Report of the day: Backpacker meets an 8-foot hairy biped standing behind tent

We haven't posted a Bigfoot report in a while, so here's a very intriguing one from Hinsdale County, Colorado. The description of the creature is spot on and it's impossible for anyone with this type of description to mistaken it for a bear. "The face had fur -- less around the eyes but not as bare as your sketch -- and the eyes were all brown -- no whites. Like a deer's eyes. Its arms were hanging at its sides," wrote the witness:

I had gone backpacking/training trip with four pack animals in preparation for an extended backpacking trip into the Wemineuch Wilderness. Two of my goats are experienced packers and two were new. After several shorter treks I had gone to Spring Creek Pass where I planned to walk part of the Colorado Trail -- possibly down to Durango -- then resupply and go back to the Wemineuch. After reaching one of the local creeks one of my goats started getting sick so I decided to head back toward the truck and bide my time while I assessed his situation. There were tons of people on the trail last summmer and I wanted to be alone so I went off near Jarosa Mesa and found a meadow surrounded by thick forest where I didn't feel I'd encounter anyone. We stayed two days.

During that time the dogs and particularly the goats were periodically nervous, then they would calm. Goats point to what they see or hear but whenever I would look I would not see anything. I checked the area thinking there might be bear or mountain lion nearby but didn't find signs that would indicate a den and although there was bear scat in the area it was not fresh. Still, this was a time of drought that had the bears hungry all over the state and they were having bear problems down in Lake City right then so, especially with a sick goat, I stayed alert to the possibility. Especially since I was also near one of the only water sources.

In the meantime I was doctoring my goat and working with the others. At one point when I was playing tug-of-war and growling with my dogs (an older border collie and a border collie pup) the goats alarmed and bunched around us pointing at the woods but when I checked I couldn't see anything and the dogs didn't react. I periodically got the feeling we were being watched, then it would pass. The puppy occasionally got interested in something in the woods but would come back. When I work with the goats, I sing a lot. They have also developed a fondness for the pennywhistle so I had spent a lot of time in the afternoon just playing music with all of us sprawled around the meadow together.

The meadow was rich in smells but aside from the plant smells from walking around there was more a musky elk smell than anything. Lots of signs of deer and elk in the area.

At dusk the animals got extremely nervous. I had just gone inside my tent to get something, both dogs were inside with me and the goats just outside. I suddenly heard this alarm vocalization unlike anything I've ever heard from my animals, but easily could have been. Under the circumstances I could easily have made vocalizations I had never made before. The goats were beside the tent and whatever it was was right behind the tent. I knew it was something big because my dog will tear after a lesser beast barking but the only times I've encountered a bear or a mountain lion with him he stays right with me and gives a quiet growl that says, "This is serious." I grabbed my pepper spray fearing it was a bear and started out of the tent, turning as I crouched out the door and yelling (don't ask me why) at the dogs to stay inside.

The goats were beside the tent pointed at the back. There it was. A bigfoot. I couldn't see its whole body because it was blocked by the tent but if it was a female the breasts weren't prominent. It had medium chestnut fur, was standing erect on two legs, probably 8 feet tall (I have a brother who is 6'7" and a nephew who is 6'10" and growing so I have some perspective), and probably only 12 feet away staring straight at me. The face had fur -- less around the eyes but not as bare as your sketch -- and the eyes were all brown -- no whites. Like a deer's eyes. Its arms were hanging at its sides. Everything was totally silent.

My dogs were beside me but we were all frozen in place. I know that if anything threatened me one of my dogs would die defending me. On an instinctive level I was as terrified as I've ever been but even at the time I knew I didn't feel threatened. I wouldn't have dreamed of using the pepper unless it had attacked. In retrospect I thought it was interesting that I didn't have (at least under those circumstances) fight/flight instincts. I simply froze in place. Perhaps if it had done anything menacing I would have reacted differently. But I felt simultaneously terrified (instinctively) and amazed. Before that moment I had never even known if I believed in bigfoot or not. Had I thought about it I would have assumed it would be something to ponder in the Pacific Northwest, but certainly not in Colorado. Had never once, for all the thought I've put into "what would happen if I encountered..." thought of the possibility of encountering one and was totally unprepared for and in awe of it.

It seemed unhurried. We stared at each other for what felt like a long time, then it made a low rumbling sound and turned its head and I caught just a glimpse of another back behind it. It looked back at me, then they turned and loped off out of sight. I could feel the vibrations in the ground.

I got the feeling that nothing in the encounter was threatening to me or the goats. That they were curious.

There was a slight breeze and I was upwind (somehow I doubt that was accidental) so I didn't notice a particularly strong smell. I think I had felt the vibration as it/they approached but thought it was the goats. During the entire encounter from the vocalization on, except for the breeze, it was totally silent and the sound (birds etc) resumed a few minutes later.

We all slept very peacefully that night.

I found no tracks but the ground was so dry and hard I couldn't make a very good track when I tried.

The next morning I packed up and left more because I felt like I was intruding in someone else's space than feeling danger. I felt like I was being watched and gauged from the animals that they did too.

My older dog stayed right beside me, alert and ready to act. The puppy seemed unphased by it all. The puppy had come back at one point earlier in the day having rolled in what I thought was human I'm not so sure.

[via BFRO]


  1. Replies
    1. What a great report,it must be amazing to have an experience like that xx

    2. I bet it was better than the experience F Jones had,in fact i bet his experience was rubbish which is why he won't share it on here,for fear of being laughed at ;) xx

    3. You are likely onto something Eva dear! ;)

    4. Evening ladies.

      A great report. I enjoy reading these rather than watching the videos.

    5. It's great when we can just read this as good fiction and not have to try and tie it in to science somehow. It would be like every vampire story had people complaining 'where's the dna?" etc.... The Bigfoot community is going to have to drop the reality BS or at least allow the stories without and pretense of reality without complaining that it gets in the way of real science.

    6. Evening! It really was a good read R.P.

    7. Hey fellow trolls, a source inside the superfruends has told me that Iktomi (real name Joerg) is in a purple rage over the fact that one of his "close friends" (and I think that we all know who that is) has been trolling him anonymously. The "friend" of course denies it, but if you read the threads from the last week or so and notice some of Iktomi's exchanges, it's pretty clear what is happening.

      Anyway, they have agreed not to air the dispute publicly in the comments (they concur that that would cause the trolls to whoop with laughter) so it will look like everything is normal between them. But, believe me, it is not -- there is currently a bitter war occurring among the superfriends!

    8. LOL you have the most amazing imagination xx



    10. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who robbed a guy, who confessed to a girl, that Winston is having a feud with his typing chicken, Little Bobby Fischer. Things will look normal, the chicken will peck away at the keyboards, Winston's mind will run amok like a duck chasing fire flies, but the air is foul (fowl) in Denmark. Not all is as it seems. And little by little, small cracks will appear in the oatmeal foundation of Winston's psyche. Until all is revealed, in another epic meltdown, of Winston's Joe-inspired paranoia

    11. You know what 10:06, your creative thought process sounds alot like Robert Lindsay.

      Remember when somebody was baggin on Robert for a month? Somebody left a short while and the Robert stuff stopped. Almost as if a deal was reached ---------------------------

      But your whinny writting sounds like Lindsay???

      Hi all, Eva, Chick, Iky, Mike and Friends

    12. Hey Mike, I still Don't have your #. If your Texting, It's blocked on my end.

      You all ever seen a gooey green Sasquatch???
      Well, I sent somebody a photo of one -------- Sorry, inside joke to the recipient --------------------------- Big, Green, sticky , gooey, Sasquatch! ha ha ha ha.

    13. Leon talking with himself about sending someone pictures of pot. This is the kind of people the superfriends are made up of. lol. comical

    14. It was a actually a giant Burrito covered in green chilli sauce fron a local Mexican Resteraunt here in the Cali Hills. Give me your address troll ----------- I'll bring you one!

    15. If that meal is indicative of a regular diet, then I understand how your problem with dingleberries started!

    16. Thats one troll SKEPTURD Baited, poked with a stick, --------------------AND PUT IN A JAR, HA HA HA HA HA

      Thats one "Jar-turd" for me!

    17. I'm glad that you have a jar where you can store your collection of dingleberries!

    18. Oh, I didn't say I ate the damn thing. Four girls at the table next too me attempted to eat it. The Menu said, "A burrito so big, only a Saquatch could finish it!" It came to the table with a little plastic bigfoot stuck in it!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha Idiot!

      Another "Turd in the Jar" for making stupid assumptions ----------------

      Thats two.

    19. I agree with TK regarding certain anonymous posts sounding like Lindsay.

      Remember, he was 100% certain that Hank was real as he had sources everywhere. When Hank was found to be fake, Lindsay conveniently forgot what he said.

    20. Ha ha, I like you Leon -- you're a good egg. Give me your address and I will put you on my Christmas gift list. I plan to send you a book titled "Why Evolution Is True" for your reading pleasure!

    21. If I had Skeptard "berrries" hanging from my ass, and I don't ------------------------ The real question would be????? How would you know that -------- Stalker voyer perv! TITJ--- #3

      If I had "Skeptard" berries hangin from my ass, you would be the bigest one! #4

      Nothing like shooting skepturds in the Barrel! They just waddle up and let you knock em over the head ---------- They are really dumb!

      Hey Don't let me have all the fun ----------

      Eva, Mike, Chick ---- this is fun knocking Sketurds over the head and putting them in a Jar. I only been playing like 30 min and I already have 4, ha ha ha ha

    22. 10/4 Richard -------------- How many people around here have ever written using the word ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source ??????????
      If it's not Lindsay, It is somebody who writes for puplic consumption. Say, somebody who writes articles or on BLOGS. It's Lindsay or internal most likely. At least some of the trolling here is from the mod squad!

    23. Leon, please stop raving publicly about your dingleberry problem -- it is making some of us ill.

    24. Leon, we would rather our identity remained undisclosed -- thank you!

    25. I'll tell you something else ----------------------------------------- If any of you have ever had phone or e-mail conversations with Shawn about conduct or certain trolls on this blog --------- he will lie to your face. The last ime it happened with me, he blaimed Harry, Joe, Mike, MMG and tried to avert ANY BLAME to REAL trolls-------------------------------- So if any of you have had conversations with him ------ believe you me -----he will lie and tell you it's internal in the "friends"----------- It's not ------ he is a liar!

      And then you got this Troll Lindsay, trying to seed turmoil ------------------------

      Lindsay ------- Your a PERV COMMY and so is anybody else who uses tactics like this for profit! Aren't you libtards suppossed to be against corporate greed? Yet in your own small way, you throw morales out the window for PROFFIT! And no-mattrer what, Shawn alows it!

    26. Leon, all you ever do is come to this blog and complain about your disgusting dingleberries. The real question is how someone here could NOT know about your freaking dingleberries. Here's an idea Leon -- wipe your damn a** once in a while and you might notice some improvement with your dingleberry problem!

    27. Thanks for that evidence against the superfriends Leon. This is what so many of us have said all along, its manly Joe and his many accounts. Shawn has all IPs, so he knows who is who. Joerg posts under at least 6 different accounts on here. He is also a regular commentor on lindsays blog, and believed rick dyer killed a bigfoot!!

    28. Thats a TEN TURD hit m/f. 14!

    29. Thier is no Evidence "against" the Friends --------------------------

      Thier is evidence that points to the trolling comming from the INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If any of this dissapears ----- you-al will know who the guilty party is ---- free speech right SHAWN ------- The right of the PEOPLE too decient!

      United we Stand --------- Something you commy libtard Skepturds deplore!

      Lindsay ---- communist party/PETOPHILE!

    30. I blame the following people: Joe, Mike, Iktomi, MMG, MMC, Rush, Rummie, Eva, Chick, Harry, Leon, Shawn, Matt and Big Doris...Uno!, Zorro, the Mayor, El Presidente, Ben River, Rivers Cuomo and John W Jones, oh yeah.....and Mister Frank Evans. I do not blame Winston, he was in his room playing marbles and wouldn't hurt a fly.....

    31. HOLY CRAP------------- There's dead troll, blood and body parts laying all over the place!

      Call MK.
      CALL THE AUTHORITIES ------ There has been a massacre!

    32. Why can't we fix this for the children? It's always the kids that get hurt in these messy break ups. Winston is just a child. Can't you all see what this is doin to him ?

    33. Ha ha, the superfriends are disintegrating in front of our very eyes

    34. That's it! Leon. I posted my phone number on your email. Everyone here is ON NOTICE that I have hired Leon as my de facto attorney in this messy divorce. But be forewarned. You will not get custody of Winston. So help me Jeebus. From now on all my talking shall be through Leon and I inow he will answer your inquiries in a way in which I may very well have felt at one time. And so I bid you a good day sirs!

    35. Isn't it funny how the superfriends will whine and complain to Shawn about trolls accusing them of being p****philes and even threaten BS lawsuits over it -- but then in the middle of their own epic meltdowns, they make the same accusations against trolls! I wonder whether that hypocrite NC (probably one of Joerg's many accounts) will show up to express shock and horror over such outrageous conduct?!

    36. Hey Brookerson, I admit that you have got some funny stuff there. I don't have a problem with you bro [wink wink].

    37. Hey Idiot, If Iktomi is Joe -------- Hi Joe!

      If Joe Is Jeorg -------- Hi Joe!

      If Joe is Jeorg -------- nice to meet you jeorg! ----------------- nobody cares but you! pathetic looser!

      Like you think I care when you call me by Leon, like I care ----------------

      If anybody here addressses LeonW, Windigo Kid, The Bigfoot Patriot, Or TROLL KILLER ------------------- They all know it's me

      TROLL KILLER WAS INVENTED FOR YOU ----------------- AC, THE BABLER, TROLL#1-------------------------- Lindsay, you acted just like a commy infilltrator and talked shit out two sides of your mouth, but I, "WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS" busted your ass. Your a POS!!!

      DAN, your really dropping the ball letting Lindsay be more of an Assbag Skeptic, Lets get that game picked up OK. However, you know now that your siding with a PEDOPHILE in your rants against Joe. I know you have your decienting opinion on Bigfoot stuff. But you really should understand when you side with this perv, it makes you look even worse!

    38. He's the worst of the worst. Mike B treats objects like women! Of all the people I'm putting On Notice, he is first among them!! Running around the Texas woods with his cold beer and Afrin and Kiehl's moiserizing lotion. I give him a week before Barnes catches him at an Oregon erotic massage parlor in his cowboy hat begging like an auctioneer for a happy ending ! His day is coming. And it ain't soon enough for me !

    39. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha

      You free now, Is Louis around?

    40. Louis has somehow gotten possession of a white van from the art department at the college snd every morning he blocks me in with it and texts an apology before passing out in a haze of ganja smoke. I'll be in after 7:30. Sister flying in from LA. Have to get her at airport!

    41. WELL HERE GOES NOTHING!!(as ALLof my comment's are bieng deleted)


    42. Here's some tissue you little biotch trouble maker!

    43. lol , Way to easy !!!! TK,

      wait,wait, IS HB in the House?


    1. yes, and It was ridiculous. No more ridiculous than a typical DS story though

  3. F. jones is NO relation to John W. Jones. F Jones is a childish Troll, trying to make fun of John

    Mr. Frank Evans

    1. Frank evans is a known bigfoot hoaxer

    2. Frank Evans is a troll. You have to put "Mr." in front of your name because you believe the people here are too dumb to know that the name "Frank" denotes male?

    3. ^ how dare you...Frank Evans is a famous Jazz Guitar player re-incarnated from the First World War...for I am he.

  4. J Randi is an attractive man.

  5. Robert Lindsay once said it should be legal for 14-!5 year old girls to be able to have sex. Because of their "budding bodies". That is disgusting.
    He's also racist, homophobic and anti-semitic and bans anyone who challenges his views.

    "Talk to the hand - Ban!" is his most used retort.

    1. 10/4 Richard ------- I have believed for a long time he is one of the problems here.

      Today, I know -------- And Shawn is in on it!

    2. Why thank you for that tidbit of info,RP. Not much of a hypocrite am I now, 12:31? But who am I to judge a character who believes in his eyes the world is his "oysturd"? You keep dreaming,and enjoy floundering about in the sea of virtual redundancy that you call "your life", because I sure as sh*t offer you no life preserver.

  6. When Robert Lindsey goes backpack camping, he always takes two goats with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Robert Lindsey once thought he had rolled in human manure, but now he's not so sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Robert Lindsey often "doctors" his goat and "plays tug-of-war" with his dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Robert Lindsey's goats are always nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Welcome back bud, you were sorely missed!

    4. I can't claim to be the original. I'm just paying him homage.

  8. You people are pathetic. Jesus Christ, you read these things wondering about the possibility of BIGFOOT EVIDENCE, and you find this stupid ass babble bullshit.

  9. You people are pathetic. Jesus Christ, you read these things wondering about the possibility of BIGFOOT EVIDENCE, and you find this stupid ass babble bullshit.


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