyone Joe? Your just guessing that its just one site troll, just like Dover.

      Speaking of attacking others, remind me Joe, what did you get banned for years ago?? Can we talk about that a little please. Ahh yes, I remember, you were banned for foul language, and ATTACKING OTHERS. You did apologize to Shawn and the blog, and you were allowed back on here, but your tactics haven't changed. Even in legit debates, when you get mad, you start insulting. The shear amount of times you have called legit posters "chumps" for not agreeing with you is staggering.

    11. Anyone would think we're reading the ramblings of Daniel Campbell... Hey, I tell you what... Go and fetch your friends, I'd love to make them look like twonks as usual. Last time I asked for a Munns or Patty comment from them, it never materialised? You only have to look ta the Patty thread yesterday... You got Blitzed dear boy and not for the first time. I think you show your scars whenever you bring Munns and Patty up. It's OK... You're in plentiful company!

      : )

    12. Oh... And I got banned for having it out with Daniel Campbell.

      Go ask him.

      : P

    13. Jut in case Joe deletes it. Notice his reply above when Joe was asked why he got banned. Here is his response:

      Iktomi verifiedFriday, April 17, 2015 at 2:39:00 AM PDT
      Oh... And I got banned for having it out with Daniel Campbell.

      Go ask him.

      : P

      Now can you please stop this lktomi charade Joe

    14. It is funny just how bad Joe gets played. The funniest part is how he plays himself. Especially with his promotion of Sykes. Now that the 2nd big reveal has come and gone, Joe will revert back to hoping Munns will solve everything. Guys like Dmaker are what PJ truly truly fears. Everytime they have a discussion about Munns, Joe gets destroyed with common sense and reason. Its very funny.

    15. Who's Joe? What "2nd big reveal" is this, are you aware of something the rest of the scientific community does? Munns, got monkey suit?? "Common sense", didn't you run off yesterday when you were hit with qualified scientific opinion? Dmake, brrrrr... Shivering in my boots.

      There's a good little psycho boy.

  6. @ 1:41 you wrote, "And Dover for every troll comment left, you typically leave at least 2 in reply. Most often blaming it on W."

    I have no idea what "W" is. And often times I don't respond to your trolling comments, which are excessive, filling large swaths of some threads. So, this lie by you is a big one. I don't reply twice for every trolling comment made. You constantly make a lot of ridiculous lies, hoping to both fool people and infuriate those whom you misrepresent, because you do fit the online trolling disorder that finds pleasure in creating anguish for others.

    1. Are you new to the net Dover? Do you think that internet trolling article is what defines a troll? lol. You have got a lot to learn buddy.

      Isnt it you and your crew always blaming something on Winston? I could be wrong and it not be you, but I have seen it time and time again from the superfriends. Check this weeks threads and you will see it.

      You do often reply twice, most often more. When 2 trolls or more happen to be in a thread and they leave replies. You immediately leave response back accusing them of being the same troll. And then that follows with the typical trolling article quotes. I can go pull those if youd like.

      When you don't like what im saying, or what others are saying, I have noticed you just claim that we are lying. And far to often we are telling the truth.

    2. And who have I represented Dover? Again, you are assuming its just all me, and that I am the site troll.

    3. I know it gives you an epic meltdown every time, so here it goes again;

    4. Here's another;

    5. And another;


    6. The way you talk about trolls leaving replies you are self identifying yourself as a troll. You are the site troll.

      I've seen Winston mentioned lately. I have no idea what that's about.

    7. Here we have to people that think they are amateur bigfoot researchers on a pop culture blog website, telling someone how delusional and psycho they are. Comical. Its like reading one of Dovers articles showing bigfoot proportions using one of Thinker Thunkers breakdowns where he drew some lines to connect Patty's proportions. Ridiculous. I cant believe you two actually take yourselves this seriously. Iktomi you get mocked and destroyed here everytime you come. You have to always have the last word in. Then when it gets pointed out how much you frequent these boards and the amount of time you must spend watching and replying to everything, you pretend to have a social life. "Im going to see a movie" "Im going to go drinking" always when it gets pointed out how obsessed you are with trying to act smart here. When we all know you are just planning your next little game you are going to play. Everytime you and Dover go on about the site troll being crazy everyone here knows you are just talking about yourselves. Its so obvious. You both spend so much time trying to outsmart a troll thats clearly trolling you. Theres clearly an inferiority complex to both of you. Which I can imagine, you can't really have much of a social life devoting so much of your time researching a make believe creature. I doubt you have any real freinds outside of the bigfoot world. (You can go ahead and lie and say you do). And Iktomi pretending like you have a misses, but you make constantly hit on Abholi or her many other names. You two are kooks face it. No matter where you go or who you talk to most people are going to not like you. Thats how it goes when you pretend to know everything about something we've never captured and probably doesnt exist and therefore we know nothing about it.

    8. ^Sounds like it could be the truth.

    9. What a meltdown... Please, tell us about the magic airforce base? The only "make believe" is the idea that anyone could love someone as hateful as you, psycho kid.

      And you still haven't proven any of your points.

    10. A lengthy paragraph and Joe became transparent.

    11. A lengthy, meaningless babble that doesn't begin to prove any of his points as usual, and I'm bored... More like.

  7. Old Les is gonna have a sore neck and the paranoias now


  8. Can you imagine Les's face when and if he is alerted to this. Who couldn't help but laugh. cmon fellas. Every shadow is not a bigfoot for crying out loud. I have a feeling any publicity is better than no publicity though. I just wonder if he is just doing this for the money or if he actually is interested. His show is much better than dual survival though and all the other crappy shows out. How in the hell have we come to the point to where discovery is airing Nake and Afraid and no one cares. Not only is it uncalled for and pretty darn perverted, but its just more sexualization of an already too sexualized society.

  9. defo a bigfoot
    its clearly nit leaves/bush or part of the tree etc...its an ape man[well a baby ape man]

  10. I believe You will find something Les FOR SURE ! Keep up the good work.

  11. I have been waiting for this information for a long time. Thank you very much for your wonderful post.


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